In Love With A Warrior (Gunn Guardsman (Book 4)) (8 page)

BOOK: In Love With A Warrior (Gunn Guardsman (Book 4))
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When she noticed him watching her, she ceased dancing and looked at him in return. Her hands flatted the material of her gown and slid upward, over her breasts.

He could’ve swallowed his tongue, for the gesture sent a fire coursing through his veins. James groaned and looked hastily away. With a bang of his cup to the table, he rose and wobbled on his feet. “I’m-m off.”

“Do you want us to go back with you?” Sean asked.

“Nay, I can find my own way.”

“Can you walk?” Kenneth asked.

“Since I was w-wee,” he replied crisply, and laughed as he sauntered away. He made his way through the revelers, two of which spun him around. Thankfully he ended up facing the direction he was headed, and he walked through the gate which had been left open.

“Damn her for being so appealing,” he muttered to himself.

The noise of the celebration lessened, and now he heard the night sounds of crickets and other insects. Clumsily, he hastened ahead. The path to their encampment was dark, and James stumbled over an uprooted tree bark, but he kept moving forward.

In the clearing ahead, he made out the tents and after looking inside two, he found his. He shared a tent with Sean and Kenneth, their belonging scattered the inside.

His cot was the farthest from the flap. As soon as he reached it, he removed his tunic and tossed it aside. He unbelted his tartan and placed it at the foot of the cot. The day had grown hot, and he’d forgone his braises when he’d dressed early that morn. James wasn’t one for other garments and once he kicked off his boots, he stood naked, and dropped his belt next to his boots. A clank sounded when his sword hit the ground. He reached for it and as he did so his eyes blurred. A sweet, welcomed dizzying sense overtook him. James placed his sword within reach and lay back on the cot.

“Ah, this is w-what I need. S-sleep.” He closed his eyes and sighed. A drunken contentment came and he’d slumber soundly this night. That was if he got the vision of her hands moving over her breasts from his mind.


His eyes shot open when he thought he heard a woman’s voice. He must have been mistaken and closed his eyes again. Damnation, now he was hearing her voice.

“James, I need to talk to you.”

He moaned, and thought mayhap she haunted him, but he answered anyway. “Hmmm, lovely?” He felt her touch when she shook him. James grabbed her wrist and pulled her over his body. “You came.”

“Aye, I must speak with you.”

James fondled the curve of her hip and moaned. “Nay, no talk, lovely. Will ye give me a kiss? I’ll sleep contentedly if you do.” He gave her no choice when he forced her head closer, and was able to set his lips on hers.

A moan escaped him as pleasure swarmed his already heated body. He forced her mouth open with his tongue and touched it to hers. By God, the kiss was everything he’d imagined. She squirmed against him and James kept her from moving away with his hands linked behind her back. She broke off the kiss and slapped his face hard.

James sobered briefly and laughed. He rubbed his face of the slight sting. “Aw, lass, why are ye angry? Come, give me another kiss. That one was just practice.”

She slapped him again. “Are you drunk?”

He chuckled knowing if he hadn’t drank so much his face would be afire with the force of her ire. “Mayhap, a wee b-bit. Aye, mayhap a lot of b-bit.”

“I’d say the latter. I should leave.” She tried to pull away and narrowed her eyes when he refused to release her.

James kept a tight hold of her wrist, for if he was really dreaming he wouldn’t allow it to end. Not this soon. “Nay, s-stay. ‘Tis your f-fault, for being s-so lovely. Aye you caused me anguish, for my heart never hurt s-so much. But God, I want you. Let me.” He tugged the bodice of her gown and exposed her breasts. “So beautiful, the p-prettiest bosom I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He leaned forward and kissed the flesh until his lips reached her nipple. His tongue laved at it, and he took it into his mouth and suckled.

She gasped and remained still.

He moaned as pleasure rode his thoughts. “Ah, Emlyn, what you d-do to me.”

