Heartbreak's Reward (Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight Book 2) (30 page)

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Authors: Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

Tags: #Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight #2

BOOK: Heartbreak's Reward (Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight Book 2)
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Brenna glanced at Jase and scrunched up her nose as she stood. “Uh oh.” She headed upstairs.

Jase turned and watched her go up, and winked when she glanced over at him. While waiting for them to return he called his brother, Tristan.

“Double Dutch—”

“Hey, it’s me. I’m in town. How are things?”

“I’m at your place,” said Tristan. “Where the hell are ya?”

“I’m at Brenna’s. We’re about to get something to eat, carry-out.”

“Everything’s fine. Her little sis was out here with Davy. What’s up with those two?”

Jase heard the horses in the background. Warrior probably knew it was him on the phone. He chuckled to himself, and listened to the grunts and neighs. “Nothing I hope for his sake.” How’d he know Davy and the kid would hook up? Or whatever they called it these days.

“Ya got that right. How’d it go in Yuma? Find out anything?”

Jase stood and wandered to the window. “No, but listen. I ran into Gary Strong there. He acted damn weird. You know he moved to Fortuna Hills?”

“I wondered why I hadn’t seen Gary around. What’d ya mean weird? Ain’t Gary weird anyway?”

Tristan must’ve been filling water buckets because he heard the water splashing. “Fidgety, jumpy. Not himself. Can you do some checking around? See if you can find out why he took off?” It bothered the shit out of him now that he had more time to think about it. “I did some checking while in Yuma. I didn’t come up with anything, but maybe you can think of something I didn’t.”

“All right. When you coming home?”

“I don’t know. Later I guess.” Jase glanced toward the upstairs.

“Ya got it bad for the blonde, huh?” asked Tristan.

Jase closed his eyes a moment, snickering to himself. “Yeah, but I don’t know how that happened.” For sure it was something he had never expected. He was done with women before that Mustang sat in the parking lot. “You know I never planned it.”

“Well,” said Tristan. “Go with it. Like Selva told me not long ago. Something like that might only come once in a lifetime.”

“I thought that the
time, but…this is different.”

“Yep, ya got that right. I get it, bro.”

It was time to change the subject. “Nora okay?”

“So far so good. Therefore, so am I.” Tristan chuckled. “Hey I’ll get the hell home. Max has everything taken care of around here.”

He glanced upstairs again when he hit END, wondering if Brenna was getting lectured. And if Brenna told her sister that cowboy Carlson took her virginity. He smirked, and the thought of her stabbed him in the gut like an arrow. His brother was right. Maybe something like this
happen only once in a lifetime.

When his phone rang he wondered if Brenna might be calling for help, but it was his brother again. “Forget something?”

“Mom wanted me to invite you and Brenna for dinner. Bring her little sis. She thinks Wednesday is good.”

“She would think any day was good,” said Jase before giving a subtle laugh. He stood and paced to the window. “I’ll get back to you about it. I have an auction coming up here soon, an overnighter.” Jase pressed one palm against the wall and glanced down, wetting his parched lips before answering. “I’ll have to ask Brenna.”

“I’ll tell Mom.”

Jase hung up and watched Brenna come downstairs. Chloe walked beside her with her laptop held against the front of her body. They spoke low with each other. Brenna smiled.




After dinner Chloe went upstairs to her room, and Brenna said to Jase, “My sister thinks we should talk about our accident.”

“Whenever you’re ready. I know it can’t be easy.” He glanced over his shoulder when Chloe came back downstairs. At the bottom, she turned and went up again. Once at the top, she pivoted and came right back down stairs. She waited at the bottom a moment, and did it all over again before settling.
Chill, girl.

“I’ll be right in, Bren.” She got a bottle of water out of the fridge and returned to the living room. Chloe sat beside Brenna and set the bottle on the floor in front of the sofa. Sitting back, she cuddled close to her sister and Brenna put her arm around Chloe’s shoulder.

Jase sat back in his chair, both feet planted on the floor. He looked back and forth at the two of them. Brenna’s hair was a little darker, longer. He braced himself for what they were about to say.

“Well, as you know I have scars,” began Brenna, glancing at her sister afterward with a confident air about her. “I guess you should know the story. As Chloe said, she nearly lost her hand. I nearly lost my leg. Two compound fractures. Thank God there was a miracle team of surgeons that saved
both.” She took hold of Chloe’s hand. “Our sister wasn’t as lucky.” Her voice cracked. She gulped and reached for Chloe’s water bottle.

