self-reproduction, Gödelian mechanisms of
self-stabilizing structures
self-symbol: accreting over time; of careenium; coarse-grained copies of, in others; of dog; initial emptiness of; locking-in of; seen as strange loop, reasons for; self-delusions in
self-undermining words and phrases
Sellers, Peter
“semantic juice”, as underwriting meaning and “aboutness”
semantics: and machinery; possession of, as criterial for consciousness; quibbling over as serious; transplantable to other brains
semiclassical view: of quantum phenomena; of self and soul
sense of humor as brain structure
sensual experiences, as basis for consciousness
sentences that inventory each other
serial numbers, as determining human identity
Seuss, Dr.
Seven Year Itch, The
1729, as interesting number
72900 (code number for “0=0”)
777,777, short descriptions of
sewing machines, as indistinguishable zombies
sex of child, determined by microscopic factors
sexist language and sexist thinking; exemplified
sexuality: as bedrock cause for humans; in Twinwirld
shades of gray: of consciousness; for mentalistic verbs; for perception; in personality space; for quotation marks; for reality; for souledness; for where one is
Shahn, Ben
Shakespeare, William
shared goals leading to shared identity
shared yearnings
Shell sign, reality of top side of
shopping cart, reliability of
shorthands, as necessary for survival
Shostakovich, Dmitri
shout into chasm
Shultz, Charles
Siamese Twinwirld
signals, as triggering symbols
signature done via hard-wired motor control
via linguistic instructions
Siksek, Samir
simballic “logic”
simmballs (in careenium); imbued with meaning
simms (“small interacting magnetic marbles”); as blurry soup
simplification as human glory
simultaneous presence in multiple places
sincere belief as experienced by a zombie
singing in unison
singletons and pairs in sequence of primes
62, as boring integer
641, primality of, as cause; role of, in history of mathematics
skeptics, voice of
skiing: unpredictability of; vacation in California
Skinnner, B. F., on self-referential sentences
slaughterhouse, tour of
sleazeball, as familiar but blurry pattern
slider on wire determining identity
sliding scale: of consciousness; of
élan mental
; of symbol repertoire
slippery slope of teleological language
fast: controlling of bodies by brains; feeding of brains by perceptual systems;
Sluggo, daydreaming about himself
smallest uninteresting integer
“small-souled men”
large-souled beings
smiling like Hopalong Cassidy
snippets of other people’s talk and inner worlds
“snow”, elusiveness of concept
“s0 + s0 = ss0”
“soap digest rack” explained in Sanskrit
“soap opera”: causality attached to the concept of; as deeply nested concept; as very real pattern
soaring up to into the sky
soaring up to into this guy
soccer ball, as goal-seeker
social hierarchies, position in, in self-symbol
Socrates, as dialogue character
software beings inside us
soil of novels and of souls
Solar System, vagueness of the notion
solid-state physics
Sommerfeld, Arnold
“Song of Myself ” (Whitman)
Sophie’s Choice
soul: and ability to think; architecture of; as dot located on a line; as efficient shorthand; expressed on face; of flea; floating up into heaven; higher-level, forged in marriage; as illusion; lacking in animals, dogma of; lacking in women, dogma of; likened to butterfly swarms; living in brains of other souls; of mosquito; of mouse; as pattern; as region along a line; serial number of; sizes of; slow growth of; sudden extinction of; traditional immortality of; in Twinwirld; value of; as wispy aura
soul merger: speculated about before Carol’s death; wedding ceremony as
soular corona
soular eclipse
souledness: correlation with musical taste; degrees of; increasing with age; not limited to 100 hunekers
soulless creatures
souls: deep
shallow alignment of; hierarchy of values of
soul-shards, survival of
sound transmission, predictability of
soup can in cart, reliability of behavior of
speaking in unison
spectrum of mentalistic verbs
speech, unpredictability of one’s own
Sperry, Roger
splashtacular scuba specials
splits in oneself (or in one self ) as suggesting presence of two or more selves
spotting the gist
spouse, death of, as trauma
spying on dog in kennel via webcam
squabbles among subselves for dominance in brain
squares; sums of two
squirting chemicals, in brain
“ss0 + ss0 = sssss0”, as conceivable
stable volume of audio feedback
Stanford Elementary School
Stanford University
Stanley (robot vehicle); claimed to be “thinking”; counterfactual version of; episodic memory of; episodic projectory of; episodic subjunctory of; hopes and fears of; irrelevance of location of computer; self-image of; supposedly having “algorithmic equivalent of self-awareness”; what is lacking for an “I” to exist in it
Star Wars
statistical mechanics
statistical mentalics
statistical robustness of coin flips
steam-engine governor
steering wheels, reliability of
Stephen, the stoning of
sticking a formula’s Gödel number inside the formula itself
storytelling technique, efficacy of
strange loop: as core of “I”-ness; definition of; enhanced by
élan mental
; essence of; existence of; flavorings of; Gödel’s discovery of; growth of; illusory, in
Drawing Hands
; lack of, in mosquito; less than one per neonate brain; as level-crossing feedback loop; many per brain; nonphysicality of; one per brain; one privileged one, per brain; as paradoxical; in
Principia Mathematica
; seeming lack of identity; of selfhood, as trap; small size, in dog; as soul-less; as ungraspably elusive; “vanilla”; various “sizes” of; and video feedback
Strange Loops #641 and #642: dialogue between; names of; rift between
strangeness (of loops), essence of
strength of
is its doom
strings of symbols; edible
strong force in physics
stuff of consciousness;
see also
élan mental
subjectless formula fragment by Gödel
subjectless sentence fragments
subjunctive replays of episodes
see also
substrate of thought: improbability of a mind postulating it; invisibility of; irrelevance of details of
subsymbolic frenzy, imperceptibility of
subwoofers producing rumbles
“suffer along with”, meaning of “compassion”
suffrage inside brain, at desire level
Sullivan, Maxine
sunflowers as desire-possessing systems
just as incomplete as
super-prim numbers
Suppes, Patrick C.
