Flanked (7 page)

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Authors: Cat Johnson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western

BOOK: Flanked
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The ride back to the hotel was an interesting mix of Skeeter’s babbling about the bulls they’d all drawn for the next day’s competition and Garret’s total silence. With Skeeter’s voice filling the truck as Aaron drove, it was doubtful anyone else noticed Garret’s lack of contribution except for Silver. She knew—or at least hoped—it was because he was thinking about later just like she was. The way his smoldering gaze kept meeting hers was pretty telling.

To her, at least, it was a total turn on. A secret shared between just the two of them. A clandestine rendezvous against the wishes of her family, just like Romeo and Juliet. She shook her head at her own thoughts. Constant horniness must make a person wax poetic.

They arrived at the hotel and took a silent elevator ride up to their floor, during which Garret spent the time staring at the digital readout of the numbers changing. Good. Aaron would never suspect their impending meet-up. The doors finally swooshed open and they exited and turned toward their connecting rooms.

As Aaron unlocked and opened the door, Skeeter glanced at her. “So, we all gonna meet for breakfast downstairs in the morning?”

“Sure. Sounds like a plan. Good night.” Silver shot Garret a look that she hoped was a subtle reminder of their plan and walked into the room ahead of Aaron. Inside, she glanced at the connecting door. Knowing relief and satisfaction were just next door in the form of Garret, Silver nearly vibrated with anticipation.

Aaron seemed to take forever as he moved at a sloth’s pace around the room. Brushing his teeth. Changing into shorts and a T-shirt. Turning on the television. Getting a glass of water. All the delays nearly killed her.

To waste time, Silver dug through her bag looking for something to change into. Something she could sneak out of the room in, but at the same time would also look to Aaron like she was ready for bed. She finally settled on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. She’d packed the cotton pants because she thought she might need something loose to wear if the new tattoo started to give her trouble. Shorts were out. She didn’t particularly want Aaron seeing the bandage and questioning her about it. Her tatts, her piercings too, were definitely not for him to see. Besides the intimate placement of some of them, he’d probably freak the hell out over her having any at all.

Silver had to go so far as to crawl into bed, say goodnight and roll on her side for Aaron to take the hint.

“Oh, good night.” Catching on that she was ready for him to go to sleep, he finally switched off the light between their beds and clicked off the television. Within minutes, he was snoring.

Good old predictable Aaron. Pulse pounding in her ears, she waited as long as she could stand it and then eased back the covers. His breathing remained deep and steady, so she swung her feet to the ground, stood and froze there. When he didn’t wake, she tiptoed through the darkness to where she’d left her sneakers. She bent, grabbed them in one hand and scooped up the keycard she’d left on the edge of the dresser with the other. Holding her breath, she unlocked the door and opened it just wide enough to slip through sideways. The light in the hallway seemed blinding after the darkness of her room, but it didn’t take long for her eyes to adjust. That’s when she noticed Garret leaning against the wall watching her.

His gaze dropped to the sneakers clutched in one hand. He grinned and shook his head. “You look like a bad teenager sneaking out of her parents’ house after curfew.”

Garret had kept his voice low but she still was afraid they’d awaken Aaron or Skeeter. She pressed one finger to her lips and mouthed, “Let’s go.”

Turning, she tiptoed down the hall, Garret behind her.

“Where are we going?” He said it in an exaggerated whisper.

Without looking, she could hear the smile in his voice. He was enjoying the intrigue. She kind of was too, but she’d enjoy the eventual sex far more. She shot him a look over her shoulder. “Anywhere away from here.”

Silver didn’t stop until she’d reached the stairwell. There she slipped through the door and Garret followed. Plopping down onto one of the steps, she started to put her sneakers on.

“And when we get to anywhere away from here, what exactly are we going to do?” Garret raised a brow.

She met his gaze head on. “We’re going to fuck, I hope.”

God, she loved making men speechless. He opened his mouth but no sound came out for a good ten seconds. Finally, he seemed to knock himself out of the state of shock and even then, he kind of sputtered for a while. “Uh, we, uh can’t do that.”

“Why not?” Still tying her shoelace, she glanced up at him. “Aw, shit. No condoms?”

