Just Me (33 page)

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Authors: L.A. Fiore

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Just Me
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My thoughts turned to Logan as the full impact of his talent hit me.

He trained in sculpting work, but then he just picked up painting? He's one of the best I've ever seen. I can't believe I'm training with Logan David MacGowan. Do you think he would mind if I asked about his work as David?

Are you kidding? To be able to share the full range of his skill with you would thrill him.


For the rest of the day my feet didn’t
touch the ground. I couldn't wait to tell Bastian and as soon as he got home, I didn't even let him put his keys down before I pulled him out the back door.

He chuckled, probably because of the look on my face. I felt like a kid in a candy store.

I'm guessing you have good news,”
he asked as he brushed my hair from my cheek.

Oh, I do. Have you seen the swordfish statue on Main Street?”

Not sure how you can miss it.”

It's a David Cambre.”

Here, in Harrington, land of festivals, cars named Jaws and square dancing engagement parties?”

Yep. You want to know something else?”

He had a twinkle in his eye when he asked, “What?”

Logan Dupree is really Logan MacGowan, aka David Cambre.”

Bastian was silent for a minute before he clarified, “Logan is Cambre?”


He grabbed me and folded me into a hug. He was beaming.

Why are you grinning like that?”

He dropped me back on my feet, but kept his arms around me. “My talented fiancée has David Cambre in awe of her work.”

In awe may be stretching it a bit. I like hearing you say your fiancée, though.”

I like saying it,”
he countered. Saffron's story this afternoon had stirred up too much emotion for me to be distracted for long.

Bastian, do you think it's possible that Logan's my dad?”

His response was not the one I expected. “So you've wondered too.” He wasn't surprised by the question at all.

Yeah, I'm not just imagining things?” I couldn’t
imagine how life would change if he were officially my father, but I kind of wanted that new life to start as soon as possible.

No. As soon as we met him I wondered. What I don't understand is why he hasn't come out and told you. I'm guessing he doesn't want to freak you out, but with how much you look alike, he must realize that you're wondering about it. And why did he wait so long?

My thoughts exactly. Not to mention Saffron and her words to me earlier. It was almost as if she was telling me without actually telling me.”

What are you going to do?”

Wait him out. He obviously has a plan and I'm still getting used to the idea that I may have found my father. It's funny, because I've thought about my dad so many times through the years and in every scenario I was livid that he abandoned me. Why I don't feel that emotion now surprises me, but I'm guessing that's because he isn't anonymous anymore
and I actually like him.”

He really does seem to want you here, they all do.”

My focus turned to the waves crashing against the surf, the salty spray dampening my face even from our distance. “I can't see him with my mom. He's so together and she was so flighty.”

Opposites attract or so I've heard.”

I should be freaking out. It was more than likely that my biological father set this whole thing up, a man who had kept his distance from me all of my life. I was definitely conflicted, but I wasn't freaking out. And as much as I liked Logan, the real reason I was so centered was because Bastian was here. Now, more than ever, I was so glad he had come with me to Harrington.

I'm glad you're here.”

He dropped a kiss on my head in reply.

What's Broderick's house like?”

It's a beauty of a place. It needs a lot of work. Much of the original woodwork can't be restored, so it'll have to be custom-made, but the walnut floors, after a sanding and polyurethane, are going to be incredible.

He was so animated; it warmed my heart to see him doing what he loved to do. “What are you working on?”
I asked.

I'm designing the specs for the custom work, the mantel, newel post, banister, balustrades and the crown moldings.

Wonderment, I was sure, filled my expression, because though I knew what it was Bastian wanted to do with his life, I hadn't really appreciated what “restoring”
entailed until I looked it up. It wasn't just building, but designing using engineering. It boggled my mind that even though he hadn't started his undergraduate work, Bastian knew what he was doing. I knew he was smart but I suspected he was more than smart, brilliant was a good word.

What are you thinking Lark?”

It sounds like you are doing exactly what you were hoping to do this summer.”

It really is and if I had known about this job first, I would have fought to get on the crew. Broderick isn't just restoring, he's trying to do so in the most eco-friendly way. It'll cost more in the end, but it's going to be one hell of a place.

I guess you're locked into the job in Concord though, huh?

Yeah, I could stay. Broderick has already said as much, but I don't want to burn bridges.

So you're still leaving in a few days.”
I felt him watching me but I couldn't look up at him without tears running down my cheeks. I wanted him to stay, especially now that he was doing exactly what he had hoped to be doing, but I knew I wasn't being fair. Three months wasn't all that long.


I'm just going to miss you so much.” I wiped at my eyes and he responded by pulling me close.


