He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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“You were right about the view; it’s postcard perfect,” Alex says in a low voice, leaning towards me. “I can understand the attraction of the loch. It’s beautiful.”

I really don’t want to turn round, because I know if I do, everyone on this boat will be able to read me like a book. I’ve never been very good at hiding my emotions, and in this case my emotions are running riot. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken Kirsty’s advice from yesterday…and I probably shouldn’t have jumped into bed with Alex. I could end up
ruining things between him and my dad. Why is my life never straightforward? I close my eyes in a bid to shut him out, if only for a few minutes. I need to focus on something, anything, other than Alex.

With my eyes still closed, I hear rather than see some birds overhead, the sound of the boat swooshing quickly through the water, leaving its lacy wake behind. I hear Michael’s voice and then Stephen’s, giving him some info about the loch.

“Loch Lomond is about thirty-nine kilometres long and eight kilometres wide at the broadest point. At its deepest point, it is about 190 metres. The loch has a host of islands in various shapes and sizes. We will see some of these today. There are rumoured to be about thirty-eight islands, but some will tell you there could be a lot more, many of which you will only see when the water levels are at their lowest point. We will stop shortly at one island, Inchcailloch, for our picnic lunch. There you can go for a short stroll and see the remains of an old farmhouse.”

“Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park became fully operation in 2002. There are around 720 square miles here of some of the finest scenery in Scotland. Within the park there are twenty-one Munros. Munros are mountains that are over 3,000 feet. We have nineteen Corbetts, mountains that are between 2,500 and 3,000 feet, and there are two forest parks…” Stephen is talking, but I let his voice trail off.

I almost forget where I am. Then I suddenly feel him, even though he’s not actually touched me. I know he has his arm resting on the boat just behind my back and that he’s moved ever so much closer in the seat to me; his scent, that rich masculine smell, has gotten stronger. I open my eyes and turn to look at him, and I am greeted with his gorgeous smile.

“Have you even listened to a word Stephen has told you about the loch?” I ask him.

“Sure I have. I can tell you all the details if you want because I know
haven’t been listening to him,” he replies with a grin. “But I’m more interested in finding out the reason you are ignoring me, so we can deal with it. You know, sort it out and move on to enjoy our day together.”

“You’d think it were just the two of us spending the day together. Have you forgotten Michael and Stephen are here as well?”

“No, I’ve not forgotten they are both here, although I’m
it were just the two of us. That would make for a much more enjoyable day. That I can assure you of.”

I feel my face redden with embarrassment. After last night, why am I surprised that I still get embarrassed so easily? All it took was a few simple words from him. I glance at Michael from the corner of my eye. He’s chatting away with Stephen, taking pictures. They both seem relaxed—Stephen especially. I hope this is an indication of how the rest of
the afternoon will pan out. Now if I could just do the same.

“So, Libby, what’s the reason you’re ignoring me?”

“I am not ignoring you. I’ve spoken to you several times today, but I do have a lot on my mind, so if I’ve been rude, it’s not been intentional and I apologise.”

“I can’t help thinking that I am partly to blame for whatever’s on your mind. If it has to do with me, tell me, and maybe I can help fix it,” he says with a typical boyish grin on his face. He looks so confident and sure of himself.

“Alex, where will I start? Last night with you? The press? My dad? At the moment my head is doing somersaults.”

“Oh, Libby,” he says. He runs his hand through my hair. “I have no regrets about last night, and I really hope you don’t either. I really enjoyed it—and you had no complaints at the time. I told you, I don’t usually do anything like that. And as for the press, I told you not to worry about that. I don’t think your dad intended to upset you. And you don’t have to go into the details about why you hate the press. Phil mentioned something about a previous client of his and the tabloids making up some garbage linking you with him.”

Good god. Does Dad never think before he opens his mouth? Why would he tell a complete stranger about my past
? That’s a very good question, but not
nearly as good as the question I am asking myself:
Why would I sleep with a man I had known for less than twenty-four hours?

