Inside Heat (11 page)

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Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Inside Heat
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Jeff’s lips curved up in a knowing smile. Jason noted the quick tension in Martin’s thighs. Let the bastard wonder what was up with Jeff’s smile. Jason raised his glove, shifted a little to the left, exaggerating his movements a little so Martin couldn’t miss it. Jeff paused, hands together at his waist. Jason relaxed and focused on Jeff’s right hand and the speck of white he could see between his fingers. The ball spun through the thick air like a comet through the night sky. McCree swung even as he danced back from the plate. Jason closed his fingers, trapping the ball in his mitt.

“Steeeeriiiiiikkkkke three!” the umpire shouted with more enthusiasm than was probably warranted for the occasion, but Jason couldn’t argue with him. McCree, however, had no qualms about doing so. The man went into a rage—something else to attribute to the drugs – and cracked the bat against the plate. Jason knew some colorful language, had used some on occasion himself, but the string of invectives that followed Jeff and him off the field was enough to make a sailor blush.

He met Jeff halfway to the dugout and slung an arm around his shoulder. “The moron would still be at bat if he hadn’t swung.” He chuckled. “That was some inside heat, bro. You damned near took his kneecaps off.”

“I wouldn’t mind putting him on the bench for a few games, or the rest of the season.”

“Well, you almost did. Better luck next time.” He gave Jeff’s shoulder a squeeze. “See you at home. Don’t take too long.” Jason ducked his head to avoid eye contact with the horde of reporters storming the field, and his brother. Jeff was good at the press thing. Let him answer their inane questions. Megan was a quick shower, and a short drive away.

* * * *

Megan hung her car keys on the key rack inside the kitchen door. She needed a shower and a drink. She grabbed a soda from the fridge, swept her limp ponytail to one side, and pressed the can to the back of her neck. One foot hooked the bottom of the door and swung it shut while she tugged the freezer door open with her free hand. Frigid air met heated skin from her toes to her hairline. She closed her eyes and silently thanked whoever invented the side-by-side refrigerator/freezer. She savored the cold for a minute, then headed for the pool to complete her cool-down.

The front door opening and closing echoed through the cavernous house, followed by heavy footsteps across the hardwood floors, punctuated by short silent pauses, much like missed heartbeats. That would be Jason coming home. The man couldn’t sneak in if he had to. Megan paddled her floating lounge chair to the middle of the indoor pool so she could see him coming. As many times as Jason had done this, it was still something she didn’t want to miss.

He walked through the open French doors, into the glass-enclosed pool area. Megan eyed him appreciatively as he crossed the rough flagstones to the flat rock that doubled as a diving board. He was a magnificent specimen, she’d give him that, but he had the manners of a caveman. “You know you’re going to pick those up, don’t you? I’m not your maid.”

He raked his longish hair back with one hand and bounced on his tiptoes, making all sorts of things bounce too. The man had as much modesty as he had manners – absolutely none. “I know. I promise to pick the clothes up, but first I need to cool off. It was hotter than hell out there today.” He executed a perfect dive and stroked underwater until he surfaced next to Megan’s wildly rocking chair. “You’re too pretty to be the maid.”

Megan put her hand on his head, shoved him under the water, and held him there until he came up sputtering.

Jason clung to the side of her chair while he kicked them both to the shallow end. He sat on the built-in bench, his arms stretched along the pool edge. “I keep my clothes on in front of company. It’s not like
haven’t seen it before. He manipulated her chair with his toes, pushing it away, then reeling it back in so the cool water rippled over her submerged midsection.

“We were talking about your slovenly ways. You’re only a slob because it annoys Jeff.”

He flashed an unrepentant grin. “Picked up on that, did ‘ya?” His grin faded. “Why don’t you get off your throne and make me forget I have a brother.”

His voice had gone from light and teasing, to dark and hungry in the space of a heartbeat. Megan let her gaze slide from his full lips to the scar on his otherwise smooth chest, then lower. He’d been flaccid when he dove in the water, but that wasn’t the case now. A wave of heat washed over her and set her skin on fire. It never occurred to her to say no, she never had before. Jason hooked one foot on the edge of her chair and Megan tumbled out at his feet.

