Interview with Love (19 page)

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Authors: Lisa Y. Watson

BOOK: Interview with Love
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Vaughn knew how significant that gesture was for her. “Kind of like this dress,” his voice was thick with emotion. He waved it in front of her before laying it on a nearby bench. His eyes scanned appreciatively over her candlelit body. He watched in fascination as the muted shadows danced across her body. Vaughn's hand stroked her skin over and around her satin bra and matching panties.

Unable to remain a spectator, Sienna unbuttoned his shirt and helped him out of it. Next she went to work removing his pants.

They faced each other in their underwear.

Vaughn caressed her cheek. “Are you cold?”

“Are you kidding? Right now I feel like you could melt candle wax on me.”

She saw a gleam in his eyes. “Theoretically,” she clarified.

He picked her up. “Tease.”

Vaughn lowered her onto the bed. When he lay down beside her he gathered her in his arms. Her head rested on his chest. Silently, they observed the stars above them. They took turns pointing out constellations to each other. “Doc?” Vaughn said, softly.

She didn't look up when she spoke, “Yes?”

“Now this is amazing.”

Chapter Twenty-six
Girls Night Out

Vaughn and Sienna were sitting inside the restaurant when Carlton and Angella arrived. When she spotted Vaughn she ran toward him. He was waiting for her with outstretched arms. “How's my Angel?”

“Uncle Vaughn,” she said, gleefully. “It's been forever since I've seen you.”

“Forever has lasted a week,” he teased. “How's my favorite short stop?”

“Great,” Angella enthused. She turned her attention toward Sienna. “Hi Ms. Sienna.”

Extending her hand, Sienna squeezed Angella's. “It's a pleasure to finally be able to meet you. The last time doesn't count since we were in the middle of some drama.”

“Total drama,” Angella agreed.

Carlton stepped over to his daughter's side. He leaned in to hug Sienna. “Nice to see you again,” he smiled.

“I'm glad it's under better circumstances this time,” Sienna countered.

“I hope you brought an appetite, Angel.”

“Uncle Vaughn, this is IHOP. Since when haven't I been in the mood for their pancakes?”


They enjoyed each other's company throughout breakfast. Angella discussed her last soccer game with Vaughn while Carlton discussed migraines and ways to alleviate the effects with Sienna. After Vaughn paid the bill, they all walked to the parking lot. Angella and Sienna were animatedly discussing Cassandra's dance studio.

Carlton pulled his friend aside. “She's a great woman, Vaughn. Seriously, I'm glad everything is working out for you.”

“Thanks, man. At least now we know she has a sister,” he said, dryly.

“True, though she's not exactly my type,” Carlton said, heaving a sigh of relief. “And honestly, it would be too weird for you and I to be dating twins.”

“From what Sasha said, she's already taken anyway.”

“Back to the drawing board then,” his friend joked.

Vaughn gave Carlton a quick pat on the back. “It looks that way.”

Six days later…

Vivian rolled a small suitcase into Sienna's office. She took a quick peek at her watch. “Girl, will you please hurry up so we can get going? Fooling around with you we're going to be late.”

“Almost finished,” Sienna said, calmly. “Viv, I've got some news.”

Vivian arched an eyebrow. “Uh-oh. What's going on? Every time you use that tone something happens that I don't like.”

“Sasha is coming along.”

Vivian's eyes grew huge. “What? How the hell did that happen? After what you told me I thought you all were on the outs. More so than usual that is.”

“Cassie happened. She let it slip in front of my dad that you and I were going away for our girl's weekend. Before she could stop him he'd invited Sasha along.”

“Well he can just un-invite her. Besides, she said no, right?”

Sienna shook her head. “We're not that lucky. She agreed to go. I'm sure it was to placate my dad.”

“Oh, this is just great,” Vivian moaned flopping into a nearby chair. “Talk about buzz kill. We're going to be stuck an entire weekend with your twin from a parallel universe. Splendid.”

Sienna tried to put a good spin on it. “Look at it this way, if she's with us, she can't be here trying to probe my parents for stuff to write in her book. This way we can keep our eye on her.”

“I thought she told you she wasn't using you for it?”

Sienna looked skeptical. “That's what she said, but I don't trust her, Viv.”

“Fine,” Vivian acquiesced. “Is she coming here or meeting us at the airport?”

“At the airport.”

Suddenly Sienna looked up. “I wish you'd tell me where we are going.”

