Lights Out (21 page)

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Authors: Ruthie Robinson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #African American, #General

BOOK: Lights Out
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He followed her up the stairs and down the hall to her room. He hadn’t been here before. They reached her room and she entered first and turned to face him, her hands together behind her back. He closed the door behind them and looked around, taking in the clutter that was so her. It wasn’t so bad that it prevented you from walking, but was far from his neat-as-a-pin housekeeping.

He turned to face her, watching her. He could tell she was nervous. Her teeth were tugging at her bottom lip.

He took a step toward her, so ready, hard like you wouldn’t believe. He had so looked forward to this, since the beginning. He hadn’t pressed her until now. For some reason he wanted to make sure she was truly sure.

They stood for a second, eyes glued to each other. He reached for the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head, dropping it to the floor. She stood, watching, her mouth parting slightly, eyes growing large. He grew harder if that were possible, watching her staring like this, hunger mixed in with a little bit of shyness. She was even startled, like it was her first gander at a man’s chest.

“You know what? Maybe on second thought…” she said, her hands brushing the hair from around her face, thinking now about the demanding part. Was she up for this? She wasn’t anywhere near the sexual athlete that she’d bet her life he was. “Maybe I would like the wining and dining option, now that we’re here. Maybe we should get to know each other more, in a more relaxed setting, you know. This seems so sudden,” she said, backing up closer to the bed.

“It’s not that sudden,” he said, kicking off his shoes. His hands went to the snap of his jeans, and he unzipped and opened them. “And you know me,” he said, letting them fall to the floor. All that remained were his boxers, with a noticeable dent in them now. She swallowed hard and watched as he took another slow step toward her. He started to push his boxers slowly down his lean hips. He watched her eyes fixated on his hands as his boxers moved downward. Her eyes then went to his body, taking in the nice V of a man who was in great shape. He smiled when her eyes landed on his erection, his boxers at his feet now, and heard her sharp intake of air. Her eyes found his, alarm in them now.

He smiled again, took two more steps, and stood in front of her.

“I don’t know, Joe,” she said.

“Sure you do,” he responded, and reached for her, his arms moving around her waist, pulling her close. He bent his head to the curve of her neck and he kissed her lightly there.

“I…” she said again, abruptly quiet as his hands lifted her top and pulled it over her head. Just as quickly he reached for the snap of her bra and removed it, pulling it outward from her arms. He moved those wonderful hands to cup her breasts while his mouth was just under her chin again, moving tantalizingly slowly toward her lips.

He felt so good, so strong, so everything. His hands were cupping her breasts, softly moving over them. Was she even still breathing?

“Is this okay?” he said, his mouth at the corner of hers now. “Just trying to do what comes naturally.” His hair softly touched her shoulders. She nodded, her eyes locked onto his, mesmerized by the strength, humor, and the certainty she found in them. She couldn’t think with his hand moving over her so. He went back to kissing that spot underneath her ear.

“Relax. This was a really good idea,” he added, his mouth making its way along the ridge of her jaw toward her mouth. She stood still, trapped like a deer, until his mouth found hers.

Damn, he was good. She opened her mouth at the request of his tongue, which was probing the seam of her lips. She moaned, and he chuckled and kissed her slowly, exploring her mouth with his tongue, getting the feel for her, marking her. He probably had no idea of the impact he was having on her, but she didn’t think she would ever be the same.

He was moving her now, or at least she thought she was moving. Her mind struggled to keep up, to just take in and process his hands teasing her breasts while his tongue teased her there, too. She wasn’t sure she could handle anything else.

He walked her over to the bed. She knew she was there because her knees hit the mattress and he stopped, his hands moving to her shorts. Her hands joining up with his, helping him unsnap them and slide the zipper down. He laughed against her mouth.

She was so ready and so on board now. “Condoms?” he asked, stepping back to pull her shorts down her hips. He kissed the junction of her thighs, causing her to sit hard on her bed, her legs no longer able to hold her up. He laughed while finishing his task of removing her remaining clothing before standing to look down at her on her bed, nude, those long legs slightly parted, hair loose and wild about her head, eyes closed, her face a mix of want and serenity, just like he’d imagined.

“Condoms?” he asked again. She pointed to her nightstand. He reached over and grabbed a few. “Extra large,” he said, reviewing the package he held in his hands. “Thanks, I think.”

She opened her eyes and smiled at him, a big ole giant smile, slow and sexy, and he felt a flutter in his chest.

“Gimmee,” she said, slowing sitting up on her elbows. She extended one arm, pointing to the condom in his hand and wiggling her fingers for it. This opportunity was too good to waste. She hoped that he was as demanding tonight as he’d said he could be. He smiled and placed the package in her hand.

“This was a good idea, wasn’t it?” she said, looking at him from beneath her lashes, a sexy expression on her face as she tore the package with her teeth. They both laughed, and then it was all pleasure.

* * *


“What about this problem?” Kennedy asked, waiving her fingers in front of Piper’s face the next day. They were seated at a table in the coffee shop. Piper was supposed to be helping her with her homework, but so far all she had done was stare out of the front window.

“Piper,” Kennedy called again.

“I’m sorry. Did you finish that problem? Let me check it,” she said pulling Kennedy’s paper in front of her to review. It was quiet for a few seconds as Piper did the math. “Great,” she said, sliding the paper back over to Kennedy. “Two more and you’re done for the night,” she said, her head turning back toward the window. She stared out, not seeing anything outside, her mind reentering the world of Joe, lost in yesterday with him, their first time together. Wow, was all she could think. She’d replayed that afternoon in her mind twenty times if not once since then.

