Lights Out (22 page)

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Authors: Ruthie Robinson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #African American, #General

BOOK: Lights Out
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He leaned up, his eyes fixed on her, serious now. He cupped her face with his hand and pulled her in for a kiss, so soft, tongue entering immediately. “Renee,” he whispered softly against her lips, his hands moving to her breasts, cupping them, squeezing them before moving downward to her hips, where he lifted her and held her above him, anticipating. He held her still for a few seconds, gazing into her eyes, which reflected his need and want.

He pushed her hips downward and pushed into her body slowly. Don’t hurry, he thought. How was it possible to feel this good? He thrust into her again, harder this time. A moan escaped his mouth and he pulled her head forward, seeking her mouth.

“Fuck…” she said into his mouth, and felt him smile.

“Renee,” he groaned, as he continued to lift and lower her over him, his hips pushing in hard as he pulled her down to take more of him into her body. She moaned against his mouth, her forehead falling to his as she just let herself feel the power of him smoothly moving in and out of her body.

“Renee…please…I’m…” And he came with more force than he was used to. He really was not prepared for the intensity, and he ground his teeth and held her hips down on his as he went with the power of his release. He just let it run through him, and let out another groan as his head fell to rest against hers.

Her eyes popped open and she smiled, hair springy and bushy around her head, eyes twinkling.

“Don’t laugh,” he said.

“I won’t,” she said, laughing. She leaned in, found his lips and kissed him, making love to his mouth just as he’d just done for her. Well, not quite for her, but she knew he wouldn’t leave her hanging so she just made love to his wonderful mouth until he was ready for seconds. She knew he was ready now, could feel him in her, ready.

“More,” he said in that commanding way of his. Hell, yeah, she thought.

He stood and she locked her legs around his waist to hold on. He took a few steps away from the couch, found an empty spot on her floor, and laid her there.

“Give me a second,” he said, before leaving her and walking to the small bathroom located downstairs. He returned a few seconds later and covered her body with his from soup to nuts before kissing her and rolling over onto his back.

“I’m not quite there yet, but this one should be somewhat longer. I’m still walking along that edge.”

“I think I’m starting to get the demanding part,” she said.

“Not really, but we’re breaking you in slowly,” he said.

She lifted herself on her arms and looked down at him and started to move her body around him. His hand found her hips and helped her along, going to the spot where their bodies met. He didn’t want to leave her behind this time. She was different, he’d give her that. Once she decided a course of action, she was all in, and he admired that particular brand of courage. He watched as she put all her effort into moving upward and then down, speeding up, sharp and fast, in some kind of hurry, so he just held on this time, his hands moving to clasp her breasts firmly in his hands, moving his hips striving to keep up with her pace.

“Joe, oh God…” he heard her say, and a few minutes later he watched her come, head thrown back, face beautiful, and he followed.

He waited until her breathing slowed and she looked down at him through pleasure-filled and satisfied eyes. Was that a bit of mischief lurking in there, too, as she watched him from above.

“Edges all smooth yet?” she asked. He grinned.

“You have no idea,” he said, pulling her head forward for a kiss.

“Now I can take my time,” he said, smiling and sitting up, clasping her legs around his back, his arms going around her waist.

“You are kidding, right?” she said, watching him smile.

“Nope,” he said, grinning. “I did try to warn you. Want to back out?”

“Hell, no,” she said.

“So you can hang with me a while longer?”

“Yes, I guess so,” she said and laughed as he attempted to lift her from the floor, almost breaking his and her necks in the process. It seemed like all they could do was laugh about it.

After they’d managed to get themselves upright, his arms went around her waist and she swung her legs around his back. He took a few steps backward, pretending to groan under her weight. She pinched him. “I’m not that heavy,” she said as he proceeded to carry her up the stairs, stopping to kiss every few steps.

He entered her room, walked them over to the bed, and laid her down. He found her stack of condoms, disposed of his old one and sheathed himself before he turned her on to her side, facing away from him. He settled in behind her, spoon-style, pulling the covers over them. He kissed her shoulders, wiggling his right arm under her head until it formed a pillow for hers, while his other hand began its travel over her body, caressing.

“So now that we’re getting to know each other, tell me what kinds of things do you like to do,” he said as his hand found her breasts.

“I like what we just did,” she said, her hips moving, pushing back into his. His breathing changed, but his hands continued their play at her breasts.

“So do you ever do anything out of the ordinary?” he whispered into her ear. She closed her eyes. And here she’d been thinking that they’d just done out of the ordinary.

“What’s out of the ordinary?” she asked instead.

“I don’t know. You could dress up, try a little role play, maybe, or I could tie you up. If you’re okay with it. Or, if not, I could introduce you to some of the things I like to do, slowly of course,” he said softly in that sexy voice of his. All the while his hand moved over her body, creating this need to have him again. His hand moved downward to the juncture of her thighs. He heard her sigh when he reached his destination. Her hips moved backward toward his, seeking, pushing into him, asking for more.

He pushed one of his legs to slide in between hers, and taking himself in hand, helped guide himself into her. She groaned. He loved that sound from her, all pleasure, and he began to move, so slowly, in and out, a slow smooth glide. He pushed her upper body away from his, so that she lay in the doggie position on her side. He gripped her hips with both hands now to hold her steady.

He’d stopped talking and just moved within her, edges all gone. Now he would take his time and enjoy the feel of her body surrounding him. When was the last time he’d been this relaxed?

