His-And-Hers Family (14 page)

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Authors: Bonnie K. Winn

BOOK: His-And-Hers Family
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“And after you put your plates, forks and cups into the trash can, I want you to line up at the door. We’re going—quietly—to the all-purpose room for the remainder of Todd and Mark’s presentation.”
As the children chattered, then whispered among themselves, Cassie spotted Todd and Mark, who were both staring at her in trepidation. They were probably wondering whether she planned to present something à la “The Beverly Hillbillies” that would embarrass them.
She sent them a reassuring smile, hoping she’d guessed right. Recrossing her fingers for luck, Cassie accompanied the line of curious children.
When Mrs. Roman opened the door and shepherded them inside, it was immediately clear that the piñata was a success. Laughing and chattering, the kids jockeyed for places in line as Cassie retrieved the baseball bat. She tried to hand it to the teacher, but Mrs. Roman waved her away with a smile. “This is your show. Go ahead.”
Having enlisted Maria’s help in its creation, Cassie knew the piñata was of exceptional quality, lasting through each child’s attempt to break it open, which just upped the excitement. Whacking it with all their might, each kid was determined to be the one to bust the piñata. Mark picked up the bat when it was his second turn. Swinging at the colorful crepe-paper-covered donkey, he screwed his face into a mask of concentration and let go. With a huge crack, the piñata burst, spilling candy and prizes to scatter over the floor. As it broke, Mark sent Cassie a dazzling grin.
Abandoning their line, the kids dived for the contents, acting as though they were scrabbling for expensive items, rather than trinkets. As the other kids excitedly battled over the loot, Mark and Todd glanced at one another, and finally turned to Cassie. And then they smiled, sweet nine-year-old genuine little-boy smiles, causing another hitch in her heart.
CASSIE HUMMED as she filled the rattan tray with condiments, checking to make sure she had everything. Since Blake was returning today, she wanted to serve an all-American meal. And she wanted it in a more special setting—something that didn’t scream, “Eat fast and then escape to a briefcase full of work!” Seeing that she needed to add pickles, she turned to the refrigerator, just as Kevin ambled into the kitchen.
“What’s this stuff for?” he asked, looking suspiciously at the tray that held mustard, ketchup, and other picniclike items. “You’re not planning another fun family outing, are you?”
Cassie steeled herself to not react to the sarcasm in his voice as she turned from the refrigerator. “We’re having hamburgers outside on the grill.”
“Then what?”
She lifted one shoulder in a casual shrug. “Then, if you’ve finished your homework, you’ve got a free evening.”
Kevin mumbled something under his breath as he turned to leave.
“Kevin, would you grab the fire extinguisher and take it outside, please?”
“What for?”
She called on her patience. “So we’re prepared. Probably won’t need it, but it’s better to have it close by.”
Rolling his eyes, Kevin retrieved the fire extinguisher from the rack inside the pantry and headed outside, muttering again, just low enough that she couldn’t make out the words.
He was the difficult one. But Cassie couldn’t find it in herself to be angry about his attitude. Being the oldest, he’d had the most years with their mother, and no doubt he missed her terribly. And because Kevin was a “cool” teenager, he tried to act tough. Her attempts at reaching him had been unsuccessful so far. The only one who really seemed to relate to him was Katherine Ann, which was unexpected, since she was more interested in intellectual pursuits than in the latest rock icons, as Kevin was.
The door opened again, and Cassie was surprised to see Blake. After his trip, she’d expected him to be late. Instantly she remembered their phone conversations—the overtones in his last call. She fought the fluttering in her stomach as she tried to sound casual. “Hey, you’re early.”
“The plane got in before schedule. We had a good tailwind.” Blake scanned the tray. “You up for another try on the family picnic?” He unsuccessfully tried to hide his grin. “I’m not sure you can whip up an earthquake this fast.”
She quirked her brow as she lifted one side of her mouth in a mocking half smile. “We’re just cooking burgers outside, to keep things simple.”
“Don’t think we’ll blow up the grill?” he teased.
Before she could answer, the twins pounded down the stairs and burst into the kitchen. “Hey, Dad!” they chorused.
