He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)
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“Libby.” Alex’s voice is soft at my ear. “I believe we didn’t finish our conversation?”

“No, we didn’t. But I think it will have to wait until later,” I say with a grin before placing a kiss at the corner of his mouth.

“You two talk away or whatever else you want to do. Just pretend Mark and I aren’t here,” Michael says, laughing. Alex slaps him almost playfully on the back of his head.

“Hey, what was that for?” Michael shouts, rubbing his head.

“You know what it was for. Can you remember you’re in company? Sorry about him. I don’t know what’s got into him.”

“Libby, about earlier sorry,” Michael says as he turns and looks at me.

“It’s fine.” I just shake my head and stare out the window. Michael is speaking to Alex, but I’m not listening. I have just shut the world out for some peace and quiet. A few moments alone with my thoughts.
. He didn’t really give me an answer to the question that I am sure we will get asked today.

“A penny for your thoughts,” Alex says, taking my hand. “You’re a million miles away.”

“I’m fine. Just enjoying the scenery.”

The ride to Ethan’s isn’t long. Michael and Alex continue talking, although Alex doesn’t take his eyes off me. I feel them burning through my skin intensely. His fingers gently stroke my neck whilst he is stroking my thumb with his. I want to moan but remember where I am. When I look at him, he’s smiling. He knows exactly what effect his touch has on me. And he told me he doesn’t play games?

When we pull up at Ethan’s, my dad’s car is in the driveway. Strange.

“Give me a minute, will you? I’ll go get Ethan.” Mark opens my door. I walk up the drive, looking at the house next door, which was
home only a few days ago. How things have changed in such a short space of time! Before I reach the door, Mum opens it. She has Lucy in her arms. The wee soul is breaking her heart, sobbing uncontrollably. Mum is rubbing her back, trying to console her.

“Here, Mum. Let me,” I say, putting my arms out to take my niece.

“Thanks, Libby. She’s been so cranky this morning. I think Ethan is looking forward to some time away from her today. She had him up all night.”

“There, there, little miss. For someone so small, you sure make a lot of noise.” I gently stroke her back as I talk to her in a low voice. “Oh, sweetheart, you are a bit hot. There, there. See? No need for all that crying,” I say, cuddling her tightly.

“You do have a knack with her. Looks like she’s missed you,” Mum says in a reassuring voice.

My dad and Ethan come out of the house. Ethan is on his phone. Deep in his conversation, he waves his hand to me. Dad looks me over, eyeing me suspiciously. Oh, that’s right, Mum has told him about Alex. Finally, Dad smiles at me, and then he walks down the drive to speak with Alex. I hadn’t noticed Alex getting out of the car, but he’s standing there leaning against it, watching me closely.

“Mum? What’s going on?” I ask, watching my dad.

“Nothing to worry about. He’s just going to have a quick word with Alex. Are you still coming to ours later? Your dad is thinking about cooking a BBQ.”

“Yes. Is Dad okay with me and Alex?” I ask. I’m pacing slightly on the driveway, holding Lucy. She is such a joy. I glance down the drive towards my dad and Alex, who is listening intently to my father but hasn’t taken his eyes off me. He smiles when he sees me looking. Dad notices and looks between the two of us.

“Yes, honey. Everything is all right. Nothing to worry about.” My mum’s answer makes me relax.

Ethan’s off the phone. He gives me a brotherly hug. “Libby, you need to give me the lowdown on Alex. Do I need to have that brotherly chat with him?” He bends down and gives Lucy a kiss. “You always know how to settle her, Lib. I think she misses you.”

“Mum just said the same thing.”

“Well, it
be true then.” We all laugh.

I hand Lucy back to my mother because we really should get going. My dad gives me a reassuring hug and tells me he’ll see us all later. I give my mum and Lucy a quick kiss before grabbing Ethan’s arm and walking down the drive to a patiently waiting Alex.

“Come on, you two,” Alex calls to us. “Michael is getting grumpy. He doesn’t do waiting.”

“Well, he can stay grumpy,” I say as we approach Alex. “Alex, this is Ethan, my brother. Ethan, Alex.”

“It’s good to finally meet you,” Alex says with an outstretched hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you from your father…and a little from Libby.”

