Fighting Dirty for His Girl (Wylde Bears) (12 page)

BOOK: Fighting Dirty for His Girl (Wylde Bears)
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He shifted before her eyes, morphing into a creature she would forever fear. After his bones snapped and realigned, and his muscles stretched and reshaped, the sleek blank animal paced in front of her. With his dark coat she couldn’t see the wound that still marred his face, but the scent of his vile blood filled her nose. The feline growl he let out and the way his muscles seemed to vibrate below the surface of his
fur let her know she had pushed him too far.

“Well come on
, you bastard. I’ve been waiting for this release for the last eleven years. You make me sick, and make me want to burn off my flesh every time you touch me.”

His hiss was low and menacing. She was pushing him, but she wanted him to snap completely,
so maybe then he would make her death swift and painless.

“I’ve never loved you. I
n fact, I hate everything about you. It is the bear I love, and he is the only one that has made me feel anything besides hate and disgust.”

He crouched on his haunches, and she knew it wouldn’t take much more to have him attack. She went in for the verbal kill.

“And when he takes me, it is like nothing I have ever felt. I will only ever be his, and his scent and mark will never vanish, not even in death.” She closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable. Flashes of images played through her mind, ones of her mother and father tucking her in as a child, kissing her goodnight, and telling her everything would be okay. Bram was next to consume her thoughts, and she didn’t stop the smile or elation that filled her. They may have only had that short time together, but he had showed her a lot in that time, and that with the right person everything would be okay. And to her, that person was Bram Wylde.

She was going to be with her parents now, but she would
never forget Bram touching her, kissing her, and running his tongue over her body. It had been intimate and sexual, but there had also been love.

“I love you, Bram.”
She had sensed it then, but hadn’t known what to make of it. As the end was near she wished she would have told him that they hadn’t been moving too fast, that she did love him and didn’t want to fight what was happening between them. The sound of a fierce and body-vibrating roar echoed off the trees. Kenzie opened her eyes.

There, just in the distance, she could see Bram running at them full force. His bear was huge and thickly muscled, but it was the bared teeth and rage that came off of him that made every living thing rush in the other direction.

Marek and Tank shifted into their cougars and rushed forward, but that was when she saw two more bears swiftly following Bram. The three of them let out ear splintering growls that actually had Marek and Tank faltering. They may be sadistic bastards, but she could tell they were rethinking if this was such a good idea. It didn’t take a genius to know a bear could defeat a cougar, but the two of them were arrogant in thinking they were invincible, but when there were three fully grown ten foot bears coming at them full force, she sensed their realization that they were fucked. She expected Rook to go after the bears, but her attention and focus were on Bram so she didn’t sense Rook coming toward her until searing pain raced up her arm. She screamed as Rook dug his fangs deeper into her arm. He pulled away, her blood dripping down his sharp, white teeth, and lunged right for her throat. But the pain and death never came, because right as Rook’s teeth grazed her throat, and she felt her skin being sliced open, he was ripped away by Bram. The other two bears were busy fighting with the cougars and holding their own.

All Kenzie could do was watch the violence unfold in front of her. To her right was the sound of felines hissing and snapping,
and bears taking them down. Right in front of her Bram and Rook bit into each other’s bodies and tore chunks of flesh away. The mixture of all of their blood being spilled filled the air, washing away the fresh scent of the wilderness that surrounded them. When Rook lunged for Bram, wrapped his big front legs around the bear’s middle and took him down, she wanted to rush to him and pry the demented bastard off. But Kenzie wasn’t a fool. Getting in the middle of them fighting would only be a dangerous distraction to Bram.

Rook couldn’t keep Bram down for long though, because in a swift move
normally reserved for animals not as big and muscular as her bear, Bram had Rook pinned below him. The panther snapped and hissed, but it was no use. Bram was bigger, stronger, and the anger that radiated off of him dimmed Rook’s until it was insubstantial.

For several seconds Bram just stared at Rook. He turned his massive head toward hers
, and they held stares for several moments. There were no more sounds of fighting from the two cougars and bears, but the smell of Marek’s and Tank’s deaths filled her nostrils. Bram seemed to speak to her without words, but she understood him all the same. He had come for her, like she knew he would, but Kenzie had seen herself lifeless at Rook’s feet when Bram arrived. She should have never had any doubt in her bear, in her
. She just wanted this over with so she could move on, not worry about what her life held, and be with the male she loved more than anything else.