“Can we have something to eat?” Todd asked.
“Yeah, we’re starving,” Mark added as they converged on Cassie and the refrigerator.
She held up her hands. “Whoa! We’re having hamburgers outside. You help carry everything outside, and we’ll eat sooner.”
“Cool!” Mark whooped, grabbing the rattan tray as Todd reached for the package of buns.
As they disappeared, Blake gave her a smug, pointed look. “See, they’re already back to normal. I told you there was nothing to worry about.”
Cassie hid her smile as she retrieved the hamburger, using the refrigerator as a shield for her disbelieving expression. “I guess you’re right.”
“Well, I
known them a little longer.”
Cassie smiled to herself as she formed the patties. “Yes, you have.”
“My boys are tough.”
“Hmm. Well, as you said, you know them best.” She picked up a tray heaped with hamburger patties. “I’ll go check the grill.”
“And I’ll go change,” Blake replied, loosening his tie.
She nodded, then headed outside as the twins flanked him.
“How was the trip, Dad?” Mark asked.
“Yeah, did you bring us anything cool?” Todd chimed in.
“Nope, just me,” Blake replied, glad to see the positive change in them.
“That’s okay. It’s better having you home, anyway,” Todd told him, offering Blake some of his chips.
Automatically Blake took a few as he looked in surprise at his son. It wasn’t a typical comment for him to make. “How did things go while I was gone? Anything special?”
“Gosh, Dad. You should have seen what Cassie did!” Todd announced.
“Yeah, Dad,” Mark added. “It was way cool.”
“Fill me in,” Blake urged, watching their happy faces.
They eagerly gave him a detailed description, not hiding any of their enthusiasm. He was stunned by the amount of trouble Cassie had gone to. She could have simply baked cupcakes or cookies, but she’d gone beyond the expected, to make sure that the twins felt special—that they didn’t lack what the other kids had.
It was clear that Cassie had transformed them from sullen, dejected kids to happy ones by showing them how much she cared for them. Yet she hadn’t let on to him for a second.
Blake cringed inwardly, remembering his flippant remark. She had remarkable control, not to have given him a big “I told you so.” Impulsively he reached out to hug his sons, and was rewarded with answering hugs.
“We’re glad you’re home, Dad,” Mark spoke first.
Blake glanced outside, toward the patio. “Me too, guys. Me too.”
OUTSIDE AT THE GRILL, Cassie shook her head, remembering Blake’s simple male logic concerning his children. But all that mattered was that the boys were happy—she didn’t need any other praise. Their smiles were her accolades.
Cassie checked the patties, turning them. One burger stuck to the grill, and she wrestled with it, not wanting it to tear apart and fall through the grid. Abandoning the spatula, she reached with her fingers to unstick the stubborn meat. Miscalculating, she grabbed part of the grill, as well.
“Yow!” she yelped, holding her stinging finger, looking around for water or ice, then remembering she hadn’t brought out the drinks yet.
“What’d you do?” Kevin asked.
“Burned myself. I’d better put something on it.”
When she spun around, Kevin stood directly in front of her, pointing the fire extinguisher at her. Before she could protest, Kevin squirted the fast-flowing foam over her hands, legs, torso and face.
Spluttering, she wiped layers of foam from her face.
“Kevin!” Blake’s voice thundered across the patio.
“Uh-oh,” Kevin muttered, hearing the anger in his father’s voice.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Blake demanded.
“She burned herself, Dad.”
Blake whirled around, reaching out to grab her arms. “Are you all right, Cassie? Do you need to go to the emergency room?”
Reluctantly she held up her burned finger. “I think I’ll live.”
Blake turned again to Kevin. “You did all this because of a burned finger?”
Kevin gulped. “I wasn’t sure exactly what she’d burned.”
Seeing that Blake was about to explode, Cassie spoke up. “I don’t think I said exactly what I’d burned.”
“That’s generous of you, Cassie, but I think this is more than overkill.”
“Why don’t you have Kevin finish cooking dinner and bring everything else outside that we need? I can change, and we’ll eat.”
