Guarding the Quarterback (Champions of the Heart #1) (7 page)

BOOK: Guarding the Quarterback (Champions of the Heart #1)
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She hesitated by my bedroom door.

“Is there something wrong?”

“No,” she said, her voice tight with annoyance.

What was that all about? It went beyond being pissed at me for following her. Was she jealous of the cheerleaders? Was she mad that I was acting like this was a joke? But I couldn’t let her know how affected I was at the thought of someone trying to hurt her.

She drew in a deep breath and let it go like she was trying to blow down the door like the wolf in the Three Little Pigs. Meanwhile, I was the real Big Bad Wolf, licking my chops laying in wait for her to enter my den.

She opened the door and headed for the bathroom. I loosened the knot of my tie, yanked it off, and tossed it onto the unmade bed. Visions of tying a naked Alexa to the headboard crowded out all other thoughts.

Coming out of the master bathroom, she relaxed her stance and slid the gun into her bra holster. “Well, I’ll leave you to… whatever.” She looked calm, but her voice was full of apprehension.

Maybe now that she had done her job and we were safely in my apartment, she would loosen up a little.

I blocked her path, ready to run my Hail-Mary-pass play. I laid on the charm and smiled that smile that would make a nun leave the convent. “You didn’t check under the bed.”

“I’m sure there’s nothing there but porn and a blow-up doll.”

I laughed. “There’s my Alexa.”

“I’m not yours.”

“Then you’re a little too good at pretending to be my girlfriend.”

“It’s my job.”

“No, you were enjoying yourself tonight. Why can’t we mix business with pleasure? After all, what better way to keep an eye on me than to share my bed?”

“I’m held to a higher standard than you or my male coworkers.”

How long was she going to hide behind that logic? “Spare me the feminist bullshit.”

“It’s not bullshit. You’re a man. You don’t understand.”

“I understand you’re scared of me.”

She shook her head. “Am. Not.”

“Yes, you are.” I took a step closer. “Afraid of what I can do to your body.” My fingers traced the curve of her cheek until I cupped her chin, tilting it so she had to look me in the eyes. “Afraid of the way I make you feel.”

I saw her want, or maybe it was my desire reflecting back at me. The scent of caramel apples wafted in the air, reminding me of a long ago county fair I went to as a teen. I wanted to lick her. Take a bite out her. Knew once I got past the hard shell I’d taste sweetness and pie.

I bent my head, ready to meet the pink lips begging for mine. The breath between us heated and charged. I wanted her to come to me. The anticipation of her surrender was torture. I knew the reward would be heavenly relief. A little moan escaped her. The sound of it must have broken the trance she was under. She blinked and the hungry look was gone. I’d waited too long.

“Wow, you are good.” She placed a hand on my chest in a stopping motion. “In another life I might have fallen for it, but my job is a good enough reason for why I shouldn’t cross that line.”

With another woman I would’ve shrugged off the rejection, but beneath her hand my heart pounded for her, my blood racing to my groin. She’d made a mistake. Now she was more than a challenge—she’d made herself forbidden fruit. I told myself that was all this was.

A lie, but it was my lie to live.

“But I have big reason why you should.” I hauled her up against my unmistakable hardness. The utter softness of her, melded to my body. To the world she wore an armor of toughness and indifference, but in my arms it all fell away.

Alexa’s wicked smile signaled my victory. Then she whipped out her gun and pressed it against my cheek. “And I have a bigger reason why we shouldn’t.”

The cold steel against my skin was a relief compared to the heat she created inside me. “That is so fucking hot.”

“You’re a freak.” Alexa pushed off my chest and backed off, now pointing the gun at the bulge in pants. “Let’s see how freaky.” Raising the gun, she motioned to my upper body. “Lose the suit jacket.”

Holy crap!
Where had this Alexa been hiding? Even in a dress that reminded me of cotton candy, she looked like a dominatrix ready to teach me a lesson. Did I want to be a bad or a good student?
I wanted to be very, very bad. I was more than ready to get my freak on.


Without hesitation I ripped the jacket off, forgetting the buttons.

“No,” Alexa said sharply, as the ping of the buttons reverberated off the hardwood floors, one rolling under the dresser. “Do it slow.” Her voice lowered to a sensuous hum. “Real slow.”

