Her Dangerous Desires [Notorious Nephilim 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (6 page)

BOOK: Her Dangerous Desires [Notorious Nephilim 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Calm down. She gave me the impression it was just talk, nothing else. She was so open to the idea of us being supernatural beings, and told me she’s always been interested in them, so it just spilled out.”

“Just like that.”

“Well, I pushed a little to try and see what else she knew, but she wasn’t hiding anything that I could see. She told me everything she found out about this place.”

“That’s a relief, but I’d still rather there be nothing online about this resort or about us.”

“Gregory, you can’t stop progress. It’s a miracle we’ve been able to keep it this secretive for so long.”

Gregory sighed, leaned back against the cushions, and put his hands behind his head. “I know. So what happens now? We have to get this notion about summoning Lilith out of her head.”

Demetrius rose. “Well then, I suggest we keep her busy enough to forget about calling down demons.”

The jealousy coursing through Gregory’s body surprised him. Why should he care that Demetrius had fucked Paige last night? “We? You mean you don’t mind sharing?”

Demetrius chuckled. “When have I ever? I’m going to get cleaned up and put on fresh clothes. Meet you in the lobby.”


* * * *


Paige sat in one of the large armchairs in the lobby, as close to the fireplace as she dared to move the chair. The sound of that laughter—mocking and almost evil—played in her mind. There was no way it had come from the hallway or the suite next door. She couldn’t hear anything once inside her suite. The place must have walls that were ten feet thick.

And where had the rose come from? Should she ask Demetrius and Gregory if one of them had put it in her suite? They were angels. Did that mean they could disappear and fly? Maybe the laughter had come from one of them?

But even as she voiced the questions in her mind, she knew the laughter she’d heard wasn’t a man’s and the rose hadn’t come from Gregory or Demetrius. Paige was no stranger to paranormal experiences, but she’d never had one that left her feeling fearful.

She tried to distract her thoughts by watching the guests scattered throughout the lobby. Mostly female, they sat in small groups talking and drinking mugs of coffee or hot chocolate. She suddenly missed Kimber and Stasia so much that she nearly went back to her suite to call them. She’d left her cell on the nightstand, and she could always just grab it and make the call from the lobby, but the thought of going back up there and taking a chance on hearing that laughter again kept her rooted to her chair.

As her gaze swept across the wooden floor, oriental rugs, and soft lighting, it fell on the wall of portraits near the front doors. Aside from asking about Lilith’s portrait, she’d barely given them a glance yesterday morning as she’d made her way to the front desk, but now she studied them more closely.

In the center was Lilith, dressed in flapper garb right out of a gangster movie. All that was missing was the long cigarette holder. Her eyes were full of mischief, but it was her smile that caused a shudder to travel over Paige’s limbs. Impish yet malicious at the same time, it reminded Paige of the laughter she’d heard in her suite. It was no stretch to think of her as a demon.

Surrounding her photo were dozens of smaller pictures. Most were of groups of people in clothing that looked to be from the thirties or forties. They reminded Paige of the costumes she’d seen at the party the night before. She was about to rise from her chair and walk over to get a better look when Gregory’s booming voice crossed the lobby.

“There she is. Pretty as a picture.”

His bright smile helped chase away the chill that had settled over her. She was grateful to see that both men wore jeans as well. She’d been half expecting them to show up in full riding gear.

“Are you cold?” asked Demetrius, nodding toward her chair.

Paige moved the chair away from the hearth. “Not anymore.”

“Ready to ride?”

“You bet.” She smiled up at them and linked one arm around each of their waists. As the three walked toward the other end of the lobby, Paige couldn’t help but grin at the envious looks most of the women gave her.

They led her down a back hallway to an exit that opened to a canvas-covered walkway. Paige could smell the hay before they reached the stables. She whistled when she saw how many horses they had. “Wow.”

Gregory beamed. “They’re beautiful, aren’t they? We breed them here on the property.” He walked up to a dark bay horse with a white mark on her forehead that resembled a diamond. “Isn’t she pretty? We named her Gemma. They’re all named after stars.”

“How fascinating.” She stroked the mare’s muzzle.

