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He lowered his head and touched his tongue to her center, feeling her arousal through the cotton of her panties.

Holly gripped his shoulders and sucked in a noisy breath. “Oh, God, Kenny! What are you doing?”

Grinning, and feeling pretty sure of himself, Kenny said, “Hold on, baby. I’m going to set you free.”


he glass tabletop
was cool against her bare thighs, which added to the decadent exhibition. Holly leaned back on her elbows and spread her legs wide, allowing Kenny better access.

A cool autumn breeze ruffled the curtains at the kitchen window and drifted across her skin, but she tuned it out. Tuned out everything around her except for Kenny.

She could hardly believe she was doing this, and yet she felt no shame or humiliation. Closing her eyes, she simply enjoyed.

While capturing her breasts in his hands and toying with her nipples, Kenny ran his tongue teasingly along the inside of her thigh, his hot breath driving her wild with need and emotion. He toyed with the edge of her panties as her hips bucked with an urgency of their own. Her whole being filled with uncontrolled passion.

She’d never wanted or needed so badly in her life, and there was no denying it now. She was willing to beg, if she had to.

And then his tongue sought out her center once again, flicking across her most sensitive spot.

She couldn’t disguise her body’s reaction, nor did she want to. Reaching out with one hand, she guided his head to her. “Right there,” she whispered.

Suddenly, she was flooded with the pent-up passion she’d been keeping under check for months now. “Oh, God, Kenny, please don’t stop!”

He didn’t disappoint. Instead, he urged her forward as he continued to explore with masterful seduction.

Taking both her wrists, he pinned them against the table, leaving her helpless and vulnerable. “Your panties are sopping wet,” he hissed, then licked at her again through the cloth.

She squirmed against his mouth. Never before had she felt anything so erotic, and she wasn’t even naked.

She trembled, struggling to be free, for what she didn’t know. “Hurry,” she pleaded.

“Patience,” he whispered, releasing one of her wrists to smooth a hand over her abdomen.

Holly gripped the edge of the tabletop and held on. She could feel the crescendo building. She was almost there.

His tongue stabbed at her, licked, and teased some more. “Come for me, Holly.”

His words were all it took to push her to the edge. Her breath came in long, surrendering, erotic moans as she soared to a shuddering ecstasy. Her body vibrated with liquid fire and then she collapsed, savoring the satisfied feeling he left within her.

Her arms and legs dangled from the table like limp wings on a wounded bird. It took several moments for her breathing to slow. During that time, Kenny rested his head against her thigh, his hands finding her nipples and massaging them.

“I feel like a rag doll,” she said on a sigh, once she could speak.

“And I feel like a pressure cooker, ready to explode.”

The realization of what had just happened hit her hard. “I’m sorry,” she said, pushing herself to a sitting position.

Kenny lifted his head and locked gazes with her. “Sorry for what?” he asked, his black brows furled. “For coming? For enjoying yourself?”

Even after what he’d done to her, his words embarrassed her. “For being so greedy. Selfish. I mean, what about you?”

He chuckled. “Next time.” Pressing the control on his wheelchair, he backed up a few feet. Although he’d distanced himself from her, he did nothing to hide the fact that he was still clearly aroused beneath his gray sweat pants. It was something Holly noticed immediately.

“But I can’t just leave you like . . .” Her gaze drifted to his lap again. “Like that,” she added.

“Holly, trust me, I’ll be fine. Anyway, this is pretty much the state I’ve been in for the last few months now. I’m used to it.”

She felt awful. It wasn’t fair. Surely he didn’t want her to leave, or did he? Getting down from the table, her bare feet hit the warm, maple wood floor. She reached for her discarded shirt and tugged it over her head. “Kenny, is there going to be a
next time

He stared at her long and hard before answering. And then finally, a smile lit up his handsome, rugged face. “Well now, that depends.”

“On what?”

“On how long it’ll take you to go to the drugstore and back.”

When Holly could only blink in response, he added, “Protection, remember?”

And then it sunk in. “Oh!” she said excitedly. Like a fumbling idiot, she scrambled into her overalls and flip-flops. “I’ll be right back.”

