Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (118 page)

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One Hundred Thirty Two

When we leave for our boat ride on the lake, Anna hands us three large baskets full of food and drinks. Henry and Joe insist on Maggie and I bringing extra clothes and blankets for ourselves just in case it gets too cold. Seriously, they’re being overly attentive and it’s bordering along the lines of no longer being cute and sweet. Maggie doesn’t argue, but I do — I lose the argument since Jared and Nathan chime in, insisting on not leaving until I agree.

“You excited,
?” Jared asks, sitting next to me on the boat as Henry, Jimmy and Joe get the vessel situated to cast off.

“About what?”

“About being a mom,” Jared laughs, wrapping his arm around me.

“I don’t know,” I admit, leaning into his embrace.

“Has it still not sunken in yet?” he checks.

“Yeah,” I confirm.

“Do you feel different? I mean . . . other than this morning and the fatigue?” Jared searches.

“No,” I state. “The fatigue has been gone after I increased the amount of nutrients I’ve been taking and the extra rest.”

“Good,” he replies with a smile.

For a few moments, Jared and I cuddle while watching the guys finish getting the boat ready. I find myself aroused more than usual as I watch Joe’s arm muscles flexing.

“This is exciting,” Jared announces. “I get to officially be an uncle to two awesome kids in less than a year . . . not that Jade, Jet and Rey don’t count . . . but you know what I mean.”

“Definitely. You know,” Nathan starts. “Maybe we should pick a date for the wedding after Emma finds out when she’s due.”

“What? Why?” I interject.

?” Nathan returns. “You’d be the only person in the bridal party with a full belly. Maggie’s due in four months so she’d be fine if we have it right after you pop.”

“Unless Henry plants his seed again right after,” I giggle.

“That’s true,” Jared laughs. “Maggie and Henry are like rabbits.”

“So,” Maggie challenges with a smile. “I won’t care either way.”

“Do you know what you’re having?” Nathan checks, looking to Maggie and Henry.

“Nope,” Maggie confirms.

“I’m starting to want to know,” Henry confesses, sitting next to her.

“What? Why, honey?” Maggie asks.

“I like the idea of the surprise,” Henry shares. “But, I also like the idea of knowing. There’s a lot of stuff we can’t plan or take care of unless we know.”

“Exactly,” I comment, high-fiving Henry.

“So, I take it you’re going to find out,” Maggie says, looking at me.

“Damn straight,” I confirm.

“What about you, Joe?” Maggie asks. “Do you want to know or do you want to be surprised?”

“I like the idea of being surprised, but I like the idea of knowing beforehand too,” Joe shares. “I know we’ll have many debates as to names if it’s a boy.” Joe beams his boyish grin at me in an attempts to sway me.

“That won’t work on me . . . not in this case,” I announce.

“You two are already arguing about names?” Jimmy laughs.

“We’re not arguing,” Joe states. “It’s just a conversation.”

“A conversation you won’t win,” I challenge.

“We’ll see about that, beautiful,” Joe says, kissing me on the head as he passes by.

“What do you guys want to name the baby?” Allen investigates.

“Sophia Marie Covelli, if she’s a girl,” Joe says.

“Awww,” Jimmy says. “That’s a pretty name. How did you guys come up with that one?”

“It’s my mom’s name,” I share.

Maggie, Jared and Nathan nod in agreement since they already new my parents’ names.

“What if it’s a boy?” Allen checks.

“That’s what’s up for conversation,” Joe laughs.

“It’s not a conversation, Joseph,” I challenge.

Joe smirks with the confident, authoritative look that always turns me on. Then, he has a look in his eye like he knows exactly what he’s doing and knows how it’s affecting me in all the right ways.

“We’re going to name him after my father,” I counter.

“He should be named after Joe,” Jimmy comments.

“Like I said,” Joe chuckles. “It’s up for debate.”

“No,” I object.

“You know,
. . .” Jared begins before I cut him off.

“Don’t,” I say heatedly.

“Henry and I agreed to name the baby after him if it’s a boy,” Maggie shares.

“Good for you,” I comment, keeping my eyes on Joe.

“It’s tradition to name the first born after his father,” Jimmy pushes.

“Not in every family,” I press back.