All she did was nod her head once, but that was all Bram needed.
In a popping flash Bram turned back into his human form. He stared menacingly at Rook, and bared his teeth. “Fight me like a fucking man, unless you’re a coward.”

Rook hissed, but the challenge was too much for Rook. He shifted back to a human
, and the two males fought each other for supremacy. But of course Bram came out the victor, and always would.

“You’ve hurt my mate, and the female I love. For that I’m not going to make your death fast.” Bram’s voice was deadly soft, but even pitched low the violence radiated right below the surface. “You’ll die knowing that f
rom this day forward you will no longer have any control over her, and that she will be happy, with me.” He bared his teeth, which had Rook trying in vain to get out from under him. “Don’t you know a bear always protects what’s his.” It wasn’t phrased as a question, but it was the last thing Rook heard, because in another fast move Bram turned back into his bear. He swiped his claws out, and tore into Rook’s human flesh. The skin parted in a disgusting, macabre display, but Bram was an animal right now, and continued to attack and attack. Rook was no match for the bear, especially in his human form. Blood coated Rook’s chest, and in one final move Bram bared his teeth and went for his throat, ripping flesh and breaking bone. A massive arc of blood sprayed from the now gaping hole in his throat, and although Kenzie should look away, she couldn’t drag her eyes away from the sight of Rook dying, the monster that had made her life hell for far too long. She needed this, needed to see him take his last breath. Rook turned his head toward her, and the life in his eyes dimmed. He tried to say something, but it was gurgled and blood spilled from his parted lips. Bram roared, and slammed his paw into the side of Rook’s head so hard she heard something crack. Rook deserved this fate and so much more.

Bram moved off Rook’s lifeless corpse and shifted out of his bear form. He stood before her naked, bloody, and wounded, but he was the most gorgeous male she had ever seen.
She was on her knees, staring up at the only person who meant anything to her. The other two bears made deep noises, and he looked over his shoulder, tilted his chin up, and said, “Thanks, brothers, but I got it from here.”

They turned and left, and then it was just them and the sense of freedom that filled her. She felt this monstrous weight being lifted off her chest, and it was all because Bram had walked in her life and vowed to keep her safe. He had done that and so much more. Before she could rise he was there lifting her into his battered arms.

“I can walk, Bram. You’re hurt.”

He shook his head and held her tighter, mindful of her injured arm.

“No, baby, I’m good.” He kissed her on the lips gently and then kissed her on the temple. “You’re alive, and I have you in my arms. All the pain in the world wouldn’t have me putting you down.” He looked at the deep teeth marks on her arm, and his jaw clenched. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”

Cupping his cheek, she urged him to look at her.

“I’m alive and in your arms. All the pain in the world couldn’t dim the fact I have never been happier or felt safer.” His eyes became glossy, and she shook her head. “No tears from me or you. He wasn’t worth it, and he won’t be a wedge in anyone’s life any longer.”

Bram nodded
, tightened his hold on her, and started moving away from the three dead bodies.

“What about them?” She buried her head in his neck, having no doubt he would know she was taking about the panther and two cougars.

“My brothers and I know people that can clean up messes like this. Besides, I doubt they will be missed by anyone.” That was the truth, because Rook and the cougars had only enemies and people who were scared of them. “Come on, baby, let’s go home.” He held her so tight she knew he would never let her go.

. Kenzie had never thought she would know what that word meant, but as Bram whispered endearments and soothing words against her temple Kenzie knew that he would always make her feel like she was at home, with him.



Five years


Bram wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. Kenzie let her bouquet of red roses drop to the chair beside her, closed her eyes, and fully leaned back against him. He placed his hand on her thigh and gripped her dress, slowly bringing the material up her legs. Slipping his hand toward her inner thigh, Kenzie let out a moan when the very tips of his fingers brushed along the bare folds of her pussy.

, Mrs. Wylde, you naughty, naughty girl.” He nipped at her shoulder and growled when she thrust her ass back against his hardening shaft. “You aren’t wearing any panties.”

“Mr. Wylde, you seem excited to see me.” A gasp of delight left her when Bram
spun her around and pressed her against the windows overlooking Sweet Water Lake. She was dizzy from the sudden movement, and an icy chill that seeped into her through the cold window did nothing to tame the heated arousal coursing through her. The mountains were the backdrop, and a flurry of snow was a cascade of white right on the other side of the glass.

“Baby, you have no fucking idea how excited I am to see you.” He thrust
his erection against her again and again until she was pressing back, needing more than his little tease of movement.

