Force of Nature Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 4) (44 page)

BOOK: Force of Nature Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 4)
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Chapter 4


Holly woke with the sun streaming through the windows. She couldn’t believe that she’d forgotten to close the curtains again and started to get up. She realized several things almost at once.

First, she was naked. That wasn’t really a big thing, but on a scale of one to ten on her “what the hell happened last night scale,” it rated about a five. The second thing was that she was sore. Sore in places she’d…well, with the naked factor right there, being naked and sore gave her enough of a pause to bring the first score up a notch or two. But what was freaking her the hell out was the huge arm around her waist…the one that was currently pulling her back into the bed and growling at her. Then he spoke.

“I didn’t get back in until just a few hours ago. If you go back to sleep now I’ll make it worth your while later after I’ve had another hour sleep.”

Her heart started pounding in her chest, and when he slid his very naked leg up and over hers, she nearly swallowed her tongue. But she had to be sure. Closing her eyes so she could think without screaming, she turned slightly before speaking.

“Phil?” He growled again. “Phil, what the hell are you doing in my bed and where…oh my fucking—we had sex.” She started to pull away again.

“Yes, we did. And, if you’re a good girl, we’ll have it a lot more. Just not right now. I went back to the bar to see if I could figure out what it was that—”

She leapt from the bed and then jumped back when she remembered her lack of attire. “Where are my clothes? We can’t be…what are you doing here? And the bar? I don’t remember meeting you for—”

Then it hit her. Not in a gentle, bits and pieces, sort of slow move through her brain, but a full on assault. Blood and her target. The arm that had landed only inches from where she sat. Phil taking her to this room quickly, so quickly that she’d buried her face in his neck so that she wouldn’t get sick seeing everything blur by them. She pulled the blanket up over her head and waited for something, anything, to tell her it was a dream.

“It wasn’t. A dream. Those people were killed by…. Holly, honey, please don’t cry.” She hadn’t realized she had been until he’d said it. “Come on, sweetheart, let me hold you. It’ll be all right. I’ve got you now.”

“How will it be all right? Did they catch that…that thing that did that to them? Oh Phil, those poor people. What did that to them?” She wrapped herself around him when he pulled her closer. “I was sitting right there. I could have been kil—”

“No. Don’t think like that. You were there, but the person had already killed a woman and you were not what it was looking for anyway. She…I think it was the female that the police were talking about.”

She looked up at him when he stopped talking.

“What female? You talked to the police? Oh shit, do they know who I am? I have to get out of here. I can’t be caught here.” He pulled her back to him again when she started to get up. “You don’t understand. I can’t be caught. The government will not only let me rot in prison, but will more than likely have me murdered to keep me quiet.”

“You’re not going anywhere. I want you to tell me what you knew of those people down there. The police have figured out they were all there together and will begin to ask questions about them soon.” He cleared his throat before he continued. “I listened in on a conversation enough to know that this person, a woman they are calling Theresa Doe, is who they believe is responsible. She’s been killing people, always in fours, for decades.”

She laid back and tried to ignore the fact that he was hard beside her. His quick “behave” had her trying to think of anything but him, but it only made her think of him more. When he groaned, she looked up at him.

“You can’t expect me to lay here beside you while your scent is calling to me. Either think of something else or we’ll be having this conversation much later.” He rocked into her hip and she couldn’t help but moan. “Christ, I want you.”

She pulled him over her and wrapped her arms around his neck. There was nothing between them now since she’d gotten up, and when he brushed his hairy chest over hers to kiss her, her nipples peaked when he touched her. Bringing her hands up his waist to his chest, she flicked his nipple with her nail. Bolder now that she could make him growl, she did it again.

Shifting on the bed, she moved so that she could lick his chest. Nothing had prepared her for the taste, and she doubted that if she licked every man in the world she’d ever find anything that tasted quite so delicious. When she took the hard peak into her mouth and nipped, he wrapped his hand into her hair and pulled her back.

“I want more. Let me have my fill of you.” She pulled away from him slowly and grinned as she rolled him to his back and straddled him. “I can touch you this way. All of you until my heart’s content.”

He put his hands on her hips, and all she could think about was the way he’d done the same thing last night on the cold floor. Moving back on his hips, she could feel his stiff cock at her ass and thought about how much he’d filled her with it.

“Holly, you’re killing me. I need to be inside of you again. Or better yet, move up here and let me lick you this way. Move that pretty little pussy over my mouth and let me fuck you with my tongue.” She decided that he had a wonderful idea. “Hold onto the headboard and get up on your knees for me. That’s it, baby.”

When she looked down between her thighs she could see him there. His mouth was moving up her leg toward her pussy, slowly nibbling as he went. When he pulled her hips down she let him, and cried out when he suckled her clit into his mouth.

She gripped the frame in her hand as she rode his mouth. When she felt his finger move along her slit she widened her position for him and moaned when he was deep inside of her. Then when she felt his finger at her ass, she slowed her dance over his mouth until he pulled away and looked up at her.

“I won’t hurt you. I swear it. I want to give you as much pleasure as I possibly can before I fuck you. Coming now will loosen you up for my cock and I don’t want to hurt you again.” She nodded when he moved at her tight hole. When his finger slid in, she nearly came up off the bed, not from pain but from the most incredible pleasure she’d ever felt.

“You liked that, didn’t you? My finger fucking you while you ride my mouth. Good. Give me your pussy, baby. I’m going to make you come hard like this.” She moved back to his mouth as he moved slowly inside of her. Dark pleasure rode over her and she could feel her pussy flood with pleasure. Soon she was riding him faster and harder, ready for the climax that was building as fast as Phil was fucking her.

