Hard To Love (4 page)

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Authors: Tina Rose

BOOK: Hard To Love
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A deep chuckle seeped from his chest as his hands squeezed her shoulders tighter, pulling her closer to him.

“I should be asking you that,” he said close to her ear. “Are you following me, Ella?” he asked seductively.

“You’re such a dick,” she cursed.

“Oh, there’s that dirty mouth,” his eyes glimmered as he stared at her mouth.

“Shut up Carter. What are you doing here?” she demanded.

Carter released his grip on her and stepped back, pointing to his farrier apron, as if that should answer her question. Ella looked confused.

“We came to work. What are
doing here?”

“What do you mean, ‘came to work’?”

“I own a farrier business Ella, it’s not all glitz and glamour. Singing gigs don’t exactly pay the bills right now.” Taking a handkerchief from his back pocket, Ella watched as he wiped the dripping sweat from his brow, then worked down his neck and chest.
What she would do to be that handkerchief!
“Now, what are you doing here?”

Clearing her throat, Ella averted his eyes nodding toward the barn. “My sister runs this place.”

“Liv is your sister?” he asked in surprise.

“Yes, why?” A pang of jealousy struck Ella out of nowhere. Her sister was a beautiful young woman. Any man would be crazy to not find her sister attractive. Liv was also very brazen when it came to men and sex. The thought of Carter seeing her that way, or them being together was agonizing.

“Just asking, kitten. Calm down,” he teased.

Rolling her eyes she tried to move past him, but of course he wasn’t going to make this easy. “Carter, you’ve got to stop doing this. It’s getting you no place.”

“Oh, I don’t know sweets, I think it is,” he said, taking a step closer to her. “Did you think of me last night while you were touching yourself?”

Heat spread over her entire body, her cheeks, neck and chest becoming splotchy. How did he know she touched herself?

“You’re an asshole,” she attempted to push past him again. “Just move.”

Carter laughed out loud. “Your body gives you away, sweetness. It’s okay. I thought of you too. I thought about that dirty mouth wrapped around my…”

“Carter!” she interrupted his dirty train of thought. “Enough. I don’t have time for all your nonsense. Just stop. Go chase a groupie or something.”

His eyes darkened as he closed in on her, slowly edging her toward the dark corner of the barn, until her back touched against the wall. The feral look on his face scared her, as his nostrils flared and eyes narrowed looking down her body, he breathed deeply.

Placing his hands on each side of her head, he said “Let’s get something straight, okay? I don’t
groupies. That’s too damn easy, no fun at all. But you,” he said trailing his hand enticingly down the front of her coral knit top. “You make it fun, kitten. I like the way your dirty mouth tells me no, while your heaving chest says come and get me.”

Trying to shake her head no, her traitorous body defied her, picking that particular time for her nipples to harden.

Carter growled deep before grabbing her hair, sharply pulling her head back, exposing her mouth to his. Crudely, he crashed into her mouth, forcing her mouth open with his rough tongue, their teeth colliding from the force. As she smacked and pushed his chest to stop him, he quickly grabbed both her hands in one of his large ones, holding them above her head, while he ground his stiffness into her middle. Discomfort radiated from her scalp and her mouth as he continued to assault her, creating a frisson of pleasure and pain to sweep through her entire body.

“That’s right, keep making me work for it, kitten,” he said through clenched teeth, a wicked grin rising on his lips. Slipping his hand around her neck, he squeezed over her pulse. “Can you feel it? The thrill of the chase? I’m going to have you, it’s just a matter of time before I do.”

Hearing footsteps and voices approach, Carter gave her one more swift, hard kiss before walking quickly away from her, leaving her completely confused and flustered.
Son-of-a-bitch! He did it again.
Left her feeling utterly lascivious. Just because she cussed like a sailor, did not mean she wanted to be manhandled,
did it
? Rubbing her bruised lips, she walked toward the sound of Liv’s laughter.

“Why hello, Eleanor,” Liv said in a dreadful English accent.

Olivia. Jeez!”

“God, what’s up your craw? You look like a mouse the cat’s been chasing,” Liv smirked.

If she only knew the half of it.

