Into the Ashes [The Arcadians 2] (10 page)

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Authors: Laurie Roma

Tags: #Romance

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deep, faster and faster in a punishing

rhythm. He gripped her hair, winding

it around his fist to jerk her head

back, staring down into her bright

green eyes with fierce determination.

“Mine!” he snarled. “I need you to

say it, Raven. Tell me you are mine.”

Raven could feel the storm building

inside her. Half of her wanted to

smack him for demanding an answer

from her, but the other half shivered

in pleasure that a man as powerful

and giving as he was wanted her to

belong to him. No matter how much

she tried to deny it she knew that she

belonged to him.

“Swear that you will never take any

other male but me and my brothers,”

Savitar demanded again, his voice a

guttural growl. “Mate with me. I need

to hear you say it! Say you belong to


“I swear!” Raven cried out, giving

into the heat of the moment. “But if

you claim me as yours, I swear to

god I will cut off your cock if you

ever cheat on me.”





triumph. “I will want no other till the

end of days. Now come for me, my

queen. Come on my cock while I

claim you as my mate.”

“I need…”

“I will give you what you need,” he

growled as his mouth came down on

hers again. He moved one of his

hands between them and rubbed at

her clit while he pounded his

massive cock into her over and over

again. She threw her head back and

screamed his name as she came,

squeezing his cock so tight he could

barely move inside her.

Savitar felt the muscles of her

pussy clamp down on his cock and

fought the need to come. Extending a

hand, he willed the animalistic side

of himself to come forward enough to

change his fingernails into claws. He

watched as Raven’s eyes grew wide

at the sight and held still, fully

embedded inside her.






“Do not fear me,” he whispered. “I

only wish to cut myself for you to

drink from me to form our bond. I

would never hurt you, Raven.”


He watched as she gulped then

jerked her head in a quick nod. He

reached up and slid one of his claws

over his chest right above his heart.

Simply waiting, he willed his hand

back to normal as he watched her

look at the thin line of life’s blood

trickling from the shallow wound that

was already closing. He would not

force her to take from him, but the

burning need to form the blood bond

with her was overwhelming.

A rumbling purr of satisfaction

sounded deep in his chest as he felt

her lips touch his chest. His cock

hardened to the point of pain and he

began thrusting deep again, riding her

hard as she took what he had offered

her. Unable to wait any longer he

buried his head in the crook of her

neck and bit down deep, sinking his

fangs into her soft flesh, claiming her

as his mate. He heard her cry out as

she was thrown into another orgasm,

her pussy pulsing around him and

continued to drive his cock deep

inside her with fast, hard strokes,

wanting to prolong her pleasure.

The second the sweet taste of her

blood hit his tongue, his cock

exploded. He shoved deep so that his

cock was seated to the hilt at the

entrance to her womb and gave into

his own release as he drank from her.

Satisfaction filled him as he felt the

connection between them snap into

place, sealing his claim on her with

their blood bond.

“Savitar!” Raven cried.

He could feel her pleasure mix

with his own as his cock swelled,

growing larger inside her until he

was locked in her tight channel,

ensuring that not a drop of his seed

escaped her depths. He pulled back

from her neck and swiped his tongue

over his mark.

“Mine!” he roared out as he jerked,

filling her with pulse after pulse of

his hot, thick cream, making her

scream out with pleasure again.

It was done.

Raven was his and death would

come to anyone foolish enough to try

to take her from him.

Chapter Five

Raven woke to the sound of waves

crashing outside the open window of

the bedroom. It took her a few

moments to clear her brain of sleep

enough to realize she was still in

Arcadia and she was lying on

Savitar’s enormous bed.

Well hell, there went her theory

that yesterday had all been some

crazy-ass hallucination.

After she and Savitar had made

love, he had insisted she soak in the

pool as he left long enough to get

them food and drinks before coming

back to their secret cavern. She

smiled at the thought of that cavern

belonging to both of them. When he

returned they had dined on some

strange looking food, but to her relief

everything had tasted delicious and

the sweet wine was now her new

favorite beverage of choice.

During their meal Savitar told her

about the history of Arcadia and a

little bit about his past. He told her

how the wars had ravaged their

world and the Gods punished them

for the blood they spilled. He

explained how he and his brothers

had taken over ruling the Palace of

the Iron City after his parents had

been killed and told her of some of

the problems they had faced as

rulers. He explained more in detail

about the disproportionate ratio of

females to males and how females

had become a rarity on their world.