“No. I mean yes, I have condoms, but that’s not it. You’re Aaron’s sister. You and I can’t have
.” He’d hissed the word
as if saying it too loudly would somehow wake Aaron and bring him charging down the hall after them.

“You’re not going to have sex with me because of my brother?” Her jaw dropped open. Was he serious?

“Right.” He nodded firmly.

“Why?” Silver frowned, totally confused.

“It’s just not something one guy does to another.”

“Are you nuts?” She couldn’t believe her ears.

“Good chance.” He laughed and shook his head.

His words were telling her no, but his eyes told a different story. His gaze had dropped to take in all of her before he wrestled his attention back to her face. He was tempted. A tiny nudge and she might be able to sway him to her way of thinking.

She let out a huge breath and tried to figure out a way to salvage this night. “Okay, how about this. No intercourse, just a little bit of foreplay. Does that make it better?”

Shock once again drained the color from his face. Garret shook his head. “I don’t know if that’s any different.”

“Sure it is. It’s like if I had an itch right between my shoulder blades and I couldn’t reach to scratch it, you could help me with it. Right?”

His gaze swept her body again. “Yeah, but shoulder blades and…other areas are very different.”

“No, they’re not. It’s the same thing. Just one person helping out another.” Her shoes on now, Silver stood and moved close to Garret. Staring up at him, she ran a finger down his chest and watched him swallow hard.

“I don’t know. It could be kind of a grey area.” His brows knit above his green eyes as she reached his belt buckle and paused her torture there.

Damn, she loved green eyes on a guy. Too bad this particular green-eyed man was proving to be both stubborn and strange. But if he’d agree, she’d take foreplay over nothing at all, which is exactly what she’d had as far as sex since this piercing had begun taunting her. Of course, her ultimate hope was that one taste wouldn’t be enough for Garret and a little would turn into a whole lot more.

“It’ll be okay, Garret. I promise. I’ve been keeping secrets from Aaron my entire life. He’ll never know. Come on.” She grabbed his hand, intent on finding a janitor’s closet or something where they could have some privacy.

“Wait a minute. Before we go anywhere tell me this, why are you so intent on having sex with me? You don’t even know me.”

He was honestly asking her this? What she wanted to know was why he was so intent on fighting her? Didn’t all men want sex? How the hell did she find the one man on earth who didn’t?

“The truth?” she asked.

Garret nodded.

“I got this hood piercing and it’s been keeping me on the edge of insanity for almost a month now. I don’t have a boyfriend. You’re friends with my brother so I figure you’re a safer bet than picking up some stranger at a bar for sex.”

He swallowed hard. “H-hood piercing?”

“Yeah, it’s been pressing on my clit and keeping me horny as hell for weeks. I can barely stand it anymore, so if you’re not willing to help me out and relieve this goddamn pressure, I guess I’ll just have to go see if Skeeter—”

“No. There’s no need for that.” Garret blew out a long slow breath and looked like he might pass out. “I’ll take care of things.”

Good, because she had things that needed taking care of. Interesting it was the piercing that had gotten to him. Now that she was pretty sure she’d be getting her way, she figured she might as well tease Garret a little bit more. “I don’t know. You have that rule about not fooling around with a friend’s sister…”

“It’s not really a rule. More like a guideline.”

“Ah, I see.” Silver nodded, barely containing her amusement at his sudden change of heart.

“You really have
pierced?” His focus dropped to below her waist.

“Feel for yourself.” She took his hand—big, warm, rough. Perfect.

She guided his fingers down the front of her sweats. God how she loved the feel of a strong man’s hands against her skin. She’d gone without underwear just for the occasion. His eyes looked slightly unfocused as he watched her motion. The moment his finger hit the metal bar her breath caught in her throat.

He stepped closer to her and fingered the piercing without her guidance now. “Wow.”

When he moved his fingertip below the metal barbell to touch her clit directly, she hissed in a breath. Her eyes drifted closed as her hips pressed forward to increase the pressure. She leaned her head back against the wall, happy for the support as her knees went weak.

When she opened her eyes, it was to find him watching her face. The motion of his hand stilled, just when she was so close. “Please, don’t stop.”