“Come here.” He wiggled a finger in invitation. His dark blonde hair was plastered to his head like a sleek helmet, leaving the sharp lines of his face unobscured. She recognized the determined set of his jaw, and the sparkle of lust in his eyes. It had been like this from the very first when she’d met the twins. Even a nun wouldn’t be immune to a look like that, but as arousing as it was, it was nothing compared to the way she felt when Jeff looked at her. That didn’t mean she wasn’t going to take what was being offered. A round of sex with Jason would be fun, and it was always satisfying.

Megan moved closer in the hip deep water until her legs straddled Jason’s. “Whoa.” His hand spanned her stomach as he stopped her progress. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

She stood mute as Jason loosened the ties at her hips and tossed her bikini bottom over his shoulder. It landed with a slap on the flagstone deck. His hands framed her hips as his eyes surveyed her exposed flesh, lingering on her neatly trimmed mound. After all this time, he still looked at her as if he’d just unwrapped a work of art. His thumbs swept across her skin in a sensual arc, fanning the flames of her desire into a full-blown conflagration. With every callused sweep, her knees weakened until she had to lean into him for support. Jason took her weight easily, guiding her down to his lap.

Her hands drifted to his shoulders, and she dug her fingers into the hard muscles there. There wasn’t an ounce of extra fat on his or Jeff’s body. At twenty-eight, they had the kind of physiques you saw in fitness magazines, the kind that made women drool. Megan wasn’t immune to their sexual appeal, or to the men they were inside, especially Jeff.

She couldn’t say when it had started, this growing need for something permanent, for a family, but every day it grew stronger. She wanted kids, and she wanted them with Jeff.

Jason’s hand slid from her hip, over her ribcage and to her nape. Gentle pressure brought her face down to his, while his other hand worked the fastening at the back of her bikini top. His lips commanded, and Megan responded, opening for his tongue to explore. He tasted like the peppermint gum he chewed while at bat, and it drove her nuts. It always had. Her top slipped away, landing on the flagstones next to her bottoms. Warm water lapped at the undersides of her breasts, a gentle, teasing caress. Her nipples hardened in the moist air, begging for Jason’s touch.

His hands dove underwater, found her ribcage, and slowly worked their way to her front. He lifted her breasts in his callused palms and squeezed. Megan’s heart thudded against her ribs. She dared to glance between them to see his hands molding, squeezing, manipulating. Her pale breasts were generous, but not overly large. But in Jason’s huge hands they looked small, even when he plumped them together. Her nipples had darkened, hardened into aching pebbles under his gaze. If he didn’t touch them soon she thought she might scream.

“Beautiful,” he breathed against one aching nub. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

Jason never failed to make her feel cherished. He meant the compliments, every one of them, but in her heart she knew it was only his appreciation for a woman’s body – nothing more.

 Jason lowered his head, drew one throbbing nub into his mouth, and Megan forgot that it was just sex. A stab of pure lust shot from her nipple to her womb, and drove every rational thought from her brain.

His hands explored at will, while his mouth moved from one breast to the other, tasting, taking, teasing, until Megan ground against him in frustration. Her pussy clenched with each pull on her nipple. Her core turned to liquid. Jason might not be able to give her his heart, but he could give her this. His rock hard cock pressed against her stomach, a testimony to his need. Megan wanted nothing more than to assuage that need, and sate hers at the same time, but what he was doing to her breasts felt too good to stop. She speared her fingers through his wet locks, and held him to her like a drowning victim clinging to a life preserver.

“I love your tits.” Ahh, and she loved it when he loved them too.

Her head fell back. Her long hair fanned across the water. A primal moan worked its way from her chest to her throat and echoed off the glass walls surrounding the pool. She was close to begging when his hands left her breasts to cradle her hips once again.

“Yes,” she sighed. Every cell in her body was tight with need. “I need you.”

 Jason guided his cock to her entrance and pressed her down. She wanted to sink fast, take him all at once, but he wouldn’t allow it. He eased her down, one delicious stretching, filling inch at a time, until her inner thighs rested on his. Hot steel impaled her.

