Keeping London (The Flawed Heart Series Book 2) (28 page)

Read Keeping London (The Flawed Heart Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Ellie Wade

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: Keeping London (The Flawed Heart Series Book 2)
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Yes, I more than love Loïc. I
him. With every heartbeat, every breath, and every thought, I live him. And he will be a part of me for the rest of my life.

“London, I’m fucked up.” His voice is pained, so desolate and sad.

My chest aches, and I long to hold him.

I inhale, pulling another breath into my lungs, before saying, “It’s okay. Remember…we can be fucked up together? We can get through anything if we’re together. I can help you. I can love you like no one else ever can. We are meant to be together, Loïc. There is no one else on this earth for me. You are it. I’m yours, and you’re mine.”

“I don’t believe in that.”

“Well, I believe enough for the both of us,” I reassure him.

“You see, my heart and its capacity to love is my biggest flaw of all. I warned you, London. I told you this would happen.”


“From the very beginning, I told you that I would hurt you. I wouldn’t want to, but I would. I told you that I lose everything I love. I warned you. I begged you to stay away.” His deep timbre cracks on the last word.

“You haven’t lost me. You’ll never lose me. And your heart’s not flawed. I know you, Loïc. Just come over. Let’s talk. Everything will be better once we’re together. I promise you.”

“It’s over, London. We’re over. Please let me go.” His plea is so desperate, his voice so raw.

Tears course down my cheeks. “We’re not. Please. It will be okay.”

“We’re over,” he says once more. “I’m sorry.”

“But…no,” I cry out in despair.

“London, you’re hurting me. You. Are. Hurting. Me.”

I suck in a breath at his harsh words.

…let me go,” he begs.

His voice radiates with a pain I’ve never known. It’s a sorrow so tangible that it hits me through the phone, weighing down on me like a mountain of tears.

I struggle to breathe. “Loïc,” I cry, sobbing now.

“Please, let me go. Just let me go,” he whispers before the line goes dead.

I’m left clutching the phone to my ear, desperately clinging to the need to hear a voice I’m afraid I’ll never hear again.

I rock back and forth on the couch as sobs rack my body. Every inch of me mourns the loss of Loïc. I cradle the phone against my chest and hug it as the tears continue to fall in streams, physical manifestations of the immense amount of anguish needing to leave my body. I’m filled with too much grief to bear. I have to ease the stress on my soul, or it will suffocate me.

I cry until my head throbs with pain. I sit up from my hunched rocking position, and it’s only then that I notice Paige is sitting next to me. Her face is wet with tears. She pulls me into her chest, and I hug her tight, grateful for the comfort of someone who loves me.

She doesn’t say anything as she rubs my back, the gesture calming.

I sit up and look to her. “What is it that they always say?” I question sadly. “If you love someone, set them free?”

She nods weakly, her eyes filling with tears. “Yeah,” she sighs. “That’s what they say.”

“I have to let him go, Paige,” I choke out, unable to believe the words coming from my mouth even though I know them to be true.

“Yeah”—a tear falls down her cheek—“I think so.”

Because I love Loïc with everything that I am, I have to respect his wishes. Somehow, someway…I have to.

If you love someone, set them free.

If you love someone…












Forever Baby


Chasing Memories


A Beautiful Kind of Love

A Forever Kind of Love


Finding London




. ♥

This series holds a special place in my heart. I just adore London and Loïc! I hope you enjoyed reading this complex and heartbreaking chapter of their journey.

The next book,
Loving London
, will be the final book in this series, and it’s going to give you all sorts of feels, just as I’m sure this one did! I can’t wait for you to have London and Loïc’s complete story in your hands.

It is so crazy to me that I am publishing my seventh book, and what makes it more surreal is the fact that I’m doing it as a full-time writer! This is no longer my hobby but my legit job—the best job. I never thought I would be sitting here, saying this, yet here I am, people! Amazing. Dreams do come true! :) What a gift. ♥

I want to thank my readers so very much. Thank you for reading my stories and loving my words! I wouldn’t be living this dream without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

In every one of my acknowledgment sections, I get quite wordy when expressing my love to all the amazing people in my life. I am so fortunate to have this life I’ve been given. I have a wonderful husband, healthy and happy children, an astonishing extended family, the best mother in the world, and friends who would do anything for me. I am so blessed and grateful to be surrounded by so much love that I want to shout it from the rooftops.

