Just Me (17 page)

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Authors: L.A. Fiore

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Just Me
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You are so fucking beautiful.”

His gaze lifted to mine as he unsnapped his jeans and yanked them off. I followed the denim down his legs and when he straightened, my heart jumped into my throat. He was exquisite, his body so flawlessly beautiful. I kneeled in front of him again. I hesitated, looking at the part of him that most interested me, but my need for him was stronger than my nervousness as I wrapped my hand around him. His hips jerked as he closed his eyes on a moan. His hand wrapped around mine and he moved it up the length of him showing me what he liked. It was a heady experience knowing that my touch drove him crazy. He didn't let me play for long before he pulled me onto the bed and covered my body with his own. His legs spread mine even wider just before his hand moved down between our bodies. He touched me, right where I ached, a slow brush over that nub before he moved lower. My breath hitched in my throat when he pushed one finger inside me.

You're so tight.” He whispered but his eyes never left mine. He circled me, stretching, before he pulled out leaving me feeling empty. My hips moved, eager for him to do that again and he did, but this time with his tongue.

Oh, my God, Bastian.”

I had never felt anything so incredible. There was a part of me shy that he kissed me there, but there was an even bigger part of me that loved he was kissing me there. His tongue moved over me, tasting and exploring and I couldn't help moving against his mouth. The ache that started in my stomach now took over my entire body. I felt as if I was about to burst, the sensation intensifying when Bastian slipped two fingers into me and sucked on the sensitive place between my legs. My body splintered apart and I cried out from the magnitude of the orgasm. He lingered a moment, his tongue lapping up the moisture between my thighs before he kissed his way up my body: taking his time when he reached my breasts. His hand moved down between my legs and when his fingers pushed into me, I lifted my hips to take him deeper. He moved with deliberateness, sliding his fingers in and out, all the while feasting on my breasts until I felt the ache again.

He reached over to his bedside table and grabbed a condom. I couldn't take my eyes from the sight of him slipping it on because I was impatient to feel him inside me. He didn't make me wait long. He settled between my legs as the hard tip of him pushed at my opening.

I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt.”

His mouth settled over mine and I tasted my own arousal on his tongue which turned me wanton just as he shifted his hips and pushed into me. He was only about halfway in when I wrapped my legs around him and forced him to me, needing to feel him in me. I felt the pain, but it was nothing next to the feeling of being connected to this boy. He started to move slowly at first and I felt my body start that climb again as lust twisted in my belly. Any lingering shyness faded as a boldness came over me, desperate to reach climax with Bastian. My hands moved all over him, but it was the feel of him so hard pushing so deeply inside me that had me grabbing his ass, urging him to go even deeper. This time when I came, I felt his magnificent body tense and watched as his own orgasm moved through him. The sight was so raw and sexy.
His eyes opened and the soft look that spread over his face, stilled my heart.

I love you, Lark.”

And then my heart leapt as love burned through me. “I love you.”

Still inside me, he brushed his fingers across my cheek. “I wasn't too rough?”

No, oh my God, Bastian, no. That was...amazing.”

He pressed his lips to mine in the sweetest of kisses before he pulled from me, rolled from the bed and headed to the bathroom. My eyes were glued to him, watching as he came back to me gloriously naked. He settled in bed, pulling me into his arms. “You sure you're okay?”

Okay? Bastian that was so much better than I imagined and I imagined it crazy good.”

He looked a bit smug and he should because, wow.

You're really mine now.” he whispered.

I was already yours.”


I woke in the middle of the night to the sight of Bastian sleeping soundly at my side. My thoughts turned to earlier as a warmth burned through me. I knew sex with Bastian was going to be incredible, but even my imaginings paled in comparison.

Climbing from bed, I went to the bathroom, where I flicked on the light so I could study myself in the mirror. I didn't look any different, but I felt different; felt a connection to Bastian that was as binding as the handcuffs had been during my stint as Victory. I was so lost in thought I didn't hear him in the hall until he appeared in the mirror behind me, looking all disheveled and sleepy.

Are you okay?” He asked groggily.

I feel wonderful.”

You’re sure I didn't hurt you?”

You didn’t hurt me.” I lowered my head as my heart started pounding just thinking about it. I turned my gaze back to him. “It really was amazing.”

Something sinful flashed over his face. His arms wrapped around me right before his lips brushed across my cheek. “You're amazing.”

My body started to burn and I wanted him again. He knew what I was thinking because I felt his body grow hard. He lifted me into his arms before he kissed me, and then he started back to the bedroom. “My thoughts exactly.”


I was on cloud nine the following day in school, and if people guessed why I was, I didn't care. Poppy cornered me before lunch and pulled me into an empty classroom. “Spill.”


You and Bastian had sex, didn't you?”

Yes. Is it that obvious?”

You're both walking around with moon-dog eyes. He can't stop touching you and the look you keep giving each other...”

What look?”

The one that says ‘we share a secret.’ It's such a freaking hot look, I'm surprised you haven't spontaneously combusted. You have to tell me what it was like!”

Heaven, Poppy, with just the perfect hint of sinful hell.”

Oh, my God.”

Yeah, I was definitely offering my thanks to the gods. Several times, in fact.”

You lucky lady.”

I grinned. “Patience, young Jedi, your time is coming.”

Thank Obi-Wan.”


It was the day of my birthday surprise. After sharing breakfast with Bastian, he drove me to Poppy's house, so he could finish with the last minute details for the day. He helped me bring my things up to Poppy's room and took a minute to say hello to Poppy's parents, who liked him despite their misgivings about the apartment. I walked him to the door where he touched my face and smiled. “See you at four.”

