Love Song Series Box Set (19 page)

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Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

BOOK: Love Song Series Box Set
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Hearing movement in the hall pulls me from sleep
. I know it’s got to be Bethany because if Jenny were up, she’d be pouncing on our bed, excited to see if Santa came. I move to get up from the bed, but Jase stops me, pulling me sleepily against his body.

Where are you running off to, baby?” he grumbles, pushing his hard cock against my ass while gripping my hips.

Mmm, Merry Christmas,” I groan. He feels so good against me. I’m not sure if it’s him or my pregnancy hormones, but I’m insatiable when it comes to him. I grind myself into him, letting him know I want him.

His fingers deftly slip between my legs, finding me wet and ready for him.
“It’s going to be a very Merry Christmas indeed,” he says as he lifts my leg slightly then slips into me from behind. He’s slowly stroking into me, whispering how much he loves me between nibbling and sucking at my neck and ear.

My fingers slip down my stomach and into my wet heat to circle my clit. My orgasm is building quickly
, and it’s taking every ounce of self-control to stay quiet. Just before I tip over the edge to oblivion, Jase freezes and whisper yells, “Fuck.”

Laughter bubbles up
, and I can’t hold back because I hear Jenny’s door swing open followed by her running down the hall, screaming, “It’s Christmas! Get up! Get up!”

She makes it to the living room
, and I can hear her ecstatic squeals as she takes in the haul Santa left her.

Jase starts to thrust again, shallowly
. “I can go fast so we can finish,” he tempts.

’d like to say I’m not tempted, but I am. Even so, there is no chance in hell that we’ve got time before Jenny comes barging in, demanding we get the show on the road. I groan, “If we don’t get up now, she’ll come get us.” I get out of bed and throw a wink over my shoulder. “I’ll finish you off later, sexy.”

Jase is so cute when he
’s frustrated. He’s mumbling to himself about blue balls and cock blocking Santas, and I can’t stop giggling at his situation. He climbs out of bed, grabbing his pants from the floor. He’s just got them zipped over his still hard cock when I saunter over and kiss him softly then rub my hand over his bulge. “Don’t pout. It’s Christmas.”

He growls, literally growls, before slapping my ass playfully. I quickly scoot out of the room
, giggling as I head to the living room, Jase quick on my heels.

There are even more
presents under the tree than there was when I went to bed. I look over at Jase, and he smiles at me. I shake my head and mouth,
what did you do?

He just keeps smiling as he watch
es Jenny looking from present to present. She’s bouncing from foot to foot, so excited. “Can I open them now?” she asks in a shout.

Calm down, baby. We’ll get some breakfast first, and then you can tear into the gifts. Okay?” I tell her.

Can’t I just open one right now? Please,” she whines.

I look over to Bethany and
Jase, and they’re both nodding, every bit as excited as she is. “Fine, you can open one gift, and then we get some breakfast.”

She starts with the biggest present first.
When she sees it’s a Barbie Dream House, she starts to squeal. “Look what Santa brought me.”

She doesn
’t wait for any of us to respond, just grabs another gift. So much for breakfast first. Before I know it, we’re all opening gifts. When I open Jase’s gift, I start to tear up. “Wow.”

’s a silver bracelet with a charm of two intertwined hearts hanging from one of the links. I look closely, and the words Forever in My Heart are engraved on it. Small diamonds are imbedded in the charm. It’s the exact same bracelet that I noticed while we were shopping for Christmas presents for Jenny. I must have looked at it long enough for him to take notice because I never mentioned it.

look over to him to say thank you, but I stop when I see what he’s holding. He has the photo album that I made him laid across his lap. I worked on it for hours, digging through every single picture I had. It’s filled with pictures of Jenny’s life. I tried to add all the big moments in her life; every birthday, holiday, first day of school…I even added pictures of her ultrasound photos and me when I was pregnant. I’m just about to ask if he likes it when he looks up with shiny eyes. “This is the best damn gift I’ve ever been given.”


