For The Wicked (Fantasy Heights) (7 page)

BOOK: For The Wicked (Fantasy Heights)
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Rehearsal veered slightly off course the moment Eric arrived. As usual, he was immediately set upon with questions. Everyone wanted to know how Steph was doing. After he’d given a full report of slow but steady progress, the group drilled attacks, counter attacks, how to respond to certain things and what to do if the opposing team made a mistake or did something unscripted. There was also a lot of equipment to deal with. Weapons, and all the sensors and armor they’d be wearing that could actually keep track of hits and their assigned hit-points.

Amanda didn’t understand half of it, but there was no need. She wasn’t a combatant, merely the princess everyone was fighting over. Helpless, and thanks to the contacts she’d be wearing, completely blind throughout the entire thing.

Thomas showed up to practice the abduction scene a few billion times. He never missed a mark. Ben made them all drill the final battle sequences so many times that Amanda secretly began to fantasize about tying him up, just to make him stop.

Finally, Thomas had to leave for Virginia. She wished she didn’t have to say goodbye in front of everybody, but he’d be back soon enough. They managed a stilted, hands-off farewell that left her feeling empty and deserted.

Once Thomas had gone, Ben asked how much longer she could stay before she had to report to wardrobe. Not long. She gave him her attention once more until an intruder came barging onto the soundstage: Scott Milazzo.

Eric and Ben bristled at the ‘enemy’ in their midst, but Amanda took one look at Scott and told them to be quiet. Scott looked pale. Shaken.

She hurried off the stage. “What’s the matter? Do you feel all right?”

“I’m fine. But I need to find Thomas. Is he here?”

“No. He left for Virginia about half an hour ago. What’s wrong?”

Scott looked overcome by frustration. She’d never seen him so upset, and that was saying something after the ordeal he’d been through with his Mobster father and Marla recently.

She looked back at Ben and made a ‘cut’ gesture at her neck. He nodded in return, letting her know it was fine with him if she took off.

She took hold of Scott’s arm and marched him into the hallway. “What’s going on?”

“One of the gamers. The ones who’ve been missing. One of them showed up today. Here, at the event.”


“Amanda, no offense, but it would take too long to explain. I really need to talk to Thomas. Do you know how to get in touch with him?”

“I… Yes, of course. But is this person still here? How did they get onto the resort?”

“Near as we can figure, he booked a slot under a different name. And no one would have recognized him if not for a guild tattoo he’s got on his forearm. He’s had plastic surgery. A lot of it, Amanda. He changed his appearance to look more like his in-game avatar. That’s seriously messed up.”

All she could do was stare at him for a moment. What the heck was going on around here? There was a lot of speculation that Yvette Prescott had undergone plastic surgery to more closely resemble her late sister, Kay Prescott-Taylor. And now this formerly missing gamer guy had done the same thing.

Amanda led Scott back onto the sound stage to find her phone. Thomas’s flight wouldn’t land for a while yet. She left him a message to call Scott. Then she pulled Eric aside.

“We’ve got a situation,” she told him. He agreed to meet them at the security office as soon as he showered and changed back into uniform. She marched Scott over and waited with him until a less-than-happy Kara called to remind her she was late for wardrobe.

Luckily Kara decided to keep things simple that night, sending her off to the shadowbox with a ponytail, a pair of super-high tiger-print heels, and a black hood-mask.

Otherwise nude, Amanda made her way to the black door. Inside, she found Max waiting for her behind the shadowbox’s blind. He wore a Fantasy Heights security uniform. Observer, she figured, and asked him who would play Dom.

He said, “Josh, soon as he can get here.”

Amanda was surprised to hear his name. He hadn’t mentioned anything about it, but given the staff shortages, maybe he was a last-minute substitution.

She would be glad to see him again. They hadn’t seen each other since the Moroccan room. Curiosity over his verdict had been sitting in the back of her mind ever since, wringing its hands.

She stood still while Eric helped get the hood-mask over her head, and her ponytail pulled out in the right spot. Uncomfortable as heck, but she could breathe and see just fine. Now to kill time until Josh showed.


