Kiss Me Deadly (16 page)

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Authors: Mahalia Levey

BOOK: Kiss Me Deadly
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“What? I don’t understand, what do you need a bus for yourself for?”

“I’m bringing company with me. A four-year-old little girl. My niece who is now under my guardianship.”

. You with a child? No wonder they were so cryptic. Bet they thought you wouldn’t show up, but they don’t know you like we do.”

“Yeah. Her ma died, my brother is dead. Where else she going to go?” He snorted a bit in offense. So maybe he partied too hard and womanized in the past. Didn’t mean he’d bow out of responsibility. He paid his own bills, maintained two residences. The fact he didn’t have a college education like the rest shouldn’t matter.

“This is crazy. We’re on tour.”

“I know, at least it’s only for a few weeks. I can’t send her home with Carlie and the girls. She’s lost the only person she knew and is about to leave the only maternal-like grandma she’s ever known. And Trish, make sure you deck the bus out in every four-year-old girl’s dream.”

“We have to think about press. How do you plan on sneaking a little girl onto a bus and what about at the venues?”

“I’ll work that out when we get there. She looks just like him Trish. It’s like looking at a tiny Miles, but a little girl. This is huge, a lot to take in.” Emotion choked him up. He clenched his jaw to gain some composure.

“Okay, I’ll order the bus on your dime and have it filled with what you want to the best of my ability. Just email me a list of food and drinks to get her and I’ll fly Carlie out here right now. Do you want to tell the band members and Sam?”

“Not yet. I have to fly home to Kansas City first. Tomorrow’s show is where?”

“Allentown, PA.”

“See you tomorrow night. Might be easier to fly Carlie to Allentown now. She can rent the bus and fill it with everything needed. That will give me time to fly home and then to Philly. You can send a car for me. Later.”

“I couldn’t help but overhear part of your conversation. I’ve made a list of what Millie likes and hates to help you navigate easier. Organic is always good. Natural sugar is the best, no added sugar, no high fruit corn syrup. Fast food places are a treat, don’t let her take advantage of you. Say no, it won’t kill her. Exercise is important, limiting TV is important. Millie loves parks and swimming. She’s had lessons for the last three summers.” Lula advised him in her matronly tone.

Jimmy typed everything Lula stated and sent it to Trish to send to Carlie. “Thank you so much.”

“Will you allow me to be in her life?”

Jimmy couldn’t believe the woman thought otherwise. “Of course. You’re welcome anytime you want. Just call me and we’ll get you to her or her to you. This is going to be hard on everyone, but Millie is going to one day need stories about her ma, that I can’t provide. You can give her that history, and I can give her my brother’s.”

A tear streaked Millie careened into the room. “Mrs. Lula, Kalen bit me.” She sobbed, holding out her injured index finger.

“Kalen, we don’t bite. Do you need time out again?” Lula picked up Millie and deposited her in Jimmy’s lap.

“Mrs. Lula. She put her finger in my mouth. I only bit her ‘cuz she wouldn’t remove it.”

Lula laughed. “Well, don’t bite again, okay? Just move her finger out of your mouth.”

The little boy nodded and dashed off to play some more.

“My finger hurts, will you kiss it for me?” She stuck her finger out. Jimmy bent his head forward and kissed the tip.

“Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him.

“You’re welcome.” His heart warmed and he fell even more head over heels in love with the tiny girl in his arms. “You probably shouldn’t put your finger in someone’s mouth though, unless you want to get bit, okay?”

“Umkay. Do you want to watch Frozen with me?”

Jimmy grinned. “Why don’t I go pack your things in the car and we can watch it on the way to the airport.”

“We’re going on a trip?”

“Yes.” Jimmy kissed the top of her head and lifted her off his lap.

“Everything is in the garage. Kalen, watch your cartoon. I’m showing Mr. O’Riley where his things are.”

“We have the same name.” Millie took his hand in hers and led him to the garage. “I have toys here. See.”