I’m still lying in bed, half awake, half asleep. Julie is cuddled tightly to my side, breathing deeply in her sleep. I stay still, letting her rest, and think of yesterday. Mom made every holiday special; food, fun, and family. Each one is a memory I cherish, but none of them compared to yesterday. Spending the day with my little girl, my woman, and Bethany was perfect.

A light flutter against my side halts my thoughts of Christmas.
I roll my head and see Julie still sound asleep. A second later, I feel it again. It’s barely there, just a gentle movement. What the hell? It suddenly hits me, literally - it’s the baby.

I gently roll over, taking Julie to her back
, and pull my arm from under her. I place my hand on her stomach and wait. Minutes tick by, but I don’t feel it. It must have been my imagination. As soon as I start to pull my hand back, the baby moves. Again, it’s nearly undetectable, but it’s there. My child is moving. It’s fucking amazing!

Julie has been feeling him move for a long time.
She’s always putting my hand on her bump, asking me if I can feel it. I’ve tried, even lied and told her yes, but I’ve never felt it move before. I feel the baby again, and I smile. It’s worth the wait.

So, you finally feel the baby?”

I move my eyes to Julie
’s face and realize that she knew all along I was lying. “Did the kicking wake you up?”

She shakes her head and smiles a sleepy smile.
“No. You did. Did you finally feel the baby move?” she asks again.

I nod.
“Yeah. If it’s a boy, he’s not going to be a quarterback. My son is going to be the kicker.”

Julie laughs.
“That might excite you, but that doesn’t sound too good to me.”

Does it hurt?” Shit! I never even thought about that.

No. Right now, it’s like I have butterflies in my belly. Sometimes, I can feel an actual kick, but they’re still light. I’m actually surprised you can feel it at all. It just feels weird, but later on, it can get a little uncomfortable. When that happens, I’ll have trouble sleeping.”

I shoot her a sexy smile
. “So, I guess I’ll have to come up with something other than sleep to do.”

She sits up and crawls over my body. I instantly go hard.
“Got any ideas?”

Hmm, I think we could come up with something?”

Julie bites her bottom lip.
“I did promise that I’d finish you off, but I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.”

I lean up to kiss her, but she places her hand on my chest and pushes me back down.
“Nuh huh! You woke me up, so I get to play.”

I smile up
at her. “Have at it, baby.”

She starts with my neck.
She’s slowly kissing her way down. When she gets to my nipple, she bites down, hard enough to make me jump. Fuck!

Did I hurt you, baby?” she asks, not sounding the least bit sorry.

I shake my head, and she smiles up at me.
“Good, then you won’t mind if I do it again.”

She continues to bite her way down my chest and stomach until she makes it to my cock. Once there, her teeth get tucked behind her lips
, and the heat of her mouth engulfs me. She gently sucks at the head of my cock, laving the sensitive underside with her tongue. Her hand circles the base of my cock, holding it firmly while she plunges her mouth down to meet her hand.

The pleasure is so intense that I know I
’m not going to last long. She’s sucking me hard and fast, her hand following the motion, using her saliva to lubricate my shaft. The base of my cock throbs as I teeter on the edge of release. I grab her head, trying to lift her off of me, but she redoubles her efforts and sucks my cock into her throat, swallowing around the head. That’s all it takes. I pump my hips into her mouth and shoot my release down her throat.

Fuck!” I groan as she swallows me down. She lifts her head, giving me a saucy look as she licks her puffy lips. Holy shit, she’s so hot. Once I’ve caught my breath, I flip her onto her back and jerk her panties down. Before she can make a noise of protest, my mouth is on her pussy. I swear she’s like an addiction. Everything about her pussy calls to me. I suck her clit between my teeth, nipping it lightly. My Julie likes a little edge to her pleasure; alternating from sucking and nibbling has her panting from desire.

Ah, Jase,” her breathless moans are always my undoing. “Please…”

Her begging is something I can never deny
. I quickly fill her with two fingers, massaging her walls until I hit her sweet spot. Her hips buck up into my face, and her pussy clenches around my digits. I can’t help my satisfied smirk before I suck her clit hard while relentlessly rubbing her sensitive walls. Her pussy clenches onto my fingers, and she thrashes her head against the bed from the overwhelming sensations.

