Guardian of the Hellmouth (9 page)

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Authors: A.C. Greenlee

BOOK: Guardian of the Hellmouth
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She could see it, his large, toned body thrusting deep inside of


her, holding her trembling frame tight against himself as he loved


her slowly. She was vaguely aware of his hand sliding up her


ribcage to cup her breast, teasing her with his body as he teased


her with his passionate words. “How do you feel right now?”


“Hot.” She answered without thinking, a blush rising to her


tanned cheeks. Leviathan let out a deep chuckle that had her


nipples hardening against the fabric of her bra.


“You mean, fertile?” He asked, nuzzling her neck before moving


to place a chaste kiss against her lips. Her eyes opened then,


heavily lidded, as she stayed lost within the dream he’d created.


“Is that what this is? A fertility spell?” He smirked, his lips going


back to her ear as he whispered softly to her.
“If I were inside of you right now we’d be having triplets. Does


that answer your question?” She stiffened in his arms before


pulling away from him.


“You’re a real jackass you know?”


“Yes, you’ve reminded me countless times now. You wanted to


learn a spell and I taught you one.”


“Thanks but I’m pretty sure I don’t need any help getting


pregnant, especially not from a demon.” She shoved him away,


folding her arms over her still sensitive chest as she sat back in


her seat. Her body was still on fire but she’d be damned if she let


him know that.


“I wouldn’t be so sure.” His grin caused his lust filled eyes to


darken even further and she found herself resisting the urge to


jump him right there in public. What was wrong with her?


“You know what I think?”
“What’s that miss?” Kailani jumped suddenly as the stewardess


reappeared next to them, a smile on her face as she stared at her




“Um…uh well…I think I’ll have the meatloaf.” She covered


quickly and the woman chuckled as Leviathan smirked.


“You have a little while before dinner is served, so just relax.”


The woman told her before moving off again to see to the other


passengers. Kailani stared past Leviathan at the people in the


seats across from them, their eyes wide as they watched her in


return. Blushing she turned to stare out the window.


“Looks like you’ve made a few new friends.” Leviathan chuckled


and she turned a glare on him that would have splintered a lesser


man. He just chuckled. “What?”


“I hate you.”












Chapter Six
“You know, this was probably
most uneventful flight


I’ve ever taken.” Kai said to herself as she stood in Perth Airport


next to Leviathan who looked as if he’d spent the last ten hours


on the back of a one legged camel.


“It was the only flight I’ve ever taken and aside from the movie


we watched it and our little spell experiment it was very


unpleasant. I’d rather not do it again.” His eyes flitted around the


airport, lighting briefly on the mortals that rushed in and out of


terminals for one reason or another. He didn’t understand the
incessant human desire to flock together like birds but it was the


most irritating thing he’d ever seen. “The steak could have tasted


better as well.”


“It wasn’t steak it was meatloaf Mr. Complains-a-lot. And such is


the horror of flying economy.” Kailani said quietly as they made


their way towards a row of fake potted plants, she wanted to


minimize her time being out in the open and talking to an


invisible demon, but judging by the stares she kept getting she


wasn’t doing a good job at remaining incognito.


“No, such is the horror of flying with a cheap little mortal like


you.” He said and she rolled her eyes up at him.


“I’m not cheap I’m frugal. I’m a Dental Assistant back home in


Kansas not a millionaire. You won’t be seeing my face on


Fortune 500 Magazine anytime soon.”


“Fortune what?” He asked, frowning as she peeked around a


plant and up at him.
“Never mind it’s not important. What
important is getting that


spell off you so I don’t look like a complete psycho.”


“Is that why you’re hiding?” He asked in exasperation,


“Honestly, you’re still on about that?”


“Yes I am. I don’t want to be remembered on my first trip to


Australia as the crazy lady who spoke to invisible demons. So if


you know how to rid yourself of the spell do so. Now.” Leviathan


resisted the urge to roll his eyes.


“Do you want the spell to be lifted?”


“Uh yeah? Isn’t that what I just said?” She made irritated little


gestures with her hands that he found oddly amusing.


“Then it is lifted. What did I just finish telling you on the plane?”


He asked and Kai cocked a brow up at him.


“Magic is will power and intent? So you’re visible to everyone


else now?” It was his turn to raise his brows as he turned to look


at all the women in the airport who suddenly caught sight of him,
their eyes widening as they slowed their paces to get a better


look. He was supermodel gorgeous; they both knew that, Kai just


didn’t want all the bitches in bikinis to know.


“I would say so.” The amusement in his voice made her want to


punch him in the gut and she suddenly found herself wishing he


were invisible again. Not only was he gaining the attention of the


females, the males weren’t even completely immune to his looks.


His eyes trailed one particular blonde woman in a bathing suit,


who pranced by, utterly delighted not only by the wink she sent


him but the grunt of disapproval that left Kailani. She felt a wave


of unexplained jealousy go through her and before she realized


she’d moved, she was standing in front of Leviathan, baring her


teeth at the woman who merely flipped her hair and kept walking.


He chuckled. “I didn’t know you cared.” He gave the blonde one


last look before Kai spun and whapped him on the arm.


