Forever Branded (Billionaire Love Series #1) (15 page)

BOOK: Forever Branded (Billionaire Love Series #1)
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So, I looked out the window and enjoyed the comfortable silence between us. We didn’t need constant chatter to be in each other’s company. I liked that.

He pulled into my apartment’s parking lot and killed the engine.

Slipping sideways, I angled my body toward his as I put my right hand on the door handle. “Thank you for inviting me over. I had a good time tonight.”

“Right back at you, Sunshine,” he said.

I smiled. “Your granddad is awesome, by the way.”

“Yeah, he is. I like him a lot more than my dad.”

“I can see why. I don’t think your dad liked me very much.”

His slightly arched brows furrowed in seriousness. “Don’t take it personally. He doesn’t really like anybody. I don’t even think he likes me.”

“That can’t be true. Maybe he just doesn’t know how to show you he loves you. “

“I wish that was true. But this is how he’s always been.”

“He’s your dad. He’s required to love you.”

“Maybe,” he shrugged and looked out the windshield.

I knew the conversation had wandered into dangerous territory. It was time to bring it back to safer ground.

“Try to get started on your paper, so we can work on it on Wednesday.” I instructed as I opened the passenger door.

“I will. Sunshine?”


He reached for my left hand, picked it up from the seat, and brought it to his mouth. I held my breath as his lips slowly descended to the back of my hand, kissing my skin tenderly.

My pulse jumped in my throat. “What did you do that for?” I whispered, my skin tingling from his kiss and the warmth of his fingers holding mine.

“Just felt like doing it, that’s all.”

I blushed as his gaze grew soft. “Oh.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Sunshine.” He gave me a lopsided smile that melted my heart a little more.

I nodded, trying to find my voice. “’Kay. Don’t forget to listen to those tapes.”

“I won’t,” he said as I opened the door and got out.

I walked up the steps in a semi-fog, trying to wrap my head around what was going on.

I had been so wrong in my first impression of him.

He wasn’t a dumb jock.

He was a caring, considerate guy who kissed my hand just because he was moved to do so.

I wanted more.

I craved more.

He drove off as I waved at him from the second landing.

What was I going to do about him?

I didn’t know and it wouldn’t be solved anytime soon.

I stopped by Ms. Adelaide’s to pick up Emma. My next-door neighbor was a wonderful lady. About seventy years old, she enjoyed watching my sister on occasion.

I knocked on her door and heard Emma’s stampede toward the front of the apartment. “Marla!” she cried as soon as she opened the door. She ran into my arms, wrapping herself around me, like we had been separated for years.

“Hey, Sugarpop. It’s good to see you, too.” I kissed the top of her head. “You ready to go home?”


“Get your stuff, then.” She sprinted to the other side of the room to grab her backpack.

“I made extra,” Ms. Adelaide announced, coming to the door and handing me a plastic ricotta container that had been sitting on her coffee table.

“Thanks for the pudding, Ms. Adelaide.” This was a ritual we had every time I picked up Emma. She made the best tapioca pudding ever.

She gave me a beautiful smile, her teeth gorgeous against her milk chocolate skin. “Wasn’t any trouble, child. I made too much and thought y’all would like some.”

“You thought right. We will definitely eat it up.”

She beamed, enjoying cooking for us. I loved Ms. Adelaide. She was all heart and goodness.

“Would you like to come over for some coffee?” I asked, knowing she liked to have a little company now and then.

“Sure. Don’t mind if I do.”

She followed me next door, shuffling over in her pink slippers and blue housecoat.

She took a seat at our little mint green kitchen table while Emma played in her room. “How’s Emma doing in school?” she asked as I poured water into the coffee maker.

“She’s doing awesome. She likes her teacher. Her grades are good and she’s doing great in every subject.”

“Good, good. You gettin’ your homework done?” she asked in a motherly voice.

“Yes, ma’am. I’m getting all A’s.”

A merry gleam entered her dark eyes. “Mm-hmm. You doin’ your mama proud.”

I smiled at her praise. “I’m tryin’, Ms. Adelaide, but it’s hard sometimes.”

“Life is hard, child. But you take good care of that little girl. She’s doing so well, even though both of you lost your mama.”

“Thank you. I appreciate hearing that, Ms. Adelaide,” I said, pouring her coffee into a red mug my mom used to love.

“Mm-hmm. Saw that young man dropping you off. Is he a suitor?”

I must have blushed five shades of red. “No. He’s just a guy I’m tutoring in English.”

“Mm-hmm. You young people these days sure do courtin’ a lot different from in my day. It used to be simple. A boy came over, met your folks, and you spent some time together to get to know each other. Then you got married. That’s how it was for my Marcus and me. Sweet and simple. These days, anything goes.”

“Yeah, it does seem more complicated these days.”

She took another sip of her coffee. “Well, let me get out of your hair, so you can put the young one to bed.”

“Okay. Thanks again for watching Emma, Ms. Adelaide. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.”

She stood up and gave me another brilliant smile. “I know you do, child. You know I’m here for you.”

“Thanks,” I said, giving her a hug.

She squeezed back, giving me a moment to feel like a kid again.






My car collection was second to none. Full of world-class vehicles I hand-selected, my garage contained some of the fastest cars ever clocked. It never got old to rev up one of those babies and make her purr on the road.

On a clear night in June, I went down to my garage and chose my 1969 candy apple red Mustang with a hemi engine and five hundred horsepower. I liked to take that pretty beast out once in a while.

