Forest Fire (#2 The Legends of Regia) (11 page)

Read Forest Fire (#2 The Legends of Regia) Online

Authors: Tenaya Jayne

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Forest Fire (#2 The Legends of Regia)
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"Me?" she scoffed then drew in a deep breath. "You told me once that you didn't want to be king. Has that changed?"


"No…and yes. Sparring last night reminded me how much I want to dedicate myself to the Kata. I wish we had more time to catch our breath." He drew his arms around her and pulled her close. "I just want to go away with you and not worry about anything for a while."


"That would be nice. I wonder if—"


The loud knock on the door had Syrus swearing. "Who is it?" he shouted.




Syrus sighed, let go of her, and opened the door.


"Hey, son, we need to talk."




"Yeah, now. Come on, it's important."


"Fine." Syrus didn't hide his weariness.


"Oh, Forest." Zeren turned his full attention onto her. "I've gathered up every one of Christiana's handmaidens and told them they'll be serving you this evening. They should be up in about an hour."


Forest's forced smile felt as though it would break her face. "Thank you."
If you weren't Syrus' father, I'd shoot you in the knee.


Syrus swept her up in a tight hug. "I'll see you later," he whispered in her ear, "as a free woman. Now would be a good time to take care of that."


She didn't reply. She stared at the closed door after Syrus and Zeren left, once again wishing she could run away. Her eyes slid out of focus as she ran her finger down the length of her scar. It felt strange, just a straight line now that the seven lovers marks were gone. What was wrong with her? Why did she hesitate on the threshold of freedom? Why did she feel unworthy of happiness?

Chapter Fifteen

Leith's eyes rolled, unfocused. Fragments of memories, not his own, flashed in his mind. He saw his own face over and over and heard Forest's cries of pain, felt them, uttered them. In his delirium, he tried to fend himself off. Various moments of brutality he'd subjected Forest to over the years melded together inside him. Sweat poured down his skin as he came back to himself, shaking back to his own thoughts. He felt no revelations or remorse, only hatred and confusion. The thorns moved slowly up, impeding the blood flow in his arms. He thought of Forest, felt her draw near.




Forest's left hand rested on the hilt of her sword while the right clenched around the key to Leith's cell. She felt numb. Not at all like the last time she'd had him pinned. Nothing could save him now, he couldn't escape.


The magic responded to the key as she slid it into the lock.


Leith sat on the floor in the far corner of the empty room. His head, resting against the stone wall, lifted and slowly turned toward her. His eyes were bloodshot and his skin looked waxy. The flesh on his forearms held the appearance of necrosis spreading up from his wrists.


"Forest? Is it you, Forest?"


"Yes." Her voice was flat. "What happened to you?"


He heaved a great sigh, as though he was too weak to answer. "Some elf put me here, and he gave me these." Leith lifted his arms, giving her a better view of his wounds.


Forest didn't move any closer to inspect him. "What is that doing to you?"


He shrugged. "Punishment. And now here you are, ready to kick me when I'm down." His watery eyes drifted over the hand that gripped her sword. "Or have you come to rescue me?"


When she made no reply or move, he looked away from her and leaned his head back against the wall. "You can't help yourself. I made sure of that all those years ago. Like it or not, you love me."


Forest took one step toward him then crouched down to his level.


"What are you doing?" he asked when she pulled a small knife out of her boot.


"I want you to see something."


She took the blade and slit open the shoulder and arm of her sleeve. He blinked a few times looking where the lovers marks used to mar her skin, abruptly he closed his eyes, tears running down his cheeks.


"Who is he?" Leith hissed.


"What does it matter?"


Leith sat up a little, a small surge of energy animating him. "I'd kill him…if I could. For taking what's mine." He slumped back breathing heavily. "You are still mine. Your slave mark is still there."


"For the moment."


"Come closer," he ordered.