James continued to ply his attention on her breasts and would’ve been happy to do so for the remainder of the night. He returned his lips to her mouth and kissed her tenderly. Ever since she’d bested him on the field, he wanted her in his arms, wanted to taste her, and wanted her attentions. His dream came true for she lay against him and returned his kisses willingly.

“Let me love you, lass.”

“James, we shouldn’t. I came here to discuss a proposal.”

“Aye, but we s-should. Give me this one night and I shall die a contented man.” He kept her in his arms, fearful if he let her go, she’d vanish again.

“You’re drunk and I only came here to ask you something.” Her voice was soft, feminine, and caused him to caress her.

“Ask m-me anything for I am at your s-service.”

“I want you to take me with you.”

His body hummed with excitement, having her next to him, pressed so intimately against his body. “Aye? That’s what I’ve been asking you, lovely. Remove your gown.”

“I don’t know if I should.” She continued to keep her body rigid.

“You should. I promise you won’t regret it.”

She shifted her body and he helped her to pull the long skirt over her head. The vision of her body waved before him and he closed his eyes wishing he hadn’t drunk so much.

“Aye, ye make me hard, Emlyn, f-feel. Touch me.”

She did as he asked and gently held his erection. James groaned as explicit longing coursed through him. Her touch stiffened every inch of him and he waited with anticipation to see what she’d do. When she continued to fondle him and made no move to lie with him, he made room for her, and pulled her next to him on the cot. Their bodies touched and James firmed his jaw for he wanted to be inside her.

“James,” she called, and caressed his leg. Everywhere she touched tinged with fervor.

He in turn embraced her and pulled her arse so she’d be cradled against his hardness. With her back to his chest, he hugged her close, and covered her breasts with his hands. He squeezed and rejoiced at the hefty weight of them. She moaned and the sweet sounds of her desire swarmed him with longing.

“Aye, lovely, you’re p-perfection.” He nudged his knee between her legs and reached forward to stroke her woman’s essence. She was wet and ready for him, and James kissed the side of her neck. He shifted to a better position and kept her back to him, raising her leg to give him access. He slid into her wet sheath, glorified by the tightness and warmth.

“James, oh, God.”

“I like w-when ye say my name, Emlyn. Aye, you’re so bonny.” James’ head swam, and he now wished he hadn’t drunk so much for his movements were skittish and akin to an untried lad’s. He wanted to be steady and yet he couldn’t manage to keep from shaking.

“Harder, warrior. I like this. Oh, yes, just like that.”

Her commanding words sent a ripple of pleasure through him and he complied. He thrust madly again, and he drove into her. Their bodies clashed with urgency, as if they’d both die if they didn’t move. He used his hand to stroke the nub of her womanhood and heard the guttural sounds from her throat. She pushed her arse against him, meeting his thrust and driving him to the brink.

James sensed the stirring of his orgasm and abated his will. He ground his teeth knowing she’d be wrath if he came before she did, for he wished not to be slapped again.

With that, he used his teeth to pull on the sensitive skin of her neck and lightly sucked. He licked and kissed anywhere his mouth reached. He went slower and continued to rub her essence. Emlyn was as caught in the passion as he, and he felt the vibration of her climax. She clenched him and yelled out.

“That’s it lovely. Feel me? Aye, you’re shaking. Give over to it. Find your pleasure.”

James groaned knowing he’d erupt within seconds. He thrust hard and stilled, shouting the released that entreated his entire body. His heart beat in his ears, and thrummed madly in his chest. His entire body turned to stone with the force of his culmination, for he couldn’t move.

A shudder wracked him and he was able to breathe again. He couldn’t stop touching her, and when the intensity of his climax subsided, he thrust gently and held her.

“You’re incredible, lass. Aye, I’m still shaking.” With his eyes closed, he was content to hold her and keep her where she was.

“James, I’m cold.” She shivered, and he felt her body tremble.

He sat up and reached for the tartan he’d placed at the end of the cot. When he settled back, she cuddled next to him. He regarded her face in the darkness of the tent. She looked well-loved and her eyes darkened with passion, her lips wet with their kisses.