Blake glanced between his stricken but hopeful-looking son and his drenched nanny. He wasn’t sure why Cassie wanted to let Kevin off the hook, but she was the one who’d been doused with foam. “Since Cassie’s in charge of you guys, I’ll let her make the call. But don’t let me catch you doing anything like this again.”
“Okay.” Kevin took the reprieve and ran, scooting inside before his father could change his mind.
Blake turned to Cassie, instinctively reaching out to wipe away some of the remaining foam on her face. His fingers lingered on her cheek, and he realized her skin was like warm velvet. Her eyes, seeming larger as the wet hair framed her face, focused on his.
Abruptly he withdrew his hand. “I guess you’d better get changed. That goop must feel pretty miserable.” His gaze drifted over her once again. Then, turning on his heel, he left, but he headed away from the house, down toward the gardens.
Cassie stared after him for a moment as she reached to touch the spot where his fingers had lingered. The warmth remained, as did the flutter of awareness he’d caused.
Chapter Eleven
assie handed Mark’s vocabulary page back to him. “I think you’ve got them down now.”
“Yeah. Uh, thanks.”
“Sure, Mark. Now you guys can go to your Cub Scout meeting and not have to worry about homework when you get back.”
“We better go put our uniforms on,” D.J. added.
As they cleared out of the breakfast room, Kevin, Jimmy Ray and Katherine Ann came in from school. “Snacks are on the counter. How’d the college prep testing go, Katherine Ann?”
“A cinch. You’d have to have butter beans for brains not to ace the test.”
Cassie watched a flash of hurt pass over Kevin’s face.
“I’m glad you did well. How about you guys? How’d your day go?”
Jim shrugged. “Computer network was down. It was kind of boring.”
Kevin remained conspicuously quiet. Since he’d had an English test that day, she didn’t press, not wanting him to have to reveal how he’d fared in front of the others.
Katherine Ann took a cup of yogurt and one of the miniature veggie pizzas Cassie had prepared. “I’m going to take this outside, if it’s okay, Mama. Then I’ll swim for a while. No homework, since the test took all day.”
Cassie knew she didn’t have to worry about her daughter blowing off homework. Katherine Ann loved the accelerated classes she’d been placed in, and she was excelling in them. “Sure. Don’t get too much sun.”
“You put enough sunblock in the cabana for the whole neighborhood.”
“Then use it,” Cassie replied with a smile.
Katherine took her snack and headed outside.
“I want to go to the computer lab at the library, Mama,” Jim added. “Albert said he wouldn’t mind taking me.”
She glanced between the boys. “Maybe Kevin would like to go with you.”
Kevin rolled his eyes, and Jim looked pained.
Cassie took the hint. “Of course, Kevin might have plans of his own.”
Relieved, Jim picked up an apple. “I won’t be late, Mama.”
As he left, Cassie smiled at Kevin. “Looks like you’ve got the house to yourself. The twins and D.J. are headed for Scouts. Guess you can do what you want.”
“I’ve been thinking about yesterday—the fire extinguisher—and I thought I ought to do something to make it up to you.”
“That’s not necessary.”
“Yeah...well, I was thinking we could fix the faucet in your bathroom. I know you’ve been trying to get a plumber.”
Cassie blinked. “I didn’t realize you knew how to work on plumbing.”
He shrugged. “Doesn’t take a genius.”
Remembering his pain at Katherine Ann’s casual remark, she softened. Even if he wasn’t an expert at plumbing, what could it hurt? Perhaps he needed this chance to shine. Still, she hesitated. “Are you sure you can handle this?”
“I might need you to help.”
“That wouldn’t be a problem. Sure, I’d love to have the faucet fixed. We’ll have to round up the toots—”
“Why don’t you let me do that? I’ll get everything and meet you upstairs.”
She glanced at the kitchen counter. “I should put things away—”
“Good... I mean, okay. I’ll have everything in the bathroom by the time you’re done. Just ring me on the intercom when you’re ready to come up.”
Still surprised, Cassie straightened up the kitchen, clearing the table and counters. Pleased that Kevin was taking a step in her direction, she realized it would be worth an afternoon wrestling with the plumbing.
