Fatal Desire (24 page)

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Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #Shapeshifter

BOOK: Fatal Desire
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His lungs burned. Dragons were capable of many things, but holding their breath for extended periods wasn’t one of them. Stars danced through his vision, he shook them free. His muscles rebelled, and his heart slowed; he would not be able to hold on much longer. Odage still fought, but Caleb was determined he would end his own life in a watery grave before he would let go. Something flashed beside him, a dark shadow. Had the sharks already come to get a free meal? His eyes rolled shut, and darkness wrapped a cocoon around him, pulling him into its cold embrace.


Chapter Twenty-Three




Caleb gasped. Precious air filled his lungs, and his eyes flew open.

“You try and die on me again, and next time, I will kill you myself.”

Diego held him from behind in an embrace while they bobbed in the waves. They were both in human form. “Next time, I promise I’ll let you.” He broke free and treaded water, facing his brother. “The guardians?”

“Both Aidyn and Cassie are well. Your new charge saved the day. And before you ask, Lileta has been secured and Ariana is back with her parents without a scratch,” Diego responded.

Caleb relaxed. They were all safe. “Where is Odage?” He twisted and turned in the churning ocean but couldn’t see the other dragon.

“Jax has dragged him ashore and is standing guard over him. Last I saw, he was unconscious. Looks like you were the victor.”

“I’m not finished with him yet.” Caleb gave a kick and began to swim toward shore. Once he reached the beach, he charged up the sandy terrain to where Odage lay. He stood over him and looked at his lifeless form. How had it come to this? Caleb dug into his jeans pocket, relieved the stone was still there. He pulled out the black crystal the size of a large marble. Diego came up beside him.


“Yes,” Caleb replied. The only crystal that could drain a dragon of his powers. He would no longer be able to shift or perform magic. The Draki would be left with immortality and the ability to heal, nothing more. He pressed it to Odage’s chest and began the ancient chant that would pull the power into the smooth black orb. “I summon the magic of Darazor, our ancestral dragon. Our people denounce you as their leader and as a Draki. We proclaim you a simple immortal.”

The orb glowed a brilliant white. Odage’s back arched, and his eyes flew open.

“No!” Odage screamed.

The stone grew dark except for the pinpoint of amber light that pulsated in its center. The transformation was a success. Grains of sand swirled and danced with a fiery light until they revealed Qadira.

“Congratulations, Caleb. You have completed Reelojarit and won.” She stepped forward, her crimson gown dragging across the sand. Placing a palm on either shoulder, she leaned in and kissed his cheek. Her warmth radiated through to his very marrow. “You know what must be done next, my dragon. Love can work miracles.” She stepped back. “I command you to kneel before me.”

The three Draki bent to one knee.

“I, Qadira, the goddess of fire, declare Caleb, son of Andreas and Jonet, the ruling Draki overlord. May he lead his people with strength and courage.” She looked at the other two men kneeling before her. “Jax and Diego will bear witness to this night’s event.” Her form began to shimmer.
Remember, Caleb, love conquers all.

She was gone.

Caleb rose, his mind spinning from the riddles she spewed. “Why the fuck can’t the gods speak in plain tongue?”

“What are you referring to?” Diego asked, slapping his brother on the back.

Caleb shook his head. “Never mind. Grab that piece of shit and let’s go.”

Jax and Diego hauled Odage to his feet, and Caleb moved to stand in front of him. “As much as I would love to kill you myself, I am turning you over to the guardian king. Your destiny resides with him.”

They flashed from the beach, heading to the vampires’ compound. Caleb’s heart clenched at the thought of seeing his mate.

* * * *

Furia paced her cell. That damn meddling dragon, Diego, had snatched her then hauled her back to the guardian compound where she soon learned both Cassie and Aidyn were recovering. It seemed Caleb’s ward, Leria, had been on site where she remained undetected and had called Marcus for help. He had arrived in time to save both his mate and king and then locked her in this cell upon her arrival.

She grasped the cold steel and tried to pry the bars apart. They refused to even groan under the pressure. “Fucking mystical jail cell.” She spat on the floor.

