Graham, Jan - Finding Angel [Wylde Shore] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (7 page)

BOOK: Graham, Jan - Finding Angel [Wylde Shore] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Chapter Three

Angel walked through her front door around : a.m. The train trip home was uneventful, and she was so thankful she had run into Max and De or she would have certainly missed the train. The house felt different, safer than it had in years. After turning on the reading lamp in the lounge area, Angel made a cool drink and put on some relaxing music. It had been a good night, she reflected. She knew she had done the right thing leaving when she did, although she would have liked to get to know those brothers a bit more. They seemed so nice, not like the other Doms that had approached her tonight. They were fine for her to decide to leave. They hadn’t just assumed she would obey them and stay. Christian and Daniel had been respectful toward her. Even when she rejected their offer to attend the party, they had maintained calm, even tones and politely let her go on her way. Angel sighed. If only she had met them at a different time in her life, she probably would have agreed to get to know them better. They both had the most beautiful eyes and bodies. Out of everyone she had seen tonight, they certainly made her pussy moisten and heart skip a beat. Angel wished she had been able to stay but knew that now was not the time to meet anyone.

As she sat contemplating the evening, Angel came to the conclusion that if she was meant to be with the brothers, then time shouldn’t matter. She would meet them again if it was destined to be. Angel knew she really had to give herself time to recover from the last five years. She needed time to heal, and she still had things to sort out in relation to Samuel’s death. She had to look for somewhere else to live and saving the money to do that would take a while. Angel hadn’t even thought about where she could move to. Back to the city had crossed her mind, or maybe even down near Max and De, if that was possible. She had no idea what rental prices were like down there but assumed they would be cheaper than living in the city. As she headed to the bedroom, Angel decided to ring De within the next few days and talk to her about rentals in the area. Angel sat on the edge of the bed, unzipped her boots, and kicked them off. The last thing she remembered was lying down on the bed and trying to summon the energy to get changed out of her clothes.

Angel woke with a start as she felt a hand run up her stocking-covered leg. She was just about to scream when a large hand covered her mouth, and she thought she saw the glint of steel out of the corner of her eye.

“Samuel,” she gasped in her semiawake state as the hand tightened over her mouth.

“Hello, Angel, you look particularly ravishing. I hope you wore that dress for me,” Adrian said, one hand still firmly over her mouth and the other climbing slowly up toward her thigh. “Do you promise me that you won’t scream if I take my hand away?”

Angel nodded beneath his grip, and Adrian removed his hand from her mouth.

“You look incredibly tempting this morning.” Adrian smiled down at her. He ran his hand down the side of her face and neck before letting it roam around the cleavage at the top of her dress. Angel tried to sit up, attempting to push him away as she shimmied closer to the head of the bed.

“What are you doing here, Adrian?” Angel’s voice was flat and emotionless. She realised the lounge room light was on, casting a soft light into the bedroom. She had been sleeping so peacefully before his intrusion. “How did you get in here, and who is in the lounge room?”

“I used my key, and I’m here alone. I put the light on when I walked in, but you didn’t wake up. You were sleeping like a baby. I made myself a drink, had a look around, and decided that
were definitely the most interesting thing in this whole house. By the way, you haven’t said you’re happy to see me.” Adrian smirked.

“I’m not, and how do you have a key to my house?” Angel pushed his hand out from under her dress. “Stop touching me and tell me what you want,” she demanded as forcefully as she could.

Adrian stood up, removing his jacket and hanging it on the handle of the wardrobe. He walked around the other side of the bed and lay down next to her.

“I want many things from you, Angel, but mainly I want to talk.” He rolled onto one elbow to face her. “I want to say thank you for finding the information that Samuel had in regard to me. Did you read any of it before you called me?”

“No, Adrian, I just assumed when I saw pictures of you in the envelope that it must have been what you were looking for. I didn’t read any of the papers because I didn’t want to know anything about you. I have no intention of knowing anything in case you feel I may be some sort of threat. I happen to value my life,” Angel responded honestly.

“You are very wise. I knew you were more than a pretty face. The only problem is you didn’t give me everything that I wanted. You see, I am missing an accounts ledger, and Samuel had it before he passed away.” Adrian moved closer to Angel. The smell of his expensive aftershave tantalised her senses. If nothing else, Adrian always smelt delicious. “You don’t happen to know where that might be, do you?”

“I didn’t find any ledger. I gave you everything I found. Anything I didn’t give you is in garbage bags in Samuel’s bedroom.” Angel moved slightly, trying to extend the distance between Adrian and her. She’d be damned if she’d give into the urge to nuzzle into the crook of his neck just to take in more of his scent. Moving away was the best option to relieve the strange desire to do so. Not wanting to let her go anywhere, Adrian placed his arm around her waist and pulled her closer until he had her virtually underneath him.

“I collected that rubbish earlier tonight, just in case you overlooked something important while you were cleaning up.” He nuzzled his head into her neck, brushing against her hair with his face. “You do smell so nice. I’d rather fuck you than kill you, Angel. I need that ledger.”

Angel couldn’t believe he had just placed her right where she didn’t want to be, surrounded by the delicious smell of that aftershave that was now mixed with male body heat as he lay against her.

“I don’t have it, Adrian, and I would certainly rather be fucked than killed.” Angel knew it was a stupid thing to say, but she was starting to get anxious, and strangely aroused…Good God, she was never going to drink again. All she had to do was keep her wits about her. If she did the wrong thing, Adrian would kill her without even blinking. He was that kind of man.

