Like Lightning (8 page)

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Authors: Charlene Sands

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Once dressed in her regular work clothes—jeans and a denim shirt—she headed outside, mindful not to wake Trey. There was a part of her that wanted to surprise him with Storm's progress, but she also worried that Trey wouldn't approve of these late-night tests of will.

One look at Storm and Maddie knew the horse was nearly ready. Without qualms, she opened the corral gate and entered Storm's territory. They had a staring bout for a few seconds before Storm allowed her approach. “Hey there,” she cooed softly. “It's just me.”

Maddie stroked the horse's mane, then moved her hand to his snout. Fearlessly she came around to face him and looked up into his eyes as she continued to stroke him. “You're beginning to trust me, Storm. That's a good thing, boy.” She reached inside her jeans and handed the stallion half a dozen sugar cubes. “Or are you charming me just for these treats?”

The stallion gobbled them down without hesitation. “One hundred percent male,” Maddie said on a soft chuckle. “But let's see if you really trust me.”

And Maddie headed to the barn for a lead rope.


Trey slammed the door to his Chevy Silverado and entered the house, realizing he hadn't shared a meal with Maddie all week. He'd been working late in the evenings helping Paul and Brittany with their baby's new room addition. He had Maddie to thank for that, her ministrations had helped his hand heal real fast and he'd
started working at their place again the night after the poker game. Now, the nursery was officially finished.

Trey grabbed a beer from the refrigerator, twisted the cap and took a swig as a great sense of accomplishment washed over him. He'd been happy to help, the reward being a pretty new room for Paul and Brittany's baby…

Brittany had insisted on throwing a small party for all of the people who'd pitched in on the project and she had included Maddie. She'd given Trey direct instructions to give Maddie the hand-written invitation this evening. Trey knew better than to argue with a pregnant lady, especially one determined to make a new friend. So Trey finished his beer and strode to Maddie's bedroom, reaching into his breast pocket for the invitation. When he found her door open, he stood just outside the threshold and called out, “Maddie?”

She didn't answer so he peeked inside the darkened room. “Maddie, you in here?”

A ray of hallway light and one quick glance told him she wasn't. Trey knew she wasn't out on a late night call because he'd seen her truck parked by the house when he'd pulled up and she couldn't be out with her “friend” Nick. He'd left Hope Wells days ago. She had to be working late inside the barn, maybe making her last rounds, checking on the animals. Trey headed that way, deciding to give her the invitation and call it a night.

Once outside, Trey sensed something wrong. A howling in the distance disturbed him while his immediate surroundings remained still and quiet. There were no lights on in the barn and as he surveyed the grounds, his gaze taking everything in, he stopped dead in his tracks, realizing what had been niggling at him.

Storm's corral was empty.

Trey tried to remain calm, weighing the possibilities, but his heart raced anyway. Images flashed in his head as he recalled Maddie's fascination with the stallion. There wasn't a day that went by, where he hadn't caught her communicating with the horse, detouring her way around the ranch just to make eye contact with him, and Trey certainly had noticed the stash of sugar cubes in the cupboard had gone down lately. He also knew Maddie didn't take sugar in her coffee, but darn it all, she sure as hell had found another use for it.


And just as he'd made that assessment Storm appeared, a black vision dashing out of the darkness, clearly agitated, with fury in his eyes. He snorted, blowing air loudly from his nose as he raced around the outside of the corral. He stopped, coming just five feet from Trey, lifted up his front legs, rearing back, trying to shake the saddle from his back.

Trey's body quaked with fear. He'd never seen his stallion this frenzied.

Storm wore a

And his rider was missing.


rey held Maddie in his arms, shielding her with his body from the dust swirling around in gusts. He'd been lucky to find her so quickly, relying on his instincts as to where she would be and grateful his hunch had been right. He'd driven his truck like a demon through the dust storm, fearing the worst, and praying for a miracle.