I’m very happy to be here, Furia.

“Of course, you would be. I still can’t believe you were able to overcome me. I must admit I am impressed. Pissed, but impressed.” She turned back and sat on the bed provided for her. “Don’t think this is done. This war is far from over. Father will find a way to free us.”

“I can help you.”

She spun to see where the voice came from. Her brow arched when she spotted the dark vampire, Lucan. “Well, well.” She moved closer to where he stood on the other side of the room then gasped. “You are a master of the darkness. Free me, and you can join our cause.” She flicked her tongue out to wet her bottom lip. “Imagine how it would feel to be free of all your restraints. You could finally be your true self.”

Furia, you are such a bitch!
Lileta knew Lucan was gifted with the ability to control the shadows and call the darkness to do his bidding. With the curse in place, she had no idea how it affected him. Did he plan to set her free? She held her breath.

Lucan tossed back his head and laughed then pinned her with his dark gaze. He smiled, allowing his fangs to show. “I’m sorry to disappoint, but the curse has not taken its hold on me. Yet.”

“But it will, and when it does, they will kill you. Come join us,” she hissed.

His black hair fell over his face when he leaned forward and touched his forehead to the bars. His lip curled into a snarl. “I will not forget who I am and what my duty is.” He leaned back. “Besides, she will save me.”

It was Furia’s turn to laugh. “Who do you think is going to save you, warrior?”

“My mate.” His statement was matter-of-fact.

“Well then, I hope she is close by.” Furia crossed her arms over her chest. “You have died once. I know the shadows call your name. How long do you think you can wait?”

“As long as it takes.” He turned to leave the room then stopped and looked back. “When you’re ready, Lileta, I will be here to help you take back control.” He left the room.

Furia snorted, but deep down, Lileta hoped and prayed the king would command her death for the attempt on his life, and then it would finally be over. Her dark side could no longer hurt anyone. She was thankful for the short time she had spent with Caleb and would treasure it always. Her only regret was she had never told him how she really felt. Probably for the best anyway.

“You are so foolish, Lileta. That dragon never loved you; he only used you just like all the other men in your life,” Furia commented out loud.

“Do you really believe that?”

Lileta recognized the voice.
Let me see him.

Furia looked up, and Lileta gasped. Caleb stepped from the shadows. His blond hair tousled and his eyes green, the dragon was close to the surface. Dark jeans sat low on his slim hips, and he wore no shirt, causing even her dark demon to lick her lips. Every step he took closer to the cell caused his chest to ripple. She sucked in a breath.

Furia sat on the bed, legs crossed and examined her fingernails as if she were bored. “What brings you here, dragon? You must realize your mate is lost to you.”

His fingers wrapped around the bars, causing his biceps to flex. “I know no such thing.” He inserted a key into the lock and turned. He opened the door, tossed the keys to the floor and gave them a kick into the shadows.

Furia rose, ready to be freed; instead, Caleb stepped in and slammed the door behind him. They were locked in. Together.

The real Lileta, buried deep in the darkness, wanted to touch him. She also wanted him to run far away. He didn’t belong here. The dark demon chuckled. “Seems your mate wants you to leave.”

“Not happening.” He stalked closer until he towered over her.

“Tell me, dragon. Why are you really here?” She stepped closer. “You can’t have her back. You can only have me now.” Furia ran a finger down his chest.

He grabbed her arms and walked forward until his body pinned her against the cold concrete wall. “You broke our bond, Lileta. That does not please me.”

She smiled. “I told you, Lileta is no more. You may call me Furia.”

His nose ran along her neck, causing her to gasp. “I do not acknowledge that name, only Lileta.” His teeth scraped her earlobe.

“Fine, use whatever name you wish, but it won’t bring her back.”

* * * *

Caleb had her back in his arms and wondered if his plan would work. It had to. He would do anything to bring her back to him. He went back to the words Qadira had whispered.
Love conquers all.

He pressed his erection into her. His raging hard-on urged him to rip her jeans off, but he showed restraint. Barely. Instead, he claimed her lips, forced his tongue past hers and tasted her essence. Spiced lemon, just as he remembered. She moaned beneath him and ground into his erection. He swore his cock could bore a hole through the concrete wall it was so hard.