Allen takes the wheel and Joe joins Jared and me on the bench. Joe tries to snuggle up to me, but I move closer to Jared.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Jared states, getting up and joining Nathan on the other side.

“What?” I gasp.

“I won’t be pulled into the middle of your little . . .
,” Jared says smugly.

My eyes narrow at him for abandoning me as Joe pulls me into his chest. “You’re not in the middle. We’re family, therefore, you take my side by default,” I remind.

family,” Jared confirms. “But, I’ve got to look out for my brother.” Jared gestures to Joe.

“He’s not your brother, especially not just because we’re dating and he’s knocked me up,” I state.

“He is regardless since he’s the father,” Jared defends. “It doesn’t matter whether you marry him or not. The baby is my niece, or nephew, and has been fathered by him.”

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing,” I say in astonishment.

“You’re both family,” Jared tries to salvage.

“Jimmy?” I call.

“Yeah, Emma?” Jimmy answers.

“Want to be the Godfather for my child?” I ask, staring at Jared.

“Seriously?” Nathan checks in disbelief. “What about me?”

“You’re marrying this one,” I reply, gesturing to Jared.

“Just because I’m marrying him doesn’t mean I can’t be the Godfather,” Nathan whines.

“Emma,” Maggie calls.

“You wouldn’t?” Jared questions in shock, looking back and forth between Nathan, Maggie, Jimmy and me.

“Yep,” I confirm, not batting an eye.

“Stop it,” Maggie directs with sweetness. “The three of you need to get along.”

“Like hell we do,” I state with an undertone of playfulness. “He started it and I’m going to finish it.”

“Joe?” Jared calls, looking for help.

I hear Joe chuckle. “Thanks for getting my back, man, but I can’t dig you out of this.”

“What?” Jared answers with surprise.

“Ha!” I say, smirking.

No one says anything for a few seconds, unsure of how to handle the situation let alone what to say. I can tell by the looks on Henry’s, Allen’s and Jimmy’s faces that they aren’t sure what to make of Jared’s and my banter — you think they’d be used to it after a year. Maggie seems unimpressed and used to our shenanigans while Nathan sits, watching like we’re a live reality show as always.

“Fine,” Jared snaps. “He should be named Jeffery William.”

“Thank you,” I reply.

Everyone remains quiet as Jared, Nathan, Joe and I glance back and forth at each other to the point where we eventually laugh.

“Shit,” says Allen. “You guys really had me scared there for a moment.”

“You get used to it after a while,” Maggie comments. “They get to a point where you have to really know them and the situation to know if they’re kidding or not.”

“You knew they were joking the whole time?” Henry asks.

“Yes,” Maggie says proudly.

For the next few hours, we sail around the lake, eating, chatting and eventually a few of the guys get into the water with wetsuits to ski and tube. Joe and I banter back and forth about naming the baby. He even tries to challenge me at a game of
Rock Paper Scissors
or a
Thumb War
in order to win. It’s quite comical — especially since I know he thinks I’m serious.

Don’t tell Joe, but I’m all for naming a baby boy after Joe. I like the idea of naming him Joe Jr., especially when I see Joe’s face light up at the thought. How can I say no to those gorgeous blue eyes and his sweet, sexy smile? I can’t — that’s my challenge. Anytime he asks me for anything, all I want to do is say yes. So, for now, I’ve got to make him sweat a little — make him think he needs to fight for it. I’m not sure exactly why I can’t just admit this to him right now, but at least we’re having fun.

I plan on telling him that I agree to the name, but I love the playfulness in our relationship over something as serious as this — naming a child. For all of the concerns I’ve had over the past year about being with Joe and breaking my rules, none of them matter anymore. I’m happy, truly happy — I see that now, and this baby, and how Joe has been about everything, is proof that I’m the only one holding myself back from being happy. I’ve been happy, but not this happy since my parents were alive. Deep down, I know there’s a reason why I’ve kept my heart under lock and key, not allowing many in, and I’m not sure why. Part of me doesn’t really think it matters as to what that reason is, or was, just the fact that it no longer is locked and I love how it makes me feel.

“What if we name him Joseph Jeffrey Covelli?” Joe tries.

“What about Jeffrey Joseph Covelli,” I return. “It flows better.”