Jase stood and squeezed between them and put his arm around their shoulders. He held them close. “It’s not necessary to go on if it’s too difficult. The terror you’ve been through must’ve been awful.” He turned to Chloe and in a warm and caring voice, he said, “To lose your twin sister…I can’t imagine the horror.”

Brenna continued. “Our dad lived for two weeks before he died. His injuries were too bad, and his body had been burned.” She took a breath and peered straight ahead. “Mom died on the scene.” She stopped and looked down at her lap. Sniffling, she said, “I saw she had already died before I passed out from loss of blood. I didn’t know the extent of the accident until I woke days later.” She peered around Jase at her sister and settled back into the crook of his arm. “They kept Chloe and me in the same room, so we at least had each other.” She reached for Jase’s hand around her shoulder. “We both had a very long recovery.”

He was almost overcome by her words. Thinking of his own family and how close they all were, he couldn’t imagine the heartache…or how a person went on afterward. Then his cousin Caulder and his tragedy came to mind. He re-lived that hell for an instant. “I’m glad you’re both here…with me. You know I’m here if you ever need to talk…or need to be held.” He squeezed them. “Both of you.”

“Thanks, Jase,” said Chloe. She removed his arm from around her, got up and went upstairs.

Jase followed her all the way up with his gaze. “Will she be okay?” he asked. “Do you want to go to her?”

“It’s always the worse when we start talking about it, reliving the moment that it happened. Sometimes when I look at Chloe, I long for Jordann so badly.” Her voice went higher. “I can only imagine what
goes through to lose a part of her, so to speak.” Brenna turned into his shoulder.

“Oh, baby, go ahead and let it all go. I’m here.” He wrapped her in both of his arms and held tight as her tears dampened his shirt. “I want to always be here…with you.” He leaned his cheek against the top of her head.

After a few minutes, Brenna sat up straight and dried her eyes. “I don’t like being weak in front of someone.”

“I’m not
someone, baby. I love you.”
It’s weird saying that.
But, dammit he was in love with her and happy about it. “I should open up a little more. You don’t even know
story. Maybe you think I’m a wife beater and that’s why she left.”

“That’s right, I don’t know why your wife left. But, I do know your heart, and I’m willing to bet you had no part in it.” She took

“Well, in my eyes, nothing was wrong. I don’t know when Rebecca stopped loving me. Way before I found out. She got hooked on drugs again, after being clean for a decade. I didn’t even realize it.” He peered downward. “Even when she started sleeping on the sofa, stupid me, figured she fell asleep watching TV.” Jase half shrugged. “Denial maybe.” He told her about the fight they had when she said she’d leave and not take the kids, and how Rebecca
the kids were gone the next night.

“Baby doll, I’m sorry. I know one day you’ll have your kids back.”

“What would you do?” Jase turned to face her, her eyes still misty, and he hoped like hell his wouldn’t be next. “I mean…” He shrugged and pulled a thread on the hem of his t-shirt. “I mean what would you do?” He lifted his hands. “I have two little kids.” He needed to know because if she couldn’t accept his kids, he might as well stop right here. Not an easy feat. What a mess he created. Taking something sacred from the woman and now thinking of this? Someone should slug him for being an asshole. He faced her again.

“What would you want me to do, Jase?” Her expression was soft, yet serious.

“Shit.” He dropped his head against the sofa back. How could he let this get so far without having this discussion earlier? “If you want the truth, I’d want you to accept them. I want you both—you and my kids.”

Brenna covered his mouth with her finger. “You want me to accept your kids? Do you think I didn’t know that before I got involved with you? I know those babies are a part of your life…you. I never expected to have you without them. You’re a father, I knew this from the beginning.”

Jase kissed her. “We should have talked before.” He leaned forward and lowered his face into his hands. “I miss them so damn much.”

She laid her hand on his back. “I’ve already accepted Jaelle and Joseph. The question is, will they accept me?”

“I hope to God we get the chance to find out.” He peered into her eyes. “My kids are loving and giving children. I don’t have a doubt.”

Brenna smiled. “Then we’re good. You’ve accepted my kid sister, attitude and all, and proved that earlier. I think you won her over without a doubt, dude.”

