How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure (23 page)

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Authors: Lou Paget

Tags: #Self-Help, #Sexual Instruction,

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In Position B the lady rests against a pillow. Think of this as a perfect sex toy under her hips to increase her vaginal entry angle.

The pillow creates a nice and relaxing spot for her back and makes it easier for the man to thrust vigorously and still remain inside. Fewer
Position B

spills or “fall-outs” occur when pillows are used. With her legs wrapped over his hips, she can also control the motion and open herself to more penetration. Need I mention that this position also allows great access for kissing?

In Position C the man is arching back, which is a great boon for women who enjoy more front-vaginal-wall/G-spot stimulation and
Position C

stroking, and who aren’t comfortable with rear-entry sex. This is not a good position for a man with a bad back, but it does enable the man with tight ab muscles to show off his ripples.



Any kind of exercise, including sex, can help abort an impending headache.



Many women prefer woman superior because it allows her to control penetration and the speed, since she is the person doing the thrusting.


It also works well if a woman happens to be taller/smaller than you.

uncomfortable, reassure her that you love her body, or don’t In Position A, the woman is doing the same to the gentleman that he encourage her to put herself in a vulnerable position. She may be was doing to her in man-superior Position A above. She uses his feet more comfortable in this position keeping a pretty bra or teddy on.

to brace herself for close clitoral and pelvic rocking, and because her legs are on the inside, she can create more pressure on the vulvar and

clitoral areas by squeezing her legs.

¾ To increase the odds of coming during intercourse or coming In the woman-superior position, she is usually straddling him with her, stimulate her clitoris to the point where she is about with the bulk of her weight distributed evenly between both knees.

to orgasm, then get into the woman-superior position. If you This can be done with her either facing you or facing away from you thrust, there is a good chance she’ll be able to reach orgasm (Position C). Another variation on this position would be for her to with you inside her (Position C, facing toward you).

lie down on you with her legs on either side (Position B). The ¾ She can stimulate the G-spot area of her front vaginal wall, woman-superior position does require a lot more work on a woman’s and if you love her butt, you can play with it.

part, and some say it requires a “ski racer’s quads.” Men tend to ¾ Position B is only good if a man’s erection will flex this enjoy this position a lot because it provides them with a good look at way. It’s often not very good for younger, tight-to-thea woman’s body; you can be the captain of the proverbial ship. They tummy guys. But it is great for a couple who enjoy anal play.

love to see a woman’s breasts move up and down with each thrust If she leans forward and has her chest on his legs, he can and see her hair falling or hitting them in the chest or face. A stroke her anus and perineal area and she can be in her own magazine editor from San Francisco remembers: “I knew this would world.

be my favorite position from the time I saw a porn film when I was fourteen when this woman in a big skirt lowered herself onto a man.


When my wife lowers herself onto me, it takes all my power not to Whereas it is a biological imperative for men to orgasm for the shoot off right then.”

continuation of the human race, it is not biologically necessary for women to orgasm in order to conceive. However, it has been

reported that a woman can help with conception if she does reach No matter how attractive you think a woman is, don’t tell a climax during intercourse. Apparently, during orgasm the neck of woman you lover her body before you’ve ever slept together. She the cervix rhythmically dips into the pool of sperm deposited at will only hear it as a ploy to get her into bed. Save that comment the end of the vaginal barrel. During different historic times, a for afterward. Then it will be believable.

woman’s orgasm was considered imperative for a woman to

conceive. Perhaps our forbearers and Mother Nature knew more then we thought!

In general, women find the variations of this position exciting because they allow them to control movement and the depth of penetration. They feel like they are running the show, so to speak.


On the other hand, the women who don’t enjoy this position say that

it’s because they feel self-conscious about having their bodies For this position, the man and woman are on their sides with their exposed and in full view. If you think your partner may feel legs entwined like scissors. You can be facing each other or you can be behind her. The beauty of side by side is that most men can thrust


for a long time in this position without climaxing. It provides couples

Side by Side

the opportunity to make their intimate encounter last. And because


penetration is not as deep in this position, women who have lovers


with exceptionally large penises say that intercourse is more comfortable. Much like in the man-superior position, kissing and

hugging are almost inevitable here.

Position A shows the true scissors of the legs; now all you have to do is lift your upper leg and have her drop onto the bed. Now you have a totally new position, in which you will be able to manually play with her clitoral area or breasts. In this “X” position, you can keep your hands joined together and use them to create your thrusting pelvic motions.

In Position B, she has wrapped her legs firmly around him and can keep him in as closely as she likes during his movements.

Position C is good for spooning, which allows a man easy access to her entire body. Perhaps the best thing about making love side by side, however, is that it is the one position that lends itself to falling
Position B

asleep comfortably in each other’s arms afterward.

There is a variation on Position C, again for the more athletic.

This is how it’s done:

Step 1
: The man is inside the woman, penetrating from behind.

She places her upper leg close to her chest or between her breasts.

Step 2
: While maintaining penetration, the man shifts his position from behind her so that he’s more on top of the woman’s hip. Now all of his weight will be balanced between her hips and his knees.

Because his hands are not supporting him, they are now free to create more sensation and stimulation from behind.

