Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology (16 page)

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Authors: Evelyn Adams,Christine Bell,Rhian Cahill,Mari Carr,Margo Bond Collins,Jennifer Dawson,Cathryn Fox,Allison Gatta,Molly McLain,Cari Quinn,Taryn Elliot,Katherine Reid,Gina Robinson,Willow Summers,Zoe York

BOOK: Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology
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She couldn’t hold back the cries if she wanted to. Each gust of heat sent her higher, dragged her closer to the orgasm building with impossible speed. The wet swipe of Saxon’s tongue startled her, splintering any remaining defense. Her nails dug into the quilt, her back arched, lifting her hips and throbbing crotch high off the bed. When he drew her clit into his mouth and sucked she screamed, shattered by the explosion of her climax.

Before she’d even left the peak he was there, his cock seeking her entrance. The plump head stretched her opening, the muscles still clamped tight, fighting against the intrusion. As the next wave broke over her, he drove inside her and sank his cock to the hilt. She didn’t have time to register the full penetration before he pulled out and slammed back in. Harder. Faster. Harder. She thought she would break in two. Each thrust pressed her into the bed and slapped their thighs together with a force that stung.

Carly’s orgasm and Saxon’s pounding body stole her breath. Her head thrashed from side to side as she gasped for air. Her hips bucked back to meet his plunge forward and hot cream rushed from her pussy and coated her thighs. His path made easy by the natural lubrication, Saxon’s thick length continued to hammer in and out. Long and forceful, every stroke drove her higher. His fingers played in the crack of her ass and when he probed the rosette of puckered muscle a second orgasm detonated.

With a scream that bounced off the walls and rang in her ears, Carly took him with her. He let loose a guttural cry and filled her with his seed. The jets of liquid struck the sensitive walls of her pussy as he fell on top of her. Crushed between Saxon’s heavy chest and the bed, she struggled to draw breath, struggled to stop the world from going black and get her mind around what feeling his cum meant.

Even with her mind fogged with the afterglow of incredible sex, Carly was afraid she knew exactly what it meant to feel those spurts of fluid inside her. The first words Saxon uttered only confirmed what her numb mind tried to decipher.

They’d had sex without a condom.


’m sorry
.” Saxon scrubbed his fingers through his hair for what had to be the hundredth time. “There’s no excuse I can give other than touching you short-circuits my brain.”

He’d been apologizing for the last two hours. From right after he left her lush body, right through their shared meal and now when they couldn’t put another bite in their mouths and they were slumped in the bed, he was still apologizing. Carly insisted it was okay, that even though she wasn’t on the pill it was a safe time of the month and she had a clean bill of health. Her having a disease had never entered his head. Her tummy, round with his baby had.

Now he couldn’t think of anything else. That wasn’t good. He wanted her but getting her pregnant wasn’t the way to win her over even if it was suddenly the only thing on his mind. The thought of Carly carrying his child appealed to him more than it should. Sure he’d been planning to keep her in his bed but he’d never entertained the thought of forever. If she was going to have his baby then it would mean a permanent commitment. He wouldn’t have it any other way.

This sudden traditional streak surprised him. Almost as much as the lack of fear he felt at the thought of
with Carly. In the past when a woman got clingy or hinted at a more solid relationship, he’d extricated himself from the union as quickly as possible, the fear of what that next step meant all but choking him. So why wasn’t he feeling that way now? And why was he the one thinking about it first? Wasn’t it just women who got all starry-eyed about love and babies after sex?

He didn’t know for sure she wasn’t on the same page as him but he doubted it. She’d barely blinked when he told her he hadn’t used a condom. Where he had been shocked and enthralled by his first experience of being
inside a woman, Carly had been blasé and unconcerned. The slick slide of his skin on hers had blown his mind. The heat so much more intense, the slippery grip of her muscles more pleasurable. And the orgasm that followed took more than his breath; it took a little piece of his soul and made him want to do it again and again.

Dangerous thinking for a man who’d agreed to a fling. If he didn’t feel so desperate and edgy, the whole situation of role reversal would be funny. But from where he stood, it wasn’t a laughing matter. He had less than two days to convince Carly they were good together and should pursue their relationship past the weekend deadline. If they returned to Sydney before he could convince her it would be more difficult with work in the way.

He was a good catch so it shouldn’t be a tough sell. He knew they were compatible in the work environment, they’d proved the bedroom wasn’t a problem and they’d just enjoyed a meal with great conversation. The only sour note being his constant apologies, but he’d stop that now. Bringing up negative points wouldn’t help his campaign to win her over to his way of thinking. No, what he had to do was highlight the positives and that meant in and out of the bedroom.