He let out a short, breathless laugh. “Don’t worry.”

He wrapped his free arm around her waist and pressed her into the wall with his body. Good thing, because the sensations shooting through her were enough to take her off her feet.

As he circled her clit harder, faster, her legs started to shake. She couldn’t catch her breath. Garret leaned low, his mouth close to hers. Not close enough for her liking. As her muscles clenched and her body coiled, Silver reached up and pulled Garret’s head closer. “Better kiss me. I’m not quiet when I come.”

“Oh God.” He let out a shaky breath right before his lips crashed against hers.

The orgasm hit her hard. With her hips bucking, she clung to Garret, gasping for breath as he kissed her. His tongue thrust between her lips. He tasted like toothpaste, but she couldn’t think much further beyond that as he continued to work her and her body responded.

She’d been denied too long for this not to be a fast and hard orgasm, not to mention long. Each time he slowed his touch she pressed closer, demanding more. He gave her more, and her body responded until finally he took his finger away. Not very far though. He still flicked at the barbell, causing aftershocks that jerked her hips forward.

“Where we gonna continue this?” His eyes were narrow, his breathing shallow as he left his hand inside her pants. That was a good place for it, in her opinion. He played with the piercing again, sending pleasure shooting through her.

“I don’t care if we stay right here on the staircase, as long as you make me come again.” Once wasn’t going to be enough for her, and he hadn’t gotten any satisfaction for himself yet. She felt the outline of his erection pressing into her thigh. He was ready to burst himself if she was any judge. She’d happily help him out with that. Fair was fair.
You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.

“Not enough privacy here.” He shook his head.

“The laundry room on our floor?” She’d always wanted to fuck on a washing machine during the spin cycle. Or maybe on top of the dryer. That might work too.

“Better, but someone could still walk in on us… Let’s go to my truck. It’s parked along the edge of the lot facing the woods.”

“Sounds good. You have your keys?”


“Good boy. Let’s go.” Silver grinned.

She knew a single taste wouldn’t be enough for him. Thank God for female intuition. He was the perfect candidate for a little back scratching during this trip. Maybe she’d have to take a look at Aaron’s schedule and see if there was another event nearby during the season. She could handle a rendezvous with Garret every few months or so, just to take the edge off.

Garret led her down the two flights of stairs to the lobby, where they both avoided making eye contact with the night staff. Outside the front doors, where they luckily didn’t encounter any of the other riders, she followed him to his truck. He clicked open the locks and opened the passenger door for her. He saw her safely closed inside and then walked around.

Finally, he sat in the driver’s seat and glanced at her. He leaned closer and then halted.

What the hell? She’d thought they’d passed the tentative awkward should-we-or-shouldn’t-we stage. “Garret. Please. Just fuck me. I know you want to and I’m not a virgin, I promise.”

After the look of surprise she’d come to expect from him whenever she said anything, he let out a short laugh. “Thank God for that. Aaron would really kill me then.”

“He’ll never know.”

After a moment of silence, he nodded and reached for the glove compartment. “Okay.”

“Okay?” It was that easy to get him to agree to this? Maybe she should ask for something a little more elaborate too, like that sixty-nine that had been on her mind since this afternoon.

“Yup.” He took out and tore open a box of condoms. “Sit on your knees and face the window.”

The man kept a whole box of condoms in his truck’s dashboard compartment? Garret did have a naughty side. Good to know, and extra good she’d finally gotten him to show it to her. But now that he was on board with the fucking, he was being kind of bossy about it.

“I’m not sure I agree to that position.” She frowned.

He already had his belt open and his jeans unzipped, but he paused to glance at her now. “Trust me.”

With a sigh, she did as she was told. There was a bit of fumbling behind her and then Garret was pressing close. His mouth was near her ear as she felt his cock between her legs.

“This way I can touch your clit at the same time. Okay?” He wrapped his hand around her waist, sliding it down low on her belly, heading for the spot that still craved attention.

“Yes. Very okay.”

The wide head of his cock nudged at her. She was so wet one good thrust would have him fully seated inside. Finally, she would be filled. This was what she’d been craving. This was what she needed.

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