“So daddy dearest has been talking! You must have really made a good impression on him. That’s something that doesn’t get spoken about—and especially not with strangers,” I snap, my voice raised. Stephen turns and gives me a questioning look.
Its fine
, I mouth to him.

“Libby, I am certainly not a stranger to your father,” Alex says drily. “And I don’t want to be a stranger with you. Your dad gave me brief details, but I mostly put two and two together and came up with four. So if you feel like talking, I am more than willing to listen.”

“I don’t want to talk about it. It’s in the past, and that’s where I want it to stay. But I do want you to understand that I will not be just another woman on your arm posing for the press.” Alex looks puzzled. “Stephen told me that you’re always in the papers, pictured with a different woman every night or week or whatever. If that’s helped you get ahead in the world, then that’s your concern, not mine. But I will not—and I repeat,
will not
—join the parade just to help you get noticed here in the UK. I believe my father was bloody stupid to even let the thought cross his mind.”

There. I’ve told him. I turn away and fold my arms across my chest for some security. I feel three sets
of eyes on me, but I hold my own and don’t glance at any of them. Bloody men. I am outnumbered today. I’m not sure how long I sit staring into space in what can only be described as a childish huff. Not even my surroundings are lifting my mood.

It’s Stephen’s voice that finally distracts me. “Libby, we’re here. Time for some lunch,” he says, holding out his hand to me. I take it and let him help me up. “You okay? You know you can talk to me anytime.”

“Stephen, I’m fine. Honestly. I was just trying to sort out the shit in my head that my dad caused earlier. It’s really nothing.” I hope my words sound convincing, although I’ve not convinced myself. “Come on. Let’s go and feed our American friends. I’m hungry.”

American friends. Where did that come from?

Stephen and I head over to where Michael and Alex are and begin setting out the picnic. Lunch turns out to be rather interesting, and it lifts my mood. Michael is definitely not as quiet as I thought. He can be quite talkative, and he has a great sense of humour once you get past his cool exterior. It turns out he is not just Alex’s PA but also his closest friend. He seems to be a really nice guy. Although Michael did drop a few hints about Alex and me. That had Stephen questioning me with raised eyebrows and a silent glare.

Lunch is delicious, and amongst the four of us, we devour almost everything that we brought. I feel the
need to keep a clear head, so I refuse the wine that Alex offers me. Stephen refuses a drink as well for much the same reason. After eating lunch and generally just enjoying each other’s company, Stephen and I take the lead, walking the short distance to the ruins of an old farmhouse. I know it is only a matter of time before Stephen brings up the subject of Alex, and the silence between us is deafening.

“Libby, I really hope you have a good reason for not listening to my warnings.”


“The tension in the air is unbearable. But seriously—I warned you about him. You are far too good for him. You’re a lot more than arm candy.” Stephen pauses, waiting for my reaction. Judging by the look on his face, he’s not looking forward to it either.

“Stephen, you’re like family to me. And I appreciate what you’re saying, so I’m going to be honest with you,” I say, although I wonder if I am even being honest with myself. “I’m only going to have some fun, nothing more. Yes, I’m attracted to Alex. But I’m not naïve enough to truly believe that he’s seriously interested in me. So as Kirsty so eloquently put it, I’ll just have ‘a bit of rumpy pumpy’ and move on.”

“I might have known. Bloody Kirsty—this is so her. Well, he’s a fool if he isn’t seriously interested in you. Look at you. You are at times an intelligent, although sometimes I have to wonder about this, educated, accomplished, funny—my list could go on.” His
words are so sincere. “In truth you’re far too good for him, and so help me god, if he hurts you, he’ll have to answer to me!”

“Stephen, I really don’t want to go into this here, now,” I say. He just shakes his head and watches me closely. I really need to lighten the mood again. “You know, you’ve been hanging about Ethan too long. You really sounded like him just then.” And with that the two of us burst out laughing.

