I'm All Yours (6 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Anthologies, #Paranormal & Urban, #Anthologies & Short Stories

BOOK: I'm All Yours
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wrong with that.
I imagine
of men get an ere
ction when they see her. So it seems you don’t have an erectile problem after all.”

“You don’t understand. I got a hard
on looking at her
and yes, I jerked off while I was watching
but that’s the only way I can get one
. When it comes to being with an
actual woman, nothing happens
down there
, nada.”

“Then maybe you have a thing for Evie Winters
and it’s all in your head not your penis
. Wait
you the actor who
stood her up last year during that interview?”

Shit, as if I need to be reminded of that again.

“Yes, yes, that was me.”

Then that’s it. You feel guilty
and now your sexual energy is focused on her and only her. When it’s time to have sex with other wo
men the guilt becomes
strong that
you become impotent. Like I said
it’s all in your head.”

it’s all in my dick.”

“Wait a second.”

The doctor left the office. Kyle looked up at the ceiling
ndering where he’d gone and
what he was up to. He
returned a few minutes later with a magazine in his hand.

“Here take a look at this

he said handing it to Kyle.

Kyle sat up and looked at the front cover. It was
Evie in a
bikini. Some photographer had
caught her on th
e beach
as she was stepping out of the water, pulling her wet hair away from her face.

She was hot with those long legs of hers and that hourglass body
. Kyle felt a pulling
in his groin and sensed it was happening again
Yep, another

Kyle looked down and saw there was no mis
taking the bulge under his gown.

“Looks like there’s no problem other than the fact you need to get together with Ms. Winters,” said the doctor.


Evie realized she should have asked for the l
emonade recipe before she
left the Perfect Pairing offices.
Best thing she’d ever tasted and she’d like to make some for herself. That wasn’t the only thing she’d enjoyed. She’d also thought Sadie was very down to earth and helpful.
She was quite the character and had assured Evie
she’d find her the perfect man on the first try and
she’d be
in touch soon with information about her first date.

The elevator door opened
got inside and pressed for level one where she’d parked he
r car. She rode alone for two floors before
it stopped on level fifteen
. She
rummaged through her bag for her car keys as she
stepped backwards
making room for anyone who might be getting in. She didn’t look up until it started moving again
and when she did…

“You,” she said looking Kyle
straight in the eye.

“Well, well if i
t i
sn’t Miss Toss a Martini in My

saw his finger hovering over the bu
tton for level one
but then he pulled
it away
it was already lit

She’d have to ride all twelve floors with him.

They stood side by side but didn’t say anything. Evie glanced sideways.

“Is that dandruff on your collar or some leftover Parmesan cheese?
” She knew it was inappropriate
but she couldn’t help herself.

“You know
you’re not in the least bit amusing.”

“I guess you’d know
Mr. Stick Up My Ass
, and

it would hurt me to smile
once in awhile


“Yeah, bet
you’d l
ove to shove something sharp
up my ass.
So what brings you to this neck of the woods?
Pissed at someone else and have another martini to throw?”

There was no way in hell she was telling him she’d just signed up with a dating agenc
y. Wouldn’t that make him laugh?
The fact she cou
ldn’t get a date by her own means.
Well, she could
but just not with guys she wanted to have a relationship with.

“None of your business,” she said, keeping her eyes fixed on the door.

There was silence between them as music played in the background as they rode down.

“By the way, your fly is
open,” said Evie.

He burst out laughing.

like I’m going t
o fall for that one. What you
gonna do when I lean over to secur
e it, kick me up the ass?”

The idea was so, so tempting.

step outside the elevator with your blue boxers on

and if being the key word here, he was smart enough
d realize she’d only
know he was wearing blue ones
if his pants were really open.
She grinned wh
en she heard the
zipper being fastened. Maybe he wasn’t as dumb as she’d given him credit for

Suddenly the music stopped,
light blinked t
wice and then went out completely
The elevator
jerked to an abrupt stop.

“Shit, don’t tell me we’re stuck,” said Kyle.

“Press the call button
on the panel,” said Evie.

“Pardon me, I wasn’t thinking of doing that. Must be because I’m not as s
mart as you.” He pressed a yellow

“That’s not the right on
the open door button
which doesn’t work
if you’re stuck between floors
which we probably are.”

“Okay, okay
I know everything.”

“And maybe you should press the emergency button just in case they don’t know we’re trapped.”

“Will you keep quiet
for just a second
Do th
do that. If we’re
really stuck we could run out of oxygen
and with you babbling all the time you’ll be taking my shar

Evie lifted her hand
. She really wanted to slap him but just couldn’t bring herself to do it.

“I hate you so much,” said Evie. She knew she shouldn’
t have done it
but while he was leaning over trying to figure out which
was the correct
button to push, she raised her
foot, placed it in t
he center of his left buttock
and pushed.

fell forward, hitting his head on the panel.

d around
and although it was now subdued lighting
inside the elevator she could see he had a crazy look in his eye. Shit, she shouldn’t have done that. It was wrong
it was pushing her luck
and now she
’d have to pay the consequences
there was no
where to run.



Chapter Four


He couldn’t believe
Evie’d had the audacity to shove
him like that.
And with the sole of her shoe no less.
Just wh
o the hell
she think she is

He glared at her

“And I hate you mor
e than words can ever describe,” he said.

it was out
but for
some strange reason he
felt compelled to kiss her to make up for those vile words.

They looked at one ano
ther and stood there until
, their mouths were on one another. Hands going over one another’s bodies, touching
ing, Evie biting his bottom lip and
her nice little ass.

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