On the drive up here, Uncle Monty's words kept repeating in his head. “Don't lose that girl, boy.”

Trey had never known such fear. The thought of losing Maddie had eaten away at him, corroding his insides. He didn't know if he'd find her in time. He didn't know the extent of her would-be injuries. When he'd seen a saddled Storm with no rider, he'd immediately realized the dangers Maddie could have encountered. He also realized what he should have guessed the minute he'd heard the howling sounds at the ranch. An un
merciful dust storm had moved through the territory. The stallion must have startled, throwing Maddie. Fortunately she'd landed on soft grass.

He gazed down at her slightly bruised face. She smiled and relief poured through him like a rushing river. He smiled back and another realization struck him hard, right between the eyes.

He had fallen for her.

If he'd doubted that at all an hour ago, he knew it for certain now. He'd never known he could feel so intensely, never known he could fall so hard.

“Maddie.” He stroked her face, gently, careful not to touch the bruise on her cheek. She had a small gash across her forehead also but it had already stopped bleeding.

She looked up at him as if surprised. “Trey, you found me.”

Wild wind howled and dust continued to swirl. Trey's shirt billowed, making flapping noises against his chest. “I've got to get you inside the truck,” he said. “Can I lift you?”

“I'm s-sore,” she said, “but nothing's broken.”

Trey held her carefully, hunkering down, using his body to block the wind and lifted her into his arms. He strode to the passenger side, setting her onto the seat, then ran around to his side and climbed in, locking them both inside. Blasts of air struck the truck, shaking it up, but Trey was sure they were safe enough. He'd weathered more than a fair share of these storms in this truck.

He glanced at Maddie sitting there, tousled and roughed up a bit, but apparently not injured.

“Are you angry with me?”

Trey ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “More
like scared spitless, honey. I didn't know what I'd find when I got up here.”

Maddie closed her eyes. “I'm sorry.”

Trey grabbed his first aid kit from behind the seat and sidled up next to her. “I should be rightfully pissed, but I'm too doggone relieved right now. Hold still,” he said, ripping open an antiseptic wipe and dabbing at the cut on her forehead then the bruise on her face.

She didn't flinch, taking her medicine like a good patient.

“What happened to Storm?”

“He's back at the ranch. I didn't stick around long enough to see to him, though.”

“We were doing fine, really, Trey. He'd progressed so far, but it was his first time out with a rider and…”

“And he wasn't ready, Maddie. Don't make me think about that right now.” Trey knew his anger would settle in later, after he got back to the ranch. Maddie had taken a stupid chance with Storm. She could have been killed, or seriously injured. He might not have found her in time. But Trey shoved aside those worries for now, grateful that he
found her quickly and that she was safe. “I don't want to get riled up.”

Maddie's green eyes rounded and she whispered softly, “You don't?”

Trey shook his head. “No,” he said, spreading his legs out wide and reaching for her. “Come rest against me. Looks like we'll have to wait out the storm.”

Without hesitation, Maddie moved into his arms, resting her head just under his chin. He tucked her small frame into his, wrapping his arms around her.

“Are you cold?”

Maddie shook her head.


“Not anymore,” she answered.

Trey began stroking her back, slowly massaging the muscles that must surely ache. “How does this feel?”

Maddie crooned, “Better than a hot fudge sundae.”

Trey smiled. “That good?”

Maddie nodded, laying her hand over his heart. If only she knew how fast his heart beat at the moment. If only she knew how much holding and protecting her meant to him.

“Yeah, that good.”

After a few brief seconds of silence, Maddie lifted her head and kissed him sweetly on the cheek. “Thank you for coming to my rescue.”

Trey spread his hand through her hair, coppery waves spilling over his fingertips, soft and smooth and silky. “You nearly gave me a heart attack, Maddie,” he whispered. “I'm gonna need a better thank-you.”

Maddie slipped her hand inside an opened button on his shirt, stroking his flesh until his skin fairly sizzled. Then she lifted up and gave him the best thank-you of his life, an openmouthed, long, hot, sexy kiss that knocked the breath out of him.