“Yes, we do, beautiful. Why don’t we leave your toys here. I’m sure you’ll want stuff to play with when you visit Mrs. Lula.”

Jimmy walked the boxes to the trunk of the car, and the set of suitcases. “Millie, for a little girl you sure do have enough for a grown woman.” The little girl shrugged and hopped around.

“Here’s her backpack and a bag full of other stuff you may need. Shampoo, hair detangler, soap, her toothbrush, brush, comb, hair bows and prettys, toothpaste and of course crayons and an activity book to keep her occupied. She is not a big napper, but if she does don’t let her sleep past two in the afternoon or she won’t sleep at night and she’ll be super crabby. Come give me a hug, baby. I love you, smart pretty girl. It’s time to go with your Uncle Jimmy now. I will see you later.” Lula enveloped Millicent in a big hug. “Bye, Jimmy. Keep in touch.”

“Promise.” He took Millie’s hand in his and opened the door, buckling her into her child seat and took a seat next to her. Previews for Frozen played across the screen in the back of the seats.

He handed her a juice pouch and apple slices from her bag and leaned back to watch the latest Disney crave with her. Halfway through she fell asleep and he watched her slumber. So sweet, innocent and good. He reaffirmed his vow to make sure no one caused her an ounce of pain or they’d have to answer to him.

In the quite car, he placed a call to the cemetery Miles rested in peace at, and ordered a small section next to him to be dug for his arrival and a headstone for Reggie Johansen beloved friend, and beloved mother. The cemetery promised to put a rush on it and use a temporary headstone in the meantime. He called Sameera but received her voicemail. “Hey Sam, calling to check in. I’ll be back tomorrow. Give me a call when you have time.”

Four hours later, they pulled up to Royal Oakes Cemetery.

“Millie, I have to get something out of the trunk.” The driver popped the trunk as he exited the car and went around to grab the urn out of the box. After tucking the urn under his arm, he let Millie out, and walked her over to the fresh spot next to her father.

“Baby, your father, Miles, will watch over your ma in Heaven. We’re going to put her in the hole now and then the people who work here will fill it with dirt.” He handed the urn over and knelt to tuck Millie’s body into his.

“Lord, I don’t think I’ve ever prayed before. Please watch over Reggie in Heaven. Reunite her with my brother, Miles. I promise I’ll take care of Millicent and make sure she knows how wonderful they both were, how sacrificing. Amen.

“Millie say goodbye to your mama. Heaven is a pretty place, she won’t ever be able to leave from, but one day you’ll see her and your dad again.”

“I want her here.” Tears sprang from her eyes. “Bye mama. Love you.”

Jimmy blew out a breath and picked Millicent up. “She loved you more than the moon and back.” He watched the men place flowers on the graves and walked Millicent to the car. “We can’t stay here, but when we come home, I’ll bring you back to talk to her. I like to talk to Miles sometimes.”

“Okay.” She hugged his neck and slid down to get in her seat. “We going to fly again?”

“Yes, we are flying into Philly. I have to work tomorrow so you get to meet new people. But I promise I won’t leave you for long. Deal?”




Chapter Nine



“Welcome back.” Carlie swung out of the bus to greet him. “You look exhausted. I thought you planned on sleeping at a hotel before coming here.”

“I did. Millie didn’t sleep to well. I kept getting kicked and shoved off the bed.” He chuckled. “I finally got some sleep and then a few hours later, she woke me up to tell me she was hungry. We had breakfast and headed here.”

“The joys of parenthood. Carrie and Nev are excited to meet the new addition of the Crimson Rage family.”

“Nice. Millie, I want you to meet your Aunt Carlie. She’s going to take you on your new bus and give you a tour while I unpack our things.”

“Okay.” Millie made no move to go with Carlie. Jimmy rumpled her hair. “Go on, beautiful. I’ll be right there.”