“Oh God!” Her body adjusted quickly to the invasion. Megan dropped her forehead to Jason’s and closed her eyes. He held her still for a moment, and when she relaxed in his arms, he flexed his hips and worked himself impossibly deeper inside her.

“Ahh, baby. You feel so damned good.” His voice was hoarse with desire. Megan wiggled as best she could without shredding her knees on the concrete bench. Jason’s hands tightened on her hips, holding her still. “Don’t, baby. Let me do all the work.”


Chapter Eleven


“Like hell you will.”

Megan fought her way up from the sensual haze that engulfed her. Her breath quickened and her insides turned to liquid heat. Jeff.

“I see you started without me.” The voice was near identical to Jason’s, but there was something about the way he delivered his words that sent her libido into overdrive. Everything that came out of his mouth sounded like a sensual caress, a forbidden touch. Sex. Hot, steamy, fuck me now, sex, and …love.

Fabric slid against fabric. The rasp of a zipper seemed muted by the thick, moist air. She didn’t have to turn around to know that in a minute, Jeff would have his clothes neatly folded and placed well out of the way of splashing water.

“You’re late,” Jason replied. “Maybe she doesn’t want you.”

The splash from Jeff’s sleek dive barely registered on the surface, but below, a tidal wave washed between her body and Jason’s. Jeff surfaced behind her. His breath fanned along her spine as he placed hot kisses from the water line to her nape. Then he was there, his heat pressing against her back. His erection nudged her lower back, sending a shaft of longing through her. Megan shuddered with desire as Jeff’s hands rested on her shoulders and, aided by the slickness of the water, slid along her arms to her wrists.

Long, competent fingers shackled the delicate bones there. She loosened her hold on his brother and let Jeff pull her hands up, placing her palms on top of her head, bringing her breasts above the water line. His hands stroked back the way they’d come, past her shoulders, along her back and then around to cup her breasts. He massaged gently at first, then he found her nipples. He pinched the sensitive nubs between his thumb and forefinger, tugging and applying pressure until she cried out. A lightning bolt shot from her nipples straight to her pussy making her clench hard around Jason’s cock.

“Ah, Christ, Megan!” Jason cursed through gritted teeth. “Not yet, baby. It feels too good.”

“Finish him, sweetheart,” Jeff crooned, his lips moving over the shell of her ear as he continued to torment her breasts. “Get him off, and then it’ll be just you and me. I’ll make you feel good, I promise.”

“Shut up, Jeff.” Jason had regained some control over his body. “I found her first.”

“Maybe, but she wants me, don’t you, sugar?”

Jeff’s erection pressed against her lower back, his chest against her shoulders. Sandwiched between matching bookends, it was nearly impossible to think, much less speak. Megan moved her lips, tested the motions necessary to form the words before she attempted to speak.

“Both,” she mumbled. “I want…”

“Yeah, I want too,” Jeff said. He tucked her hands over her breasts and pressed them hard against her chest. “Hold these for me,” he commanded.

Megan did as she was told, though she found it difficult to keep up the pressure, no matter how wonderful it felt. Jeff leaned to one side, snagged a foam float, and pulled it to the edge of the pool. A few more tugs and the doublewide float was centered behind Jason’s head.

Jeff’s hands cupped her ass from below. “Lift her up, Jase.”

Water sluiced down their bodies as the two men lifted her from the pool. When they were finished relocating, Megan was still impaled by Jason’s cock, but now he sat on the foam mat with his legs dangling in the water. Jeff’s hand on her shoulder pushed her forward. She followed Jason down, her pussy stretching to take him at the new angle. His hands soothed down her back as she wiggled to find a comfortable position.

“Don’t move.” Jeff bounded out of the pool, crossed to a table nearby for a tube of lubricant they kept there. A ripple of desire worked its way through her body as Jeff’s intent registered. They usually took turns, but the times when they did take her simultaneously, it was an incredible experience. Behind her, Jeff snapped the lid shut on the tube, and weakness took hold of her body.

She sank, boneless against Jason’s powerful torso, drawing what strength she could from him, as her body seemed incapable of functioning on its own. She turned her face into his neck, and his arms came around to cradle her shoulders and her head, stroking, comforting, assuring. “It’s okay, baby. Just relax. Let us love you.” His words rumbled through his chest, then whispered against the top of her head. Her shoulders slumped and her fisted hands uncurled. “That’s it. You know it’s going to feel good.”