A lot had happened in the past five years, so much so that Kenzie had a new life, and one that had no bad memories
—or nightmares. Bram had been the one to help her heal. Coming so close to death by the hands of the male she had been isolated with five years ago had opened her eyes to the fact fear was only something that could hold her if she allowed it. “I love you, Bram.” She turned so she was facing him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Kenzie smiled up at him right before she snuggled in closer to him.

“And I love you
, too, Mrs. Wylde.” He smoothed his hand up and down her back. “That sounds so fucking good to say, baby.” Even years after their marriage he still said that, and still made her feel like this was her honeymoon. She knew that would never change.

“I love it when you say that, too.” She closed her eyes and let the sound of his strong, steady heartbeat fill her. “How do you think they will react when we tell them?” Looking up she watched in awe as his mouth curved into a huge grin.

“I think they’ll be excited, but not nearly as excited as I am.” He placed a big hand on her slightly rounded belly. After five years of having time for themselves, they decided it was time to have a baby. But to their excitement and shock, Kenzie became pregnant with twins. She carried a little boy, a bear shifter, and a little girl, a deer shifter. She might only be a couple of months pregnant, but Bram had already told her no way in hell boys would be coming near his baby girl. He grinned broadly and kissed her on the tip of her nose. He pulled her close, and Kenzie rested her head on his chest again.

They were celebrating Christmas at their cabin this year, and Kenzie was so happy that their home would be filled with the laughter of little children, and they would be surrounded by the people they loved. She had grown to think of Charlie and Ford as her brothers, and Ary and Talia as her sisters. They were close, spent a lot of time together, and she knew that they would always be there for her, just like she would be there for them.

There was a knock on the door
, and moments later deep male voices, female laughter, and children giggling and crying filled her house. That had her smiling, because even through all the chaos was immense love. Ary walked in first with Charlie right behind her. Cole was only five, but already he had his face buried in some kind of electronic device. Their little girl, Madeline, looked so tiny sleeping in Charlie’s big arms.

She has been a hellion all day, and finally fell asleep in the car.” Ary looked over her shoulder at her three year old little girl.

“I’m going to put her in your room, Kenzie.” Charlie smiled at her
, and she nodded. Several more voice filtered through the foyer, and then walked in Ford, Talia, and their little girl, Amelia. Their fiery little daughter took after her mother, even down to her red hair and light blue eyes.

Cole saw his cousin and ran up to her, showing her whatever game he was playing. Her face lit up
, and she ran to Ford. “Daddy, I hope Santa brings me one of those.”

s you one of what, baby girl?” He got down on his haunches and put a lock of his daughter’s red hair behind her ear.

Cole has this cool game on his iPad.”

Kenzie left father and daughter when there was a knock on the door. The noise was almost deafening, but it was wonderful. She opened the door and smiled when she saw Luke,
Talia’s cougar shiftier brother. The doctor looked good, especially after everything he had gone through years before. Even after his fiancée betrayed him, he still hadn’t found a female of his own, but Kenzie knew that when he did find that special woman, she would be the luckiest female around.

Hi, sweetheart.” Anytime they had holiday family gatherings, Luke always came. After everything happened with his ex-fiancée, Mina, Luke had resigned from the practice he worked at with his father, moved to Sweet Water, and opened up his own physician’s office. Not only did he help everyone in their small town, a lot of the time he did it for free. To know he had been screwed over by that bitch Mina, and had still had risen above it to move on with his life and help others less fortunate than himself always managed to bring tears to Kenzie’s eyes. He was such a good guy, and totally deserved a happily ever after. She just hoped he got it sooner rather than later. She stepped aside, and he walked in. His arms were weighed down with packages of wrapped gifts, and she couldn’t help but laugh.

“You spoil these kids.”

He shrugged but didn’t stop his grin. “What can I say? I like to spend my money on them, and they like it, too.”

Kenzie laughed harder.
They hugged each other and then went into the dining room where everyone was already gathering around the table.

The children complained that they were hungry
, and the brothers spoke about a new contract they would be starting in the spring. Kenzie stared at each of them, happiness filling her. Bram saw her, got up and walked over to her. He wrapped his big arms around her and buried his face in her neck, inhaling deeply.

“So, what’s this news you wanted to share?” Charlie said through a mouthful of Chex Mix.

Bram turned around, kept one arm wrapped around her shoulders, and placed another on her belly. Kenzie stared at all the people she considered her family, and then looked up at the male she loved more than anything else in the world. As bad as her life had been before she met Bram, she wouldn’t have changed it for the world, because without it all, she never would have been put in his life. Everything really did happen for a reason.


The End




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