Millie looked at him and Carlie. He watched her war with indecision. Carlie didn’t rush her, just let her get her bearings. Finally, she let Carlie pick her up and carry her onto the bus. The other tour bus rolled up and parked as he was pulling out the suitcases and carting them up the stairs. One glance at the bus made him want to throw up. “What’s with all the pink and purple?”

“Pretty.” Millie grinned from her perch on the couch with a new baby doll in a blue dress. “I like this bus.”

“I bet you do, beautiful.” He carried her suitcases to the back of the bus and stowed them in a closet. “I’ll unpack your things later.”

“Carlie, what is all of this?”

“What? I did what you said. She has a dress up station complete with all the Disney princess costumes. All the latest DVDs of those movies, along with all the Barbie movies, a few educational books, flash cards, washable paints, markers, dolls and a doll house, a little bike, balls, a bucket and spade for when we stop at a beach. I put a first aid kit in the bathroom, it has everything. My mom helped me with the list and said to call her if you need anything.”

“When I said decorate, I thought you knew I was going to live in here too. I’ll never live this down. Big badass rocker in a princess bus.”

“You said a bad word.” Millie giggled while combing the dolls hair. “Gimme a quarter.”

“We should make a swear jar.” Carlie grinned. “Now this will be fun. Millie girl, you and I are gonna be rich. Your uncle and his friends have horrible potty mouths.”

Jimmy felt Sameera’s presence before he saw her. “Hey.” He patted the spot beside him.

She appeared exhausted. Puffiness under her eyes and her quietness worried him. Being part of the reason didn’t make him feel better. They never resolved their fight.

“Hey back.” Sameera looked over at Millie. “She’s beautiful.”

“He didn’t know about her, Sam. No one did. Her mom, Reggie, kept her life very private. I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable.”

“I knew he dated a girl named Reggie before. He confided in me. She broke his heart and he never knew why. He died never knowing why the first girl he loved wanted nothing to do with him. He just accepted her choice and gave her the peace she asked him for.”

“Meerkat, we have a chance to share memories of Miles with his daughter. Some first tour this is. I swear something always happens on a tour. Bus crashes, equipment left behind, band members left behind, inheriting parentless child,” he attempted dry humor.

Sam slid her hand into his. “I missed you last night. I hate the sadness I gave you, the anger, and I couldn’t live with your hate.” She dropped her gaze from his.

Jimmy chucked her chin, forcing her to look at him.

“I could never hate you. Get mad, yeah. Stomp off, sure. But hate, not in this life or the next. Get that thought out of your pretty head. I left you that message so you knew I’d forgiven you.”

“It’s just the letter…a-and now Millie is a lot to handle. How are you handling things?”

“One step at a time. I haven’t really had a second to process, you know. I’m fucking emotionally exhausted.”

“Major and Vin are set to take your spot tonight if you can’t go on stage. Everyone understands.”

“I just need a cat nap. Now that I’m around people I can trust, I may nod off for a bit.”

“You mean you trust me?”

“Yes, I trust you. I’m still pissed you held onto the letter, but I know you were trying to do what was best. I don’t have the best track record when it comes to dealing with crap.” He leaned over and kissed her lips.

“Keep it PG over there,” Carlie warned.

Jimmy ran his hands through her hair. “To be continued.” He nipped the shell of her ear.

“Lover boy, go take your nap on the other bus. Millie and I are gonna hang out for a bit.”

Jimmy winked at Millie, slipped his fingers into Sameera’s and tugged her off the interior bedazzled bus. Once they climbed the band’s bus, he breathed easier. “I swear I feel like my man card was revoked.”

“We can take some of the extra down. There’s no reason to have all that when she clearly cleaned out the toy store, not to mention I bet she went on a shoe and clothing spree.”

“When do we get to meet the little darling?” Midian swung his blind open from his cot.

“Later. She’s playing and I need some sleep.”

“That’s what they call it? I call it hide and go get it. Just keep it down. The rest of us are sleeping.”