I can't wait.” I replied.

He leaned over, kissed the corner of my mouth and winked at me, then strolled down the front path to his bike. When he was gone from sight, I followed the sounds of Poppy and her parents to the kitchen. I settled in a chair at the table and asked Mr. and Dr. Wright, “You know what he has planned, don't you?”

Of course. And don't bother trying to get us to tell you. Our lips are sealed.” Dr. Wright retrieved a small, brightly-colored package and placed it down in front of me.

Happy birthday, Lark.”

We waited until today to give it to you since it seemed fitting.” Mr. Wright added.

Open it.” Poppy demanded and I laughed at her enthusiasm, but my laughter froze in my throat once I had. Tears burned the back of my eyes as I stared down at the most beautiful pair of diamond earrings I had ever seen: pear-shaped drop earrings in platinum that sparkled against the black velvet. It didn't pass my notice that the box said
Harry Winston

Before you say something like you can't accept them, know you are like a daughter to us,” Dr. Wright said. My refusal died on my lips. I stood and wrapped my arms around her. “Thank you.”

She held me close for a moment before Mr. Wright moved in and kissed the top of my head.

Happy birthday.”

Poppy had tears in her eyes. What a friend she was—I saw only love looking back at me. “Come on we have facials to do.”

And as I followed after her, I whispered, “I love you, Poppy.”

I knew she’d started full-out crying since she didn't answer with words, but reached back to squeeze my hand.


A few minutes before four, Poppy, Sophia and I studied ourselves in the mirrors of Poppy's dressing room. Sophia wore a black sequined dress with long flared sleeves which was opened in the back and fell to mid-thigh. The contrast of the black against her blond hair was stunning. Poppy wore a sleeveless royal-blue sequined sheath dress which really enhanced the beauty of her blue eyes.

We all opted for up-dos and I had to say Poppy was rather skilled when it came to twisting my locks into messy, yet elegant affairs. My new earrings made the perfect complement to the pale blue of my dress.

Dr. Wright let us all borrow shoes and cashmere wraps since it was cold outside. I felt like I was shopping in a store when she took us into her closet. Poppy and I settled on silver platform heels and Sophia black ones. The sound of the bell sent my heart into my throat.

Dr. Wright touched Poppy’s arm to pause us. “Be safe, don't go off on your own, stick together. Bastian has our numbers and we have his and the number for the driver. Have fun!” She hugged each of us and then we heard Mr. Wright calling, “The gentlemen have arrived.”

As we started down the stairs, I saw Shawn and Tyler first. Both wore black suits, but their shirts and ties matched their dates’ dresses. Dr. Wright's smile was her only response to her subterfuge. I looked at Bastian only to find he was already watching me. He was also dressed in black and his shirt and tie were the palest of blues. His hair framed his beautiful face. We might not get prom together, but this was so much better.

You look stunning, Lark.”

So do you.”

Reaching for my hand, he pressed his lips to my knuckles and held my gaze a moment before he looked behind me to Mr. and Dr. Wright.

We should be home by one, but if we're longer, I'll call you.”

Have fun and keep our girls safe.”

He shook Mr. Wright's hand. “You have my word.”

Once we were seated in the spacious limo, Bastian asked. “Are you ready?”

More than ready.”

He fingered the diamonds in my ears. “As soon as Dr. Wright showed me these, I knew they were perfect for you.”

You really have been busy.”

To make your birthday special, absolutely.” There it was again, the feeling of belonging, and to think it was with this incredible guy who made me feel it.


The limo pulled up in front of a brownstone where gas lanterns lit the entrance and a discreet, but elegant sign revealed the place to be an art gallery. When I saw the name of the artist being featured, I felt excitement coursing through me.

David Cambre had been, in my opinion, the finest artist of our time—focused on sculpting work. I had always wanted to view his pieces more closely, but it was hard to get into his shows when he was alive. After his tragic death a few years ago, it was now impossible.

How did you manage this?” I asked Bastian.

I have friends who have friends and the Wrights insisted on helping,” was all he said.

How did you know I loved David?”

You've mentioned him a time or two and I confirmed with Ms. Whitney.”

I had no words, how well this boy knew me and in so short a time. He seemed to understand as he leaned forward to skim his lips over mine.

Happy birthday, Lark.”


After the show we went to Per Se, a posh restaurant uptown from the gallery. Once our orders were placed, I leaned into Bastian close enough that our shoulders brushed. “This has been the best birthday, ever.”

His lips touched my temple and though he didn't say anything, his eyes were saying plenty.

I have to say, David Cambre looked so much like you, it's no wonder why you adopted him as your wanna-be dad,” Poppy said as she reached for her glass.

It was true I had. It was kind of pathetic but for the lost and lonely kid I had been, the pretend connection had comforted me.

Right? Especially with both of us being artists. When he died, I mourned for him like he was.”

How did he die?” Sophia asked.

His car went over a cliff in New England.”

God, that's horrible—he really was amazing.”

As it often did when I thought of David, my heart ached. He had been so young, had so much still left to do, and for me that was a reminder to live each day as if it were your last. It was David's last and most profound lesson. How sad that I learned life's greatest lessons from a man who didn't even know he was teaching them to me.

Bastian, knowing me as well as he did, pulled me from my forlorn thoughts when he lifted his glass. “To Lark. Happy birthday.”

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