“Not a chance. After that big bombshell you just dropped I need to have some fun. You'll have to wait until we get to the airport. You picked the place last year and we agreed remember? No telling where we're going until we're practically on the plane.”

“You do realize that makes it hard to pack don't you?”

Vivian pondered that predicament. “You're right. Okay, if the destination will be a climate change for us then we can give hints.”

“So you're saying I packed satisfactorily for where we're going?”

“Yes, Crazy, now let's go.”

Despite finding out last minute that Sasha was tagging along, by the time they made it through into RDU, Sienna was getting excited. Work had kept her busy up until the moment they walked out the door and Vaughn had been on deadlines and travel so they hadn't seen each other but once that whole week. They'd conversed on the phone, but it wasn't enough for either of them. Just remembering that night they had spent together caused her to sigh in delight at the memory. Her stomach flip-flopped just thinking about their passionate encounter.

“Okay, new rule,” Vivian announced. “What number are you on? Anyway, no thinking about your man to the point that you're eyes glaze over, and you're sweating in front of me. Unless I have a man, and then it's okay. Since I don't right now—cut that crap out.”

Sienna ignored Vivian's protests. She opened her cell phone and dialed Vaughn's number. When she got his voicemail she left a message. “I'm missing you like crazy. This week has been intolerable. I can't begin to tell you how lonely it's been without you—especially at night,” she whispered.

Vivian rolled her eyes so Sienna turned and faced the other direction. “I still don't know where we're going. We've had a hiccup in the program, too. Sasha's coming along. Don't ask, I'll call you later tonight with those sordid details,” she promised. “I hope you're having fun being in Las Vegas without me. We will have to plan these excursions better in the future. Anyway, have a safe trip and I'll talk to you soon.” After she hung up she turned back around. Vivian was shaking her head at her. “I don't know why you didn't tell the man you loved him.”

Sienna blushed profusely. “Who says I love him?”

“Anybody that has a brain in their head or eyeballs or—”

“I get it,” she interrupted. Thoughts of Vaughn and how she felt about him rocketed to the forefront. Sienna knew Vivian wasn't telling her anything that she hadn't asked herself already.
Are you in love with Vaughn Deveraux?
she pondered. Her hand went to the necklace he'd given her. She wore it more times than not. His sentiments when he'd presented it to her made her almost blurt out how she felt about him right then and there.

“Earth to Sienna?” Vivian waved a hand in front of her face. “You're sister's coming.”

Sienna pushed her thoughts aside and watched Sasha come into view.

When she reached them, Sasha smiled. “Hello, ladies.”

“Sasha, what an…unexpected surprise.” Vivian smiled overly brightly.

“I hope you won't mind me tagging along. Dad sort of insisted, and you know how he gets when you try to disagree with him. He went straight to ‘Colonel Mode.'”

“Don't I know it,” Sienna chimed in despite herself.”

A few seconds of awkward silence passed. Eventually, Sienna spoke up. “Enough of the mystery, Vivian. Where are we going?”

“Okay, okay I'll tell you,” she replied, ceremoniously putting her hand into her bag and pulling out their tickets. “We're going to New York.”

“New York?” Sasha repeated with minute enthusiasm.

“Don't give me that bored look. We are having the time of our lives this weekend. If you'd rather not participate—”

“I'm here, aren't I?”

Vivian turned to Sienna. “I've got all sorts of excitement planned so get your game face on and let's get to partying.”

The plane ride was uneventful. On the taxi ride to the hotel Vivian finally gave them a few details.

“We're staying at the Plaza, ladies.”

“Vivian, are you insane? The Plaza?” Sienna's eyes bugged out of her head. “Do you know how much a night there costs? And you've booked us for two?”

“Yes, I do and yes I have,” Vivian informed her in her not-too-be-messed-with voice. “Sienna, relax. We've earned this. It's been a fantastic year thus far and we have a girl's weekend every year. We spent more than this last year on a cruise.”

“Yeah, but that was a cruise…for five days…to the Caribbean.”

“I was there, remember?”

“Vivian, this will cost a fortune,” Sienna groused.

“Only half a fortune and sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Besides, if you meet with at least one client, we can write the hotel room off.”

Sienna looked thoughtful.

“I'm kidding. You will do nothing of the sort. This weekend is about having a good time. We've got reservations tomorrow night for dinner at Le Cirque, and after breakfast we've got spa appointments. Not once this entire weekend do I want to hear or see you worrying about money. It's all about those hour long massages, which I hope will be given by some incredibly gorgeous, virile men—accents optional.”