Sameera laughed at Midian. “Hide and go get it. I thought that was playing hide and seek in the dark as a teen.”

“Same dif,” Midian mumbled.

Jimmy tugged Sameera behind him to her room. On the other side of the door, the bed beckoned him.

“You look like the walking dead.” Sameera pushed her door open and stepped in. Jimmy shut it behind them and gifted her with a wicked wink. He traced his hands over her shirt, tugged the hem up and over her head. “You’re over dressed, meerkat.” Her leggings were stripped from her next. “Mmm, more lace panties. I think you like them ruined.”

“Not so fast J.J. I don’t have a lot of underwear out here on the road.” Sameera hooked her fingers on the sides and peeled them down.

Jimmy’s breath hitched as she stood and tugged her bra off, baring her breasts. He reached for one and cupped the small mound. “Sexy.” He licked her pebbled nipple and sucked. Sameera wound her hand in his hair, arching into him. Lifting her, he carried her to the bed, laid her down and licked his lips. He moved in quick motions, stripping off his own clothes and joining her on the bed. His cock throbbed hard and the need to bury himself inside her warm slick heat overrode his need to sleep. He needed release to allow his mind to rest. “I promised to sample every inch of you. Lay on your back.”

He loved the softness of her skin. Mapping a path up her body, he began with her tiny feet, kissing the arch, trailing his lips up the back of her calves, licking and nipping that sensitive spot behind the knees. She trembled under him as he took his time savoring her response to him. With light traces, he tickled the inside of her thighs, rubbed the outer lips and ghosted a finger over her slit. Steering clear of her clit, he repeated the path of causing sweet agony over her body. Sameera bucked her hips to give him access. Jimmy grinned. “I know what you want.” He flicked the bud with his thumb and pressed the bundle of nerves in slow torturous circles. When she cried out, he closed his mouth over her sex and inhaled her sweet scent. “Damn, you taste good, just like I dreamed.”

“Touch me, please.”

“Oh, I plan on doing more than touching you.” He slid up her body, trailing kisses on her abdomen, her navel, peppering across her rib cage. Clasping her fingers in his, he brought them to his lips, and then paid attention to her perky tits. Not in the mood to disappoint, he palmed them and feasted, nipping and flicking, making her wetter for him, against his thigh. Sameera rubbed against him trying to find some relief. Relief he denied. “Stop that, horny girl. The first time I took you, I was an ass. Let me make up for that. Let me give to you, lay back and receive.” He dropped a heady kiss on her lips, swallowing a decadent moan escaping from her. The way she responded drew his balls tight. Fucking beautiful. Everything about her. Jimmy nuzzled her neck, trailed his hands down her side and turned her over to blaze a path of kisses down her spine, stopping to nip and caress her ass. He slid a finger over her puckered hole. Sameera arched her body for him.

“Turn back over.” He leaned back to enjoy the view of her pretty cunt glistening, ready for a plowing. Sameera moved slow, rolled over on her back. She parted her legs for him with a sexy smile, biting her lower lip and fondling her breasts. Leisurely, she slid one hand down her torso and opened up her lips. Her fingers disappeared inside. In a haze of lust, he watched how she worked her body to bring herself off. The rise and fall of her breasts, and soft sighs of pleasure spiked his need.

“You’re having all the fun, love.” Jimmy slapped her pussy. Sameera gave him full access.

“You like watching me play.”

“You’ve been reading that book on kink.” He leaned his face between her legs and gave a solitary lick. “There’s nothing hotter than a woman embracing her sexuality and finding new likes.” He followed up with another swipe of tongue, then yanked her legs over his thighs, lining her up for the perfect drive.

“So cocky about it. Penetrate me already.” She blew out the sexiest huff of indignation. Jimmy leaned over her luscious body, capturing her lips in his. “Impatient for this?” He slid the head of his cock into the mouth of her pussy, stopping just before inching in. Sameera gripped his thighs with her nails. “J.J.”