Upstairs, she saw that Kevin had gathered the tools, an impressive display. She hoped he knew which ones to use. “I’m ready if you are.”
“Looks like I’ll need your help. If you could hold the faucet while I loosen it....”
Obligingly Cassie walked over to the tub, then reached for the faucet. Gripping her hands around the smooth metal surface, she held on as Kevin slowly maneuvred the wrench.
“This is a little harder than I thought,” Kevin remarked as the wrench barely moved.
“I could help do that part—” Cassie offered, starting to release her grip on the faucet.
“No! You need to hang on to the faucet, or we’ll mess it up. It’s better if it comes off slow anyway.”
And it was extremely slow. Cassie shifted, trying not to appear restless. After all, this was Kevin’s project. Since she couldn’t use the tub, anyway, if his repair didn’t work, they wouldn’t have lost anything. “Pedro said he thought it was the pipes, not just the faucet.”
“That’s ’cause he didn’t want to fix it,” Kevin replied.
Cassie digested this. He
be right, but Pedro always seemed like a hard worker. “Maybe it was a little too complicated for him.”
Kevin shrugged. “Maybe.” Slowly he turned the wrench again.
At this rate, Cassie figured, they’d have the faucet loosened by dinnertime. But sometimes it took patience with kids.
Nearly half an hour later, Cassie found herself wishing she could trade patience for a little speed. “Kevin, maybe I should help you. We could trade positions.”
He smiled. “That might be kinda hard.”
“No, it shouldn’t be...” Releasing her grip, she tried to pull her hands away and found they wouldn’t move. Struggling, she tugged harder, but her hands didn’t budge. “What in the world?”
Kevin backed away, putting the wrench in the toolbox, a smirk covering his face.
“Kevin. What did you put on this faucet?”
He picked up the toolbox. “I better put this stuff away.”
“Very funny. Now help me get unstuck.”
“I think I’ll go take a swim.”
“You said I could do what I want.”
“But that’s not—”
Kevin disappeared.
“...what I meant,” she finished in exasperation.
By her reckoning, the house would be empty for hours. The rest of the staff had finished their work earlier, while DJ. and the twins were doing homework. It was unlikely one of them would happen by the far end of this hall. Between the Scout meeting, the library and the pool, none of the kids would be looking for her. But by dinnertime, hopefully, someone would miss her. Shifting to keep the kink in her back from stiffening, she settled in for the wait.
BLAKE PUSHED OPEN the back door, then dropped his briefcase on one of the bar stools. Glancing around, he had a sense that something was wrong. The kitchen was both quiet and immaculate. And it penetrated his fatigue-clouded mind that that was what was wrong. Normally the kitchen generated an array of tantalizing smells, and Cassie’s bustle kept it from being quiet. And by now the table was normally set, and the counters were filled with intriguing dishes. Now, by contrast, it seemed sterile, neglected.
And none of the kids were around. Had something happened? Fearing the worst, he pressed the intercom. Maria answered, assuring him that no one had been in an accident, Thanking her, Blake glanced around the kitchen, still feeling uneasy.
Then he realized that Cassie must have come up with another unique dinner idea. He wondered if they were going to try picnicking again. One thing he had to say for her, she never said die.
whistling, he climbed the staircase, needing to fill the too-quiet house with sound. He headed down the hall toward his room, ready to change into something casual. But as he followed the curve of the hall, he noticed a light shining from Cassie’s bedroom. He started to ignore the light, then wondered again if everything was all right. But his knock didn’t produce the answer he expected.
“Thank God.”
Hearing Cassie’s weary, weak-sounding voice, he disregarded thoughts of privacy and rushed inside. But he didn’t see her in the bedroom or the sitting room. “Cassie?”
“In here.”
As he headed toward the bathroom, he realized why her voice had sounded so weak from the hallway. He was lucky to have heard her at all from this distance. Entering the bathroom at a near run, he saw Cassie sitting on the side of the tub, latching on to the faucet. “Cassie?”
“I wondered when the cavalry would get here.”
Blake tried to adjust gears from near panic to just plain confusion. “What are you doing?”
“Having loads of fun. You want to help me?”