The deep rumble of the engine came to life as I turned the key over and threw the car in reverse. I peeled out of the garage for the hell of it and felt the engine cut loose as I tore down the street.

Damn, that was always fun.

After driving into the heart of the city, I pulled up in front of a happening hot spot crawling with people.

“Hello, Mr. Shepard,” the valet greeted cheerfully, almost skipping toward me as I stepped out of the vehicle.

He was a young guy who loved cars and I had just made his night with my Mustang.

“Evening, Felix,” I said, throwing him the keys.

“Is this a 1969 Mustang with a hemi?” he asked, staring in open lust at the candy red beast.

“Yes, it is. Are you going to watch my car for me?”

“Sure thing, Mr. Shepard. You know I always do.”

“Good,” I said, slipping him a fifty.

His dark eyes lit up. “Thanks, Mr. Shepard.”

“Keep it safe, Felix.”

He nodded as he slipped in and brought the engine to life. I headed toward the entrance as he gingerly maneuvered the car to the lot down the street.

“Evening, Roy,” I said to the burly bouncer with the bald head and dark blond beard hanging down past his neck as I bypassed the line of people waiting to get in.

His serious face broke out in a wide grin. “Evening, Mr. Shepard.”

About six months ago, he had shown up looking for a job. Tatted up, he had a criminal record, but something about him made me give him a second chance. He hadn’t let me down once. He was a helluva bouncer and everybody behaved around Roy.

Walking into the converted warehouse, I was greeted by the stench of cheap booze, which meant a capacity crowd was rushing to spend their cash at the hottest club in Baltimore.

Just the way I wanted it.

Scorch was one of several ventures I owned around town. Once or twice a week, I hit it up to draw more people in and keep an eye on my investment.

The crowd was thick on the big dance floor, hormones swelling at the drop of a hot beat. Exotic dancers dressed in corsets and panties, wiggled around in cages surrounding the dance floor while the barely there lighting kept things dark and sensual—encouraging people to give in to a night of debauchery and alcohol induced sex.

It was the place to be in Baltimore on a summer night.

But I wasn’t moved by the hot scene.

In fact, I was bored.

I walked into the VIP section we reserved for an exclusive crowd. The area was loaded with plush couches and round tables. I made the rounds, pasting the necessary smile on my face to convince people I was having a good time.

“Hey, how’s it going, man?” I asked a councilman I had helped get elected.

His brown eyes were already glazed over from drinking too much. “Good. Thanks for hooking me up with those game tickets,” he said, loosening his tie.

It paid to have favors owed. “No problem. Glad to do it.”

I said hello to a few more people before I grabbed a single malt scotch I reserved for my guests and myself, and took a spot on my reserved couch, which was centered on all the action.

I glanced at all the honeys waiting to come into the VIP section. Dressed in various colors of the same clingy club dress that showed off their best assets, they hung around, hoping to be plucked out of obscurity.

A tawny-haired tiger girl caught my eye as she flirted with the bouncer. I had met her before. From her fake boobs to her enhanced ass, Shannon was all about having a good time.

Just what I needed.

I motioned to let her in and she didn’t waste any time cozying up to my side.

She draped herself over me, her long, coppery hair tickling my arm. ”Hi, Beau,” she purred, her hazel eyes bright with fuck-me power.

“What can I do for you tonight, honey?” I asked as I sipped my whiskey.

“I was just hopin’ we could get together later.”

Fuck later.

I wouldn’t be interested.

“Why don’t you show me what you have in mind now?”

Her hand inched its way up my thigh until her fingers were teasing my hungry dick through my tan chino pants. She rubbed my shaft expertly up and down, my cock responding to her hand.

“Oh, yeah. I like the way you play.” I leaned back, letting my legs fall open as she stroked her hand along my growing hard-on.

“You know what I want to do right now?” she asked as she held me firmly.


“Suck you off,” she let out on a breathless whisper.

I perked up a little. A blowjob would do me good.

“What are you gonna do to me, honey?”

“I’ll wrap my mouth around that hard cock of yours until you pop.”

Loved it when the ladies talked dirty about my dick. “Yeah. Why don’t you meet me in the men’s room in five minutes? I want to see you on your knees ready to suck my cock,” I whispered against her ear.

Her eyes lit up with excitement. “You got it.”

“See you in five minutes,” I breathed into her ear and stood up.

I had something to take care of before the fun started. The director of the Planning and Community Development for the city of Baltimore had walked by me a little earlier. I needed to talk to him.

I approached his couch, where he was surrounded by a bevy of single ladies, looking to hook up.

“Hey, Ned. How are you?” I asked.

“Awesome. Thanks for getting me in here.”

“Anytime. If you don’t mind, ladies, I need to ask him a few questions. I promise it won’t be long.”

“Hurry back, Ned,” one blonde pouted as he popped up.

“Sure thing, babe,” he said, clicking his fingers in a one gun salute at her.

What a nerd.

Dressed in a short sleeved, white button down shirt and grey polyester slacks, he looked like a wimpy accountant with his comb over, instead of a powerful city official.

But power comes in all shapes and sizes, and I needed him on my side when it came time to build new properties.

“What can you tell me about the Historical Society?” I asked as we sat down at another couch.

He pushed his black-rimmed glasses up the slope of his nose. “They’re a tricky lot. Fickle. Don’t give approval for much. Why?”

“I just need their approval on my plans for the Arsenal hotel I’m restoring.”

“Good luck. You might have a better chance if you try some backdoor channels and grease a few wheels to get your project the necessary approval,” Ned advised.

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