“You don’t get to use my nickname to get what you want…or wiggle your sexy ass to drive me inside. Seeing you ache for me is hot. The undertone of your voice, a desperate plea for more, has me harder than fucking steel, meerkat.” He brushed a hair from her brow. “My words making you so wet, so ready to receive me. On the brink of coming and I’m not even inside you.”

“Fuck, I’m coming.”

“Mhm, I can feel it—the tremors against my cock.” Jimmy inched his way inside her, reveling in her quivering walls gripping his cock. Sameera’s sensitivity made teasing her all the better. Her hands went lax on his hips, dropping to grip the covers. Deep seated, he let out a guttural sound. Her legs trembled as he withdrew and plunged home, his pelvis hitting the crease of her inner thighs with force.

“J.J., I’m almost there again. Holy fuck. Holy fuck.”

“Awe fuck, baby, you’re gripping me something fierce.” Jimmy dropped her legs from his thighs, and braced his hands on the side of her face. Sameera wrapped her legs around him and bit his shoulder with each plunge. Deeper, harder, faster in long slow drives. She let out a shrill scream when he pistoned his hips and drove in with savagery. Sweat dripped from his skin as he rocked the bed, thankful it was bolted down in place. Fingernails dug into his ass, causing a spark of pain. Hot juice squirted over him, dripped from her core. Now that was a surprise he didn’t see coming. When he looked into her face, he saw her trembling jaw. He dropped a kiss, wrapped his arm around her lower back and slammed home, waiting for a second round. Sameera screamed as she drenched his cock a second time. Her clenching walls proved too much. He groaned into her nape as he slowed down and hit her deep with jerky strokes, his seed bathing her womb.

“I forgive you for fucking me like a groupie years ago. What a fucking way to make that shit up.” Sameera licked his neck. “Mmm.”

Jimmy laughed. “You are a squirter. I can’t wait to play with your pussy some more. That’s the hottest fuck I’ve ever had.”

“I’m sure you say that to all the girls.” Sameera batted him. Jimmy seized her hands and brought them over her head. “No, I fuck them and kick them out, no conversation. You’re in a class all by yourself.” She reached up and kissed him. “Naptime. I need to recover from all of this.” Jimmy rolled on his back, tucked her into him and closed his eyes.


* * * *


Torture, someone was giving him the sweetest diabolical torture imaginable. He opened his eyes and looked down. Sameera’s perfect mouth teased his dick, sucking his shaft down her throat in slow strokes. Putting his hands behind his head, he watched the show. Now and then, she’d stop to give him a wonton smile, then lick down the side and suckle his balls. When she sucked on the head, let go and blew air on him, he shivered. There was nothing sexier than curiosity. He closed his eyes when she wrapped her hand around him and jerked him off, her tongue flicking the most sensitive spot on his crown. Pre-cum filled the slit. She used the lubricant, teasing the opening with her finger, and swallowing him for a taste.

“Stop teasing,” he growled, his hand finding purchase in her hair.

“Shh, I’m playing,” she replied, her hand stilling along the pulsating vein. If she didn’t finish, he’d flip her over and fuck her like a demented man. His hunger ran deep.

“Who’s impatient now?” Sameera laughed at his groan.

“At least flip around so I can taste you.” Sameera ignored him, making no move to grace him with her decadent tasting pussy. Jimmy slid off the bed and stood. “Come here.”

Sameera complied, watching him fist his own dick in his hand, she knelt on the floor. “Open up wide.” As she licked her lips, he caught the flash of worry in her eyes, before she licked the tip of his dick. Guiding himself into her mouth, watching how readily she opened up to accept his girth was a turn-on. In complete trust, she allowed him to fuck her face, her hands slid around his ass, clenching him as he pumped into her mouth, his dick hitting the back of her throat, not once did she gag. Eager to please, eager for him, her saliva slickened his cock. Each thrust drew him closer to blowing. She hastened her tempo, driving him to the brink, then relenting in a teasing lick here and there.

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