Her body relaxed, but her mind was another thing. Jeff parted her ass, slicked lube everywhere, on her, in her, over her ass cheeks. Her brain conjured things she could only imagine. His fingers circling. Swiping. Plunging. The look on Jeff’s face, as he prepared her for his entry. Somehow, she knew he would have the same focused concentration he had when he threw a pitch, and her pelvic muscles clenched at the thought. God, he was sexy when he had that look on his face. Single minded focus. Determination. Dominance.

“Good, Christ.” The curse came from behind her. “God, Megan! When you squeeze my fingers like that, all I can think about is how it’s going to feel when you come, and I’m inside you.”

“I…I’m sorry,” she whimpered.

Jason smoothed a hand over her wet hair. “Don’t be. Shhh. You want this, don’t you?”

If she wanted it any more, she’d die. “Yes,” she whispered.

Christ, she sounded like a kitten, mewling for milk. Her apology and that one word confirmation had Jeff so hard he could drive nails with his cock. He needed to calm down, focus on taking her slow so he wouldn’t hurt her. He couldn’t take his eyes off her pussy lips, stretched thin by Jason’s cock. He could see his brother’s ragged heartbeat in the thick vein along the underside of his shaft. If he waited any longer to join Jason inside her, he’d blow like a volcano. Hell, there was no guarantee he would last more than a second inside her tight little ass, either.

She had an ass any man would want to fuck. Sweet, round, soft. Every time he saw it, he wanted it, wanted her. He was too big to do it often, especially in tandem with Jason, but they’d done it enough he knew she could take it. Thank God she’d said yes, because once he’d put his fingers in her tight hole, he’d committed himself to fucking something. Her kitten soft voice made his balls draw up tight and his cock throb. She was his, and he was going to have her. Now.

He parted her with both hands, kneaded the soft globes as he flexed his knees and brought the head of his cock to the sweet rosebud. His cock had enough lube on it to slide through a garden hose, but he’d be careful with her. He’d take his time, ease into her, even if it killed him.

Jason crooned nonsense as he stroked Megan’s head from temple to crown. Her back rose and fell with each slow breath. Jeff timed his entry, watching until she’d filled her lungs. Then as the breath passed her lips, he pushed hard, breaching the tight ring of muscles. She gave a startled cry and tensed. Jeff ground his teeth as her body closed around his shaft. He would not go off, not until he took her completely.

He waited until Jason’s ministrations calmed her once again, then he pressed in another inch. Now that he was inside, he let her ass cheeks close around his shaft. She felt like heaven – tight and hot where she held him inside her – soft and warm where she cradled the rest of his shaft. “God, Megan…You’re so fucking tight.”

 He stroked her soft globes, ran his hands in hard circles, then swept up and across the small of her back. Eventually, he wrapped his hands around her hipbones and held her steady.

“Can you take all of me?” he asked.

She nodded her head against Jason’s shoulder. No one had ever trusted him the way Megan did. A now familiar warmth spread through his body as his love for her enveloped his heart and squeezed almost as tight as her ass was around his cock. She looked so damned vulnerable lying there draped over Jason. He’d have her again, like this, when they were all alone and he didn’t have to share her with his brother. His cock grew harder at the mental image of Megan beneath him, offering her ass, giving him everything.

 “Tell me if it hurts. I’ll stop.” He pressed again, this time inching in with one long, slow thrust that had sweat beading on his forehead and his balls burning with need. It was torture. It was heaven. Every inch stole a little bit more of his sanity. God, she was beautiful in her submission. His heart lurched at the amount of trust she gave to them.

It was all he could do to hold still once his pelvis pressed up against her pillow soft ass. He clenched his jaw tight, stroked his hands over her back and along her spine and down her legs. Once, she wiggled her ass, and he clenched her hips to hold her still.

“Don’t do that,” he admonished. “Let us do all the work. I’m going to pull out a little, then push back in. Real slow.” He caught his brother’s eye over Megan’s head. “You know what to do.”