Joe scrunches his face at me and I can’t help but laugh.

“Oh, will you two give it a rest,” Maggie comments. “You’ve got plenty of time to decide on his name.”

Holding up his glass, Jared says, “I’d like to make a toast guys.”

Everyone gets settled on a seat of the boat.

“I’d like to make a toast to my two sisters, Maggie and Emma,” Jared starts, getting a little choked up. “To Maggie, who’s always our ray of sunshine, reminding us to be happy and to love one another. To Emma, who is this family’s steady foundation like the Rock of Gibraltar, always keeping us together. And, to the two beautiful babies growing in their bellies . . . who will bring much more love and laughter to our family. I love you all.”

“Cheers,” the guys say in unison as Maggie and I get choked up.

Once the boat is docked, we stroll around the town’s shops and decide to have a snack.

“Hey, beautiful,” Joe calls.

“Yeah, babe,” I reply.

“I’ll have what you have, so just get a larger size,” Joe comments.


“I’ll be right back,” he mentions.

“Why? Where are you going?”

Joe leans in and kisses my temple. “I need to pee.”

I study Joe closely as I see an odd look on his face as his eyes connect with Jared’s. “Okay,” I agree. As Joe leaves, my attention turns to Jared.

“What?” Jared asks innocently.

“Nothing,” I say as I ponder what the two of them are up to.

As I take my second bite of the extra large bowl of vanilla frozen yogurt topped with strawberries, blueberries, almonds and chocolate, Joe appears and sits down next to me on the wooden bench by the lake. I eye him, knowing he was gone longer than necessary for a restroom break.

“What?” Joe asks, opening his mouth for me to give him a bite.

“Nothing,” I reply.

“Just say it, beautiful,” Joe directs after he swallows the large mouthful I gave him.

“You were gone awhile is all,” I comment as nonchalantly as I can.

“You’re timing me when I use the bathroom now?” he questions, chuckling.

“No,” I object. “I’m just saying you were gone for awhile.”

The eight of us relax in the shade as we chat and eat our desserts. The guys decide to play with Sadie along the shoreline, tossing a stick for her into the water which she happily chases and retrieves. Maggie and I lounge on the blanket we set out on the sand, enjoying the late afternoon breeze. When Sadie tires and joins Maggie and me, the guys decide to have an impromptu football game using one of Sadie’s balls.

“Excuse me, ladies?” a older woman calls, standing behind Maggie and me.

“Yes?” we ask in unison.

“I was told that one of you is a Ms. Emma Peterson,” she states.

“That would be me,” I confirm.

“My apologies. Where are my manners?” she says with a sweet smile. “My name is Leanne and these are for you.” Her hands reach forward, offering me the bouquet of pink peonies.

“What?” I question on a breath out.

“Awwww,” Maggie hums.

“These are for you,” Leanne repeats. “That handsome, young gentleman over there asked me to bring them out to you once they were wrapped and ready.”

I follow her finger that is pointing towards Joe. “Thank you,” I say, reaching to accept them.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” Leanne replies. “I’m not sure what he wrote on the card, but it did take him a few minutes to figure it out . . . if he’s proposing, I hope you accept.” She smiles. “Have a lovely evening, ladies,” she says before disappearing around the bend of the path.

“What does it say?” Maggie asks, practically screaming. “Did he propose?”

My hands cradle the bouquet gently as I lift it to smell the sweetness that is emanating from the gorgeous flowers. An uncontrollable grin spreads across my face at the thought of Joe proposing, knowing what I would say.

“Well?” Maggie questions, breaking my trance. She takes the bouquet, enjoying the flowers’ perfume as my fingers fumble with the envelope to read the card hidden inside.

My heart pounds in my chest as my eyes read:


I knew the day I met you that I loved you;

and never could have imagined

that I could love you more until today.

From this day forward, I promise

that I will always take care of our family.




Tears stream down my face as warmth spreads throughout my body.

“What does it say?” Maggie’s voice echoes in my ears.

In this very moment, all the pain I have ever felt in my life is non-existent and unimportant. Nothing else matters — it is only now and what I, what we, make of the future together that defines me, that defines us. I vow for me, for him, for our unborn child that from this day forward, I will not live in fear — that I will only live with love.

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