Chapter Four

“Up my craw? Nothing is up my
. I hate that damned phrase,” she said, hastily changing the subject. “I have some good news for the benefit.”

“Oh yeah, what’s up?” Liv asked, walking toward a silver galvinized water trough.

“Alana Hatfield offered us her new pavilion to use if we need it.”

“Seriously,” Liv squealed. “That is great news. Now we just have to find an act people want to see and sell tickets do it. So, who do you have in mind?”

“I know someone who would play for you guys,” Gabe interrupted.

Ella turned to see one very sexy, green eyed, blonde haired,
wet dream
walking toward them. Gabe was tall and slender with well-defined muscles rippling under his tanned skin.
Good God.
Liv and her never ending parade of hot men. It was ridiculous, really.

“Oh yeah, who would that be?” Liv asked, as if his hotness didn’t affect her in the slightest.

“Carter,” Gabe said, looking at them like they had lost their minds.

Ella strangled on the drink of water she had just taken as she heard Carter walking toward them.

“Carter what? Ella, are you okay?” he asked, rubbing her back as she tried her best to get out of his reach.

“Liz is throwing a benefit for the horse rescue. She needs an act she can sell. That’s where you come in, brother.” Gabe winked.

Once Ella finally got her coughing under control and was capable of talking again, she shook her head at Carter, pleading to him with her eyes.

“I don’t think that will be necessary,” Ella stated. “I’m sure Carter has more important things to do.”

“Not really,” Carter grinned that Cheshire cat grin of his, as he looked at her through a heated glare. “I think it’s a great idea actually.”

“Carter, you don’t have to do this,” Ella smiled politely, wanting nothing more than to wipe that damn grin off his face.

“It’s a good cause, one close to my heart. And it could bring in some publicity for our farrier business too.”

“Ella, if this is something close to the man’s heart, and he wants to help with our benefit, who are we to stop him?” Liv asked, batting her big chocolate brown eyes at him.
Whoa there, little sister!

“Okay,” Ella snapped, everyone turned to look at her like she just grew another head.

,” Liv laughed.

“I mean, you’re right, Liv,” Ella said, trying to calm her voice. “It’s very considerate of Carter to donate his time for such a good cause.”

“Why don’t you girls stop by Moonshiner’s tonight and we’ll talk about it,” Gabe suggested with a wink.

At the same time Liv was agreeing, Ella sputtered, “I can’t.”

“Why can’t you,
?” Liv asked suspiciously.

“Liv, please stop with that. I have plans.” Ella had had enough of this whole situation. She was NOT going anywhere near Carter if she could help it, and Liv’s use of her given name was doing nothing but adding fuel to her flame.
She was getting pissed.

“Since when?” Liv scoffed.

, despite what you may think, I do have a life. If you’d like to go to Moonshiner’s tonight, then go. You certainly don’t need me or my permission.” Ella turned on her heel, heading toward her car, hearing her baby sister’s voice calling her name, as Carter’s strong arm grabbed her around her waist, hoisting her into the side tack room, kicking the door shut behind him.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Ella squalled.

“We’re about to get something straight, kitten,” Carter said, plopping her down on a wooden chest.

“Ouch,” she screeched. “I’m about tired of you manhandling me, asshole.”

“Oh, but sweetness, I’m just getting started,” he said as he bit her bottom lip and stepped back. “Now sit your pretty little ass still before I strap you down and tan it with one of these leather reins.” The thought sent a message straight to his groin.

“You wouldn’t dare. My sister is in the next room.” Ella hissed, as the thought of Carter spanking her with a leather strap radiated through her core.

“Oh wouldn’t I? You wanna test that theory, kitten?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

“Y’all alright in there?” Liv called, snickering outside the door to the tack room.

Carter raised his eyebrows and nodded toward the door. “Answer you sister, sweetness.”

“I hate you,” she hissed. “Yes, Olivia, we’re fine. We’re just working out the details for the benefit.”

“Uh huh.” Liv snickered. “Well, don’t
too hard,

“Olivia!” Ella barked, hearing her sister giggle as she walked away from the door.
That girl was going to be the death of her yet.