What an inspired idea for them to combine their forces, literally, although she would have to shore up her game to keep up with him. He was certainly on top of his. He did warn her he would be demanding, and now she knew exactly what that meant. She might not be totally up for all of his demands, but she was willing to try most of them.

She turned and looked over at her sister, Kennedy, whose head was bent over her work, pencil moving intently as she worked through her nemesis, division. Taylor and Shane had finished their homework, and they were playing another of their favorite video games. Piper turned back to her thoughts again.

She would never ever look at her middle name in quite the same manner again.

Renee. A simple name for her friends and family’s use, mostly; those who were close to her called her that. Piper was what most other people called her, and in spite of her mother’s reasoning for giving that name to her, she liked the name—preferred it, actually—until she heard her middle name fall from Joe’s lips.

When he said her middle name it became poetry. Renee, the only name he’d called her when he’d made love to her, like she was a different woman there with him. Just thinking about it warmed her blood, conjured up images of sweat and want and need.

She sighed, and Kennedy looked up, a question in her eyes.

“You okay, Pipe?” she asked.

“Yes, I am,” she said, blowing out a breath before sitting up straighter in her chair and returning her attention to math.

* * *


Later on that evening Piper stood in the kitchen, putting dishes in the washer, when she heard the dogs barking at the front door. She dried off her hands and headed toward them. It was Joe letting himself in. They had exchanged keys a while ago in case Shane left something at home and Joe wasn’t able to get back. She’d given him a key, too, pretending that it represented more between them, heading toward permanence. It made her feel special. She knew she was fooling herself, but she’d decided she could fool herself if she wanted to.

He bent to rub the dogs who, as always, were lapping at his hands, licking his chin. They looked at her before turning and heading back upstairs. Joe smiled, stood up, and met her halfway.

“Where’s everybody?” he asked.

“Upstairs,” she said, watching as he walked back to the bottom of the stairs and looked up, his head turned as if he were listening for something. Apparently satisfied, he turned and walked toward her, a glint in his eye that had her body going soft. He grabbed her hand and towed her along behind him to the kitchen. Looking around, he spotted the pantry, pulled her in, and closed the door behind them.

It was dark. The light was on the outside of the door, but apparently it didn’t matter. He pushed her against the door. His lips met hers in a kiss hot enough to burn rubber. Good Lord, this man knew his way around a woman’s body. His hand found her breast and his lower body found its match in hers. He pushed inward. She groaned, and he continued his assault, his hand moving to her ass, pulling her closer. He lifted her while one hand reached for his belt buckle.

The dogs were barking again, breaking through the fog in her brain. She pushed him away, pulled her mouth away, one reluctant lip at a time.

“Joe,” she said, panting.

“Yeah, I know,” he said, stepping back.

He opened the door and pushed her through, and she was blinded for a second by the light. The dogs were at the back door, wanting to go out. A squirrel or bird was calling their names. She ran her hands through her hair and opened the door. The air from outside was doing her good, somewhat clearing the lust from her brain.

Joe stepped out of the pantry, calmer except for his eyes. They gave him away. He wanted what she wanted, and had been thinking about since the first time.

“I’m in town tomorrow. Can you swing lunch?” he asked.

“Sure.” This was a first. “Where?”

“Here,” he said.

“Oh…here…” she said, eyebrows raised. “Okay…that kind of lunch. Sure, lunch here works. What time?”

“Noon, but I’ll call you to make sure,” he said.

“Okay, see you then.”

He took a deep breath, walked over, and kissed her, hard and quick, before going toward the front door. “I’d better get Shane,” he said, heading up the stairs.

“Sure,” she said, following along behind him, overjoyed about the prospects that lunch might bring.

* * *


Hurry up, Piper thought, watching the hands of her watch move. He was due to arrive at eleven-thirty. He’d called her ten minutes ago, told her he was on his way and that he would meet her at her house.

Yes, she was so on board with that, with him. What to do now? Should she get undressed and wait for him upstairs, like some seductive vamp of old—long satiny lingerie covering her body—or she could come up with something creative to surprise him? She could be inventive, too. Who was she kidding? She had a long hill to climb to match Joe in creativity.

Unable to come to a decision, she sat here on her bottom step, dressed in her Lights Out gear, waiting for him to arrive. She who hadn’t had sex in years was champing at the bit now…but what a bit to champ on, she thought, and giggled. I’m really losing it here, she said to herself.

If there was a silver lining, he seemed just as needy as she, as ready for another time as she was. She could hear it in his voice, see it in his eyes. She loved his eyes. She heard a car pull up, pulling her from her thoughts, and heard the door close. Feet were moving toward the front door. She opened it before he could knock. He smiled. Oh, Jesus, what that man could do with a smile. He was apparently impatient, too, because he entered the house and started up the steps before turning around and making a beeline for the couch. He pulled her to her feet.

“I just need a few times, quick,” he said, sitting down, pulling her over to him, tugging at the belt on his slacks, unzipping his pants. He looked at her and gave her a get your ass in gear look.

“Come on, Renee.”

There he went with her name again, in the way that only he could say it. It just about turned her to butter. It sounded decadent, and his smile was decadent, too—a shot in the arm. What are you waiting for?

First things first. She kicked off her shoes and wiggled out of her jeans and underwear, eyes glued to him the whole time; he was undressing quickly, too.

Bottoms gone, she pulled her shirt over her head, removed her bra, and pulled the scrunchy from her hair. She shook it loose and looked at him, a smile at his lips giving way to laughter at how fast she’d gotten undressed.

“What is with this urgency?” he asked, his face puzzled for a second as he pulled out his wallet, grabbed several condoms from it, and put one on. He pushed his hips outward to the edge of the sofa, making sure she had room on either side of them. He pulled her to straddle him, knees on either side of his thighs.

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