Forest wasn't prepared to fight off commands and obeyed before she could stop herself. He reached up and pulled her into a crouch beside to him. Quicker than she gauged he was able; his hand shot out and thrust roughly between her legs. Forest surged backward, light flashing off the small blade as it slashed diagonally across Leith's pretty face, splashing a line of blood on her chest. Leith covered his face with his hands, screaming.


She stood up, wiping the blade on her jeans.


Forest sneered and spat on him. "I was going to kill you," she said loudly over his cries. "But
now. So for the time being, I'll delight in the extra pain I've given you, while you buy me some more time."




His screaming vibrated through the door as she closed and locked it, the magic pulling back together over the wood. The protection muffled the sound, but it could still be heard. Forest hung the key back around her neck and stalked down the hall. The warm blood on her clothes caused the fabric to cling to her skin. She smiled at the sensation and quickly headed back to change, unaware that anyone had seen her.




"You've got to be kidding."


A mob of eager handmaidens crowded at the door. Their puffy sleeves and skirts packed around them as they pushed together to get a good look at their new mistress. They looked like a set of china dolls in a packing create to Forest. She bit down on her tongue and took a deep breath, looking at their powdered expectant faces. They curtsied in perfect formation.


"All right, who of you has the…" Forest strained to think of the right words. "…The highest rank?"


"I do, mistress."


Forest scowled at the face right in front of her. "Would you please point out whom here has the lowest rank?"


"Of course, mistress." The painted doll turned around and pointed a finger at a bowed head in the back. "Her. Ena."


The ocean of crinoline and silk parted to give Forest a clear view of Ena. Her light brown hair was braided simply, and her grey dress was plainer than the others around her. Ena curtsied, keeping her eyes on the floor, her cheeks flushed with pink. Forest looked back to the painted doll. "Why does she have the lowest rank?"


The doll lifted her pointed chin arrogantly. "Weak bloodlines, and she's trouble. It's probably her lack of breeding that makes her so stupid."


All the other dolls giggled. Forest looked back at Ena. Rage clearly boiled under her flushed skin but she remained silent.


"Ena, please come inside." Forest stepped aside in the doorway so Ena could enter the room. "The rest of you are fired."


"But mistress!" The highest ranking came forward. "I served Christiana for years. She always said I was her favorite."


"Really?" Forest sneered. "Maybe firing you isn’t enough. Perhaps I shall have the ogres put you under arrest."


All the dolls gasped.


"Now scram before I take my sword to your skirts."


"Just who do you think you are?" screamed the doll. "I can trace my lineage back six centuries."


"That's nice," Forest said acidly. "I'm the bastard child of two races. And I have a party to get ready for. So get out of my sight and stay out." Forest gave them all a broad grin. "Welcome to the new world order."


She slammed the door in their shocked faces. Forest turned to the young woman behind her. Ena held her hand over her mouth, making a small noise that sounded like a gasp and a giggle mixed. Her bronze eyes grew wide, and she curtsied again as Forest took a step toward her.


"Milady," Ena said quietly.


"So, Ena, with the lowest rank." Forest smirked. "Now, with the highest. I'll let you know now that I don't desire servants. I've been grooming myself my whole life, and I certainly don't need some sniveling china doll helping me put my butt into my skivvies."


Ena snorted, flushed, and curtsied again. "Yes, Milady."


Forest softened her tone. "How long did you serve Christiana?"


"Three years, Milady."


"Where were you before that?"


"At home with my family. I was sent to the castle when I came of age," Ena said dispassionately.


"Are you happy here?"


Ena's eyes grew fearful.


"You can tell me the truth. I don't care if you hate it here."


hate it, Milady... This is not what I had envisioned for my life. I want to travel. I want to start a family of my own, with a man I choose, not one from the right bloodlines. I want…I'm sorry. I've spoken too much."


Forest regarded the young woman.


"I'm very happy to serve you, Milady. You have already made my life so much better."


Forest smiled. "Don't get ahead of yourself. Those spiteful peacocks still live in the castle. I'd watch my back for reprisals, if I were you."