Before her orgasm hits
its peak, I rise up to my knees and thrust into her ruthlessly. She bites down on her lip to hold back her moans as I pound into her. I just came down her throat, and she’s already got me walking that edge again. Her pussy is like a velvet glove, so damn good I want to spend my whole life buried deep inside her. I rub my fingers around her swollen clit, building her higher. Her pussy muscles tighten around my cock, and I swear my eyes roll into the back of my head from the pleasure.

Fucking come for me, baby. Milk my cock,” I demand, then lightly start to tap on her clit with my fingers.

Her body bows up as her climax takes over
. Barely holding back my own pleasure, I thrust until her body is limp beneath me before I finally plant myself deep and groan out my release. Each jerk of my cock elicits a breathy moan from the back of Julie’s throat.

, I pull myself from her body and roll onto my back. I turn my head toward Julie, but she’s already fast asleep. I drop a kiss on her forehead and whisper my love to her before closing my eyes and falling to sleep myself.

Chapter 23


Today is my six-month checkup. Jase and Jenny are at the doctor’s with me. This is the first time I’ve brought either of them to the OB/GYN. I don’t really like the idea of anyone being back there with me. With the paper gown and all the feeling around, it just seems like something that should be done in private, but today’s appointment is different. I’m having a 3-D ultrasound. It’s a little later than most people normally get an ultrasound, but the doctor gave me the option to wait. I decided to put it off, where we could see more of the baby instead of just a blob.

The doctor says
it’s almost as good as an actual picture of the baby. Even though I may feel a little uncomfortable, I want to share this experience with the two most important people in my life. Jenny is so excited that she can hardly stand still, but Jase just looks nervous. I swear there are tiny beads of sweat running down his forehead.

Ms. Walker,” a nurse calls out and motions for me to go back.

Jenny and I walk forward with smiles on our faces, but Jase looks like he
’s heading to his own execution. I lean into him as we walk. “At least try to smile.”

He looks at me with a fake smile.
“I am.”

I shake my head as we step through the door to the room.
After the nurse gets all my information, I climb onto the table. I look over to where Jase is standing in the corner and can’t hold in my sigh. The nurse explains everything, but he looks worse now than he did before.

Jase, what in the world is wrong with you?”

Nothing,” he says and adds a shrug.

Daddy’s scared it’s gonna hurt. I heard him talking to Uncle Shane,” Jenny says with a silly smile. “He’s a big scaredy cat.”

An ultrasound doesn’t hurt.”

Are you sure?” He looks at my face. I can see him studying me for any signs that I’m lying.

I promise. The worst part is that the jelly they put on my stomach is cold.”

Why don’t they warm it up?”

I almost laugh
. He seems horrified by the idea of the cold gel. “I don’t know, Jase. Why don’t you ask the doctor?”

He doesn
’t have time to reply before the door opens. We all look toward the door as the technician walks in the room. “Hi there,” the young man says with a smile. “Are you ready?”

I nod my head and lay back on the table
, pulling my shirt above my stomach. Within a minute or two, he’s got me jellied up, and the probe is running across my abdomen. He turns the screen to me, and I gasp at what I see.

’s my baby. I can see everything. Its little face is right there, and it is so beautiful. Jenny grabs my hand. I look down at her. She’s wearing a huge smile and is moving her head from side to side. I look up to Jase. His mouth is hanging open, and his eyes are sparkling with happiness.

Do y’all want to know what you’re having?”

I nod my head toward Jase.
“Yeah, we do,” he says, his voice full with emotion.

Okay, let’s see if we can get this little munchkin moving.” He’s moving the probe around my stomach, trying to find the right position. He presses here and there before holding the probe in one spot. “Well, look at that,” he says, pointing toward the undeniable proof of our baby’s sex. “There’s no question about this one. You are most definitely having a boy.”

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