Before Sienna could say anything, Sasha spoke up, “Now this trip sounds like fun. Don't worry sis, neither one of us will tell Vaughn about Sven.”

Sienna glared at her sister. “First of all, I am not so frugal that I can't have a good time and enjoy myself. Secondly, Sven? There will be no Sven.”

“Maybe his name will be Derrick,” Vivian gushed. “What if he looks like Shemar Moore from Criminal Minds?” she threw her hand over her eyes for effect. “I'm telling you right now if my masseuse has an island accent I'll have to catch up with you all later.”

Shock registered on Sienna's face. “You wouldn't.”

“Watch me. I'll be quoting nine famous words.”

Sasha looked over curiously. “What?”

“Exactly,” Vivian said. “What happens in New York stays in New York.”

“Oh please,” Sasha scoffed. “You aren't having a one-night stand.”

“You're right, because I sure won't be standing.”

They all roared with laughter.

By the time the cab arrived at their hotel even the cab driver was caught up in their excitement. They ogled the hotel while they checked in.

“It's beautiful,” Sienna commented as she looked around. “Sasha, isn't it incredible?”

“You've forgotten I've traveled all over the world. This kind of luxury is commonplace for me.”

Vivian rolled her eyes. “Snob.”

After checked in they headed to their rooms. Vivian had booked two adjoining rooms. Sasha and Sienna shared one while Vivian took the other. “There's no way I'm sleeping in the same room with her,” Vivian had whispered while they were waiting for their room keys. “I'm telling you right now if I do, both of us are going to sleep, but only one of us is waking up.”

“Viv,” Sienna hissed.

“Don't you Viv, me. She's your crazy relative, you deal with her.”


When she was done putting her clothes away, Vivian knocked on their shared door and came in. “Is this awesome or what? Did you see the bathroom; marble floors, gold fixtures? I don't think I'll get any sleep. I'll be too busy gawking at the room.”

“Kudos, Vivi. You did a fantastic job of setting this whole thing up. You're right, it was worth it,” Sienna concluded.

“I know. Here we are living it up in the Big Apple. Hey, I've got an idea. How about we have a slumber party and order room service instead of going down to the restaurant?”

Sienna and Sasha glanced at each other. When Sasha remained silent Sienna shook her head. “Look, you insisted on coming, the least you can do is make the best of it.”

“Sure, sounds like a plan,” Sasha retorted.

“Fantastic. I'm going to shower and change. See you two shortly,” Vivian replied heading back to her room.

The sisters attempted to chat amiably while putting their clothes away.

“You want to hit the bathroom first, Sasha? I want to call Vaughn.”

“Sure. Tell him I said, hi.”

A surprised expression crossed Sienna's face.


“Nothing, I didn't think you liked Vaughn that much is all.”

“Come on, if you can't rake your sister's boyfriend over the coals every once in a while what's the point? Besides, he's no wilting flower,” Sasha noted. “He gives as good as he gets. I like that.”

Sienna stared at her sister in disbelief before she shook her head. “You're as twisted as I remember.”

Sasha's hand went to her heart. False tears glistened in her eyes. “Oh sis, that was the nicest thing you've ever said to me. Wow, you really are lightening up. Not too long ago my declaration would have left you all indignant with your Best Kept Secrets in a bunch,” she said, dryly.

A gasp left Sienna's mouth. “How'd you find out about that?”

“Mom filled me in on your underwear experiment,” Sasha admitted. “You know, you're not as boring as I remember.”

“Funny, you're still as bitchy as I remember,” Sienna shot back.


“Okay, where's the most public place you've ever made love?” Vivian asked.

Silence permeated the suite as everyone pondered the question.

“Come on, times up. We're not suppose to think too much about the answers remember? You just blurt them out before you have a chance to lie,” Vivian added for good measure.

“A park bench in Prague.”

“What?” Sienna sputtered.

“It was at night,” Sasha added.

“Come on, Sienna,” her friend prodded.

“Outside my old high school.”

“Were you in a car?” Vivian asked.

“No. Enough about me, it's your turn, Vivi.”

“A parking garage elevator.”

“No way!” Sienna shrieked. “How did you manage that?”

“Uh, hello? The elevator has a stop button.”

Sienna took a bite of her brownie. “Yeah, but doesn't that sound an alarm or something?”

“Yeah, it does. That's what made it fun,” Vivian sighed, languidly.

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