“It’s good to meet you. So you enjoy the football?” Ethan looks at ease speaking with Alex. With football the hot topic for the day, I have lost them both.

,” Michael says, exasperated. Mark is too professional to let his feelings show, but I can tell he finds it amusing.

Alex introduces Ethan to Michael. With all introductions out of the way, we finally head off for our day at the football. I have a feeling this is going to be a long day. I lean back into the seat and sigh. Alex notices. He takes my hand in his and brings it up to his beautiful face and places a small kiss in the middle of it. I melt.

“You okay?” he asks in a low voice. I nod, even though I am a bit apprehensive. I know there will be reporters there. My father has already told me that. They’re interested in Alex—he is big news, after all—but I will be there too. I just hope I can put on a smile that will see me through. “Everything will be fine. I promise.” He squeezes my hand a little tighter.

Somehow, his words don’t reassure me.


get to Fir Park, the more nervous I get. We’ll be dropped off right at the front entrance, but it will still be busy. There is always press at the games—usually to speak with players, but Alex is big news here at the moment. So I’m feeling daunted. Alex squeezes my hand, bringing me back to reality.

“We’re here,” he whispers.

As our car approaches the main entrance, I see a sudden rush of activity. Looks like extra security separating reporters, making a clear passageway. I suppose Dad will have already made the necessary arrangements for today. Still, it doesn’t make me feel any better.

“You ready for this?” Alex asks. Mark stops the car and gets out, heading straight to my door. I know he won’t open it until I nod.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I say, drawing in a deep breath.

“Come on then, Lib. Let’s get it over with,” Ethan says.

I give Mark the signal, and he opens my door. At the same time, everyone else gets out. Alex is quickly round the car and at my side, taking my hand—which is just as well, as the questions start flying at us.

“Elizabeth? Can you comment on your relationship with Alex Mathews?”

“Alex, how long have you and Libby been an item?”

“Is it true you two are moving in together?”

“Alex, what about Katherine Hunter? Will you be seeing her when she comes to the UK next week for her film premiere?”

“Alex, how did Miss Hunter take the news of your breakup?”

“If the business deal goes ahead, will you and Libby make your base in the UK?”

“Ethan, it’s been a rough few months for you. How are you coping?”

“Miss Stewart, what do you hope to gain from Alex? You’ve ducked the public eye for years. So why now?”

I feel the panic settling in, but I put on my professional face and my best fake smile and pray they see me through this. My mother has taught me well.

I really want to get inside. This is madness. I glance at Ethan, who tries to give me a reassuring smile, but
it doesn’t work. This must be affecting him as well—especially the mention of the last few months. Alex brings his hand up to the crowd of waiting journalists. Oh shit, he’s going to make a statement. I can feel my whole body start to shake.

“Ladies and gentlemen. I’ll make this brief.” He looks at me with a smile as he squeezes my hand tighter. “Let me clear up one thing first. Katherine Hunter is my friend. There has never been anything else between us. Since she is a good friend,
of course
I plan to see her when Miss Stewart and I attend the premiere of Katherine’s movie.” He looks back at me with the smile I love. The announcement that we’re going to the premiere is news to me, but I try to keep the surprise from my face. The flashing of multiple cameras startles me.

“As for my relationship with Miss Stewart, I am spending time with a lovely woman”—he pauses to look directly at me instead of the journalists—“for whom I have a great deal of feelings.” The smile on his face widens, and I know that if we were anywhere else right now, I would kiss him.

“As for my business dealings, when the time is right, I’ll be more than happy to update you all. Now if you don’t mind, ladies and gentlemen, I came here to watch some football.” With that, security ushers us all inside. Alex keeps a tight grip on my hand.

When the door closes behind us, I let out a sigh of relief, releasing the breath I wasn’t aware I’d been
holding. While the others talk to the officials who have met us, I try to digest what Alex has just told the media. Basically he has just told the world that he has
for me. I think I have feelings for him. But surely it’s far too soon for…
…isn’t it?

“Miss Stewart! It’s good to see you again. You may not remember me. Andrew. I think the last time I seen you, you were maybe fourteen or fifteen,” one of the Celtic officials says. “Probably the last time you went to a game with your father.” I do vaguely remember the tall man standing in front of me.