survival: double; as function of transportability of one’s psychic point of view; as goal of living beings; key role of perception in; partial, in other brains; shades of gray in; via teleported clones
swing set; reliability of; symbol for
Swingle Singers
swirliness, transportability of, from one brain to another
switches thrown to change personality
syllable counting: in descriptions of integers; vagueness of the notion
symbol manipulation: by mathematicians; by
symbolic logic
symbolic nature of simmballs
symbols in brain: analogous to books in library; as by-product of evolution; dance of; defined; direct perceivability of; of dogs; hierarchical nesting of; of humans; “I” as most complex of all; joint activation of; of mosquitoes; perceived by other symbols; poofing out of existence; representing other people; triggering of, by episodes; triggering of, by signals; typical examples of; unlimited repertoire of, in humans
symbols on pages of
Principia Mathematica
forming patterns
sympathetic pleasure
synchrony: of Pomponnette and Aurélie; of prim numbers and
theorems; of simmballs and outer world
synonymy of “I”, “self ”, “soul”, “consciousness”, “light on”, “first-person viewpoint”, “interiority”, etc.
tackiness, as familiar but blurry pattern
tactile illusion: as hint of wrongness of one-self view; of marble in envelope box,
Epi, marble
tail wagging dog
tall tale
see also
Tarski, Alfred
Tarzan and Jane
Tati, Jacques
“teetering bulb of dread and dream” (Edson)
Teleclones Mark IV and Mark V
teleological language: irresistible slide towards, in opaque systems; as shorthand
telephone menu tree, droning voices in
telephonic telepresence
teleportation; goggles giving impression of; to Mars; of thought experiment; to Venus
telepresence; via nose-mounted TV cameras; via novel-reading
Teletransporters (Parfit)
television salesperson
temperature: as cause; as emergent
Tesler, Larry
“the present work”, “the present chapter”
theorems: as bottom lines of formal derivations; first, second (etc.) generations of; as meaningful patterns; as meaningless patterns; mirrored by prim numbers
theory of computation
theory of sets
theory of types; self-referentiality of chapter introducing
therapy sessions for bereaved spouses
statistical mechanics
thinking: ; with another’s brain; essence of; as synonym of consciousness
statistical mentalics
thirst: as collective pattern of many beer cans; as one beer can popping up
“This formula is not provable”
“This formula is provable”
“this sentence”, avoidance of indexical phrase
“This sentence is false”
“thit sentence”
Thomas, Dylan
“thou” addressed to married couple
thought: basic unit of; as dance of simmballs; as dance of symbols; as mere set of habits; as prime mover in brain
thought experiments: parameters tweaked in; teleported across Atlantic
thoughtmill churned by simms
“three three threes”
threshold of complexity: for computational universality; for representational universality
throwaway analogies, random examples of: between Buzzaround Betty and Hopalong Cassidy; between Cagey and Qéé Dzhii; between car buyers and heart surgeons; between consciousness and a power moonroof; between deconstructing the “I” and deconstructing Santa Claus; between Doug/Carol and a school of fish; between etymology and an X-ray; between exploration of video feedback and sea voyage; between form–content interplay and tail wagging dog; between John Searle and Dylan Thomas; between lack of imagery and lack of oxygen; between people and grasshoppers; between
Principia Mathematica
and Newton’s
; between reading Euclid’s proof and tasting chocolate; between reading “accessible” version of proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem and ordering “Indian hot”; between reverberant barking and a chain reaction; between Roger Sperry and Hopalong Cassidy; between Russell and God; between strange loop of “I”-ness and pearl necklace; between this book and a salad; between tired muscles and soft recruits; between top and bottom of Shell sign; between TV screen and leaf pile; between Twinwirld and Twinnwirrld; between will’s constancy and a gyroscope
throwing-away of information
time-lapse photography
Tinkertoys as substrate for thinking
baby found floating in life raft
titles of sections in
Reasons and Persons
toilet paper and pebbles as substrate for thinking
toilets, awareness level of
tomatoes as soulless
Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro
“too marbelous for words”
tornado cell, opposing caged-bird metaphor
tower of increasingly abstract definitions
toy guns, attempted banishment of
traffic jam, global explanation for
trains: identity of; who
transplanting: a novel to another soil; a soul to another soil
transportability, differential, of layers of a self
triggering of symbols in brain
Treisman, Anne
Trenet, Charles
Trento, Italy
Trojan horse, Gödel’s
true statements: Gödel numbers of; logicians’ favorite examples
trustability of sources of information
Truth and Denotation
truth: as inexpressible notion using
notation; preservation of, via rules of inference; presumed to be equivalent to provability in
; and unprovability perversely entailing each other