It didn’t just come over her but pounded her from every fiber in her body. Screaming out his name, she threw back her head and let go of the frame she’d been clinging to. The first time her hand brushed over her nipple, she filled her hands with both of her breasts and squeezed hard, pinching her nipples and rolling them tight between her thumbs and fingers. When she felt the bed at her back she instinctively opened her legs and let him slide into her. His cock filled her fully and she could taste herself on his mouth when he devoured her.

Need, a need like she’d never felt, hit her. She wanted to bite him, take his flesh into her mouth and bite him hard enough to taste his blood, take it into her body. When his tongue slid along her throat, her canines dropped and she knew that she had to mark him. Licking his shoulder, she felt his fangs scrape along her vein just as she was preparing to bite him. When he roared out his release she came too, sank her teeth deep into his muscle, and knew that he’d bitten her as well.


Phil didn’t move. He wanted to, he was sure that he was heavy over her, but didn’t want to move in the event that she was pissed. They’d bonded now, at least enough that she was his mate and he hers. There was still the ceremonial bonding for them both, hers in front of her pack and his with his family dagger.

When she stirred he lifted his head and looked down at her. Christ, she was beautiful.

“I guess we’ve taken the final steps to be one.” She looked away and he brought her face back so that he could see her as she continued. “Are you upset with me?”

“No. Why would I be? I’ve been in love with you since I saw you kick your brother’s ass on the sidewalk in front of my office ten years ago.” He grinned when she did. “You have a vicious way of making a point.”

“Connor. He’d been dating one of my friends and he was dumping her because she told him she was looking for more out of their relationship. I hadn’t understood the way we were bonded to one person and that was all there was. Well, I understood, I just didn’t want to see my friend hurt.” She shifted her body so that she was no longer under him, but she made no move to get up. “We probably should have talked a bit more before leaping into this. You don’t…I’m not a good person. I kill people for a living and I don’t know how you feel about that.”

He wasn’t thrilled about her job, but knew better than to tell her she was going to stop doing it. He’d seen enough relationships, both human and not, to know that a couple agreed about things…one did not order the other about as if they were stupid. Phil moved her hair from her throat and ran the pad of his thumb up the pulse beating there. She shivered and he smiled.

“I think we need to talk about it, but as for you not being a good person? That’s not even close to the truth. You’re the most wonderful person I know. You’re my mate, how could you be anything less than that?” He rolled to his back and took her with him. He loved the feel of her warm body spread over his. “I think you should tell me what you do and who you work for now. And I’ll tell you what I know about what happened downstairs.”

“I work for a branch of the government that I’m not sure has a title. If they do, it’s buried so deep in paperwork that I doubt even any of them know it. But I started working for them right out of high school. I’d taken those aptitude tests they give you and scored very high.” She lifted her head and rested it on her fist on his chest. “I have a contact that sends me a folder when I need to contact them. There is a phone and a sheet of paper that has only a time on it. Whoever it is calls me at that time.”

“Then that’s how they tell you what to do? Seems risky giving that out over a cell phone.” He frowned when she shook her head. “Then what? Please don’t tell me you meet them somewhere.”

“Yes. But it’s all very clandestine. It’s a meeting in several places. Twenty minutes in one place, ten in another, until we get all the information traded that I need. And anything extra I have to use is bought by me with my own money and they send the reimbursement to a bank account that only I can get into.” He doubted that, but she continued with her story. “Basically, I have a time frame in which to work, what they need from my end, and a picture. They get their information the same way I get mine.”

“Not that it’s any of my business, but—”

“Yes, it is. Everything is.” She flushed. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to fight with you all the time like CJ and Austin did. But I don’t want you to make me feel like I’m stupid either.”

He pulled her to his mouth and kissed her. “Never. And I was thinking the same thing. At least this time with your family you don’t have to have me prove what we are. I’m pretty sure you get it.” He laughed again. “I’m so in love with you, Holly.”

“I guess I love you too.” This time when she flushed he squeezed her tighter. “What were you going to ask me?”

He let her change the subject. He wasn’t happy about the “guessing” she loved him part, but he could understand her hesitancy too. He did have to think a bit about what he’d been about to ask her, and decided that how she got paid really wasn’t any of his business other than he was worried about her. So he asked.

“They send me a check for some of it. It’s under the heading of this fake storefront in Ohio that my family thinks I work for. The rest goes into a safety deposit box that I go to when I feel like.” That bothered him too. The fact that anyone who knew where the account was could get to her by simply watching the bank made him think that she was going to be hurt if at any time they decided that she was no longer an asset to them.

Her belly growled and he laughed at her. She told him she was hungry and that, unlike him, she needed to eat more just to keep her body in tiptop shape. That stopped him in his move to get up. Rolling her back to the bed, he covered her with his body and rocked his cock hard between her legs. Watching her face, he slowly entered her, sliding his cock deep.

“If your body got any better I’d be a dead man.” His balls tightened up close to his body as he felt his climax coming fast. “Holly, drink from me. I want to feel your every thought, every need. Please, drink from me.”

She took his wrist to her mouth and licked him. He knew that she couldn’t bite him without hurting him so he took his wrist back and bit deep for her as he moved his cock in and out of her. As soon as he put her mouth to his wound, she wrapped her legs around his thighs and surged up with every one of his downward strokes. When she suckled, drank from him, he came. Then as she came around him, he felt his cock fill again and he jettisoned into her, filling her with his seed.

Christ, they were going to kill each other if they kept this up. He pulled her body over his again and he heard her soft snore.
So much for breakfast
, he thought with a grin. Looking over at this watch, he saw that it was just after ten in the morning. Thinking that they’d sleep for a little while, he closed his eyes. Later…later they’d talk about the woman and what she was doing to the humans in the world.

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