. He laughed to himself. “Cool. I’m glad we settled this. Because one day I’ll get them back, and I’m falling deeper in love with you more every freaking day.” He grasped her shoulders and lowered his voice. “I don’t want to lose you.” Jase looked to the floor. “Talk about showing weakness. You must think I’m a milksop.”

“What? Before answering, I need to know what that is first.”

He gave a hardy laugh. “Something my grandmother used to say. A sissy, or a wuss…you know.”

“Not at all… It takes a strong guy to show a weakness. A guy that I love so much. I
love you so much, Jase.”

Weak. No argument there
. He brought her against him and hugged her tight again. “Oh, girl. You saved me.”

“Maybe we saved each other.”

She had the cutest look on her face, innocent yet somber, and she meant it. So had he. She had saved him from himself.

Brenna squeezed his thigh. “I better get up to my sister now.”

“I gotta get to my horses. They probably miss me. Not to mention Max. He might think I disappeared since I told him where I was staying in Yuma in case anything
happen to my ass.”

“Oh, no! Now I’ll worry when you go off again. I didn’t think of it being dangerous.”

“Come on, hon, it’s not. I know how to take care of myself.”
I’m only weak around her.
“Besides, I know I’m coming home to a hot blonde.” Jase patted her hand on his thigh. “My mom wants you and Chloe to come to dinner Wednesday. Meet the family. Talk about loving and giving…there ya go. Come on.”

“I’ll convince my sister, and yes, accept your invitation.”

“All right! Which reminds me, I have another auction to go to this week, an overnighter.” Jase thought a minute. “Wanna go? Hell, bring your sister and I’ll see if Davy can come along…if you two approve.”

“I’d love it! Where will Davy sleep? I’ll sleep with my sister, of course. You understand.”

“I have plenty of room. But I ain’t sleeping with Davy.” He chuckled and stood. “Maybe it’ll be boring for you and her, but its time you learn this part of my life. A rancher’s life. You need to know.” He went to the door and pulled his boots on. “If you guys approve, I’ll talk to Davy and get back to you with details.”

Brenna walked to the door and put her hands on his shoulders. “Welcome back, baby doll. And just so you know? I can’t wait to make love to you again. Maybe you’ve created a monster?”

“Oh, sweetheart, I can’t wait to find out. Now I have to leave?”

“I need a day to recuperate.” She winked at him, and whispered, “From what I gathered so far, you’re a fantastic lover. But what do I know, right?”

“Let’s go with that. I like the reputation.” Jase tapped the tip of her nose. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow and let you take a look at my big, old horse trailer.”

“Oh, baby, how exciting!”

“I love you, Brenna Page. You’re my kind of woman. Sleep well, honey.”




Chapter 23



Jase, Brenna, and Chloe sat on the bleachers in front of the outdoor arena at his mom’s ranch on Wednesday afternoon. Judy brought Sammy George to meet her, and Chloe walked up to the rail. “Would you like to get on him? He’s a good old horse and he’ll be easy on you as long as I hold this rope. Other than that, he’ll have to get to know you a bit better.” Judy held up the rope. “We call this a lead rope.”

Chloe shrugged. “I’ll give him a try. I did get on a couple at Jase’s ranch. Davy held the reins and I rode beside him in the ring.”

“Davy? Oh, he’s a nice young man.” Judy called Jase over. “Will you get Chloe a helmet? Your brother will have a fit if we don’t put one on this girl’s head.”

“Sure, Mom, but you know the reason is for insurance.” He turned toward Brenna. “Come on and walk through the barn with me. I’ll get a helmet out of the tack room.” He took hold of her hand. Jase pointed ahead toward his brother’s boarder barn. “If we drive through the desert, right of his barn, we’ll get to my place. That’s what I call the back way.”

“Is it far?”

“Two miles give or take a tumbleweed or two.” He laughed and bumped against her hip.

“A tumbleweed? Is that how you measure distance in Arizona?” Brenna questioned. “I’ll have to teach the kids that when school starts?”

“Not hardly. You’ll lose your job.” He loved teasing her sometimes. “Go left up here and we’ll run into Tristan’s barn where he has his own horses.” He pointed in between the two barns. “The house back there is his new one. Brand new. I helped him build it…well with a builder of course.”

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