Amanda skirted the blind, careful to watch her step while her eyes adjusted to the dark and pulsing lights. It always took a moment before she could make sense of what was going on outside the glass. Tonight, it took her longer than usual. She raised her arms above her head and began to swivel her hips, the way she’d seen Marla do so many times. Such a simple motion allowed the audience a great look at her breasts and a teasing hint of her mound.

As her eyes adjusted to the contrasts in lights, outside the glass she could see that the night’s festivities were only just getting underway. Scattered people stood in clusters, hanging back from the dance floor immediately in front of Amanda, where only ten of the more adventurous bodies had gathered. Six men and four women were being prepared by several staff members. This was a regular ritual in the Zoo, developed over the years to make sure everyone had a safe and enjoyable experience. Male and female slaves dressed in black togas stripped and washed the dancers, sheathed the men in condoms, rubbing everyone and stroking them into arousal.

Amanda’s favorite part followed. Two of the slaves painted extravagant amounts of lube on the guests. First the genitals, and then between the buttocks. Amanda always enjoyed watching the guests’ reactions. Arousal made people look so different. Act different, too. More primal, and usually more pliant. They’d already burst through inhibition, just by disrobing in a group. Once aroused and lubed by staff who said and did the right things, the group would be primed to give and receive pleasure. It was endlessly interesting to Amanda that most people seemed more concerned about delivering arousal with exploring hands and mouths than hurrying to get off.

She watched greedily as the dancers moved to the pulsing dance music, hands travelling between legs, up torsos, every which way. One of the men got bold and reached down to grasp another man’s shaft. His unsuspecting target didn’t look too comfortable with it at first, but then a woman stepped up behind him. She whispered something, making him relax and go with it.

Good old Zoo, Amanda thought. Her attention wandered for a while, watching as the other clutches of club-goers began to loosen up. The slaves had moved onto one of the wallflower groups, where Amanda spotted a familiar face. Scott Milazzo.

She was glad to see him there. Of course, he couldn’t recognize her with the mask on, but she knew he would enjoy the show. Definitely would enjoy what he himself would experience as one of the slaves began to unbutton his shirt.

Just when the slave was about to strip off Scott’s boxers, a pair of hands touching her ribs just beneath her breasts made Amanda flinch. She’d been so busy gawking, she hadn’t heard Josh arrive on set.

She wasn’t sure what he would want her to do, so at first, she didn’t do anything except back up a step to bring her buttocks into contact with his thighs, deliberately pressing back in a seductive wave. She peered up at him over her shoulder. He too wore a mask. It covered only his eyes, and didn’t stop him from leaning forward to press his mouth to her neck. He used his teeth to set her thighs on fire.

She let out a breathy moan of pleasure. “What are you going to do to me?”

He slid his hands up her ribs to her breasts. “Whatever I want.”

She whimpered, and closed her eyes as he gave each nipple a pinch. Darts of pleasure-pain zipped down to her pussy.

Josh put a knee between hers, forcing her stance a hair wider. She knew she was in for a wild session as Josh let one hand fall to her mound. No tease, no working his way up to it tonight. He poked a finger into her pussy, then drew it out and ran it forward, over her clit. Then back again, and forward once more, jumpstarting her need to fuck him senseless.

“Oh, God,” she breathed. “That feels so good.”

She moved her hips, letting him hold his finger still while she rubbed against it. Slower than before. Needful and wanton because she knew that such blatant signs of her own hunger for him tended to drive Josh crazy.

Indeed it worked. Again he lowered his head to rest against her neck, heated breath flowing against her skin and calling forth something primitive. With his free hand, he pinched and rolled her nipple, unleashing a pang so strong she cried out behind the mask.

He immediately withdrew both hands. “Better slow things down.”

Amanda was both grateful and disappointed as Josh turned her around to face away from the dance floor. She got a glimpse of bare, taut torso and black lace-up breeches, then a nice long look at finely muscled shoulders as Josh went to a corner. He picked up the smaller of the two platforms they had tested her very first night on the job.

He fitted the piece over the short post as before, and beckoned her forward to rest comfortably on the platform and have her wrists bound to the post. And as ever, her body’s imagination created a powerful reaction to bending over this way with her pussy and anus on view. It produced a rush of excitement as she imagined every eye in the place fixed between her legs.