“Hey, how about we go check out some of the sights? Singapore has a lot to offer and we’ve been stuck in the suite for most of the week. We could go play tourist for a few hours.”

Carly looked up, eyes wide. “You want to go out?”

“Sure, we could go down to the Quay area and see what’s on offer, maybe grab a drink in a riverside bar.” He held his breath and waited for her answer.

“Okay.” She shrugged a bare shoulder. “If that’s what you want.”

“Let’s go then.” He jumped out of bed and picked up the tray of leftover food to take to the dining area.

“Not sure how the Singaporean’s are going to cope with a couple of naked people walking around but I’m game if you are.”

Saxon looked back to see Carly climb out of bed, her glorious body in full view. “Naked people?”

Her mouth tipped at one edge and her eyes twinkled with mischief. “Yeah. Well you did say no clothes for the rest of the weekend.”

He had said that. But that was before he’d made up his mind to win her over in more than the bedroom. And staring at that gorgeous, naked body now had him thinking of all the things inside the bedroom he could be doing. Too bad he had a goal and a plan. The plan couldn’t fail because he was beginning to think he’d do anything to attain the goal.

“The rule of no clothes still applies in here but I’m not into sharing my goodies so you’ll be more than covered up when we venture out.” He turned and walked out of the room. He put the tray on the table as Carly breezed past him and headed for her room. “Oh, and Carly, make sure you’re well covered. I won’t be happy if you flaunt yourself and you’ve already got one punishment coming your way for your earlier infringements.”

Her steps faltered but she didn’t stop or turn around. She walked through the door and closed it behind her, that cute ass jiggling the whole way. Saxon couldn’t wait to see those round cheeks red from his hand after he’d given her a good spanking. The flush that covered her body told him she was as excited about the idea as him.

He went back to his room, thought about grabbing a shower but preferred to keep the smell of Carly and great sex clinging to his skin for now. The scent would remind him of what they’d done and what they would do once they got back to the room. He dug into his suitcase and grabbed clean jeans and a shirt. No point worrying about underwear; he only planned to be dressed for a couple of hours and it wasn’t like he’d never gone commando before.

Saxon left his room to find Carly. Amazed to see her already waiting for him at the door, he stopped and took in her outfit. The denim skirt hugged her curves tight and came to mid thigh. Definitely not a mini-skirt but it showcased those amazing legs just as well. She wore flip-flops that sparkled in the light and the form-fitting pink top concealed more than it revealed but still managed to tempt a man to thoughts of ripping the garment off. Barely a hint of cleavage showed and it was probably Saxon’s firsthand knowledge of what lay beneath all those clothes that made him wishing he hadn’t suggested this outing.

“Does this meet with your approval?” Carly turned in a slow circle, giving him plenty of time to take in her denim-covered ass.

Damn. She could tempt a saint to sin.

Saxon swallowed through his constricted throat and told his dick to stand down. It didn’t do any good, the woman had his mind and body all tied in knots and there was little he could do but go along for the ride. She had him hook, line and sinker and didn’t have a clue. If they didn’t get out of here soon they were never leaving.

“I’m beginning to think you could make a sack look good. Let’s go.” As compliments went, it sucked but he had to get her out of the room before he lost control and stripped her bare. He strode forward, opened the door for her to precede him.

They didn’t speak in the elevator or on the walk to the taxi stand. Luckily the queue was short and in no time they were in a cab on their way to Clarke Quay, Singapore’s busy riverside bar and restaurant district.

People were gathered everywhere when they arrived. Saxon paid the driver but didn’t bother with a receipt because Carly was out of the car and gaining numerous admirers—all of the male variety. He wanted to plant himself at her side and make it clear she was taken. His teeth ground together as he joined her on the sidewalk. He snaked an arm around her waist and possessively cupped her hip bone as he urged her to walk farther into the crowd.

The place was hopping, the bar and restaurant patrons spilled out into the paved alley. As they ventured toward the river, Saxon drew Carly closer to his side. They were bumped and jostled from all directions and he tried his best to shield her from harm. With restaurants on both sides of the river and a bridge walkway to cross, they had plenty of establishments to choose from for a drink.

“Oh, look. A tapas bar.” Carly pointed ahead of them. “Let’s see if they’ve got seating by the water.” She stepped away and before he could complain at the loss of contact she reached back for his hand and began to tow him behind her.

