How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps (8 page)

Read How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

Tags: #gay for you, #British, #English, #kink, #BDSM, #novice dominant, #male submissive, #male dominant, #training, #figging, #fisting, #bondage, #public humiliation, #violet wand, #sensation play, #wax play, #CBT, #spanking, #flogging, #sadomasochism, #gay romance, #erotic romance, #erotica, #humour, #humor

BOOK: How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps
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Ooh, that was more like it. Confident Jeff back again. “I can’t think about that too hard, or I won’t be able to drive. And you don’t even know exactly what I’ve got in my suitcase, do you, Sir?” Eddie winked and turned to leave.

Jeff growled, and Eddie smiled to himself. Teasing Tops was way too much fun to ever stop.

Jeff climbed up into his truck and took a moment to sort his head out before starting the engine. Fucking hell! Eddie was a bloody tease, there was no two ways about it. Jeff was out of his depth with this one. He could admit it to himself, but he was buggered if he was about to let on in front of the bloke. Eddie would probably just wink and wiggle his arse and do something annoyingly sexy, like that way he made his voice all purry and low. Or the way he batted his eyelashes. Sodding hell, why had Jeff ever taken him for a just a normal bloke? Normal straight blokes didn’t flirt like that, did they? No, they went for the caveman approach and just told birds what they wanted to do to them.

Eddie was flirting like a girl.

Except he wasn’t. Not really. There was none of that crazy hidden agenda Jeff kept tripping over when women were involved. And Eddie didn’t get all emotional and burst into tears for no reason when Jeff spoke his mind.

Eddie was much easier to understand than any woman Jeff had ever met. What did that say about him, that he understood gay blokes better than he understood chicks? He’d lived with Sarah for almost fourteen years, and she’d still been a bloody mystery to him at the end.

Maybe straight blokes and gay blokes had more in common than Jeff had realised. And Eddie did have an amazing car. Which, right now, was waiting for him at the exit to the car park. Shit. He should get his arse in gear.

Jeff started up the engine, not sure whether to curse the day Eddie entered his life or to celebrate it. He’d never been this bloody confused and turned on all at once. Things in Jeff’s world were meant to be simple. Straightforward. No messing.

And yet here he was, leaping dick-first into a situation that bloody well terrified him.

Fuck it. Sitting around chewing on it wasn’t going to make things any easier to understand. Jeff needed to work Eddie out of his system with a few more sessions together. It was the only way to do it. Familiarity breeding contempt and all that.

His mind made up, Jeff flicked his headlights on, revved the engine and peeled out of his parking space. Let the good times roll.

Chapter Nine

This time Jeff followed Eddie back to Hook St. Norton, growing increasingly envious of the power behind the Jag’s engine. Eddie was sprinting ahead while Old Maud was huffing and puffing behind her, like the unfit kid who came in last on school sports day. If only Jeff could afford to run two vehicles, but he didn’t have the funds, and there was no way he could manage with just a car when he had to lug tools and materials around. It was a pain in the backside, though.

Would Eddie let him have a go driving her? Maybe if Jeff treated him nicely enough. Eddie had liked the rough stuff, but he’d also said something about liking kissing, hadn’t he? Could Jeff bring himself to kiss another bloke? Like full-on snogging, with tongues?

Nah, that’d be well gay. He’d have to think of something else that didn’t involve exchanging bodily fluids.

Maybe just a kiss on Eddie’s back. He’d had a nice back. Good definition, even if he wasn’t built. Jeff could appreciate the effort that went into developing muscles like that, especially when you had a desk job. Watching his dad’s muscles waste away had been a real eye-opener. There was no way Jeff’d ever let that happen to him. He’d be straight down the gym if for any reason he couldn’t work the way he was anymore.

Planning future workouts managed to keep Jeff distracted for much of the way back, which was definitely better than thinking too hard about getting Eddie naked. Especially with the way that made his dick perk up. Although, to be honest, thinking about pumping iron at the gym was having a similar effect. What the fuck was wrong with him these days?