“Take your time and give a little thought as to where it might be…I’m in no rush.” Adrian kissed the side of her neck before looking into her eyes. “Where would Samuel keep a ledger?”

Angel felt Adrian’s hand move from her waist upward, cupping her breast. He smiled at her as her nipple hardened under the tight bodice. His fingers flicked over the tiny bump a few times only moving away after he had elicited a reluctant little moan from Angel’s lips.

“Are you thinking about what I asked, Angel?” His hand left her breast and slid firmly down over her abdomen.

“Yes.” Angel hated the fact that he had aroused her. She reminded herself that she hated this man, feared him. She wanted nothing to do with him.

“Good.” Adrian smirked. “I am assuming that the yes was in relation to you thinking, rather than consent for me to continue to feel your voluptuous body.” Adrian let his hand roam from her belly down over her groin then down her leg to the tip of her dress’s hem.

“You’re distracting my thought process. Please stop,” Angel said, all the while cursing her body for becoming aroused by Adrian’s gentle touch. She hadn’t felt a gentle touch for so long. She wanted her body to stop responding to this deadly man. God knows she wasn’t giving her body permission to react this way.

“I thought you’d like it. In fact, I’m convinced you do.” Adrian glanced down at Angel’s breasts, her erect nipples clearly visible under the tight bodice. He leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. She felt his tongue press against her lips as his hand slid under her dress. Angel’s lips parted to receive his tongue in unison with her thighs, which spread just enough to allow his hand access to the lace knickers covering her pussy. As his tongue explored her mouth, she felt his fingers push aside the lace and run along the moist, swollen lips in between her legs.

Angel pushed the thought of who was touching her out of her mind and concentrated on the touch. It was so sensual, tender, and gentle, she wanted more. Angel started to kiss Adrian back. Placing her hand on his cheek, she knew she should push him away, but her fingers crept into his hair, entangling them in the dark strands as she kissed him harder. She could feel his cock was hard, pressing against the trousers he wore as his body lay against hers.

I shouldn’t be doing this.
She tried to regain her senses.

Angel felt his fingers slowly part her pussy lips and slide into her wetness. She moaned deeply, feeling the pressure of one finger circling her engorged clit.

“Adrian, stop, I don’t want to have sex with you. I just want you to go and leave me alone,” Angel pleaded breathlessly, trying unconvincingly to get away from his prying fingers that were now invading her cunt.

“Really, Angel, is that what you want?” Adrian laughed.

“Adrian, I don’t want to do this. Please stop?” Angel felt a tear run down her cheek. If this had been anyone else, she wouldn’t be trying to resist, but Adrian was not going to worm his way into her life. She had already made too many bad choices.

“Well then, give me something to think about apart from my desire to fuck you.” Adrian licked the tear on Angel’s cheek as he continued to tease her.

“I think Samuel had some kind of storage facility in the inner city. I saw a receipt somewhere in his…mmm, his…Oh, fuck”

Angel was desperate to change the subject. Her body began to tremble as she fought her desire for more pleasure from his tormenting fingers. Her mind was getting cloudy, and her thoughts scrambled as her body demanded to be listened to. She pushed at the hand in between her legs and felt him ease away from her.

“I’m sure you would probably find lots of things there. Hopefully that’s where the ledger is.” Angel was hot, panting for breath. She was thankful that Adrian had stopped his teasing so now all she had to do was recompose her horny body and get off the bed.

“Thank you, Angel.” Adrian kissed her gently on the forehead. “Now let’s talk about exactly how much you don’t want to have sex with me.” Adrian rolled into a kneeling position between her legs. “Your cunt’s open and dripping wet.” Adrian smiled at Angel, as he quickly slid two fingers inside her. “Your clit is so engorged I think they’d be able to see it from space.” His thumb pressed down on her clit and began slowly moving up and down over it as he thrust his fingers inside her “So do you really want me to stop, Angel?”

He hadn’t given her enough time to regain her senses. It all felt too good.

“No,” Angel whispered as her cunt began to pulse against his fingers.

She felt her hips thrust up to meet his fingers, her body willing him to continue. His thumb pressed harder on her clit, and his fingers thrust deeper and faster, causing her to cry out with the pleasure that was beginning to engulf her.

“No, you don’t want to fuck me, or no, you don’t want me to stop?” Adrian laughed as he slid a third finger inside her and watched her pump against his hand.

“Yes…More, harder…” Angel’s heart was pounding. She was about to come, and she didn’t care anymore that it was Adrian Hastings making her do it. Her hips plunged downward onto Adrian’s fingers, her back arched as her body started to shudder under the control of the rapidly thrusting pace. Angel’s cunt gripped Adrian’s fingers as she screamed her release.

“Oh, baby, you know how to come. That was such a pleasure to see.” Adrian looked down at Angel lying before him, legs spread, her wet cunt shimmering before him. He gripped the top of her pants, which he had pushed aside with his fingers, and pulled them down over her legs, discarding them onto the floor. “Roll over,” he ordered, unzipping his trousers and pulling them down.

Angel rolled onto her knees. She felt him move up behind her, his now-released cock hitting against her as he lifted her arms so that her hands rested on the head of the bed. He spread her legs wide over his groin and slowly pushed her down onto his hard cock. She heard him whisper, “Oh yeah,” as he sank his hard member into her. Her cunt was still hot and wet. Every nerve ending responsible for giving her pleasure was still enflamed from coming minutes beforehand. Angel knew she wouldn’t take long to come again. His cock felt rock hard inside her as he began to thrust slowly and gently, sliding in and out of her so easily she moaned with each deep stroke.

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