“Andrew, of course. It’s good to see you again. Has Ethan introduced you?” I ask, looking at Alex and Michael.

“Yes, all introductions have been made. Now if you’d like to follow me, I’ll show you upstairs, Miss Stewart.”

“Please, Andrew, call me Libby. But I thought it would be someone from Motherwell who would be showing us about,” I say.

“Usually it would be, but your dad pulled a few strings.” Why does that not surprise me? “If there’s anything you need, just let me know.”

Andrew continues talking to the guys until we are all seated at our table. When I glance up, there are a lot of eyes on our table and hushed voices around the room. It’s a big space—it can hold up to eighty people. That’s a lot of hush.
Oh, I hope it’s not going to be like this all day
. Andrew introduces us to
Ashley, our waitress for the day, who seems more than happy to have our table to contend with. Well, who wouldn’t be? I may be slightly biased, but I’m sitting with the three most handsome men in the room. It’s no wonder Ashley’s smile could light up an entire city.

Andrew leaves us, telling us he’s arranged for Alex and the rest of us to meet the players of both teams after the game. From the look on Alex’s face, you would think he was a small boy on Christmas morning getting the one present he had hoped for. He’s practically giddy.

“So, gentlemen. Can I get you something to eat or drink?” Ashley asks. Ethan coughs.

“Oh, sorry, Miss Stewart. I didn’t mean anything by that.” Ha. I know she didn’t! I just might as well be invisible, eclipsed by my gorgeous companions.

“Well, gentlemen? Don’t keep the waitress waiting.” If looks could kill, we’d both be flat on the floor. Two can play this game.

Ethan laughs.

“What?” I ask, after Ashley has taken everyone’s order.

“Could you be any more obvious?”

“Could she?” I raise my eyebrows at him, and he knows not to push the subject any further. Matter closed.

“Are you okay, baby?” Alex’s voice is soft as he questions me.

I nod. He puts his arm round my shoulder and pulls me a little closer, bending down to kiss my forehead. His hand stays firmly in place as he continues his conversation about football with Ethan, although every now and then, he gently strokes the bare skin on my arm, sending shock waves all the way through my core.

I excuse myself from the table. Alex seems reluctant to let me leave. I suppose he’s concerned after the welcoming committee that mobbed us on arrival. But jeez oh! I’m only going to the bathroom. I have no desire whatsoever to face those vultures on my own.

I’m nearly back at the table when I hear a very familiar voice—one I would much rather not ever have heard again. “Elizabeth? Is that really you?”

I would know that voice anywhere. I should do, considering how much time I spent with him. I turn around slowly to see Jeff standing in front of me. Of all places to meet my ex! At a football game with the new man in my life…if that’s what I can call Alex. The curious thing is, Jeff hates football. I can’t believe he’s shelled out for hospitality.

“Hello, Jeff. Good to see you,” I say, hoping to just push by. No such luck. He pulls me into a tight embrace and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

“Look at you! You look absolutely fantastic.” Jeff is grinning from ear to ear. “I thought it was you when you arrived. That was some entrance.” He
glances meaningfully at our table, seeming to expect introductions.

I face the table. This could be interesting: Alex’s expression is grim, not happy at all. Almost as though he recognises Jeff. More likely, he sees how close to me Jeff stands. I step away from Jeff’s hand, which has been resting proprietarily on my forearm.

“Hi, Ethan. How you doing? It’s been a long time,” says Jeff.

“About four months or so. I’m doing okay. And you?” There is a hint of bitterness in his voice. Well, who can blame him? They were, after all, meant to be close friends, but just not close enough.

“Much the same, I guess.”

I think Ethan forgets about the connection between twins some of the time, and this is one of those times. I see the look on his face and know exactly what he wants to do to Jeff at this moment. I wanted to do the same four months ago when Jeff was bullying me about spending too much time away from him. I glare at Ethan, and straightaway he gets me.

“This is Michael Smith and Alex Mathews. Guys, this is Jeff Ross,” I say mechanically. I don’t want to encourage him to stick around.

“Libby’s ex,” Ethan says drily. I scowl at him. There’s no need for rudeness. It wasn’t Jeff who dumped me.

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