For this book especially, I want to thank Lt. Col. Ryan Ismirle of the United States Air Force. I appreciate you being available for my numerous questions about serving in Afghanistan and basically everything military-related. I appreciate your help in making this story as authentic as possible. Thank you so much for your service to our amazing country.

A special shout-out will always go to my siblings, who were my first soul mates. You will find them in every story I write because so much of what I know of love has come from them. One of my biggest wishes for my children is that they will always love each other unconditionally and fiercely, the way my siblings and I love each other.

There is a core group of people who go above and beyond in helping me with my books—most of whom, I didn’t know prior to becoming a part of this crazy book world—and I am so thankful.

To my beta readers and proofreaders—Gayla, Nicole, Amy, Tammi, Elle, Heather, Terri, and Angela—You all are so awesome. Seriously, each of you is a gift, and you have helped me in invaluable different ways. I love you all so much. XOXO

Angela, my cupcake—I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. I love you big time, like hard-core, intense love! I am counting down the days until we meet in person! I can’t thank you enough for all you do for me on a daily basis! I am so truly blessed to know you. ♥

Gayla—Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to help me, no matter what I need. You are so smart and talented. You are a blessing, and I love you more than I could ever express.

Nicole, my BBWFL—You are my biggest supporter and ally in this crazy book world. You will always get the credit for starting it all. Our mutual love of books and our late-night chats reignited my dream to write. None of my books would be the same without your input. Your friendship means the world to me. Love you forever.

Tammi—I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. I will forever continue to write as long as you continue to read because your feedback alone is enough.
You get me
. Thank you for being you because you are perfect. I live for your comments and feedback. Not only do you fill my heart with so much gratitude, but you also make me a better writer. *Tight Hugs* I freaking love you!

Amy, my BBFFL—What can I say that I haven’t already said? You know how much I love you! I have cherished your support from the beginning. Six novels later, you continue to bless me with your feedback and support. You get me and my writing. You make my books better. You are one of the kindest and most supportive people I know. I love you to pieces! ♥

Terri—I’m still so grateful that I met you and thankful that you continue to beta! You know exactly how to make my work better. Thank you for your honest feedback. You are such a kind, smart, and giving person. I hope you know that, now that I’ve found you, I’m not going to let you go! :) XO

Elle—I love you for so many reasons! I especially love how you make me laugh when I need it! Thank you for loving and supporting me. You are such a good person. Thank you for all you do to help me! I am so grateful. ♥

To my cover artist, Regina Wamba from Mae I Design and Photography—Thank you! Your work inspires me. You are a true artist, and I am so grateful to now have seven of your covers. People do judge a book by its cover, so thank you for making mine
! XO

To my editor and interior designer, Jovana Shirley from Unforeseen Editing—You are, simply put, the best. Your talent, professionalism, and the care you take with my novels are worth way more than I could ever afford to pay you. Finding you was a true gift, one that I hope to always have on this journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for not only making my words pretty, but for also making the interior of the book beautiful. Thank you for always fitting me in! I am so grateful for you and everything you have done to make this book the best it can be. XOXO

Lastly, to the bloggers—Oh my God! I love you! Since releasing
Forever Baby
, I have gotten to know many of you through Facebook. Out of the kindness of your hearts, so many of you have reached out and helped me promote my books. There are seriously great people in this blogger community, and I am humbled by your support. Truly, thank you! Because of you, indie authors get their stories out. Thank you for supporting all authors and the great stories they write.

Readers—You can connect with me on several places, and I would love to hear from you.

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Remember, the greatest gift you can give an author is a review. If you feel so inclined, please leave a review on the various retailer sites. It doesn’t have to be fancy. A couple of sentences would be awesome!

I could honestly write a whole book about everyone in this world whom I am thankful for. I am blessed in so many ways, and I am beyond grateful for this beautiful life. XOXO


Ellie ♥

Ellie Wade resides in southeast Michigan with her husband, three young children, and two dogs. She has a master’s in education from Eastern Michigan University, and she is a huge University of Michigan sports fan. She loves the beauty of her home state, especially the lakes and the gorgeous autumn weather. When she is not writing, she is reading, snuggling up with her kids, or spending time with family and friends. She loves traveling and exploring new places with her family.

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