Saxon couldn’t help thinking he’d be happy for this woman to lead him around for the rest of his life.

* * *

arly sipped
her Sangria and studied Saxon. Something had changed. She wasn’t sure what but she knew when. They’d had sex without a condom and the man had apologized until he was blue in the face. She wasn’t on a contraceptive, so she knew there was a chance she could get pregnant. She’d always had a regular cycle and she was due early next week so she was pretty sure the odds were slim. That was the least of her worries.

She couldn’t stop thinking about carrying his child and secretly wished she did get pregnant—which was a stupid thing to wish for when all they were doing was having a fling. The man had proven lethal to more than just her hormones. He’d always intrigued her mind but now he’d managed to sneak into her heart. How, she wasn’t sure. Wasn’t even sure she believed what she felt but something had definitely changed.

Saxon wasn’t helping her. His behavior confused her more. He’d been bossy and possessive like he had a right to be and then he’d withdrawn and not spoken a word. He kept throwing smoldering looks her way but didn’t do anything about them. Did he not want to be seen with her in public? He’d suggested coming out but acted like he didn’t want to be here. She didn’t like not knowing the score and hated the games some people played, but other than asking him outright what was going on she had no choice but to try to figure it out.

“You’re very quiet. Is there something wrong?”

Saxon’s quiet words snapped her out of her troubled thoughts. “What? No. I was just thinking the same about you.” Carly laughed.

“Oh, well I’ve been sitting here wondering how long we have to stay before I can drag you back to our room and have my wicked way with you again.” He smiled and waggled his eyebrows in an exaggerated mockery of a leer.

Carly placed one hand on her chest, the other over her O-shaped-lips and feigned shock but she couldn’t hold back the laugh bubbling in her throat. Her sides shook and it wasn’t long before Saxon joined her. They both found it far funnier than they should but strung out on lust and their earlier satisfaction, their emotions were running high.

Saxon took money from his wallet and tossed it on the table. “Let’s go. I’m not waiting any longer.”

He hauled her to her feet and led her from the restaurant, quickly weaving his way through the crush of people to the taxi stand. The queue stretched for over fifty meters when they arrived and with not a cab in sight it looked like they’d be waiting a while. He moved her in front of him and wrapped his arms around her waist, snuggling her close against his front. Leaning down, he nuzzled her neck, used his head to push hers to the side, exposing the creamy flesh to his exploring lips.

Goose bumps broke out along her skin and a shiver fluttered down her spine as his hands roamed while his lips and tongue continued the assault on the delicate skin below her ear. His fingers—spread wide over her tummy—pulled her hips more snuggly into the cradle of his and his erection pressed into her ass. The other hand cupped her ribs just below her breast, close enough to tease the mound but not enough to bring relief.

“See what you do to me?” he murmured in her ear, his breath bathing the shell with moist heat that set her pulse racing. “You make me want you so much I’m hard as rock.”

Carly sank her teeth into her bottom lip to stifle a moan. When he snaked his tongue out and danced it over her sensitized flesh she bit down harder but a whimper escaped, drawing the attention of the man ahead of them in the line. She snapped her eyes shut, didn’t want to see the look of disgust the stranger was sure to give them.

Saxon must have sensed her tension because he whipped her around in his arms and shielded her face against his chest. His lips brushed her hair, his words brushed her ears.

“Shh, it’s okay.” He tightened his arms, pulled her closer.

She drew in the smell of him—a mix of hot steamy night, lingering soap and cologne, and the unmistakable scent of sex. Her pussy squeezed with memories of him thrusting inside her still fresh in her mind. The bulge presently caught between them was another reminder of the pleasure they so recently enjoyed. Her stomach contracted and liquid pooled in her crotch. Wet and ready, Carly teetered on the razor edge of desire with little more than a few words, a solid body and the recollection of a past encounter.

Carly wanted to lift her leg over his hip, open herself for him to explore. The blood in her clit throbbed with each breath she took. She ground her pelvis on his. It wasn’t enough. She wanted him to touch her. Needed him buried inside her. Craved him more than her next breath.

Saxon cupped her ass and held her still. “Dammit, Carly, if you don’t stop I’ll lose complete control and take you right here, right now,” he growled in her ear.

His hands held them immobile and she couldn’t tell if the shudder was hers or his. They struggled for breath, their chests rubbing as they dragged in air. He’d accused her of short-circuiting his brain earlier but the score was even. He scrambled hers like a pan of eggs.

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