Leap of Faith (La Flor #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Leap of Faith (La Flor #1)
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I said the words but she didn’t say them back. I can’t be discouraged; I’m not the type of man that gives up easily, and I know she’s not ready just yet. She still needs time. I still need to show her that I’m always going to be here for her and the girls. I need to prove to them that I’m here for the long haul. Even if it takes me years of dedicating myself to her and the girls, I’ll never give up. I’ll always love them because they deserve to be loved and protected.






March rolls around.

I’ve been busy with work, soccer season, and attending all the necessary functions needed for the girls’ schools. Zane and I are stronger than ever. We still haven’t taken the next step physically since my girls are always waiting for me after our dates, but we’ve had some steamy moments. Zane is very understanding and hasn’t pressured me, which I appreciate. He wants our first time to be perfect and without regrets.

He continues to amaze me when it comes to dealing with Rylee and Skylar. He’s been to every soccer game when he’s not working; he even gets a kick out of Skylar and her seriously loud cheering. He’s taken Skylar to gymnastics class a few times when I’ve been really busy at the office and Rylee is at practice.

The girls just plain love him. Whenever he’s available, he comes to the house to bring us or make us breakfast, help with lunch or dinner, and he comes over for movie nights. He’s had us over at his place several times for dinner and movie night, as his entertainment center is better than ours, but he prefers to spend the majority of our time at my house.

“It’s homier and this is the girls’ home,” he tells me.

Unfortunately for him, he’s outvoted by girls in the movie department and gets to watch a lot of Disney movies and chick flicks. He’s taken us to the movies, bowling, and other family activities and enjoys himself. He’s happy and we’re happy. Everything is perfect. I’m grateful but at the same time, I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know worrying does me no good, so I try to put those silly thoughts aside and concentrate on the goodness in my life. I just pray that everything stays as good as it’s been.

With the month of March comes spring break and the girls are super-excited to visit their grandparents. They’ll be staying with Jake’s parents in Dallas for the entire week. Carmen and Jacob are excited to have the girls and are ready to spoil them. I expect them to bring home a Jeep full of clothes and toys.

Carmen and Jacob met Zane at one of Rylee’s away soccer games and they’re happy for me. They know that I’ll always love Jake and they remember how devastated I was when I received the news of his death. All my family and friends have been with me through the hard times after Jakes death, so Carmen and Jacob are happy that I’m opening myself up again to a relationship. They saw how wonderful Zane was with the girls and how he treats me like I’m a precious treasure, a queen. They approve of him and I’m very, so very happy. Carmen and Jacob will always be part of our lives; they’ll always be my in-laws and a part of our family. The fact that they like Zane and he likes them is a wonderful thing.

The girls are packing up all their things for their week away from home. They’ll be spoiled and enjoy the Dallas life with Papa and Nana. Rylee found a week-long soccer camp in the area and is excited to continue training while also seeing her grandparents, and the fact that Josilyn will be with her is also a big plus. Dean, her boyfriend, isn’t too happy with her decision to head there instead of going on the trip to Mexico with some of the other kids, but that doesn’t seem to bother her too much. I’m very lucky to have a teenager with a good head on her shoulders. She has goals and dreams and is working hard to accomplish them.

Zane is here with me and ready to help the girls pack Rylee’s Jeep for the two plus-hour drive to Carmen and Jacob’s home. I’m a little nervous. Wait, who am I kidding? I’m incredibly nervous about letting the girls go by themselves, but they insisted and I have GPS trackers on the Jeep and their phones. They promised to phone on every stop and as soon as they arrive. Zane looked over the car and made sure it was in pristine condition to make the drive to Dallas, and that both Rylee and Josilyn know how to change a flat tire. He also showed them how to hit with a crowbar in case they need to defend themselves. I made sure Rylee had her Ontario knife and Skylar her little Swiss pocket knife. I know I’m overprotective, but I just want my girls to be safe and sound.

The Jeep is packed and the girls are getting into the car. Music is chosen and I make sure all their phones are charged and easily accessible.

“Momma, it’s only two hours and if I need to rest, Josilyn can drive. We’re gonna be fine. I’ll call you every time we stop and when we arrive to Nana and Papa’s house. Just relax and enjoy your time with Zane,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows.

That crazy girl. This is what happens when you only have about thirteen-year age difference between mother and daughter—and she
my daughter even if not by blood. Sometimes, there are no boundaries.

“Alright. Just be careful. Drive safely,” I tell her. “Skylar, you be good for your big sister and listen to her and Josilyn. Josilyn, enjoy your time with my in-laws and good luck at soccer camp, girlies. I love you always and forever.”

“Always and forever,” both girls say to me. “We love you too, Zane, and take care of Momma,” the girls say to Zane, surprising him. This is the first time they’ve said the L-word to him and I can tell he loves it by the big smile on his face, once he gets over his shock.

“I love you too, girls. Be careful and call if you need anything. I’ll hop in my truck and go get y’all if I need to,” he tells them. “Now get goin’ before it gets dark and your Momma decides to join you.”

Stepping away from the Jeep, we watch the girls drive away. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do when Rylee heads off to college and when my little Skylar is all grown up . . . just thinking about that brings tears to my eyes.