She walked across the kitchen, trying not to show how giddy she was feeling. She’d been about to open the patio door, then changed her mind. Turning to face him, she asked, “Any particular brand? Type? Size?” Although remembering how long and thick he’d felt in her hand, she figured the large size might do the trick. “Large, right?”

“Come here,” he said with a laugh.

Tentatively, she made her way across the room and stopped directly in front of him. Kenny tugged on her arm, pulling her down to his eye level. Gently, he kissed her mouth. It was hardly the mother of all kisses, but that kiss somehow spoke volumes.

Straightening, Holly brought a hand to her scorching lips, reveling in the lingering intimacy of Kenny on her mouth.

“Surprise me,” he said, “and hurry back.”

This time, she ran to the door.

* * *

The longer Holly was gone, the more Kenny began to lose his nerve. He was scared, plain and simple.

His hands were trembling, and although he considered himself an idiot for feeling this way--sex was something he’d done hundreds of times--there was nothing he could do to change it. He was afraid he’d disappoint her.

Surely, this first time would be awkward, to say the least. He quickly admonished himself for thinking there would ever be anything
this first time.

Okay, pal, since this may be the only time you’re ever going to have sex with this woman, or any woman, you’d better make it the best damn sex of your life.

And that was the problem.

Having great sex sometimes took practice, patience, and sometimes love. Kenny wasn’t about to kid himself. He didn’t love Holly, and she sure as hell didn’t love him. Even if he’d just put a smile on her face.

Making love with someone for the first time was usually pretty exciting, but it could also be clumsy while trying to learn your partner’s likes and dislikes, at the same time expressing your own preferences. And he being in a wheelchair was only going to complicate matters even more.

Holly had made it pretty clear she only wanted sex from him. Which had him wondering, why him. Surely, she had her pick of dozens of men. Why not one who could stand on both legs? One who could climb on top of her and fuck her like a wild animal.

Kenny swore aloud. He was in way over his head.

“Sounds like somebody’s angry,” Holly said, standing in the doorway.

He hadn’t heard the patio door slide open. “Sorry. I didn’t see you.”

“Obviously. Is something wrong?” she asked, closing the door behind her. In her hand was a white, plastic bag advertising the drugstore in town.

His breath quickened at the sight of her still flushed face and the mass of curls surrounding it. God, she was something. He could still taste her pleasure on his lips, which only added to his frustration.

“Holly,” he said, “I can’t do this. I’m not ready.”

Her gaze traveled to his lap, to his eager cock that at this very moment was betraying him.

“You look ready to me.” Her mouth creased into a smile.

“Yeah, well,” he said, tapping a finger to his forehead. “This brain knows better.”

“Does it?” She took a step toward him, and reached into the bag. Pulling out a box of condoms, she let the bag drift to the floor and inched a little closer. “I risked my life hurrying back here. I ran a stop sign and almost ran off the road while I was fantasizing about how you’d feel inside me.”

His dick twitched. Talk about sticking the knife in and turning it. “Holly, don’t.”

Taking another step toward him, she licked her lips provocatively. “I think you’re afraid.”

“You’re damn right, I’m afraid. And you should be too.” When she didn’t back off, he added, “This is stupid. We practically hate each other. Can you imagine what it will be like between us? A disaster, that’s what.”

“I disagree. From what I’ve experienced so far, I think we’re going to be great together.” She closed the distance between them, clawing at the cellophane wrap around the condom box. “Can you open this?”

Kenny swore, grabbing the box from her small hands, and tore it open. A dozen foil-wrapped condoms tumbled out and onto the floor. “I’m sorry.”

He watched as she bent to pick them up, taking her time and deliberately wiggling her butt as she did so. She hadn’t listened to a word he’d said, and suddenly he no longer cared. He wanted her, body and soul. So what if she hated him afterward? It was right now that mattered. And right now, he wanted to fuck her with a vengeance.

He grabbed her by the wrist when she stood. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Tugging her down to sit in his lap, he kissed her soundly, and then set his chair in motion.

She planted soft, little kisses all over his face and neck, giggling as they made their way down the hall and into his bedroom. “Oh, God, Kenny, this is so much fun!”

“Yeah, exactly my thoughts each morning when I climb into the damn thing.”

Her smile faded. “I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing and get naked.”

