Heartbreak's Reward (Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight Book 2) (18 page)

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Authors: Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

Tags: #Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight #2

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She reached for his hand. When she looked closer, she noticed he had those cute dimples, too, but there was something different…his eyes for sure. “Nice to meet you. You’re the brother Jase warned me about.”

Nora laughed. “He told me the same thing about Jase. I think they’re working together on this.” Nora winked at Tristan. Jase was right when he said they were probably the best looking cowboys in town, but at this point she couldn’t be called an expert.

Nora and Tristan went outside and Brenna finished up the paperwork. “I brought a letter from the board of education stating my start date and pay rate. I’m still getting paid from my other job since I collect it throughout the summer.”

“I think you’re all set, Ms. Page. All you have to do is wait for Nora to move the rest of her stuff out, and the place is yours. Welcome aboard.” She stacked the paperwork and slid it into a folder. “So you know Jase Carlson.” She lowered her eyes and shook her head. “Too bad about what happened with him and his wife.”

Brenna stood. Although curious, yes, none of this was any of her business. She peered out the window and Tristan was on his phone while Nora stood in the shade under the canopy. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Reese. I’ll be out of town for a few days, but if there’s anything you need, please call.”

Brenna clasped her hands together beneath her chin. “It’s all falling into place, and I’m so thrilled I’ll be settled in before school starts.” She picked up her purse and shook the agent’s hand. “I’ll be going now, but I’ll see you soon.” Mrs. Reese walked to the door with her, waving when she walked out.

Nora came up to Brenna. “Well, we have a dilemma. Tristan wants to get back to the ranch and I have no way to get home if I go to lunch with you.”

Nora was so pretty. In the sunlight her hair shone and her blue eyes sparkled. Sunlight glittered on the pool in the distance. “I can take you back to the ranch after lunch. Unless, of course, you’d like to skip it for another time.” Brenna chuckled. “You know where

“I’m starved right now. Are you sure it wouldn’t be an inconvenience?”

“Not at all,” said Brenna.

Nora gave Tristan a hug good-bye and watched him drive off. She turned to Brenna. “His big, old truck is hard to get into these days, so you taking me home works in more ways than one.”

Brenna nodded. “Good, you can direct me to where we’re going.” She unlocked the car and they both got in. “Which way?”




Chapter 14



Lunch turned into two hours and Brenna dropped Nora off at the ranch. She had invited her in, but Brenna said she had to get back. On the way to the hotel, Jase called. He was on his way home from a horse auction and would have to stop overnight.

“Now, I’m tired and need to sleep a half hour before continuing,” he said in a yawn.

“Well, drive safe. Don’t fall asleep with those horses.” Brenna pictured his truck pulling some old horse trailer. A man had to love his animals to load them up and travel. Maybe he liked to pay the bills better. What a life.

“I only have one on the trailer. Sold one, bought one. I got the better deal.”

“I suppose that’s a good thing, huh?” Hearing his voice was like someone turned on a light within her soul. She’d never figure it out. Falling for someone this fast was so unlike her.

“I’m pulling into a rest area now. I have to crash. My eyes are tired. I left early this morning.”


“Yeah, darlin’?”

“The smiley face last night was cute. Thanks.” The line went silent. She had embarrassed him. Oops. “You there?”

He yawned again. “I’m here. Sleepy.”

“Have a good rest.” She heard him breathing into the phone, wondering if he had already fallen asleep.

“All right. Sorry I’m not more talkative. Can’t stay awake, but I wanted to let you know I was on the road.”

dreams.” She hung up, glad he was off the road. Pulling into her parking lot, she got out of her car and leaned against the door, peering at the sky. Brenna received a text saying he’d be sure to have pleasant day dreams of
, followed by none other than a big happy, smiley face. Again, she sent back her heart. “Really, I’m sending my heart,” she mumbled.

Maybe he was looking at the same clouds, and she wanted to kick herself for being so sappy. She headed inside. As she rode the elevator she pictured him stretched across his truck seat, which didn’t seem very comfortable. The poor horse was probably hot in the trailer.




