Highlander's Passion (The Matheson Brothers Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Highlander's Passion (The Matheson Brothers Book 2)
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“My mouth is here.” She cupped the back of his head with one hand and brought his mouth to hers. She kissed him and as she did, she reached one hand down between them, slid her fingers around his cock and pulled him in long strokes. His spine tingled and the pressure in his shaft built swiftly.

Kissing her, savoring the luscious recesses of her mouth, and having her hand on him had his cock begging for release. He had to take her, join their bodies and never let go. He gave into that need and blood pounding, plunged his cock deep inside her.

The fiery heat of her core bathed him in her scent and she moaned into his mouth, clutched his butt and pulled him in even deeper. “
This is where you belong, my warrior, my lover, the other half of my soul.

We’re one, and from this moment forth, we shall always be so.
” Ever so slowly, he slid back out then pushed all the way inside her again, every inch of her welcoming heat accepting him. “
I want to make you come, over and over. Keep your mind open to mine and share all you feel.

I feel too much, yet also no’ nearly enough. This time we come together.

With her mind open to his and her legs looped around the backs of his knees, she clung to him. “
Make me fly.

I love you, Arabel, with all that I am.
” He thrust, pounding into her and as he did, he sucked the skin of her neck between his lips and guided her mouth to his neck with one hand behind her head.

She rocked with him as he moved, razzed her teeth over his fiercely beating pulse and as he sensed her spiraling need to mark him through their merged minds, he bit down and so did she.

Bite me again,
” he demanded, bucking into her, his pace wild, driven by the very heart of his bear. She met each of his thrusts with one of her own and bit him on the other side of his neck. He roared his pleasure and bit her a second time and as her inner muscles tightened and dragged him in, euphoria overwhelmed him and he spilled his essence deep inside her.

“Finlay, I wish for your seed to take root and give me a child.” She stroked his back. “I never believed such a thing would ever be possible, but now everything has changed. I have you, for the rest of my life.”

“As I have you, and if you wish my child, then I won’t rest until I give you a babe all of your own.”

Theirs was such a perfect union, his shifter soul connecting and locking tight with hers. She was his, the only one he’d ever desire, and he’d ensure from this moment forth, he never let her go. No more lost memories. Never again.

* * * *

Pleasure swept through Arabel as the cool mist continued to drift over her. Never had she ever expected to join with a man and be able to hold him close for the rest of her life. This was the most magical gift and her man, the most enchanting being she could ever have dreamed of. “’Tis my turn on top. I wish to see how else we might join.”

“I don’t wish to leave your body.” His enjoyment flowed through their merged link.

“I promise to make things even more enjoyable for you.” She pushed against his broad shoulders although he budged not an inch. “Please.”

“Well, that was the magic word.” He rolled smoothly over on their clothing, every inch of his body still fully aligned with hers and his shaft stirring and lengthening again deep within her.

“You feel so strong and full inside me. I love having you deep within.”

“I’m sure I love it more.” He caressed her bottom and rocked his hips, his cock sliding even deeper inside. “Kiss me, my sweet.”

“No’ yet. This is my chance to touch you as I please.” She pushed herself up into a seated position, and mesmerized by his honed muscles, stroked his sculpted chest. She skated along the enticing path of his glorious abs then lower still, until she reached behind her and cupped his balls. “Oh, that’s very nice.”

“Your position suits me rather well too.” His golden eyes smoldered as he traced one lone finger around her nipple then he lifted up onto his elbows and kissed her, his tongue sweeping over hers in a hot, languorous caress.

Her body clenched so tight she almost came from his kiss alone. “You are going to make the perfect husband.”

“Aye, my fire-wielder, until the end of time.” He toppled her over onto her back and thrust inside her with one powerful stroke.

The impact of their fast joining had her fighting to hold onto her control. She would get her chance to touch her mate as she pleased at some point, and luckily, she had a lifetime of such promising moments ahead of her. She’d been bound to him across the centuries, and now that he’d found her, she never intended to let him go.

Her mate. Her bear. Her very heart and soul.



Chapter 14


Far into the future, Murdock Matheson stood at his solar window on the second floor of Matheson Castle overlooking the inner courtyard. A new day had dawned, one overflowing with an abundance of hope. Farther along the loch where the fae village had once stood, ruins now graced the land rather than dust. Their fae people had survived, and this morning when he’d shared the news with his clansmen, they’d cheered.

He’d then contacted Finlay’s parents at Ivanson Castle, and Michael and Megan had been thrilled to learn their son had now found his mate and the battle to save the fae village had been won. They’d asked him to keep them informed of any visions to come and he’d assured them he would. They also longed for their sons to return, but not until their mission was complete. At least now, their shifter clan no longer stood on the precipice of extinction.

Aye, come the next full moon, those who still remained unmated might feel the urge to seek out their mate, a dream he now held for his men. The ‘power of three,’ as well as their chosen ones had changed their future and set it on a new and exciting path.

Outside in the training yard, his men attired in pants and shirts battled with renewed vigor. Swords clashed and glinted in the brilliant sunshine. Dust rose from their booted feet as they circled each other and fought, while overhead, a seagull squawked, flew in a wide circle then breezed in to land on the branch of the ancient elm tree scraping against the thick stone walls of the keep.

His vision fluttered, and he closed his eyes.

A barrage of images burst to dazzling life and he grasped ahold of them.

A beaming Finlay in tan pants and a billowy white shirt knocked on Iain and Isla’s chamber door, a glowing Arabel in a full-skirted ruby gown at his side.

Iain, in his belted plaid, opened the door and smiled at his brother. “Well, well, it’s good to see you looking so happy. You’ve been gone for days. Come in.” He motioned them inside and shut the door after them. “Although I could sense your contentment through our bond so I wasn’t worried, not in the least.”