“You are an ass-head! Your head is made entirely of ass!” She


exclaimed and his eyes widened.
“What did I do?” He asked watching her grumble something


anatomically impossible before storming off in the direction the


woman went. With a laugh he turned and caught her about the


waist, slinging her over his shoulder and ambling off in the


opposite direction.


“Hey! Put me down!” She kicked, struggling to escape him but


he wasn’t having that, instead he stalked over to the men’s room


and kicked the door open. Luckily it was empty as he dumped her


on the counter and stilled the tiny hands that were pounding his


chest and arms.


“Chill.” He said, looking her over, taking in her mottled cheeks


and eyes that were darkened by rage. “I had no desire for her. On


the contrary I’m quite content with the little Hellmouth who


won’t stop tricking me into touching her.” He said and she




“Oh yeah, very content until you find another Hellmouth to busy


yourself with. You’re just waiting for me to die aren’t you? Then
you can add another notch to that bedpost of yours.” She spat


forcefully and he looked as if she’d slapped him.


“You are a selfish uppity little twit.” He growled and her eyes


widened before narrowing on him.


“And you’re an evil sadistic bastard!” To her surprise Leviathan


didn’t appear angry at her words, instead he grinned.


“It’s progressing.”


“What’s progressing? The hell are you talking about?”


“You’re feeling possessive because I am a demon.” He moved


closer, invading her space, something she was quickly becoming


accustomed to. “It’s the dark energy in your blood, it wants to be


claimed. If you don’t do something soon I’m going to end up


taking you, and you’re going to hate me for it.” His voice


suddenly became breathy as he spoke against her ear. Kailani


shivered at his touch, what was it about him that she found so


alluring yet at the same time so utterly irritating? “It’s the
source…” She heard him say, his hands slipping down her sides


to her hips as he pulled her closer. Kai suddenly felt as if she


couldn’t breathe. She wanted to pull him closer so naturally she


shoved him away instead.


“Look bastard I don’t know what your drama is but lay off the


touchy feely!” She yelled and he growled back. But it wasn’t a


growl that was meant to frighten. No, that growl was purely


sexual, laced with a carnality that sent desire pulsing straight to


the center of her body.


“Do you have any idea the things I want to do to you right now?”


He asked and her brows furrowed.


“I don’t even wanna know the perverted shit that goes on in that


head of yours.”


“It’s not nearly as bad as yours little Miss handcuffs. I’ve never


been overly into bondage but I’ll be willing to try anything once.”


He chuckled and she cupped her hands over her ears.
“I am not thinking those things!”


“You are now.” Another growl that had her stomach turning flips.


“You...” His mouth covered hers then, cutting off any retort her


mind may have been forming. His fingers tangled in her dark hair


as he pulled her closer, nipping her lips until they parted for him.


Kailani felt as if she would melt as he tasted her, his expert hands


delving underneath the back of her shirt as his fingertips explored


her flesh. She felt him tugging at the clasps on her bra and


instinctively bit his bottom lip, which had him withdrawing.


“You’ll pay for that.” He stared her down, grasping her hips and


pulling them forward until he was pressed against the center of


her body. He was already hot and hard, his cock straining against


the back of his zipper as he thrust his hips against hers. Kailani’s


back hit the counter hard, a grunt leaving her lips as she swore.


Her back arched as he leaned over her, a growl of sheer


dominance renting the air around them as he bit her nipple


through the fabric of her bra and shirt.
“Dammit Leviathan.” She groaned, wanting to tell herself that his


touch was wrong, wanting the strength to push him away again


but all rationality having fled at the feel of his hands on her body.


She was inebriating, her scent swirling around his head until he


was simply drunk with it. A heady mixture of lust and longing,


the sweetest twinge of fear laced with sheer excitement and


something darker, something that screamed at him to take her yet


at the same time begged him to stay away. It was heartache.


While her body craved him her mind and heart where afraid of


being taken advantage of. She wanted him to love her first.


Leviathan ripped himself away from her with a growl of


frustration, leaving her panting and confused.


“I cannot give you what you ask for Kailani.” He ran a hand


through his hair as he sought to settle his racing thoughts. “It is


impossible for me.” He watched her slide off the counter,


straightening her hair and clothing slowly. She looked so lost, so


dejected it made him physically ill. “Kai—” he moved towards


her but she held up her hands and took a step backwards.
“No, it’s alright. I’m going to go find us a rental.” She turned


then, snatching up her bag and hightailing it out of the bathroom


as quickly as she could. Her thoughts were more erratic than he’d


ever heard them, and what was worse he was the cause of it. She


felt rejected and he felt like the biggest jackass on the face of the




Luckily enough for them both there was a car rental place


within walking distance of the airport. Lucky for


were advertised to be pretty cheap. She stood at the counter,


waiting on the heavyset man on the other side to finish running


all her information before he handed her the keys to the Jeep


Liberty that his assistant had already pulled around front. It was


hot and she was irritated for more than one reason, she didn’t


need to add long waiting times on top of that. The man’s fingers


moved so slowly across the keys as he found each letter then


punched it in with a single finger she wanted to murder him. It


was taking all her strength not to offer to do it for him. She


watched in silence from behind a pair of dark shades she’d
picked up on her way out of the airport, where they also bought

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