Snapping her head back toward Carter, she glared at him, waiting for him to break the uncomfortable silence. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against the wall turning her head in obstinance.

Not able to take the silence anymore, she rose to leave the room. “I’ve had enough of this bullshit.”

“Sit down,” Carter growled. Squatting down where he was eye to eye with her, he rubbed and squeezed her thighs, skimming his thumb over the seam of her pants pressing against her heated center. “I’ve never in my life met a woman who infuriated me so much, and at the same time turned me on. I want nothing more than to bend you over my knee and turn that sweet ass of yours cotton candy pink. Then kiss every inch of it before burying my hard dick inside that creamy wet pussy of yours.”

“Well, keep dreaming asshole. You’re never touching my ass again,” she warned. Although every fiber of her being was begging him to rip her clothes from her body and carry through with his temping threats, she maintained her composure as she refused to look away from his glaring eyes.

“Is that a fact?” he asked, snidely. Suddenly jerking her legs, he pulled her bottom to the edge of the chest, and just as fast, yanked her pants down her legs.

“What are you doing?” she cried, trying to scurry from his grasp.

“I’m about to show you I mean business.” Carter said, flipping her over his lap. “Fight me baby, you know how it turns me on.” Grabbing her hands, he pulled them behind her back, holding them tightly in his grasp.

“Carter, please,” she begged. “Please stop this.”

“Oh, now we’re gonna play nice, huh?” he teased.

“Yes, yes, I’ll play nice.”

Leaning down close to Ella’s ear, Carter whispered, “I don’t believe you, sweetness,” right before he swung back and landed his first smack hard on her derriere.

“Ow, you son-ova-bitch, that…”
Three more in succession before she could finish her statement.

“What was that sweetheart?” Carter asked, rubbing her stinging ass cheeks.

Surprised at herself, Ella was more aroused than she could ever remember.
Was she actually enjoying this?
Carter’s callused hands continued to rub her stinging skin, sending a whole new onslaught of sensations straight to her core. A fine sheen of sweat covered her heated body. She needed more.
Wanted more
. She was just as demented as he was.

“Carter,” she panted.

“What is it, kitten?” Carter asked, stroking closer and closer to her moist center. “Do you want me to stop, Ella?”

“No,” she gasped before she could stop herself.

“Then tell me, kitten. Tell me what you want.” Slipping her white lace panties to the side, Carter plunged his fingers into her wet center, pumping deep and slow.

“More, I want
,” she pleaded, as her whole body submitted to his hands.

“You’re coming to Moonshiner’s tonight, aren’t you sweetness?” he seductively asked.

“Yes, I’m coming tonight, I’m coming,” she breathed, as the orgasm built to the point of boiling.

“You bet your ass you are,” Carter smiled, abruptly pulling his fingers from her and sitting her on her feet.

“Carter, what the hell?” Ella stammered, her whole body still humming for the need to release he had just built inside her.

Reaching down, Carter pulled her pants back up her legs, giving her one last smack on the ass before pulling them up over her buttocks.

“You show up tonight, kitten, and I’ll finish what I started,” Carter winked as he swiftly kissed her on the lips.

“Fuck you!” she yelled as he walked out the door.

“Oh, I’m gonna find something to do with that dirty mouth of yours too, while I’m at it,” he called, walking backwards toward the front of the barn.

“Errrr….I hate you, Carter Dawson,” she screamed.

“See you tonight, kitten.”

“Goddamn, infuriating, megalomaniac!” she shouted, turning to kick a bucket in the corner. “Never again.”
Never again would he touch her.

The night she caught her cheating husband, and then spent the night in Carter’s bed, she had sworn off men. Now, here she was, panting after him, begging him for release.
Well fuck that! She was done.
She didn’t need Carter Dawson, or any man for that matter.
She would show him
. He wanted her to show up at Moonshiner’s? She would show him exactly what kind of flame he had started, and how someone else could put it out.


Ella spent three hours primping in front of her vanity mirror, before slipping on her black, shiny, western slouch boots, and heading out the door. She was going to show Carter Dawson she was one woman he did not want to piss off. Being at least five years older than him, she felt it was her duty to teach him a lesson he would never forget.

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