Step 3
: Assuming she is on her left side, he can insert the pinkie
Position C

finger of his left hand into her anus (just a little, and it is best to start conservatively with this motion). While he gently inserts his right thumb into her vagina to increase the width sensation for her, he can use his right hand’s index finger to stimulate the clitoral region.

Man from Behind

¾ When you are positioned behind her, you can also stimulate her clitoris.

¾ Rear entry in side-to-side position can be good for pregnant
Position A

women, as she will be able to support her abdomen and he can play with her full breasts, assuming she likes this.



Many women have said that the male-from-behind or doggy-style position makes for some of their most erotic sex. Men as well find this position highly charged. Women have said their reasons range from the intense depth of penetration to the feeling of being taken.

Some women also enjoy the speed that a man can create by holding onto her hips and thrusting, creating momentum. Then again, a man
Position B

can control the speed of his thrusting if a woman enjoys variation or slow thrusting.

Women who have given birth have an increased sensitivity to G-spot stimulation in this position. Since their vaginas are more elastic, the G-spot is more reachable by the penis.

This position can be done with the woman lying flat on her stomach, which allows for a tight entry with a feeling of being taken (C). Other options are: the woman on all fours (A), the woman standing up bent over at the waist, or the woman lying on her side with her back to her lover. The man enters her vagina from the back of her rather than from in front of her. That’s why it is often referred to as rear-entry sex. Men say this is the position in which they experience the most heat, created by the touching of her crotch and butt against his thighs. (FYI: Backdoor sex is anal sex.)
Position C

In Position A, men can kiss down her back. And again, pillows can come in very handy for under the chest. Position B gives the man full access to her body and she can feel the heat of him and relax into the sensations. She can also extend her legs down to create more thrusting capability.



Standing Up

Position B is a fun position for the


beach. Slip the

to the

side, and away you go.


Position A


¾ The only drawback to rear-entry sex is that because it is so ighly erotic, men often reach their cli


max more quickly

than they do in other positions.

¾ This position can be painful if a woman has a tilted uterus or a very large partner, because he will likely hit the neck of her cervix.

¾ You can be stimulating her with your hands as you penetrate her.


As a male dentist told me, “This position smells more of sex; and I love the animalness of it.”





For the sake of balance, this position is best done with the woman
Position B

standing against a wall and the man standing in front of her unless he is particularly strong. The shower and pool are often not as nifty settings as one would like—for one main reason: The natural lubrication is washed away and therefore thrusting is made tougher, not easier, by the water. Standing positions work better when you have the lady in a recumbent (lying down) position. You can use the strongest muscles in your body, your glutes and thighs, to their greatest advantage. Though another position is probably best for a
Position C

long romantic sexual encounter, this one is excellent for hot and urgent sex or athletic sex. In its simplest form, try both of you standing. This can be done without the complete removal of clothes (a plus when you’re both in a hurry) and requires very little space to do it in.

Position A shows a variation on the woman-on-the-table theme.

Sitting and Kneeling

Once you have entered her, gentlemen, hold on to her hips and place the back of her heels on your shoulders, so her hips and open labia are flush against you. Men have stated that they get a great view and more scent, rather like the rear entry in reverse. Her back should be in a straight line. This is easiest if she locks her heels over your shoulders. Why does it work? Your penis is stroking very firmly
Position A

over her G-spot area while she can be manually playing with her clitoris.

In Position B, the man is able to see all of her sex and penetrate as deeply as possible. The woman can control his penetration by flexing her thighs. These are the biggest muscles in the body. The variation on this is to place her knees out to the side.

I call Position C the “take her from behind in the garden.” Great for quickies! One man commented, “She has these great mirrored doors in her hallway and I love watching her breasts sway while I
Position B

thrust. That’s the ticket!”




¾ If you are doing this standing up, be sure your knees are locked and you are comfortably leaning against a solid wall.

I have heard of men falling over at inopportune moments.

¾ If the lady is going to wrap her legs around you, hang on.

Make sure she has removed her stilettos. It has been reported that these can cause serious damage to calf muscles.

Position C



Sitting or kneeling positions are simply a variation of the side-by-side and facing positions. Many couples enjoy sitting or kneeling because the positions feel novel and give them a break in their routine. However, even though some positions have a reduced range of motion, unless she is standing over him, this position generally does allow for great face-to-face and/or body contact.

Positions A and B give a whole new meaning to dining room repertoire, just remember that the single most important chairs. In A the lady needs to hold on to the chair so she’s factor in determining your level of sexual fulfillment during balanced—or you could thrust her right off the chair. This allows her intercourse will be the release of your inhibitions and

the greatest range of hip motion while he remains still.

wanting to be with her.

In Position C, his thighs support the backs of her legs and she has a pillow under her hips to keep her at the right level for entry.


Meanwhile, you hold her hips to keep her in as close as possible.

T he Best Pregnancy Positions

Your thrusting will likely cause her breasts to jiggle, an often enjoyable sight. A variation is to place the back of her knees in the Mother Nature never intended for us to stop having sex when women crook of your elbow, like a barbell curl position. By doing “curls”

are pregnant. Some women report their best sex ever is during their with your entire arm, not only will she see your hard work from the pregnancies; some women can’t take it at all. The lesson: Ask her gym, you’ll experience internal glans stimulation and she’ll have how she feels. One woman said, “I’d love to go back to pregnant sex.

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