Every article of clothing I wore constricted my body, like I was turning into the Incredible Hulk, and not because I was angry but because I was so fucking turned on. Because I needed to feel the cool air against my skin.

In an effort to calm my racing heart, I took a deep breath. Once composed, I undid the cufflinks, tossing them to bed next to the tie. Afraid she’d change her mind, I didn’t dare move from my spot. The buttons holes of my shirt suddenly seemed too tiny—or if I was honest, my fingers too clumsy—to complete the task. I could thread a pass through three defenders to my receiver in the end zone, but right now my dexterity failed me. Finally, I was shrugging out of the shirt, taking my time even though I couldn’t wait for my next command.

“Good. Now the belt.”

I wasn’t shy, holding her gaze as I unbuckled it, and then whipping it off, snapping the leather, taking gratification in her flinch.

“Don’t give me any ideas,” she said with a quick recovery.

The thought of her whipping my own ass with my belt held no appeal, so I put my hands on my hips and awaited her next move.

“Now the pants.”

I undid the top button with a flick of my thumb.

“Unzip. Slow.”

Like I had a choice. My cock was harder than it had ever been. I would risk injury to my most treasured body part if I didn’t slide down the zipper with great care. My cock wasn’t waiting for the next order, and I eased my ready-to-go erection out of my pants.

“Commando? You are such a slut.”

“Been called a man-whore before but never a—”

“I didn’t give you permission to speak.”

Oh, holy hell. Was Alexa enjoying this as much I was? If so, there was no hint of it. Maybe she hadn’t been kidding when she told my teammates she was a dominatrix.

“Drop ’em.”

I gladly did as she asked, and then kicked my pants to land at her feet in a defiant gesture. She didn’t yelled at me, probably because she was too busy staring at my dick.

“I will say this, the photo on your phone doesn’t do you justice.”

I think.

She motioned with her gun. “Now turn.”

If she was trying to embarrass me, then she was going about it the wrong way. Being naked in locker room with a bunch of other naked guys and fully clothed coaches, equipment managers, and reporters coming and going was second nature to me. In front of a beautiful woman, naked was my natural state.

“You have a great ass. Spankable.”

Looking over my shoulder, I said, “Thanks. I could use your vote on next year’s ‘Cutest Ass in the NFL’ contest.” I was used to being treated like a commodity on and off the field, but spankable took it to a raunchy level I wasn’t sure I was comfortable with. My cock though was one hundred fucking percent on board. “Came in third.”

“A travesty of justice to be sure.” She quirked a smile. “Now shut up and turn.”

Alexa bit her lip, looking a little unsure about her next move. Did she have the guts to take it all the way?

“Now what?” I asked, urging her on.

With an evil genius smile, she said, “Stroke yourself.”

That was not what I had in mind. My cock ached, throbbing not for my touch but hers. For her mouth. For her pussy that I guaranteed was wet for me. “Alexa.”

“Aww, is the game over already? How disappointing,” she gloated.

Okay, so she had the guts to take it all the way. Did I? Hell, yeah. I grabbed my cock at the base. My hand glided over my thick six point eight inches in long, slow strokes. That’s right I’d measured it.

“Good boy.”

The lust in her eyes told me she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. This might have started as a game and she might have been on the offense, but I was winning now. Soon I’d have her writhing beneath me. Her pretty mouth would beg instead of barking orders. The thought of it rocked me, and my thighs quaked like a teenage boy.

“Lie on the bed.”

Had she noticed the wobble in my legs? Stretching out on the mattress, I rested my head on the pillow, inclined perfectly so I could watch her. She stood at the footboard like some kind of angel dominatrix sent to take me on a trip through hell and heaven.

“Keep stroking. I want your cock harder than it’s ever been.”

It was so hard that it might break off. “Alexa, please. I’m going to come.”

“Isn’t that what you want?”

“With you. I want to come with you.”

“Beg for it.”

“I want you, Alexa.” I’d done a lot of things, but I had never masturbated to a climax in front of a woman.

At some point she’d put the gun away. I could end this now. Grab her from where she stood and toss her onto the bed, but I wasn’t sure how she would react. And honestly I didn’t think I could stop our game without causing myself harm.