“Was that better, Trey?”

“Better,” he croaked, barely catching his breath.

Maddie stared deeply into his eyes and every shred of willpower he could muster wasn't enough for the intoxicating look of desire she cast him. His manhood rose to the occasion, pressing against his jeans uncomfortably, and Trey was at a complete loss, helpless to hold back. “Ah hell, Maddie,” he whispered, brushing his lips to her ear, “how am I supposed to keep my hands off you now?”

A sweet triumphant smile emerged on her face. She spoke softly, “Maybe you're not supposed to, Trey. Maybe we were meant to be here together, trapped inside the truck, but trapped more by what our hearts are telling us.”

“Yeah, maybe,” Trey admitted, closing his eyes briefly and allowing her words to sink in. He ached for her physically, but his heart was involved, too, and no matter how much he denied his feelings, he wanted Maddie with powerful gut-wrenching need.

The storm raged outside. The truck trembled as wind gusts rocked them back and forth. Small particles of earth spiraled up to strike the windshield encasing them in darkness.

trapped by the storm, but he was also trapped by something stronger. His desire for Maddie. He knew if he touched her again, there would be no going back. Yet, he had to touch her. He had to feel her sleek skin under his palms, to slide his hands along her body and bring them both immeasurable pleasures. He'd fought the battle in his head long enough.

Trey stretched out, using the full “king” of the cab and pulled Maddie down with him, so that her petite frame lay across his. She fit him perfectly, the feel of her slight weight upon his an intoxicating elixir. He wove his fingers in her hair and claimed her lips, taking her in a slow, deliberate there's-no-going-back-now kiss. Maddie moaned with pleasure and kissed him just as slowly, just as deliberately, moving on him to adjust her position and rubbing his body enough to destroy him.

He ached for her, his erection stretching the material of his jeans to its limit. He'd never been so turned on in
his life. He'd never
so much. He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, then stroked his tongue over her mouth. She opened for him and they kissed again, openmouthed and frenzied, with heat building and all semblance of grace disappearing. She was as hot for him as he was for her. He tore his mouth away long enough to whisper, “We have too many clothes on.”

Without hesitation, Maddie sat up, pressing her derriere to his manhood, and unbuttoned her blouse. She took her time removing it, allowing him time to enjoy the view. The ache below his waist intensified, growing harder each second. Trey's body pulsated with need, and when she unhooked her soft white cotton bra and her breasts spilled out, he went hot all over. “You're beautiful, honey.”

“Thank you.” She smiled and leaned forward. “Now it's your turn,” she said softly and began unbuttoning his shirt. Trey helped her. He couldn't get the damn thing off fast enough. And once done, he pulled her down again, crushing her breasts to his chest, molding her soft full flesh to his. Raw and powerful need assailed him. He took her in a wild erotic kiss, then moved his mouth to her throat, kissing her, loving her, cupping her breasts in his hands, flicking his thumb over two erect pink peaks.

Maddie moaned.

Trey cursed, the need in him strong.

They were both lost.

He took her in his mouth then, his tongue stroking over one breast, laving the rosy pebble hard nipple until Maddie sighed with pleasure. She wove her hand in his hair and guided him, showing him with each move, each little sound, what she enjoyed, what brought her satisfaction.

Trey wanted to please her. He wanted to bring her every ounce of enjoyment he possibly could. This was no one-night stand, where his mind wasn't attached to his body. He cared too much for Maddie not to make it good for her. And he wanted to make it damn good.

“Baby,” she pleaded ever so softly.

One plea, one softly spoken word from Maddie turned him inside out.


Trey's heart slammed against his chest. Powerful sensations ran a track race throughout his body. An overwhelming need to possess this woman, body and soul, struck him hard, like a staggering car crash. “Hold on, honey.”