Eddie parked around the corner on the main road, and by the time Jeff had manoeuvred into his parking space, Eddie was outside his front door with his little suitcase, inspecting Jeff’s climbing roses.

“These have the most amazing fragrance,” he said. “I didn’t know roses could actually smell this strong. My stepmum’s never did.”

“It’s a nineteenth-century variety. The older varieties always seem to have the best fragrance. Nowadays most people breed for colour and size of the blooms, but if you don’t mind smaller, simpler flowers, you can get a lot more fragrance. It’s the same with sweet peas.”

“You grow sweet peas too? You’re a regular Alan Titchmarsh, aren’t you?”

Coming from Jeff’s dad or one of his mates, that would have been an insult, but Eddie had sounded admiring, so Jeff volunteered a bit more information. “I’ve planted the parts of the garden nearest the house for fragrance. It was for Sarah, really. Girls like stuff like that,” he added, just in case the whole thing made him sound like a nancy boy.

“I like stuff like that too. Flowers aren’t just for girls. I always buy a bunch when I’m at the supermarket.”

“What, M&S? That must cost you a bloody fortune. You know you could grow your own.”

“But I’ve only got a flat. My balcony’s hardly big enough for a flower garden. And besides, I don’t have green fingers. Not like some people I could mention.”

Jeff grunted, not wanting to show just how much the compliment warmed him inside. He opened the door and was about to head on through when he remembered his manners. Instead he stepped back down the path and waved Eddie in. “After you, mate. Oh, and let me take that.”

Eddie raised his eyebrows and handed over the case but didn’t say anything. But his body brushed dangerously close to Jeff’s on the way past, allowing Jeff to get a whiff of Eddie’s scent too. After the sweetness of the flowers, it smelled sharp, but there was a whiff of herbs that reminded Jeff of woodland in the spring after a rain shower.

He wondered if he smelled anything like as good, considering he’d run out of shower gel and had had to wash with Tesco medicated hand soap. Shit, he needed to stock up on some decent grooming shit. He just had to hope no one saw him when he did. His mum’d rip the piss out of him when she saw it in his bathroom too.

“You coming in then, Sir?” Eddie called from inside. “I want to show you all the toys I brought.”

Bugger. Jeff looked up and down the road. His neighbours’ windows were closed, so hopefully they hadn’t heard any of that. He scurried in and slammed the door behind him.

“Now, I’m hoping you’ve got an old sheet or towel or something so we can play with wax, as that’s great fun. But it’s messy.”

“I’ve got something.” There was that old tablecloth Sarah had left behind. It wasn’t like Jeff had any use for tablecloths now, was it? He went to pull it out of the cupboard under the stairs. “Where do you want to do this?”

“In the bedroom’s probably best, if there’s room for you to move around the bed. Otherwise, on the floor is okay. Could do with a touch more heat in here, though.”

Jeff pictured the bed he’d shared with Sarah for so many years. He had a feeling if he got Eddie into bed, then sex would be inevitable—that was what beds were for, anyway. Besides sleeping, that was. And Jeff wasn’t sure he was ready for taking that kind of step. A blowjob was one thing. Anal was a whole different hole.

“I’ll get a fire going,” he said, glad of the excuse to crouch down and turn his back to Eddie, hiding his confusion. “You start telling me about what you’ve got with you.”

“First of all, have you got any ice?”

Shit. Already he was being a bad host. Jeff sprang up and walked to the kitchen. “What do you want to drink? I’ve got Coke and beer. Oh, and milk.” Not that he’d heard of people putting ice in beer or milk, but who knew what the posh folk got up to behind closed doors?

“Actually, the ice was for playing with. Just a few cubes would be great, but if you’re offering drinks, do you have any mineral water, please?”