Brenna hadn’t seen or heard from Jase for three days, other than a text last night saying what time he’d arrive this morning. She stood at the window, watching when he pulled into the parking lot, got out, and sauntered toward the door. Folding her arms across her chest, she wanted to run out to meet him. His hair had grown since they met and from what she gathered, he liked it long. She did too.

Checking around the room, she had everything packed and ready. Her overnight bag and laptop were all she would carry on the plane. Her door shook from his knock. Opening it, he held his arms out. Not knowing where the urge came from, she took hold of the front of his shirt and pulled him inside, falling into his arms. His warmth, fragrance, and closeness all sent her mind whirling. “It seems like forever since I’ve seen you.”

“Oh, I know what you mean. It’s damn nice having you in my arms. Too bad you’re leavin’.”

“For three days and I’ll be back.”

Jase slid his hand to the back of her neck and brought her close. His body was hot, kind of sweaty, and his swift heartbeat told her he had the same reaction to her as she had to him.

“This three days was long, and now another. Work gets in the way sometimes. I’ve been busy working with the horses at home today, too.” He took a step back and clenched her upper arms, leaned in and gave her a kiss, followed by a once over. “You look pretty.”

Brenna placed her hand against one side of his face, freshly shaven, smooth and warm. “Mmmm, you are one lovely man.” She peered into those compelling eyes…aglow with longing.

Taking a deep breath and moving away to the window, his back to her, he asked, “Are you ready, all packed up?”

Brenna peered at the couch, visualizing them lying there together, tangled up in each other. “Everything’s together. I might miss this place a teeny-tiny bit.”

He turned from the window and went back to her. “Why? It’s a hotel room.”

Brenna took a glance to the sofa and back to him. He lifted her chin, and his gaze went to the sofa, too. His sexy smile didn’t lie. She might have blushed if she was the blushing kind. “A good memory I’ll take with me to my new place.”

“Got that right,” said Jase. “We can make more over there. Let’s get your stuff loaded. I’ll run down and get a cart.”

She had to shake that chill off from his words. “I brought one up earlier and stuck it in the canteen room down the hall. Hopefully it’s still there.” She needed a fan after being so close to him. Two reasons. He was hot, literally, and…macho hot.

“I’ll go take a look.” He left the room without another word.

His arms were comforting but something about his demeanor seemed distant. After three days, did he change his mind about them? His open arms didn’t deny it though. Would three more days change anything? With them so new, she didn’t want to waste a minute. She held the door when he tapped. “Still there, huh?”

“Listen, Brenna, what about your car?” He lifted her heaviest bag onto the cart. “You could’ve left it at my ranch.”

“Mrs. Reese said it’ll be fine at the townhouse.” She went to her purse and removed keys. “I’ll give you a key in case it has to be moved.” She struggled with getting it off the ring. “Long nails look nice, but they aren’t useful all the time. Would you get this off for me?”

He took the ring and removed it for her. “Might it be better if Nora had this?”

“You’re right here and I didn’t think of giving it to her. Is it a problem?”

Shrugging, he said, “Nope. Just askin’.”

Something was up with him today. “I’ll call Mrs. Reese and tell her you have a key, if it’s okay with you.” Brenna cocked her head and observed his manner. “Is something wrong?”

“Nah, well, nothing to do with you.” He wrapped his hand around the key and handed her key ring back. “I’m fine with the key, and we can run your car back to my ranch. It’ll be safer there.”

Brenna peeked at her watch. “I don’t want to cut it so close getting to the airport. I hate when I have to rush.”

“Want me to move it later?” He lifted his hands as if agitated. “Listen, and I’ll say it again, it’s safer with me than leaving it unattended in a parking lot.”

She stomped. “Well, I’ll live in that place. It better be safe.” Now all kinds of freaky thoughts went through her mind, and she didn’t want to think about any scary stuff. A small town not being safe went against everything she’d ever heard.

be safe. A Mustang sitting in any parking lot unattended for days isn’t safe.”

“If you’d like to move it later, be my guest. Go ahead and do what you think is best for my car.” That came out much more sarcastically than she had intended. “It’s fine. You can move it. When we return from the airport I’ll get my stuff in the townhouse before you take me to get my car at your ranch. I’ll need a break from Chloe by then anyway.” She chuckled, making a joke but in reality it’d be true. She placed her palm against his chest. “I appreciate your concern.”