“Pump harder,” she commanded.

“Alexa.” My cock throbbed beneath my hand, and I could feel the come ready to erupt out of me. I’d never been so turned on, so hard, so everything in all my life.

“That’s it. It’s almost ready for me.” Yet, she still had all her clothing on. Then Alexa slid the hem of dress up an enticing inch.

More. I wanted to see more. As if all the world’s mysteries could be solved if I could see her panties. Then she made eye contact with me. Her gaze, wild and wanton. Why did she hold herself back?

“You’re ready, Dean.” She licked her lips like she was ready to taste me. Devour me.

I was undone. I came. Hard. I was fucking dying. Alexa was my executioner. And she didn’t even need her gun.

Chapter 8


e was magnificent.
He was still an ass. But what an ass.

Dean Walker, the ultimate male specimen, coming at my command was an erotic sight to behold. I was a bad-ass vixen worthy of my own comic book series. Who was I kidding? If I was so bad-ass, I would’ve climbed in his bed and onto his beautiful cock. Instead I was no better than a voyeur watching on as he pleasured himself, his gaze full of want, blazing at me until he closed his eyes as his body shook and he shouted my name like a war cry.

To be honest, I’d shocked myself to my core, but as it wore off the recriminations began. I was a hypocrite of the worst kind. All those times I berated my male colleagues for sleeping with clients, and the first time I was tempted I’d surrendered to my base desires.

My mind reasoned with my conscience that I hadn’t really crossed the line. I was in the clear. After all, my clothes were still on. I hadn’t laid a finger on him, even though his body was created for hands-on exploration. In fact, I was a pillar of professionalism. Yeah, right. Dean had no shame and apparently neither did I.

Would Dean use this as an excuse to get me fired? Use it as blackmail to get me to do more?

Please, please use it as blackmail to get me to do more.

His body relaxed and his hand stilled. I headed for the master bath to get him a towel. Any excuse to escape the awkward moment that would ensue when he opened his eyes. Anything to get away from the mistake I’d just made.

I delayed my return, using the bathroom. I avoided looking in the mirror as I washed my hands. I didn’t know what I would see. Regret? Desire? After enough dawdling, I walked back in. If I was lucky, he’d be asleep.

“There you are.”

The smoky timbre of his voice created swirls of want inside me.

“For a second I thought I’d dreamed the whole thing.” He patted the empty space beside him. “Come here.”

Instead I threw the towel to his chest.

“Thanks. I think.” He swept the towel across his body. “Alexa, talk to me.”

The lights suddenly flickered, then darkness enveloped the room. Had the stalker saved me? Yep, I’d rather face off against a bad guy than talk to Dean about what just happened.

I grabbed my gun from the nightstand. “Wait here.”

“Bullshit.” He tossed the towel aside and swung his feet to the floor.

I didn’t have time to argue with him. A sane man would have stayed hidden. Only a crazy one would go naked to a gunfight.

I couldn’t control Dean, at least not without holding a gun on him, so I concentrated on what I could control. I itched to bypass the guest bathroom and workout room, but I was thorough and gave them a cursory scan before closing the doors. With my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I approached the living area. I could’ve sworn the drawn curtains were left open. Creeping closer, I realized they still were. All the lights in the city were out. A cloud drifted across the sky, revealing the moon. I heard Dean’s footsteps behind me.

“Just a blackout,” he said.

“I told you to wait,” I hissed. Why was I disappointed to see he had put on pants?

“I’m not going to hide like a punk-ass bitch.”

“So you’re telling me if Oslo or Williams were here, you’d be in your bedroom right now?” He paused long enough for me to continue. “Thought so.”

“I can protect myself.”

“You have to let me do my job. You have to have confidence in my ability to protect you.”

“It has nothing to do with your abilities. At. All.” He cut the air with his hand. “It has everything to do with me. You’re not taking a bullet for me.”

“It’s my job. It’s nothing personal.”

“What?” Dean nodded and tilted his head in disbelief like he was channeling Robert De Niro. “How much more personal can it get?”

“It can. It just did. Or almost did.” I was the one who’d dodged a bullet tonight.

“We can remedy that. Come back to bed.” The moonbeams skimmed over his body, giving him the appearance of a man ready to morph into a werewolf.

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