Jeff gave him a look. “I don’t see the point in paying for bottles of water. Not when there’s plenty of decent water flowing freely out of the tap.”

“Why am I not surprised? Okay, tap water would be lovely, thank you. And ice in that too, if you have some.”

“Yeah, don’t worry, I’ve got ice.” Although, when he got to the freezer, Jeff remembered that Sarah had taken the normal ice cube tray with her, and all he’d been left with was the novelty one his brother had given him for his birthday a few years back. The one that made ice cubes in the shapes of cock and balls. Jeff groaned. Bloody perfect.
Thank you, Tony. Not.

“You can put ’em in your own drink,” Jeff said, plonking the pint glass of tap water and the bowl of ice cubes down on the coffee table. There was a mysterious old leather-bound case on there now, which intrigued him no end, but he wasn’t going to ask about it. Always best to act like you’d seen it all before.

“Nice.” Eddie held an ice cube up, grinning. “I can see you’re a man after my own heart.”

“Not bloody likely,” Jeff muttered, settling down to finish building the fire. Once he’d got the kindling ablaze and was reasonably sure the logs would catch, he turned to head back to the sofa. He’d been worried Eddie might have taken the opportunity to get naked again, but he’d managed to resist. And Jeff definitely wasn’t disappointed about not having all that skin on show.

“Did I leave any bruises?” he asked once he’d dropped down to the seat at the other end of the sofa. Fuck. Now Eddie would know he’d been thinking about his arse.

“Oh yeah, it was pretty impressive. Faded now, but you can still see something.”

“Show me.” It was out of Jeff’s mouth before he could stop it, but he sat firm and refused to act like there was anything remotely gay about the request. It wasn’t that he wanted to see Eddie’s arse because he found it sexy. It was because he needed to know what the bruising was like. Responsible Dom stuff again.

But when Eddie pulled his trousers down, Jeff gasped. “Shit. That really did bruise. Bloody hell, that must have been sore the day after.”

“Eh, not that bad. I’m kind of used to it now.”

“Oh.” Bugger. He’d wanted Eddie to be feeling the aftereffects for days. But still, the bruising was impressive. Both of Eddie’s cheeks were a mottled greeny-yellow, with smaller purple spots speckled across them, along with a few stripes. It definitely wasn’t like any other kind of bruising Jeff had seen.

He frowned at the stripes and reached out to prod one.


“Thought you said it didn’t hurt.”

“It does if you do that.”

Something about those stripes was bothering Jeff. Then it hit him. He’d never used the cane or the crop in the end, had he? Had Eddie been to see someone else after their session?

“How did you get these?” He demanded.

“I’d have thought you of all people should know that.”

“What the fuck’s that supposed to mean? These stripes. I didn’t do them.”

“Yes, you did.”

The bloody liar. If there was one thing Jeff couldn’t stand, it was being lied to. That and the thought of Eddie sneaking out to see some other Dom. One who was better at all the gay kink than Jeff was. Fuck. Jeff was going to need to learn how to do all that kind of stuff if he wanted to keep Eddie satisfied. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it.

“Jeff, you did these. I promise.” Eddie was stroking Jeff’s cheek, which was a bit much, but somehow he couldn’t bring himself to push Eddie’s hand away. It felt…nice. “It was the tawse,” Eddie was saying. “That slit in the middle has edges which sometimes leave a mark like that if you hit hard enough.”

“I didn’t see any stripes when I was doing it.”

“No, but then again, you had got me bright red already. I’m not surprised they didn’t show up till the next day.”


“Where did you think I’d got them? I’m not seeing anyone else. One Top at a time is plenty for me. Especially when that Top packs a wallop like you do.”

Did Jeff trust him? He must have looked doubtful, because Eddie grasped his other cheek. “How about tomorrow I text you a picture of my arse so you can see any new bruises while they’re fresh. Will that reassure you?”