She scrambled off his lap, set the condom box on the nightstand, and started tearing her clothes off, pausing to look at him when she was down to her bra and panties. Then, slowly, her eyes filled with a smoldering look as she unhooked her sports bra and let if fall from her shoulders.

Her breasts were small--small enough to fit in the palms of his hands--her nipples a dark shade of pink and already standing at attention. Knowing they were straining to be touched and suckled, Kenny’s heart pounded wildly against his chest and he grew uncomfortably warm.

He shrugged out of his sweatshirt and tossed it onto his unmade bed. The bed they wouldn’t be using. Holly only watched, a glint of fascination in her eyes.

“Take off your panties, Holly.”

At first she didn’t move, and then her fingers went to the waistband. She slid the pumpkin-dotted bikinis over her hips to reveal a thatch of dark red hair between her legs, and kicked them aside.

She was naked, gloriously naked. Crooking a finger, he motioned for her to come to him. “Straddle me,” he ordered and she spread her legs, revealing her sex as she climbed atop him.

He didn’t kiss her lips, instead his mouth found her nipple. Starting slowly, he sucked, tugged and nipped, then moved to the other breast. Her skin tasted sweet, a mixture of vanilla and something fruity. Her shampoo-scented hair tickled his nose.

Holly squirmed in his lap, pressing herself against his erection. Her breath came in raspy sighs as her small hands explored his chest and back.

Kenny could smell her excitement, her arousal, could feel her moisture dampening the front of his sweat pants. He wondered if he could make her come this way, without touching her sex or penetrating her.

As much as he wanted her to rock against him, he needed to touch her there. His finger found her and dipped into her slick, warm center, spreading the moisture to her most sensitive area. She squealed in response and opened herself even more to him.

The way she rubbed herself against his shaft left him with no doubt as to what she needed, wanted. “Sit still,” he said, now using two fingers to please her. “It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything like this, and I don’t want to have an accident.”

“It’s been a long time for me too. At least a year and a half.”

A year and a half? “You and Greg have been divorced for two years.” As far as he knew she hadn’t been with anyone since her divorce.

A look of shame washed over her face. “I slept with Greg, just once, after the divorce.”

That confession tore at his insides. His movements slowed, almost coming to a halt.

He didn’t know what he was feeling at the moment. Anger? Jealousy? All he knew was that he wanted to make her forget about Greg.

“Kenny, please don’t make me suffer any longer.” She moved against his hand, obviously trying to bring herself off. Tiny beads of sweat dotted her forehead and the bridge of her nose. Her skin was damp as well.

“Stand up.” When she obeyed without hesitation, he nodded to his lap. “Take it out, Holly.”

She came to him, a look of eager anticipation on her face, and dropped to her knees beside his chair. Her trembling fingers fumbled with the waistband of his sweat pants and his briefs. He lifted his weight slightly so she could work his clothing over his hips. Every bump and touch sent a jolt of electricity through him, until he could barely stand it any longer.

And then he was free, his cock begging to be touched, satisfied.

“Omigod,” she whispered, and then leaned forward to place a kiss at the tip.

Kenny threw his head back and moaned in agony. “Condom. Hurry,” he rasped.

She was on her feet immediately, tearing the cardboard, and the condoms once again spilling to the floor. Bending at the waist to retrieve one of the foil pouches, she treated him to a view of her delicious-looking ass and more. He had a feeling she was totally unaware that she’d done something so erotic.

Totally unaware that he wanted to run his tongue along her crack and then taste the dew he knew was on her sex lips.

She turned to face him. “Would you like for me to put this on you?”

“What do you think?” he uttered huskily.

Sucking in a huge breath that made her breasts lift and fall, she concentrated on the chore at hand. She was all thumbs and dropped the thing twice. It was obvious she’d never sheathed a man before.

“Like this,” Kenny said, guiding her hand to smooth the latex over him.

He locked gazes with her. A brief shiver rippled through him. He was ready for her. “Climb on,” he said.

He’d no sooner issued the invitation when she practically jumped in his lap, straddled him and took him deep inside her all at once.

“Jesus!” he shouted, grabbing hold of her waist so she couldn’t move. “Slow down, or it’s all going to be over in a matter of seconds.”

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