He reached down to unzip her jeans and slipped his hand inside, meeting with soft silk and lace. He played with the thin strap, amazed that this sensible, level-headed doctor wore sexy panties.

“A thong?” he asked, hooking his finger under the strap.

She chuckled. “I'm afraid so.”

“Damn.” He was done for. He knew that from this moment on whenever he'd see her on the ranch wearing her clinical lab coat, an erotic image would instantly flash in his head. Maddie Brooks and her mind-blowing thong.

Trey kissed her again as he spread his hand flat against her belly and stroked her slowly. She whimpered, a little throaty sound that made his erection granite hard. He moved his fingers over her petal flesh, sliding back and forth, slowly, and erotically, bringing her pleasure and feeling her sweet heat. She rocked with him now, both lost in the rhythm as their bodies ground together in unison.

“I hope to God I have a condom,” he muttered.

Maddie wove her fingers in his hair and gazed at him with half-lidded dewy eyes, her lips full and love-bruised, her sexy little body damp and slick. Trey no longer hoped; he
he had a rubber in his wallet.

She pressed her mouth against his chest, laving his nipples with her tongue until he ached so much he had to lift her off him. “Let's get naked.”

Pants and boots were tossed off in a hurry. Trey fumbled around in his jeans, opened his wallet and pulled out a wrinkled foil packet. Instant relief washed over him. He didn't know what he'd have done…

Maddie took the packet from his hand and arched a brow. “Should I be glad you carry this around in your wallet?” she asked, and Trey understood she wasn't exactly teasing.

“It's old, Maddie. Ancient. This brand is nearly obsolete.”

Maddie smiled and ripped open the packet. “Old is good, Trey.”

“It's the truth.”

“I know.”

Then she fitted the condom over his erection and lifted up, positioning herself over him. He slipped inside her, causing a little moan to escape her lips and sensation after sensation rocked him to the core. He'd never experienced anything so powerful in his life.

The storm had ended and a sliver of moonlight lit the cab, shining upon Maddie as she rode him up and down, her movements graceful and slow and as heady a sight as Trey had ever seen. Trey took the pleasure she offered, fascinated by the beautiful woman making love to him, stunned by the woman creating her own kind of storm.

Watching her face change with each stroke, each un
dulation, her eyes closed, her head thrown back, Trey's heart raced, his body shook and his soul—she'd touched that as well. “You're amazing.”

“Trey, I've never…” But she didn't finish her thought. She didn't have to. Trey knew. He felt the same way.

He cupped her bottom and guided her, helping her drive harder, faster, her breasts heaving, her hair flying, her body moist and ready.

“Hold on, honey,” he said, wanting to make this last as long as possible for reasons he held in the back of his mind, reasons he couldn't deal with at the moment. For now, he wanted to prolong the night, prolong the pleasure.

Maddie's only response was a slight little encouraging sound.

Trey lifted her and together they rolled, bumping heads into the steering wheel and dashboard, until finally, she was under him. He kissed her again and again, touching her all over, breathing in the sexy scent of an aroused woman. Trey was more aroused than he'd ever been before.

The confinement of the cab worked to their advantage. They couldn't get far from each other. Maddie rested her back against the window, held on to the steering wheel for support and Trey too grabbed the steering wheel, entering her with one thrust that shook him violently. “Ah, Maddie,” he groaned, the pleasured pain almost too much to bear.

“Baby,” she cooed, her expression one of pure joy.

Trey's erection swelled and he was lost from then on. He moved like lightning, driving deep into her, watching pure lust and potent need cross her features. She moved with him, rocking when he rocked, rising when he rose, trembling when he trembled.

He took her lips in one final deep kiss and released with everything he had, climbing the highest hill and taking her with him. She groaned aloud and both came down hard, trembling, quivering, their bodies spent and satisfied.

Trey kissed Maddie softly then maneuvered her so that she sat next to him on the seat. He'd almost forgotten what she'd been through tonight. And he hoped like hell he hadn't hurt her. “Are you okay?”

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