“As I sensed the same contentment.” Kirk, his smile as wide as Iain’s, slapped his black leather-covered thighs as he rose from the corner navy padded chair and grasped Finlay’s forearm. “I take it you two have found a way to join together without the need for a storm?”

“We have. We tested the theory after the storm passed and discovered we can replicate the four elements with ease. The wind still blew down the tunnel into the cavern, and I lit a fire in place of lightning. We were covered for water with the mist and pool, and with the earth, we were well underground. We are each other’s match in every way.” Finlay clutched Kirk’s forearm in return and Iain’s with his other hand. “On our return, we’ll build our own underground home close to Ivanson Castle and ensure we have all we need on hand.”

“And we’ll aid you since you’ll no likely want that done as soon as possible.” Iain chuckled as he gripped Finlay and Kirk’s forearms, their circle of three complete as they stood together, each facing the other.

“I’m so happy for you both.” Isla squealed as she rushed across the room in a flurry of burgundy skirts and hugged Arabel.

Arabel squeezed Isla back. “None with my skill have ever known of this alignment needed of the four elements in order to exhaust our fire, and we are lucky to have discovered that is all that’s needed to be together as we wish. ’Tis wonderful to know there is naught any fire-wielder in the future must give up.” She glanced at Kirk and smiled. “’Tis now time for you to find your chosen one. The ‘power of three’ arena complete without their mates and you are the last.”

“Last, but not the least, and the next full moon is mere days away. That should aid me in my search since so far it’s been to no avail.” Determination slashed Kirk’s face. “I intend to find my woman and I won’t cease until I have.”

“Here, here,” Finlay cheered. “We’re not leaving this time until the ‘power of three’ rings with the greatest strength it can, that of all three of us joining with our chosen ones.”

“Aye, and I pledge my promise of aid wherever and however it is needed.” Arabel ducked under Finlay’s outstretched hold with his brothers and wrapped her arms around his waist. On her toes in the center of the circle, she kissed his chin. “You can always rely on me.”

“I pledge the same promise, and no one is leaving me behind this time, not once more.” Isla slipped underneath Iain’s arm and joined Arabel in the center of the three brothers, her compelling words shimmering all around them. She locked gazes with her mate and offered him a cheeky smile. “Am I understood, my big bear?”

“I understand you well, my little bear.” He bent and kissed the tip of her nose. “Very, very well.”

Murdock chuckled. It appeared no one could tame a fire-wielder or a compeller, not when all they desired to do was stand right beside their men and offer their love and aid. Aye, the ‘power of three’ was a formidable presence, but made even more so by the highly skilled women who belonged to them.

Now, it was time for Kirk to find his mate, an exciting journey he couldn’t wait to see unfold, a journey the ‘power of three’ would embrace and conquer. Of that he had no doubt.



If you missed Iain and Isla’s adventure-filled story, then you can catch it right here.

Highlander’s Desire, (
Book One


Coming in July 2015 is Kirk’s story and his search for his chosen one.

If you don’t wish to miss his adventure, then feel free to sign up to my newsletter to catch the release date.


Thank you so much for embracing this series, and for joining me on the ‘power of three’s’ incredible journey through time.



Author’s Note


Clan Matheson descends from a twelfth century man called Gilleoin, a man who was believed to have been from the ancient Royal House of Lorne. The name Matheson has been attributed to the Gaelic words Mic Mhathghamhuim which means “Son of the Bear,” and the clan chief’s arms carry two bears as supporters. In the twelfth century, clan Matheson settled around the area of Loch Alsh, Loch Carron, and Kintail, and gave their allegiance to clan MacDonald whose chiefs were the Lords of the Isles. Clan Matheson became a large and powerful clan with a force of around two-thousand men, although by the middle of the sixteenth century they’d diminished greatly in size and influence due to the blood feuds raging across the isles at that time. This warring left them to possess less than a third of the original Matheson property on Loch Alsh.

Interestingly, the other main branch of clan Matheson lived near Loch Shin, Sutherland, at this time, and it was when I discovered this piece of vital information that the story I wished to tell of this once mighty clan and the whispers in ancient times of their ability to shift into the form of the bear became clear.

For the purposes of this story, I chose for Gilleoin to have two sons, both when they came of age forced to go their separate ways, one remaining at Loch Alsh and the other traveling farther afield to an area near Loch Shin. Those sons would then lead their own clans, yet would one day once again merge to bring the legend surrounding clan Matheson back to life. It’s time for the whispers to reignite. Clan Matheson are the “Son of the Bear.”

This story is woven with as much accuracy to the period and locations as possible, although any mistakes made are mine alone.

This book forms part of
The Matheson Brothers
series, and each story within it is stand-alone.

Please feel free to search for any of my other works. I simply adore strong heroines, and have a ton of fun matching them with their honorable alpha heroes.



Joanne Wadsworth


I love reading romance, but even more, I love to write it. My characters hound me, demanding their stories are told. I’m happy to oblige, giving them the romance they’re after, provided they can accept a little angst and adventure along the way.

In beautiful New Zealand, I live with my hubby and four energetic children, and adore using the stunning countries of the South Pacific as backdrops in many of my books. One day I hope to travel further afield, to visit the Scottish Highlands, America, and everywhere between.

Currently I have four series underway.
Highlander Heat
The Matheson Brothers
, are historical Highlander romances featuring strong heroines whose paths collide with their delicious Highland heroes.

, is a fast-paced YA fantasy romance line, where across worlds, soul-bound mates battle against both love and land.

And in
, each heart-pounding story will bring you a bodyguard and the woman he protects.

There is no greater feeling than seeing my characters come to life, so thank you for joining me...where romance meets fantasy and adventure.


To learn more about Joanne and her works, visit:

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