“Call it done. Are you ready to blow this place?” He took hold of her hand and lifted it to his lips. “Hate to see you go.”

He’s a confusing man at times
. “I’ll be back in a few days.” She hesitated, but had to ask, “Are you all right?”

He peered at his watch then dropped to the sofa. “Yeah, Bren.” He shook his head. “No. I thought I had a lead on the kids. I threw a bag together and hit the road. I go crazy every time that happens. It takes a while to pick myself back up.” He leaned forward, staring at the floor in front of him. “I’m sorry. An old friend thought he saw Rebecca over in Fortuna Foothills. Nothing I could see there.” He sighed and looked up at her. “No luck.” Jase removed his hat and shoved his fingers through his hair. “I had to hang out there a couple days. That’s where I’ve been. To ease my mind more than anything. It’s that…seven months has been too long without them.”

“Have you contacted the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children?”

Jase got up and stood in front of her. “I did, Brenna. The night she left, I reported it to the Sheriff’s Department, and then I made the call to that center for missing children. She was still their mother. It wasn’t until after I won custody that it mattered. Yeah, they’re on it.” He shrugged. “Nothing’s happened though. I still don’t know where they are.”

“Oh, my goodness, Jase…” Brenna sighed. “Maybe if you check with the school board in these places she’s spotted, you’d know if they were registered.” She wrapped her other hand around his. The sadness in his eyes was disheartening. In the past months since his kids had been gone, he must’ve lived on a roller coaster, and still did.

“Let’s get going.” He lifted her other bags onto the cart and turned to her. “I’m still taking your luggage to my house?”

“If it’s okay.” Brenna’s heart ached for him. His kids were so important in his life and they’d been literally swept away. “Hey,” said Brenna, taking her purse before going to the door. “Have you checked the kid’s school
about records? Your ex-wife must’ve requested them to be sent to their new school.”

He pulled the door open but faced her. “School records. I did check, but they were never requested.” He shook his head. “How can that happen? The new school can’t know anything about my boy. How smart he is, or the high scores he’d get on his tests.”

“If she didn’t sign a request the school can’t get them. Maybe she didn’t tell the new school where they came from. Then they wouldn’t know where to request records.” She hugged him. “It won’t take long for teachers to know how smart Joey is, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Choking back tears at the whole idea of this, saddened her to think that woman took his whole world away without a word about how they were doing. How ruthless could a person be? Without knowing the details of their divorce, Brenna had no right to call Rebecca names, but seeing how devastated Jase was over it all, she didn’t believe he was the cause. So yes, she
call that woman ruthless.

Jase pulled away, pushed the cart out, and swept his hand forward for Brenna. “Time to go, sweetheart.” He stood aside to let her pass. In the elevator neither of them said anything. At his truck he placed the carry-on in his back seat with her laptop. He opened the door for her, but before she slid in, he placed his hand on her back. “Do you like flying?”

“I don’t mind it.” Twisting around, she wrapped her fingers around his arms. Their gaze held. Jase lifted her chin. “You’re a desirable woman, Brenna.” He leaned forward and placed a kiss against her cheek. “Have a good trip.”

She hugged him tight. “I will. You be safe on your trip, too. Buy a pretty horse,” she said, trying to hold back a grin.

“Yes, ma’am, I’ll see what I can do.” He closed the door when she got in.

A lot of the ride was quiet. Brenna’s heart was heavy, her breathing shallow. She should be happy about leaving, but instead a dark cloud hung over her for no reason. Her new life would begin the minute she came back, stepped off that plane, and called the townhouse home.

Finding a reason to smile, she visualized Jase outside the airport to pick her up. Brenna had it bad for him. No way could it be denied. She gripped his hand. “Thanks so much for doing this. You’re a real gentleman.”

“Oh, baby, don’t let that get out now. It’ll be our secret.”

“If you insist…baby.” When she looked over at him, he winked and she was glad to see a spark of laughter there.
. She liked when that word came out in his voice.

A little anxious about the whole traveling ritual, getting to the airport, passing through security, and the waiting, caused jitters. She held her trembling hands together in her lap. When they pulled in front of Concourse C, he jumped out and came around to get her bags from the back seat.

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