Megan dug her fingers into Jason’s shoulders as both men set up a torturously slow rhythm. When one slid out, the other slid in, like pistons in a two-stroke engine. They filled her body, her mind, her heart. She felt weak. She felt powerful. Love and need and hunger ravaged her body. She’d never felt more loved, more cherished. Their hands stroked every inch of her skin, in a sensuous massage that both relaxed and aroused. Love infused every tender touch and warmed her from the inside out.

Her body adjusted to the fullness, but she needed more. She braced herself upward, changing the angle so her clit rubbed against Jason’s pelvic bone. The angle allowed Jeff to go even deeper, and faster. Megan groaned as the new sensations pushed her closer to the edge.

Her hair hung over one shoulder, leaving crystal drops of water on Jason’s chest and shoulders. When it swung over and splattered his face, he lifted it so it hung down her back like a curtain of black velvet. Rivulets of water collected and ran along her spine. She heard Jeff’s hiss as the cold water made it to his cock.

“Son of a bitch,” he snarled. “That’s fucking cold!” Megan smiled down at Jason who smiled back at her.

Both men took advantage of the new position, cupping and fondling her breasts. Jeff’s fingers ran through the cold river running along her spine, then transferred the damp chill to her burning nipples, making them tighten into hard aching buttons. Megan arched away from Jeff’s cold fingers, then just as quickly thrust her chest forward, begging for more. Jeff obliged, wetting his palm and capturing her breast in a firm caress.

Megan writhed between them. Where Jeff tormented, Jason soothed, chafing her tender skin with his callused palms, replacing cold with burning heat. She was trapped between heaven and hell, needing the release held just out of her grasp.

Jeff changed the tempo. Jason closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. It was awkward for the span of two strokes, until Jason adjusted to the new rhythm. Megan moved her hands to Jason’s biceps. He slid his hands up to support her arms as both men thrust into her hard, at the same time.

Jeff’s hips ground her clit against his brother’s pelvis. What had been a slow climb to the top became a desperate scramble to the peak. Her breasts bounced with each powerful thrust. Her pussy ached, her ass burned. Deep in her gut, her orgasm coiled tight. Blood roared past her ears, muting the voices urging her on. Jeff flicked a finger over her clit.

She went over the edge. Jason clamped his teeth hard over one nipple. She screamed. Pain and pleasure melded into one as she escaped earth’s bonds. Nothing could ever feel that dangerous, or that good, again. Simultaneous curses from Jason and Jeff told her they had found the same unearthly plane. They shoved into her as their cocks pulsed, flooding her with their heat. She took it all, savoring this part of them that they gave to her, and her alone.

She collapsed against Jason’s laboring chest. Jeff stroked her back for several minutes, then as he grew soft, he slipped from her. He pressed his lips to her sore ass. His breath fanned against her tender skin until gooseflesh covered her body. He laughed and did it again. She reached out in a weak attempt to swat at him.

Jason shifted his hips, slipping from her. Jeff stood over them. “Let’s get cleaned up, then I need food.”

Megan rolled off Jason. He got to his feet and both men offered a hand to help her up. Her knees refused to hold her. She fell into Jeff, and he caught her to his side and helped her to the open shower in the corner. Designed for one person to rinse off, the three of them pressed close, skin-to-skin under the spray. Megan felt like a ragdoll, supported by one, then the other, as they bathed her body, taking extra care with the tender flesh between her legs.

Jeff dried her while Jason supported her. When they were all dry, Jason carried her to her bedroom. Megan closed her eyes as Jason deposited her on the bed and pulled the duvet over her. “Rest. We’ll order in tonight,” he said. He placed a kiss on her forehead, then walked to the door where Jeff stood, watching. “She’s exhausted.”

“We should have been easier on her,” Jeff said in a voice just above a whisper. Their concern was touching, but unnecessary. Megan hadn’t felt this good in a long time. She’d been thoroughly loved by the two most incredible men in the whole world, and now, they were taking care of her as if she were spun glass. What more could a woman want? She loved them both in her own way. They were so much a part of her now she couldn’t imagine her life without them.

“We were doing fine until you came home and stuck your dick in where it wasn’t needed,” Jason said.

needed her.”

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