“I s’pose.” And really, he probably should take Eddie’s word for it, in the same way Eddie had taken his about not having an STD. Jeff took hold of Eddie’s wrists and pulled his hands down off his face. They had felt good there, but he was feeling a bit weirded out by a bloke holding him like that. Especially when the bloke in question was standing in front of him with his trousers round his ankles. It all looked a bit too much like Jeff was about to give him a blowjob.

Which absolutely wasn’t ever going to happen. Ever. Not in a million years. And Eddie wasn’t even hard yet. Unlike Jeff.

Jeff cleared his throat. “Sit down,” he ordered, trying to make his voice as gruff as he could. “And keep your trousers down.”

“Kinky. I do love a bit of humiliation.”

Jeff eyed the kit on the table properly for the first time. “Okay, why don’t you talk me through what you’ve got here?” He picked up one of the candles. Just an ordinary thin straight one like you’d find in a packet of six at the hardware shop in case of power cuts. “I’m surprised these aren’t black or purple.”

Eddie chuckled. “I know what you mean. Sometimes I think I’m one of the few pervs who actually likes a range of different colours. But yeah, you can get black candles if you want to, but these were just from the supermarket. No need to buy pricey kit if you can find something that works just as well for next to nothing.”

“So the candles don’t have to be a special kind?”

“So long as they’re not beeswax, they’re fine. That stuff gets way too hot, but any cheap paraffin ones should be perfect. Now, before you use wax, some subs like to be rubbed in baby oil so the wax comes off easier. Personally, I’m fine with it on unprepped skin. The trick with this stuff is to start with the candle high, and then get closer and closer to increase the heat of the wax. You’ll probably want to start somewhere fairly neutral to begin with. The stomach or clavicle. Work your way to the nipples and genitals once you’ve judged how your sub reacts to it. Ideally, you want to use four-point restraints, as it can really make some people writhe”

“What about doing it to someone’s back?”

Eddie pulled a face. “Yeah, you could, I suppose. Not nearly as much fun, though, as you don’t have many pain receptors in your back. And none of the pleasure zones are there.”

Jeff wasn’t sure he was up to having Eddie lying faceup and naked, but he kept that to himself for now. Maybe he could try it and see.

“So what’s the ice for? Cooling you down afterwards?”

“Kind of. You could, but really I prefer them to be alternated. Bit of hot, then a bit of cold. The contrast makes them all the more intense.”

Okay, Jeff could see that.

“And this thingie?” He picked up a bit of what looked like either medical equipment or perhaps a crafting tool. There was a steel handle with a steel wheel attached at one end, with spikes sticking out of the wheel. He tried rolling it across the palm of his left hand and winced. “Ow!”

“Yep, that’s exactly what you do with it. The pinwheel is one of my favourite toys. It gives an almost ticklish sensation.”

“That wasn’t ticklish. It bloody well hurt.”

“Yeah, but that’s because you’re not a masochist. Trust me, for me it’s great.”

“Looks kind of medical.”

“That’s because it is. They used to be used to check nerve sensitivity. And you can still role-play with them. You know, there’s a whole subculture of kinksters who get off on being medically examined? Once had a guy use a speculum in my arse. He cranked it really wide. Incredibly humiliating, that was. And painful.” Eddie smiled fondly. “Fun times.”

Jeff felt kind of hot and sick, which had to be down to the idea of someone getting off on having a speculum up his arse. Yeah, Eddie certainly was a pervert. Possibly even more of one than Jeff was. Jeff wished he’d been there to witness his humiliation.

No, Jeff wished he’d been there to shove that other Dom out of the picture and take over himself.

Uh-oh. Where had that come from?

Jeff’s fingers trembled a bit as he went for the leather-covered case on the table. What the fuck was wrong with him? Getting possessive over a girlfriend was one thing, but getting possessive over a bloke you were just fuc—uh, practising BDSM with was just ridiculous. He needed to get a grip. He fumbled with the case and nearly knocked it off the table.

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