“You’re so bonny. I swore you were a faerie when I saw you. Aye and your lovely body so pleasing …” James’ body became lethargic from the drink and lovemaking. He stilled and closed his eyes, content to give over to the sleep that called earnestly to him.

“You didn’t answer me,” she whispered. “Will you promise to take me?”

“Aye, whatever … you want.” James kept his eyes closed and succumbed to his inebriation. He fell asleep within seconds unaware of what he’d promised.

James was rousted by his comrades’ boisterous return. He groaned but kept still, for his head thumped and was akin to a drum echoing in an open field. He daren’t open his eyes certain they’d burn from the light.

“Well damn me, I knew I should’ve come back with James last eve,” Sean said.

“Aye, looks like he found a faerie in the woods,” Kenneth jested.

“Who is she?” Colm asked.

“Damned if I know,” Sean replied.

“James, best awaken and send your lass on her way before Grey comes.”

James frowned at Kenneth’s words. Lass? He moaned and squinted for the brightness outside filtered through the tent. It was morning already? He groaned at the thought that the sleep he needed had passed in the blink of an eye.

“Och she’s bonny I’ll give ye that,” Sean said.

“Aye, he was always one for red-haired lassies. Akin to me,” Kenneth said, and laughed, “for my Elisa has hair as red as the lass’ in his arms.”

“You know what they say about red-haired lassies,” Colm said, chuckling. He’d made that jest before, and none of them found humor in it.

James spied the woman lying next to him and let out a curse. “Cosh! Leave us,” was all he managed to say.

Their laughter followed in their wake as they left the tent.

James watched Emlyn’s face, and he removed a curl that fell across her nose. Her pert nose had a smattering of freckles. The bonny shade of her hair glowed in the morning light. Damn, she was beautiful up close, and amazingly, she lay in his arms.

“Lovely, we need to rise.” He shook her.

She opened her eyes and stretched, causing her body to press against his.

James couldn’t stop the moan that escaped him. “God Almighty, you’re a temptress. Och there’s no excuse for my behavior. I’m sorry I took your virginity, lass. I …” He was waylaid at his conduct and mortified. At least what he remembered of it. Damnation, he’d never drink to such a state again. The thought of not knowing his actions unsettled him.

“Who says you did?”

“You’re here in my arms, naked as am I. What else am I to think?”

“Ah, and ye deem, warrior, that I gave myself to you? You are not my first, for I’ve lain with another.” Her eyes crinkled at the corners with mirth. “Worry not, for I am not a lass to shriek over such matters.”

He didn’t like hearing that. For if she was with a man, he’d hoped he would’ve been the first, and hell, only. She didn’t seem harmed by their encounter and so he brushed it aside. When she bent to retrieve her gown, he noticed the curve of her arse and couldn’t resist giving it an affectionate caress.


She turned and glared at him.

“Would that I could love you again. I’m glad I wasn’t dreaming.” And as the words came forth, his rod hardened and was in the perfect position to enter her.

She gasped and shoved his chest. Emlyn rolled off the cot and stood naked in front of him. James took in as much of her as he could before she pulled the gown over her head. She knelt next to him and her pretty green eyes bore into his.

“Remember your promise. Tell me when and where to meet you for it must be soon.”

“Promise? What promise, lovely?” James couldn’t remember much of anything that had happened last eve, let alone promising her something. He tried to recall, but nothing came to him.

“When we’re to leave. You promised to take me with you.”

“I can’t do that, lass. Do you know what you’re asking?” He noticed he’d marked her and the evidence of what he’d done was clearly discernable on the delicate skin of her neck. James flinched, but couldn’t think straight with his head thumping.

“Aye, I do.” She gazed at him with ire, and bunched up his tartan and threw it at him.

James got off the cot and wrapped it around his waist. “You’re asking me to cause a war. If I take you …” He couldn’t abate the frown that came upon him.

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