Zane sees how emotional I am. He takes me in his arms and turns me to face him. “Baby, we have the house all to ourselves for the next five days before we head up there to go dress shoppin’ with the girls for prom.”

“I know, honey. Why do you think I’m all teary-eyed? I’m gonna miss the girls like crazy.”

“Faith . . . we’ll both miss the girls, but these next five days are gonna be for us. I’ll be in your bed
every single night
until the girls come home. I’ll explore and taste every part of your body and I’m gonna make you scream my name when I make you climax,” he tells me, making my body shiver with anticipation. “I’ll make sweet love to you and I’m gonna fuck you rough and hard, baby, so fuckin’ hard that you’ll come undone in my arms—you’ll explode. You’ll become my woman in almost every way. Yes, we’ll miss the girls, but I’m gonna make sure that the time flies by quickly. We’ll spend our time together and then we’ll go bring the girls home. Okay, baby?”

“Okay, honey,” I reply breathlessly.

He’s right, this week will be our week. I’ll be able to devote all my attention, when I’m not at the office, to this incredible and patient man. This wonderful and amazing man that has done everything in his power to show me how much he wants me in his life. This week is ours and I’m going to rock his world.

I get on my toes and bring his head down to me. I place my lips on his and before long he takes over, putting his hands on my ass and hauling me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he takes us back inside the house. Once inside, he kicks the door closed and takes the stairs up to my room. He carries me into the room and lays us both down on the bed. He continues to kiss me, but what I think will lead to something more, does not.

He frames my face with his hands and looks into my eyes. “I want you so bad, but our first time isn’t gonna be fast, it’s gonna be perfect and special. I want to take all night with you. I’m gonna take you out on a date and then I’ll have my way with you. I’ll make love to you like I’ve never done before. Our first time will be my first time makin’ true love to a woman. You, Faith—you’re that woman. Mine.” He kisses my lips softly, creating sweet tingling feelings with his words. “Right now, I’m gonna get up and head back to my place to get a bag and get ready for our date tonight. You got me?”

“I got you, honey,” I reply breathlessly and with a smile on my face. He gives me one more kiss before getting off the bed, bringing me up with him.

“Walk me out, baby, I want to kiss you and make sure that you lock the door after me.”

His overprotectiveness makes me feel so good inside, especially after being alone for so long and being the only protector of our home. He takes my hand and we make our way to the door. Once there, he pulls me in for one last kiss before heading out. He waits for me to lock the door before walking to his truck. I see him drive off before heading to my room to start the long process of readying myself for our night together.

I need to find a dress that’ll drive him crazy; one that’s demure in the front and when I turn,
it’s sexy and open in the back. I want to drive him crazy. The dress needs to be sexy but not slutty.

Hmmm . . . looks like I have my work cut out for me.

I decide not to go at this alone and phone Julia.

What’s happenin’?” She answers on the third ring.

“Dress emergency! Zane is takin’ me out tonight and I need a sexy backless dress that’s not too slutty,” I say without greeting.

“Woohoo! Are you finally gettin’ laid, my dear best friend?” She asks excitedly. She’s so freaking crazy, but I love her anyway.

“Focus, Julia. Dress. Now. Give me some ideas.”

I feel like snapping my fingers at her even though she can’t see me. Holy crap, this girl sure has her mind in the gutter. I’m finally going to get me some, but right now I’m too worried about finding the perfect sexy dress to think about that.

“Okay. Geesh . . . let’s see . . . sexy but not slutty . . .” After a few seconds: “Ah ha! What about that red Valentino dress? The backless one, the one with the bow. The one you just
had to have.

“Valentino. Valentino,” I say as I’m searching my walk-in closet. “I know which one you’re talkin’ about. The one I bought when we saw it on sale a few months ago, and I haven’t worn it yet. You’re a freakin’ genius!”

, you know I am. What would you do without me? By the way, did the girls leave already?”

“Yes, they left about half an hour ago. Are you on your way?” I ask.

Julia’s one of the coaches at the camp the girls are attending for Spring Break. She’s actually the one that gave us the information and convinced Josilyn’s parents to let her go. Josilyn has a lot of potential and Julia wants to get her name out there for the college scouts. She believes Josilyn has a high chance of getting a full ride.

“Yup. I left my house about the same time the girls did. I’m going to stop to pick up snacks and get gas and then continue on my way. I’ll give Carmen a call to make plans for either lunch or dinner sometime during the week. Before I forget, are we still on for dress shopping this weekend?”

“Yes. Jackie and I are heading up there Saturday mornin,’” I tell her.

“Is Zane coming too? I don’t see that man lettin’ you out of his sight,” she says laughingly. “That man loves you too damn much, Faith.”

“Julia, it’s too soon for him to love me,” I say.

You knew Jake was the one for you after one meeting—literally, after one look. Don’t tell me love isn’t quick or it’s too soon. Zane treats you like a queen and protects you like one. If he hasn’t told you yet it’s because he doesn’t want to scare you away. But let me tell you somethin,’ girl—that man does love you and you love him. I haven’t seen you this happy in years and I’m happy for you. He loves your girls and he loves you. Enjoy the ride, Faith. Not many people are lucky to find two wonderful and amazin’ alpha males that are swoon worthy in one lifetime. You, my friend, are a lucky bitch and I love you.”

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