He broke the kiss and ran his tongue up her neck until he reached her ear. “Lileta, come back to me. I need you,” he whispered. His right hand released its grip and slid along her ribs, following the contour of her waist until he found the hem of her shirt. His fingers slipped underneath and touched her warm flesh.

She shuddered.

He gazed into her golden eyes, knowing his mate was buried in there somewhere. “Lileta, I know you can hear me. I love you. I wanted to die when our bond was broken; I thought you were dead.” His left hand cupped her chin, only his body kept her in place. “It wasn’t until Qadira told me you lived that I saw a glimmer of hope.” His forehead touched hers. “I don’t care about the past. Our future starts here. Right now. This second.”

He palmed the soft mound of her breast.

“You should care about the past, dragon. Your mate stabbed the guardian king and ran off with the child. He will condemn her to death,” Lileta whispered, but he knew it was the other who spoke.

“I know my mate. She will come back and face whatever awaits her.” Cassie and Aidyn had forgiven her, but he’d keep that close to his chest for now.

Cassie had also encouraged him into coming to see Lileta. “I saw her light, Caleb. Grab onto it,” she had told him. That was precisely what he was here to do. Lucan had also reported that he could help Lileta control the darkness. Caleb only need to push back her dark side.

He needed no more encouragement.

Caleb grabbed the collar of her T-shirt and pulled, the fabric gave way easily under his touch. Next, he sliced through the front of her bra with a claw, exposing firm round breasts. His mouth fastened around a nipple and sucked, pulling the protrusion farther into his mouth and causing her to arch her back. Her nails scraped his scalp when she ran her fingers through his hair.

“More, dragon,” she moaned.

He reached for the waistband of her jeans, shredding them to tatters. All that was left was a black thong. He unbuttoned his own pants and pushed them down his legs until they rested at his ankles. No time to kick off his boots, he needed her. Now.

His mouth broke free of her breast, and he grabbed her thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist. The only thing between them was the black silky fabric. His fingers pushed aside her thong then slid through her hot moist folds. She was ready for him. He poised the head of his cock at her entrance, hesitating only for a second before he thrust. Burying himself deep.

Her walls clenched.

He shuddered.

Time stood still. Her golden eyes filled with desire. His lips pressed hers. “I love you; please come back to me,” he spoke against the soft flesh before pushing his tongue past them. He crushed her, swearing one day he would give her gentle. Today, he would dominate and make every inch of her body his.

Their tongues dueled, and his cock slid out of her until only the tip remained wrapped in the warmth of her cocoon. She pulled his hair, nipped his lip, and pressed her heels into his back. He feared shredding her skin on the concrete wall so he wrapped his arms around her, kicked off his boots and jeans then carried her to the bed. He pulled free long enough to push her to her knees and enter from behind, his right hand grabbed a handful of raven hair and twisted it around his palm while his hips pounded his cock into her.

“Mine,” he growled.

“More,” she replied.

His dragon surfaced, it was time to take back his mate. His fangs emerged, he licked her right shoulder then sank them deep, pinning her in place. Hopefully, this time his mark would stay.

After several seconds, he released her and began the chant. “I promise to protect you, provide for you, and love you until my last breath. I beg the gods to bind our souls, making us one.” A sharp pain shot through his chest.

* * * *

Lileta screamed at the immense pain shooting through her like an arrow on fire. Luckily, it subsided seconds later. His cock filled her as his thrusting continued. He reached around and touched her clit; that was all it took for her to shatter. She screamed again, this time with pleasure and not pain. She felt his cock swell, and he roared, filling her with his semen.

He’d managed to bond them again, but she was still stuck in the dark. He pulled out and flipped her on her back then re-entered her. His hands cupped her face. She tried to look away, but he held her in place.

“No. Look at me,” he demanded. “Come back and tell me you love me. Grab the light and pull. You can do it.” He closed his eyes, and she felt the brush of him mentally.


Lileta, grab hold and let me pull you back. We can win this battle.

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