Kill Her Again (A Thriller) (15 page)

Read Kill Her Again (A Thriller) Online

Authors: Robert Gregory Browne

Tags: #Mystery, #reincarnation, #Suspense, #Paranormal, #Thriller

BOOK: Kill Her Again (A Thriller)
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Looking out her window through the little girl’s eyes, she saw that they were driving through a dark forest, thick green trees growing black in the waning twilight.

Turning slightly, she strained to see the car’s driver, but all she saw was the red baseball cap sitting atop a closely cropped head of dark hair. Just above his collar line was a tattoo—another goddamned neck tattoo—but instead of a dragon, this one looked like a wheel, a wagon wheel, with at least a dozen spokes, a couple of them missing:




It was a symbol of some kind, but of what?

Shifting her gaze, Anna caught a glimpse of the driver’s face in his rearview mirror: a single dark, brooding eye, obscured by a cloud of cigarette smoke.

An ornate locket dangled from a chain on the rearview mirror, clacking against the windshield as they bumped along.

And all at once, Anna knew she was about to die.

Brakes squeaked as the car came to a sudden halt. The driver pushed his door open and got out, moving stiffly, as if some sort of physical handicap was slowing him down. A moment later, the trunk was unlatched, the car bouncing slightly as the man pulled something out of it.

Then Anna’s own door flew open, and for the first time she got a full view of his face.

The sight made her shudder.

It was a study in God’s plan gone wrong. The entire left side looked as if it had been squeezed by forceps at the moment of birth—a misshapen, lopsided mess.

Anna flinched, the little girl in her instinctively squeezing her eyes shut as revulsion welled up. She couldn’t bear to look at him.

Then hands grabbed her, those same coarse working man’s hands, pulling her out of the backseat, dropping her roughly to the ground. She let out a yelp of pain, her breath hot against the tape, as the man took her by the collar and dragged her through fallen leaves, her bound wrists and ankles making it impossible for her to resist.

He dragged her into the middle of a forest clearing, struggling to carry a small, battered suitcase in his free hand. Dumping her to one side, he crouched down, laid the suitcase on the ground, and opened it, taking a moment to make his choice. Then he brought out a narrow-bladed knife. Suitable for boning.

It was covered with dried blood.

The wind was high, bending the trees above them, leaves swirling around Anna as she began to cry uncontrollably, desperately wriggling her wrists, trying to loosen the tape. But it was no use. She wouldn’t be going anywhere until the man in the red baseball cap sent her there.

Grabbing her left hand, he closed it into a fist, then pried the index finger loose and extended it, staring down at her out of his one good eye, a crooked yellow smile forming on that hideous face.

“I’ve come for what is mine, Chavi. I’ve come to make it right.”

Chavi. The same name he’d called her back on the carnival grounds. Back in the real world.

The girl who stole my soul

Is that what he was here for now?

Was he the Devil incarnate? Some kind of demon who cuts the life force out of his victims only to leave them to wither away and die?

“Don’t cry, my darling. The pain you feel will be mine for eternity.”

Then, wiping the blade on his sweater—a ratty blue pullover—he brought the knife down to her finger and—

—a voice shouted out from the distance—

“Hold it! Stop right there!”

Suddenly, the wind and leaves and the bending trees disappeared and Anna opened her eyes to discover that she was back on the carnival grounds, only feet from the entrance to the house of mirrors, the man in the baseball cap still clutching her collar as—

—Deputies Worthington and Chavez ran the length of the football field toward them, moving past the carousel, Worthington bringing his weapon up to fire—

“Stop! Let her go!”

—and Anna grabbed hold of his arm, twisting away from him, anticipating another shock—

—but he didn’t resist this time, didn’t bring the stunner down, because his attention was on the deputies. Instead, he turned, diving sideways toward the black doorway of the house of mirrors as—

—Anna grabbed for his ankle, managing only to get hold of his shoe. It came off in her hands as he disappeared into the darkness.

Tossing it aside, she scrambled to her feet, but the repeated shocks to her system had rendered her too weak to stand and her body betrayed her, legs buckling. She went down hard on her knees, pain shooting through them—

—but before she hit the ground, Worthington and Chavez were there, grabbing her, carefully sitting her down.

“Are you okay?” Worthington asked.

Anna pointed toward the black doorway. “In there. He’s in there.”

“I know, I saw him.”

“There must be a back way out.”

Worthington rose and turned to Chavez. “You cover the front.”

But Chavez wasn’t listening to him, his attention now drawn to something off to the side of the house of mirrors:

A small, lifeless form in the dirt.

It looked to Anna like an oversized rag doll.

A bloody rag doll.

Chavez quickly stepped over to it, his face churning in anguish as he approached.

“Sweet Jesus,” he said, then crossed himself.

“What? What is it?” Worthington was still trying to keep his attention centered on that black doorway, as if he expected the man in the baseball cap to come bursting out of it at any moment.

Chavez said nothing, turning instead and moving away. He paused, then leaned forward and vomited into the dirt.

That was all the answer they needed.