“Antares would be a good horse for you to ride,” said Demetrius. “He’s very gentle and doesn’t mind strangers.” He led her to a chestnut that whinnied and tossed his head in her direction as she approached.

“He’s beautiful. I love this color.”

Demetrius touched her hair, and Paige trembled as images from the night before flashed in her mind. “I love
color. Gregory and I both have always preferred blondes.”

“Is that a fact?” She turned to face Demetrius, sighing at the lust in his eyes. “I guess it’s lucky for me that I’m a real one.”

“Yes, you are.” He nuzzled her neck and Paige giggled.

“You two gonna ride or should I just throw a blanket on the ground for you?”

“What a deliciously wicked thought.” Paige gave Gregory her best come hither look and was rewarded with a smoldering grin. She trembled at the thought of having both men at the same time. What would they think of her if she asked for such a thing?

Gregory strolled toward them, his eyes shining with possibilities. “Nothing wicked about it, although you might not like getting hay in those hard to reach places.”

“You sound like you’re speaking from experience.”

He didn’t answer. When he reached the spot where she stood, he petted the horse but kept his eyes on her face. “I hope you’ve forgiven me for abandoning you at the dance.”

“Of course. Forgiven and forgotten.” Paige frowned as she recalled why he’d left her. “Did everything turn out all right for Sofia?”

Gregory raised his eyebrows and exchanged a quick glance with Demetrius. “How much did you overhear this morning?”

She could feel the heat rising up her neck and face. “All of it.”

“I see. Well, like I said, she has bruises and a broken hand, but both will heal.”

“Who is she?”

“She was a guest here,” said Demetrius. “Remember when I told you we had trouble once from a mob boss? Turns out she’s his great-granddaughter.”

“Wow. What a weird turn of events.”

“It gets weirder. We’re currently in negotiations to hire several of her family members as staff. And since Sofia is a financial analyst, we can certainly find work for her here.”

“What was the deal with her ex-husband?”

Gregory went into the stall that housed a sorrel and began to saddle him. “He was a vice cop in Chicago. She was here to hide from him for a while, but he found her.”

“Why was the FBI involved?”

“He was a dirty cop,” said Demetrius as he began to saddle Antares. “We got them involved when Sofia received a threatening e-mail from Rake.”

“Do you always see that much excitement here?”

Demetrius chuckled. “No, not at all. It’s been quiet for so long that we got kind of complacent about the outside world.”

When their horses were ready, Paige settled hers in between the sorrel, whose name was Graffias, and Gemma. She hadn’t been on a horse in a couple of years but soon fell into an easy rhythm. “I notice there are torches along this trail. Do you ride at night?”

“We offer midnight sleigh rides in the winter,” said Gregory.

“Your guests don’t mind the cold?”

The men exchanged an amused glance. She wished they’d stop doing that. It made her feel like she was missing out on an inside joke.

“One of our Nephilim powers is the ability to warm the air around us,” explained Demetrius. “And when we touch a mortal, they feel warm even in the coldest weather.”

That explained a few things she’d experienced the night before. If Demetrius had been that hot to touch, what would both of them be like? As they rode, Paige sucked in deep breaths of crisp May air. Flowers were in bloom, and the leaves had that new green color she’d always loved so much.

She sneaked sideways glances at Gregory and Demetrius in turn. Both men were ruggedly handsome, but in different ways. Gregory wore his hair slicked-back in a style that would have been more fashionable in the sixties than today, but on him it worked. Both had tiny clefts in their chins, but Demetrius’s was more pronounced because of the olive tones to his skin.

Their clothing couldn’t hide the muscles in their arms, chests, or thighs. She already knew what Demetrius looked like naked. Was Gregory just as gorgeous? Paige couldn’t seem to stop the erotic images that danced in her head. She’d never had sex with two men at once, but had fantasized about it so often she had no trouble imagining what it would be like.

But she hadn’t counted on finding a man who made love like Demetrius. She was sore in places this morning that she couldn’t recall ever being sore in after lovemaking. Would she even be able to handle both men? She’d love to find out.