Having one brother is bad enough, but Stephen has always felt like family to me. So between him and Ethan giving my boyfriends the brotherly chat, they’ve managed to scare off most of the boys I’ve fancied. I turn round and call to Alex and Michael to hurry up.

Just then my phone rings. It’s the estate agents.

“Hi, Lynn. How are you? Good, I hope?”

“Libby, I’m great…and I think you will be too when you see the flats I’ve got to show you. I’ve already sent the details over to you for three flats, but one of them has only come into the office today, and I’d really like you to see it tonight if you could manage—before it goes on the market.”

“Okay. I think I can manage tonight,” I say excitedly.

“Right, then. I’ll send you the address. Meet me there at six thirty tonight. See you then!”

I send Kirsty a quick text:

Libby: U free tonite to go c a flat with me? xx

Straightaway I get a reply:

Kirsty: Yes. Do you want a lodger? xx

Something is obviously wrong, so I’m glad I’ll be seeing her tonight. She can tell me all about it. When Kirsty is down, it is one of two things—men or her parents. Judging from her comment, I’m guessing it’s her parents this time. They can be quite controlling, and
don’t go well together.

Libby: Will send u details shortly xx

I slip into a world of my own and don’t even notice that I have fallen behind the pace Stephen has set. I’m thinking about how excited Lynn sounded about the flat, insisting that I see it before anyone else. It must be really good. God, I’ve not even got settled in the hotel. Maybe I won’t like it after all. I was really hoping for a month or two at the hotel to really get into the job.

What bloody planet are you on? I’ve been calling your name,” Stephen shouts as he marches back towards me. “Everything okay?”

“Yes, sure. Why wouldn’t it be?”

“You had a call, and then you drifted off. I thought something was wrong.” It’s so like him to catch the slightest change in my moods. He’s good that way.

“Sorry, Stephen. It was just Lynn from the estate agents. I have a viewing tonight of a flat going on the market. I was just deep in thought about that…and Kirsty,” I say.

“Well, if that’s all, can we start walking again? Because we need to be heading back to the boat shortly. Things to do, places to see, and all that.” Stephen winks at me.

I can only smile back. Sometimes I wish I had the same feelings for Stephen that he has for me. That would make for an easier life. Stephen is actually a really great guy—hardworking, great sense of humour, and good-looking as well. He has the complete package…for the right girl…and I am sure that someday he will find her. His Miss Perfect. Michael and Alex are talking just in front of me, although I can’t make out what they’re saying. They overtook me while I was in a daze.

Alex stops and waits for me to catch up. Michael carries on walking with Stephen. I can already sense the air shifting between us; that undeniable force is ever present, which is why I have been avoiding him. I don’t know what it is about him that draws me in.

“Sorry.” Alex’s voice takes me by surprise.

“What are you sorry for?”

“For upsetting you again. I sense a pattern here.” He chuckles.

“Really. You’re going to apologise, then laugh at me? You have some nerve. You know that?” I say, smiling back. “And anyway, I’m not sure you’ve done anything wrong.”

“I told you yesterday that I rarely apologise, but that’s all I’ve done since I got here. You must bring out the best and worst in me.” Alex gives me a smile that makes my heart skip a beat. “So did I hear right that you’re going to view a flat tonight? Do you want some company? It would be interesting to see what there is on offer in this country.”

“My friend Kirsty is coming with me. And why would you need a place here?” I ask, puzzled.

“I like to keep my options open. And who knows what else will come off the back of the casino deal?” he says with a smirk that shows off his dimples. That smile must bring women to their knees. Alex stands gazing at me, probably trying to judge my reaction or read my thoughts. Surely he won’t be able to tell that my thoughts at this precise moment are of only one thing. Him.

Getting lost in the beauty of Alex is not hard to do, but I’m also sure it’s not the smart thing to do. I think I will need to spend most of my time with him with Kirsty’s words going over and over in my mind:
Just think of it as a holiday romance, and have some fun, girl

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