He’d also explained the problems

that existed with the rogues seeking

females to capture. It made Raven

furious that females were used and

bartered by the rogues, but she was

glad that they had havens, or guarded

sanctuaries for unmated females

where they were protected.





understanding the whole mating thing.

Savitar answered all the questions

she had asked and, although she

appreciated his candid answers, that

didn’t mean she understood most of

it. He had explained when he had

claimed her as his mate while they

had been making love he had put his

scent marker on her, ensuring that

other males would know not to try

and breed her. His cock had also

done that freaky swelling thing that

she was informed would help make

sure she got pregnant.

That little bit of information had

given her pause, but she was on a

birth control shot so she wouldn’t

have to worry about the possibility of

babies for at least a few more months

until her shot wore off. He had

frowned when she had explained

birth control to him, since they had no

such thing on his world, but there

was nothing either of them could do

about it so they let the subject drop.

Savitar had explained the whole

mating thing and the blood bond he

and his brothers had created with her.

With the exchange of their blood,

they had created a pathway into each

other’s minds. The bond that was

formed when blood was exchanged

during sex was even stronger and

would only grow more powerful the

more they did it. There was also

some sort of mating or bonding ritual

that would ensure the favor of the

Gods, but that wasn’t something

Raven was worried about right now.

She wasn’t ready to take all three of

the brothers on at once yet, and they

would simply have to wait until she


She found it fascinating that their

Gods were actively involved with

the people of Arcadia. It was hard

for her to imagine, but if she had

learned anything in her life it was that

religion, politics, and penis size

were three things that were never to

be debated with men.

Not that Savitar had anything to

worry about with the latter of those,

not with the damn club he was

packing between his legs. His cock

may just be her new favorite thing…

and the body it was attached to of

course. After they had finished their

meal, they had made love again then

once more right before they had gone

to sleep. Raven was glad that it

wasn’t a fluke. The moment Savitar

had touched her, the connection

between them was as amazing as the

first time and their bond grew even

stronger. The sex was better than

anything she had ever experienced.

Hell, it was better than anything she

could have possibly imagined.

Savitar was the epitome of her

every fantasy come to life. He was

smart, caring, and passionate. He

was also built like a Greek god and

seemed to know just how to touch her

to make her melt. If she was going to

be stuck on Arcadia, she had lucked

out finding a man like Savitar.

His brothers were a different story


Savitar had told her the basics of

mating on Arcadia and how their

males waited their whole lives to

find the one woman who would

complete them. She could understand

how Kadan and Tristan had been

overwhelmed at her arrival, but they

had a long way to being forgiven in

her book. Even so, Raven felt an

inner desire to be with Kadan and

Tristan that she couldn’t deny. As her

bond with Savitar grew stronger, so

did her bond with his brothers.

Arcadians were lucky because the

blood bond and special bonds of the

brothers ensured that a mate would

welcome all of them, not just a single


She loved that Savitar seemed to

understand and accept her reticence

at trusting them after what had

happened between her, Kadan and

Tristan earlier. She also appreciated

that Savitar didn’t push her to accept

them. She’d felt his extreme pride at

being the one that she had let close to

her, but knew he wanted her to give

his brothers the chance to make up

for what they did. All he asked was

that she try and get to know them at

her own pace.

Raven had agreed, but she still had

her doubts.

During their talk she had told him

about her past. Since Kadan and

Tristan already knew about the

horrors of her childhood, she felt

okay about sharing the information

with Savitar as well. Her breath had

caught at the depth of rage she had

felt coming off him when she gave

him the brief rundown on what had

happened to her then she quickly

moved on to telling them about

happier times in her life. She told

him how proud she was to be a

police detective and laughed at the

concern he expressed over her

chasing after murderers and other


The truth was they were more alike

than either of them had originally

thought. Well, except for the whole





comfortable knowing that she was

technically now the Queen of the Iron

City. She was in a strange world and

now was considered one of their

leaders? How was she supposed to

lead anything when she had no clue

what the hell she was doing?

The sound of the waves outside

seemed to grow louder making her

groan as her head began to hurt. She

tried to turn over in bed and smiled

to herself as she was held in place by

the large arm flung across her waist.

Last night after they had left the






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