As if her body needed any more fodder, Josh added a blindfold over the mask. She did not grumble, though she would have liked to. She liked watching him. She liked watching the crowd, too, and it was often a lot more difficult to control her body when the blindfold forced her focus inward, to notice every small touch, every tiny tinge.

Josh slowed things down for a while. He would disappear for a time, and then reappear to run his palm up one flank and over a buttock. She tensed with every contact, expecting him to spank or do something more aggressive, but he was no amateur anymore. He was reading the audience, she knew. Playing up for them. He let a good ten minutes go by before he finally gave her a smack with his palm that made her clench up tight.

While the sting was still subsiding, he began to rub where he’d slapped. Her back arched in response. The rubbing felt amazing. He stopped, but only to travel to her other side and repeat the slapping and rubbing, no doubt turning her buttocks bright red.

Afterward he disappeared once more and just when she had almost managed to cool off to a manageable degree, he returned to swipe a handful of lube between her legs.

She didn’t expect him to be so abrupt with the next bit. He pressed a smallish butt plug against her anus. She mewled as her body gave contrasting reactions. Part of her blossomed, anxious to feel that sensual fullness. Another part balked at the sudden escalation. It reminded her she was at Josh’s mercy. As if to underline the reminder, he wiggled the plug, making sure he’d set fire to every available nerve ending before giving the plug a solid push and penetrating her ass.

Her muscles protested, clenching and stinging even while powerful arousal radiated every direction from the invasion.

Josh made a low sound of arousal that sent her head into a different space where it stopped trying to predict everything and just drank in every sensation, every swell of pleasure, ignoring everything else.

He introduced something new, then. He had a fringe crop of thick leather strips, and he spent several minutes flogging her ass. He didn’t hit her hard enough to inflict pain. The unpredictable and thick stimulation drew more blood to her bottom, increasing sensitivity that would later contribute, she knew, to a memorable orgasm.

Once again he disappeared for a time while she floated on chemical sensation and the pressure of the butt plug. She heard him return. When his hand went to her crotch and he drove two fingers into her cunt, she exhaled a fluttery sigh.

Josh’s mouth came close to her ear. “Do you want me to fuck you?”


“How do you want me? In your pussy or in your ass?”

She hated hard questions when in this state. She didn’t care where he put his cock just then, only that it get there quickly. And forcefully.

“We don’t have much time,” he said. “Probably not enough for your ass to take my cock.”

He pressed his fingers in deep and hard. The sensation was so intense she feared she might come right there on his hand.

He pumped his hand, driving his fingers in ever deeper, and then pulling them out to drive in again. And again.

Her pussy tightened on the verge of orgasm, and then he took his hand away.

“Better idea. You might like this.”

She whimpered in frustration but could hardly wait to experience whatever he had in mind. He disappeared yet again. She heard a number of thumps and scrapes before he reappeared to release her wrist restraints.

He helped her upright and guided her a few steps nearer the glass. “Raise your knee. We’re on the cube again.”

She all but scrambled up onto the thickly padded structure. When she would have flipped over onto her back, he stopped her.

“No.” He climbed on behind her. “Hands and knees.”

What happened next, she would never forget. He got to his knees between hers. After placing one hand at the back of her neck, he made her lean down so that her chest was on the pad, her ass up in the air. He held her down in that position as he pressed the head of his cock into her pussy.

At first his thrusts were shallow, slow and controlled. That lasted about as long as she might have expected—not terribly. She cried out at the first forceful thrust, a primal delight at the manhandling igniting everything inside her like a ball of lightning. He responded by slipping over the edge of control, his pace picking up until he was fucking her hard and fast, pinning her down.

The orgasm was different from anything she’d felt before. It came with a first wave of rapidly expanding heat that tensed her muscles against him in a deep, hard clench. And then a core of pleasure formed deep inside, reacting to the super-heated tip of his cock. It grew and grew, spreading thick and hot until everything was pulsing, her sphincter around the butt plug and her pussy around his cock in a breathless, prolonged climax that obliterated all thought.

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