Chapter Seven


Demetrius glanced toward Paige. “You’ve gone quiet.”

She flushed again. “Oh, have I? Just admiring the scenery.”

He hoped she was talking about him and not the flowering bushes visible beyond the trail. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Who takes care of all this landscaping?”

“We have a large staff.”

“You don’t use outside companies for things like that?”

Demetrius shook his head. “The less we draw attention to this place, the better.”

Gregory made a sound of disgust. “Like that helps anymore. With the Internet everyone knows everything.”

Paige grinned. “I take it you’re not a fan of the World Wide Web?”

“Not even close.”

“Gregory would have no cable or Internet at the resort if he had his way.”

“Well, there’s something to be said for that. This place is very relaxing. Taking it away would add to the feeling of getting away from the fast pace of society.”

“I agree, but our guests prefer to have the conveniences of modern life here.”

“That’s because we haven’t kept them busy enough lately,” muttered Gregory.

“Busy enough?”

Demetrius glanced at Paige to see if she was joking. She knew so much about Lilith’s Playground he’d assumed she knew their reputation for catering to their guests’ every desire as well, but apparently she didn’t. “Paige, you remember I told you why we were punished, right?”

She nodded.

“Well, to put it bluntly, we didn’t stop seducing women once this place was opened. In fact, I’m surprised you didn’t find that tidbit on your message boards. Word gets around, and most of our guests tell us that’s the reason they booked a vacation here.”

“Those of us who haven’t chosen a mortal life didn’t stop seducing women, that is.” Gregory waggled his eyebrows at her, and Demetrius resisted the urge to tell him to knock it off.

She rode in a silence for a few seconds. He watched the emotions crossing her face and wondered if she was going to ask them both to make love to her, or if they’d have to be the ones to suggest it. Her desire for both of them was written all over her face. Demetrius’s dick grew hard to the point of pain at the thought of him and Gregory fucking her at the same time.

“Do you still prefer two of you for one woman? In bed I mean.”

“Yes.” No point in lying to her.

She chuckled softly. “Not quite sure how to ask this, but I’m assuming the others no longer…um, service the guests, right?”

“That’s correct. They don’t.” Demetrius glanced at her. “We’re the only two left now.”

“How do you find the time?”

“You’ve just proven my point,” said Gregory. “We don’t.”

Demetrius swallowed hard. It was now or never. “And besides, we haven’t given you enough attention yet. At least, not from both of us.”


* * * *


Paige didn’t know what to say. She’d thrown herself at each of them last night, not the other way around. And two minutes earlier she’d been fantasizing about what it would be like to fuck them both. This was what they did. She may not have fully realized that until now, but there could be no mistaking their intentions toward her. So why did she suddenly feel like a pawn in a game? What was wrong with her?

Demetrius stopped his horse. “Paige, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“You didn’t.”

“I had a wonderful time last night. If I didn’t want to be with you again, I wouldn’t have agreed to come along on this ride.”

His face bore no sign of insincerity. She was being foolish.

“Thank you. I don’t know what came over me.”

His smile was quick and easy. “No worries. Do you want to keep riding? The trail is only three miles around.”

“Yes. It’s too pretty outside not to.”

They rode in silence for a few moments as Paige thought about what Demetrius had said. Gregory hadn’t said a word in response to Demetrius’s comments. Did that mean he wasn’t interested in making love to her as well, or was he simply trying to be mysterious and distant? He was hard to read. Were his flirtations just a game, or did he really mean the things he said?

She glanced his way. His attention was on the trail ahead. She was making a mess of this, but she didn’t know how to fix it. Paige hadn’t exactly fallen head over heels with every man she’d slept with, but she wasn’t in the habit of having one-night stands, or two-week flings for that matter. Apparently she didn’t know how to handle either one as well as she’d thought she could.

As they rounded the last turn of the trail before it wound its way back to the resort, Paige stopped Antares to stare at a bush of bloodred roses growing along the path. They reminded her of the black rose she’d found in her suite. Could it have come from this bush?

“That’s quite a color, eh?” Gregory beamed as though he had personally crossbred the plants to produce such a deep red.

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