Moving closer, he glanced cautiously at the tub. “Help you what?”
“Get unstuck.”
“Just let go.”
She sighed. “It’s not quite that easy.”
“Why not?”
“I’ve been superglued to the faucet.”
Blake wondered if she’d lost her senses. “Did you try to fix it yourself instead of calling the plumber?”
She stared at him. “Right. I thought I’d just glue the leaks shut. Back in Podunk, that’s what everybody does.”
Hearing a note of anger mixed with her weariness, he paused, suspecting he was treading on uncertain ground. “So, how’d you get yourself glued to the faucet?”
“Let’s just say it wasn’t a solo project.”
“If those twins—”
“It wasn’t the twins.”
Blake pulled his brows together. “Kevin? After what he pulled last night? Wait till he—”
“Blake? Do you think you could get me unstuck before you put Kevin in the torture chamber?”
“Sure.” He turned and headed toward the doorway. Stopping suddenly, he looked back at her. “Any idea how to do that?”
“Call around, find out who carries the antidote.”
He looked at her blankly.
“You know. The stuff that makes superglue let go.”
“Right. Will you be okay till I get back?”
Cassie sighed as she shifted position. “I’ve been fine for the last three and a half hours. I’ll probably make it through a few phone calls.”
Blake was torn between murdering his firstborn and finding the fastest way to locate the unsticking solution. After a few fruitless phone calls, inspiration struck. Blake talked to a technician at the local emergency room, then called the hardware store he suggested. Finding out he had barely half an hour before the store closed. Blake rushed upstairs, filled Cassie in, then sped away.
With the antidote in hand, he returned just as quickly.
Reentering her suite, Blake was struck by her quiet patience, the incongruity of her soft yet steely strength. Most women would be screeching endlessly, cursing him and his children. Instead, she’d seemed reluctant to name the culprit. It was the contradictions, he realized, that drew him. The steadiest woman he’d ever known, she was at the same time unpredictable.
“Got it,” he told her, stripping off his jacket as he approached the tub. A devilish glint matched his sudden grin. “Any incentives for rescuing you?”
“Sure. I don’t quit and leave the boys to glue you to the next nanny,” she retorted.
Blake moved closer. “I don’t know. I could think of worse punishments. Of course, I’m not sure the next nanny will look like you.” He angled his face closer. “Or smell like you.”
Panic struck, and it showed in the nervous clearing of her throat. “We could banter all night, but I am stuck to the faucet, remember?”
“Vividly. You can’t run away.”
Cassie remembered a time when all she could do was run. Forcing herself to ignore the appeal of his smile, she shrugged her shoulders. “You don’t have to tell me. I’ve been stuck here for hours.”
The words galvanized him. “Right. And when I get my hands on Kevin—”
“The antidote,” she reminded him gently.
Blake tried to reach between her shoulder and the tub wall, but she was positioned so that it was impossible to reach the faucet from that angle. Slipping behind her, he straddled the outside wall of the tub, spooning his chest to her back. He heard a sudden, unexpected whooshing sound of nerves before Cassie stiffened.

are you doing?”
“Ungluing you,” he replied.
“Do you have to be so...so
“Afraid so.”
She craned her head backward, meeting his eyes. The sudden heat in his gut had nothing and everything to do with the way they were sandwiched together. Seeing her eyes darken, the sudden melting of gray into pewter, he recognized that she felt the same impact. He sensed that she wanted to pull her gaze away, but, like him, was paralyzed by the intensity of the attraction.
Her voice was a mere croak. “Please...”
Please what?
Continue? Stop? Erase what they both knew was pulsing between them? “Yes?”
“Use that stuff,” she answered, a desperate note coloring her tone. “And get me loose.”
For a moment, one that stretched out infinitely, he paused, wondering why she wanted to run...wondering what or who she was running from. Then, giving in to the pleading in her eyes, he quickly applied the antidote, seeing her relief when her hands slid free. Unable to resist, he reached out and touched those hands, reddened by the pressure and the glue. Still, they were soft. He wondered if there was a matching softness in her. Resisting the urge to find out, instead he pulled her up as he stood, studying her hands.

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