I know.” My hands moved under his shirt so I could touch his warm, hard skin as I pressed my face into his chest.

Please don't cry.”

I'm not crying. My eyes are leaking.”

His chuckle rumbled in his chest. I kissed him right on the spot where my name rested over his heart.


I'm okay. I'll be busy learning from a master and if I work fifteen-hour days and sleep for nine, I won't have time to miss you. And if I keep telling myself that maybe I'll begin to believe it.

He reached for my face.

It's less than a four-hour drive from here to Concord. I've worked it out so that I can work Monday through Thursday, freeing up Fridays to give us three-day weekends.


Yes, there's no way I'm staying gone
for three months.

I threw my arms around him and squeezed him hard.

You are brilliant. Have I ever told you that you are brilliant?”

He chuckled as he hugged me back.

Take Baby. The thought of you on your motorcycle doing all of that traveling scares me.


I am so happy.”

I will always endeavor to do whatever I can to make you happy.”
replied, with amused sincerity.

We started
back to the house and I couldn't stop myself from smiling because I was happy. Being in this crazy town with Bastian was close to perfection.

Bastian, can I ask you for a favor?”


How easily his response was given only reinforced what I wanted to ask of him.

I've never really signed my art before and I don't want to sign it O’Bannion, because I really didn't know her and what I did know of her, well…you know.”
I stopped walking and turned to him as I worked my lower lip before I just asked.

Would you mind if I signed my paintings Lark Bastian? I thought of using Ross, but I don't really want my art linked to your parents either; I want it linked to you because you inspire me. You are like my muse.

He didn't say anything at first and I wondered if I had offended him by not wanting to use his last name. He reached out to brush his knuckles across my cheek.

Jesus, Lark, you undo me. I'd be fucking honored to have you use my name.”

Then that's settled.

In a blur of movement, he lifted me into his arms and started
back to the house. His voice was gruff and sexy as hell.

I was going to suggest that we lie on the beach and look up at the stars, but I'd rather look at you, naked, in bed, and under me.

Oh, yeah, let's definitely do your idea.

Chapter Eighteen

The following morning I walked to the lighthouse and worried over seeing Logan again. The last time we spoke I told him, inadvertently, that I mourned for him like he was my father. Whether he was or wasn't my dad, there certainly was the potential for things to be awkward after that statement.

He was outside playing with Hunter when I arrived and, it was startling how much they looked alike.

Logan spotted me and waved with one hand as he lifted his son over his shoulder like a sack of sugar. Watching them caused a pang of envy—there was no denying the love between father and son. What would it have been like growing up with Logan as my dad?

If Logan really was my dad, Hunter was my brother. Warmth filled me with that thought. A family of my own—it was almost too good to be true. Hunter peeked out through his long bangs—two little jewels looked right at me. Logan came over to greet me, his son—my brother?—still on his shoulde

Good morning, Lark.

Longing tightened my throat, making speech difficult, but somehow I managed to come across lighthearted.

Morning, Logan. What's that you've got on your shoulder? Looks like maybe a sea monster or an alien.

A grin tugged at Logan's mouth.

I thought I caught me a really big lobster.

Lobster you say. I do so like lobster.”
I reached over and tickled Hunter's belly, causing him to break out into a fit of laughter. At that moment Saffron appeared in the doorway.

Hunter, come love. Let's see which of us can eat more chocolate chip cookies in one sitting.

Hunter's head immediately turned to his mommy.

With milk?

Of course, as if you can eat chocolate chip cookies without it.” Saffron waved at me. “Good morning, Lark.


Hunter started to wiggle, so Logan placed a kiss on his head before he dropped him on his feet. He wasted no time as his chubby little two-year-old legs carried him toward his mommy.

We watched as they disappeared inside before Logan turned to me.

I should have told you who I was. I made you come all the way up here, so the least I could do is be forthcoming. I'm sorry.

Forthcoming in more ways than one.

Honestly, it was your secret to keep, and if you had told me you were David Cambre prior to me coming here, I probably wouldn't have come. I'd have thought you were crazy.

A chuckle rumbled through him but faded into seriousness again, “I am really glad you're here.”

I'm glad to be here.”

I thought we'd paint the lighthouse. I'm curious to see a side by side comparison.”

You want to compare my painting with yours?”

The dare was in his expression before he even spoke the words. “Not up to the challenge?”

He may be the finest artist of our time, but it looked like competition ran in our potential family. An evil little smile spread across my face. “Bring it on, Logan.

He laughed out loud and added.
“But here's the trick, we're going to paint from memory.”


Exactly. Saffron has some festival responsibilities today, so I'll set up in town to work so I'm near her if she needs help.”

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