And as Worthington finally turned, looking at the figure on the ground, Anna knew from the horror spreading across his face—

—that they had just found Kimberly Fairweather.




, McBride.”

Royer stood at the rear doorway of the ambulance, a smug, self-satisfied smile on his face. Anna sat on a gurney inside, a paramedic applying ointment to the half-dozen burn marks on her neck.

They hurt like hell.

On the carnival grounds, sheriff’s deputies and citizen volunteers were in the midst of an expanded search. This time for the man in the red baseball cap.

“I just got off the phone with the brass,” Royer said. “They’re recommending beach time, and possible termination.”

“What the hell for?”

“What the hell do you think? You haven’t changed, McBride. Once a fuckup, always a fuckup.”

“You’re blaming this on

“You had the perpetrator in your hands and you let him get away.”

Anna gestured to the burn marks. “In case you didn’t notice, I wasn’t exactly in control of the situation.”

“Maybe if you’d followed proper procedure you would’ve been. Face it, McBride, even your daddy won’t get you out of this one.”

Anna stared at him. She was weak and tired and depressed and just wanted to cry. But she refused to show it. “Does that make you feel good, telling me that?”

“You’d better believe it.”

“Then enjoy yourself while you can. Because when IA comes calling, I’m sure they’ll want to know why you were beating the crap out of an innocent man while your partner was up to her elbows in shit.”

Royer’s smile faltered.

“Not to mention that there was a little girl being butchered less than two hundred yards away.”

Then it disappeared altogether.

“That’s right, Teddy. There are a lot of different ways to spin this thing and the way I see it, I’m not the only one on the hook here.” Now
smiled. “Better pack your thermals. I hear the winters in South Dakota are brutal.”

Royer went through a round of face roulette before finally settling on a glare. Unable to come up with a clever retort, he resorted to an uninspired, “Bitch,” then turned and walked away.

The paramedic, a fortyish blonde with world-weary eyes, said, “I think you just lost him a few nights’ sleep.”

“It won’t last,” Anna told her. “Third or fourth time he looks in a mirror, he’ll be back to normal.”

The paramedic chuckled, then, finishing her work, gestured to the burn marks. “You’ll be in pain for a few hours, but I think you’ll live.”

Happy day, Anna thought. She’d gladly accept a less promising prognosis if it meant Kimberly Fairweather were still alive.

Missing is always better than dead.

When her mother first passed, Anna made up little scenarios in her head that she’d really been kidnapped by faeries, or had gone to Hollywood to be a movie star. It was okay for her mom to be gone, but not dead. Anything but dead.

And this morning Anna had almost joined her.

She couldn’t believe how stupid she’d been, letting that freak get control of her so easily. She had to keep reminding herself that Kimberly had already been butchered by then. There was nothing she could have done to prevent what had happened to the poor girl.

But for some reason that thought didn’t comfort Anna. This night, this morning, had gone from bad to truly devastating in a few short hours.

Watching the scene on the carnival grounds, she wondered if the man in the red baseball cap was watching, too. The house of mirrors had already been thoroughly searched, but there’d been no sign of him, not even a hint that he’d ever been inside. And what was most puzzling was that there had been no back doors, no escape routes.

So where the hell had he gone?

Anna couldn’t tell you why, but she sensed he was still around. Out there somewhere. Waiting.

I’ve come for what is mine, Chavi.

I’ve come to make it right.

The image of Kimmie’s body wouldn’t leave her.

She was a mistake, he’d said. But what exactly did that mean? Was he feeling guilty? Remorseful?

Not a chance. Kimberly’s murder was number four for the night. This asshole didn’t make mistakes and he didn’t feel a thing except bloodlust. And just as he’d had no trouble bringing that stun gun down time after time, Anna knew he wouldn’t hesitate to kill again.

She thought about her vision, the strongest one so far. Red Cap dragging her through the leaves into the center of that clearing, bringing out that knife, crusted with dried blood.

She thought of the tattoo on the back of his neck: a wheel with missing spokes. Its significance was beyond her at the moment, but at least it was something. Some small clue they could cling to, to help them identify the sick fuck. She hadn’t bothered to tell Worthington that she’d only seen it in her vision. That was one small detail he didn’t need to know.

There was no doubt in Anna’s mind now that she was meant to be here. The things she’d seen—no,
—so closely echoed what had happened to Kimberly that there could be no mistake that this was where she belonged.

But even if what she’d experienced was a premonition of some kind, an intimate preview of Red Cap’s next victim, Anna wasn’t sure she
to be here. The visions had begun to take their toll, and every time she had one now she felt just a little less stable, a little less in control. And how can you stop a madman if you don’t have control?

Anna felt the urge to cry again.
Let it all out
, her mother used to tell her.

After Mr. Stinky was hit by that bus, she had cried and cried for . . .

Anna paused, her rapid-fire thought process screaming to a halt.

Mr. Stinky?

“So, how are you holding up?”

Anna snapped out of her reverie and realized she’d been staring intently at her left hand.

It was trembling.

Looking up, she was surprised to find Daniel Pope standing in the same spot Royer had stood just a moment ago.

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