He was deliberate and patient, as he’d been looking forward to this since the first time. Slowly he moved in her, bringing her almost to a climax, waiting until she calmed only to start over. He was thorough, and after two more times of bringing her to the brink, sweat-drenched and weak, she came, calling out his name, pulling him along with her, he feeling the power of his release down to his toes. What the hell? he thought, pulling her into his chest to hold her while they regrouped.

After they’d showered and prepared to leave her room, he stopped at her bedroom door and turned to her.

“You didn’t answer my question,” he said, his gorgeous smile in place, a kick to her system.

Her forehead furrowed as she looked up. “What question?”

“What do you like to do?”

She smiled. “I’m pretty plain, I guess, old school and simple. But if you’re willing to show me the merits of other things, I guess I might be willing to try them. Except I’ll have to think about the tying up thing,” she said, walking over to stand in front of him, moving in to kiss his mouth. He kissed her back softly and she pulled a few inches away and stood there, her eyes closed, her face filled with pleasure.

“You’re good. You know that, don’t you?” she said, her eyes open now, looking up seriously into his.

He reached for her curls, filled his fist with them, and used them to pull her back into him for another kiss. “I enjoyed it, too. Until next time?” He walked out the door, looking back at her, his eyes indecipherable.

“Until next time,” she said, following him down the stairs.

Chapter 14

The following Monday Piper was in her office waiting for Joe to arrive. He was running late for their Monday morning alignment of calendars.

She looked forward to having him here. The past week with him had been one for her memory books.

If only Joe would share more of himself. Joe kept all things personal under lock and key, and no amount of sharing from her seemed to impact his guard. She knew from growing up with her dad and the other males that dominated her father’s gym that men weren’t the greatest communicators of feelings.

She was determined, however, to give it her best effort. Maybe she’d somehow get Joe to talk more. She wanted to be the one he would share with, the one for whom he would lower his defenses. She was after that part of him more than anything. Good thing for him she was tough, in her own way. Dealing with her dad had taught Piper the benefits of persistence.

She looked up at the knock at her door and smiled, watching him enter. He was dressed casually in slacks and a shirt. Gorgeous Joe. Her heart skipped, and then settled.

“Sorry I’m late,” he said.

“No problem,” she said, pulling out her BlackBerry. “Basketball practice starts this week. Taylor is playing. Shane?”

“Shane will be playing, too,” he said, pulling out his BlackBerry and taking a seat on her couch.

“Practice is on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, right after school until five thirty. What days are late nights for you this week?” she asked, standing up, coming around her desk to sit on the couch next to him.

“Wednesday and Thursday,” he said, looking over at her as she sat.

“You on call?”

“Nope. Next week,” he said, watching her type, head bent, hair falling forward and obscuring her face. He loved the wildness of her hair.

“I’ve got to train employees this week. Any days you could pick them up and drop them off at my home would be greatly appreciated. I don’t usually need help, but I’ve got to train someone on closing. There’s always turnover. The trouble with college students,” she said.

“What days?” he asked. His eyes moved back to his schedule.

“Today and tomorrow.”

“I can pick them up for you.”

“You sure?” she said, looking up at him, surprised.

“Sure. No problem. You help me all the time. You know what? I’ll take them home with me, feed them, and you can pick them up when you’re done training,” he said.

“Really? Are you sure?” she asked again.

“Sure. It’s not a problem, really. You don’t trust me?” he said, giving her a don’t ask me that again look, his hands moving, typing it in.

“I don’t know. Thought you only knew how to cook omelets,” she said.

“I got this,” he said, smiling at her jab at his cooking.

“Coach is supposed to hand out the basketball schedules for the season at the end of the week, and I’ll add them to the calendar,” she said, changing the subject.

“That works,” he said, looking over at her. “You okay?” he asked. She’d appeared worried, thoughtful today.

“Working on finalizing Thanksgiving plans,” she said.

He tilted his head to the side but didn’t say anything.

“I’d hoped to take the girls to visit my grandparents. Remember? I’ve told you about them,” Piper said.

He vaguely recalled a conversation about her sisters. Actually, Piper’s stories had merged into one lump in his brain. She’d told him so much in such a short time. It was hard to keep up with it all.

“What’s the problem?” he asked.

She shrugged. “I want my sisters to join me, and I don’t think they are going to be able to. Margarite called this morning. Samantha and Blair might not be able to make it down. I really wanted us all to be there as a group. I’m just a little bummed about it,” she said.

“Margarite is your dad’s first wife?” he asked, trying to keep her family, extended family, and shop family straight. He knew that family was a big deal for her.

“Yes,” she said, surprised he’d remembered. He really had been listening.

“What about you? What are you and Shane doing?” she asked, changing the subject. He grew leery and his body tensed up a little. She could tell; anything too personal sent Joe into lockdown.

“I’ll struggle alone, cook dinner for us,” he said, smiling, trying to make a joke of it.

“Why don’t you let Shane come with me and the girls? It’s a couple of weeks away, so think about it. I mean, if you don’t mind him not being here with you, and if he wants to come with us, of course. I won’t mention it to Shane or the girls until you give me an answer. It would be fun. My grandparents live out on the prairie as I grew up calling it, kind of a farm, not many animals—a few chickens, maybe. Still lots of land on which to roam. He is more than welcome to join us if you need a break,” she said. Since he didn’t respond, she kept on talking.

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