"But I'm with you. And you're with that
aren't you? They're too scared of him to do anything."


Forest hoped for her sake, Ena was right.


Ena abruptly got down on both knees and grabbed Forest’s hand. "I pledge to you my undying loyalty, Milady."


"Uhh…thanks. Get up, we're running out of time. Can you do my hair the way a queen would wear it?"


"Oh, yes! Hair is what I do best." Ena walked around Forest, her bottom lip caught between her sharp teeth. "Pity yours isn't six inches longer, I could do the most intricate design. No matter, there's enough for…"


"Six more inches?" Forest asked, forcing her hair to lengthen. "Or would eight be better?"


"Ooooh!" Ena exclaimed bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Wow. Just you wait till I'm finished!" She began running her fingers through Forest's hair, separating it into sections. "Wait, does your dress go over your head?"


"Um. Not sure."


Forest showed Ena her dress selections. Ena agreed fervently that she must wear the red, but it didn't have to go over her head, so it could wait till her hair was finished.


Forest didn't enjoy the styling as Ena pulled and threaded, braided and curled, but she suffered in silence, allowing the young woman to enjoy herself. And she couldn't deny the end result was "queenly."


This is stupid. Why are you doing this?
Forest asked herself.
Syrus. You're doing it for Syrus.


Forest gritted her teeth as she slipped her arms through the sleeves of the fire dress. Despite her big talk about not needing help getting dressed, she did have Ena lace up the back.


"You look amazing, Milady! More beautiful than Christiana ever did."


Forest took a deep breath. "Thank you, Ena. I appreciate it. It's important that I don't look out of place tonight."


"Oh, you won't! Not at all. You shall set a new standard."


"Great," Forest grumbled. "Just what I was going for."




Syrus rolled his neck and stood up. "I'm sorry. Maybe if everyone would leave us alone longer than three minutes, Forest and I could have a real discussion about it. At this moment, I can't say one way or the other, Father."


Zeren knew he was pushing too hard, but he couldn't seem to stop himself. It wasn't that he didn't see the possible benefit of Regia becoming a republic. He just wanted to see his son on the throne. He had wanted it ever since Syrus had been born. Zeren knew it was in Syrus to be a much better king than he had been.


"All right," Zeren said. "I'll not ask you again. I'll just wait for your answer."


"Thanks. I really appreciate what you're planning to do for Forest tonight, and as much as I'd love to be there, I think it best if I don't show up."




"Stop playing stupid, Father. I can see your plan. I'm not ready to come back from the dead. I don't want all those people to see me."


"You could go in disguise again," Zeren suggested. "It will be a shame if you miss it."


"It is a shame, but our connection is too new. If Forest is in the same room, I cannot help but be next to her. I can't stop from touching her. And all eyes will be on her tonight."


"How do you think she will take it?" Zeren asked.


"No idea. But she's tough. She can handle anything."


Zeren stood up and placed a hand on Syrus' shoulder. "I'm glad you have her. Don't ever let anything separate you. Losing your mate is a pain no heart should have to bear."




"My obligation as king is what killed my mate."


"What?" Syrus knew there was no way Zeren was speaking of Christiana.


Zeren took a deep breath. "I've never told you about Phippa, but I think it's time…I sealed my bond with Christiana one year after taking the throne because I caved to pressure. She was of the right bloodline, and she manipulated me completely. At first, I thought she loved me. But she loved nothing but power. She was pregnant with you when I met Phippa….


"Phippa had been employed in the kitchens; she was serving that night…Our eyes met. She dropped the tray she was carrying. No one in the room noticed what had really happened. I couldn't make her the queen. Removing Christiana was impossible since she was pregnant. And as soon as Christiana learned of it…well, you know your mother…I wasn't strong enough…I didn't do all I could. Phippa waited for me, but when I was called away Christiana forced her out of the castle and…" Zeren turned away from Syrus, wrapping his arms around his torso. "I'm sorry…I've never spoken of it."

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