Mended (10 page)

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Authors: By Kimberly M. Clayborne

BOOK: Mended
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Chapter 14

Kassie started to decorate for Thanksgiving early. Her first year in the house had been a very busy time and holiday decorating had been the last thing on her mind. But it was something that she had loved to do.

When she had been married, Monroe had given her carte blanche to do whatever she wanted, even helping her out sometimes. This year, she went out of her way to make it tastefully festive. She set out scarecrows, pumpkins and gourds of all shapes, colors and sizes and strung bright gold lights in her windows. Her house seemed the catalyst for the entire neighborhood and soon, almost everyone on the block had done a little something to their houses. There was such a festive feeling in the air that Tim couldn’t resist putting an Indian corn wreath decoration on his own front door and sitting a scarecrow in his porch swing.

The same thing happened at Christmas. Kassie hung red velvet bows in all of her windows and wrapped her railings with pine garlands. In her trees and shrubs she wove a combination of green and clear lights. When snow blew in, the house was so beautiful kissed by the powdery stuff, like a postcard or painting. It got the neighbors out decorating their own houses and walking through the neighborhood at night, enjoying each other’s decorations and giving happy holiday wishes to one another.

But as the holidays came and went, it puzzled Tim as to why she didn’t have much company during these festive times. Through his expert and covert spying, he deduced that she hadn’t gone out much. A few times he had seen her leave with brightly wrapped presents, but that was it. She had decorated her house beautifully for the holidays and while people visited with their children, no family ever blew in from out of town laden with suitcases and presents to stay with her. Everyone had someone to spend the holidays with, right?

Kassie continued to be cordial to him, saying hello whenever she saw him on the street or over the fence(as she liked to say) and to his surprise, she gave Griffin a rawhide bone with a big blue bow on it and left Natalie’s books gift wrapped and autographed on Tim’s porch swing. Beside it she left a small present for her and he knew Nat would be excited to open them. For him, she left a beautiful hand drawn Christmas card of his house with sparkly glitter for snow and a snow covered Griffin on his front porch. He loved it and kept it where it would be safe. He returned the favor, giving her a gift from Nat and Griffin and a pretty Christmas card of two doves snuggled up together. Kassie couldn’t help but decipher the hidden meaning and it made her beam with a smile.

Their conversations were always brief but pleasant and left Tim feeling immensely unsatisfied and craving more time with her. He was suddenly even more determined to get to know her. Who was this mercurial beauty?


For New Years Kassie went out dressed in a short, sparkly gold dress. It had sparkling strands the danced with every step. He saw peeks of it under her white cashmere coat when she was coming out of her house. Tim had just picked up Nat from a birthday sleepover and she was hanging out with him until Nora got back from returning gifts. He couldn’t believe how beautiful Kassie looked when she stopped to talk to them. Nat thanked her for the gifts and gave Kassie a huge hug. For a moment Tim saw shock cover Kassie's face then it covered with love and she held Nat too. That to Tim was solidification in the flesh. Nat adored Kassie and Kassie adored Nat there was no need to hold off anymore. It was time to go about making her his girl.

Kassie didn’t get home until nine the next morning, still in the pretty gold flapper dress and still as fresh faced and beautiful as when she left. She gave him a cheery ‘Hello Timothy’ as she bounced up the stairs and to her door. He said hello too but was frozen where he stood until her door closed. He was losing his mind next door to her, she was everything he wanted and needed in this world and he wanted her so badly.


Kassie walked downstairs as her kitchen phone began to ring. She turned it on speaker phone when she saw Rosie’s number.

“Talk to me pretty mama.”

“Oh my God that was so much fun last night!”

“Yeah, now I know why great gramma Helen used to constantly relive her old days.” Kassie said smiling.

Gramma Helen was the only member of her mother’s family that Kassie had loved dearly besides her uncle Butch. Gramma Helen had lived to see 96 years of age and it had broken Kassie’s heart when she died ten years ago. It was like a piece, the best piece, of her had gone missing and she couldn’t find it. In her heart, Kassie had dedicated her first illustrated book to her Gramma.

When she was away at college, they sent each other gifts every Christmas and birthdays. When she was in the end stages of her life, Kassie made certain that she was there with her when she drew her last breath.

“A Gatsby themed New Year’s party, that was so decadent. Paul and I got pretty drunk last night.” Rosie said.

Kassie giggled pouring herself a cup of coffee from the freshly brewed pot.

“What time did you get home?” Rosie asked.

“The party ended at five, I had breakfast with Nash and Bailey.” Kassie said. “Nash came very close to convincing me to bring him home with me last night.”

Rosie snorted through the phone.

“What? That man is hot!”

“And a dog.” Rose reminded her. 

Kassie had to admit, it was true. Nash had made the rounds with every woman he could get his hands on; including Rosie when they were in college, but Kassie wasn’t biting. Besides, she hadn’t needed sex from Nash; she’d had Monroe for that!

“And that’s why I came to my senses and refused him entrance to Shangri-la.” Kassie said leaning her bottom against the counter and blowing her coffee gently.

Rosie laughed out loud and then groaned in pain.

“Oh my head . . .” She whined. “What the hell did I drink last night?”

“Everything.” Kassie answered dryly.

“Bitch . . . You were pretty hammered there yourself straight and narrow.”

Kassie roared, nearly spilling the hot coffee on herself. She didn’t have that much to drink but she did have a buzz. She ended up spending the night on Rosie’s couch.

They talked for another hour before making a date to bake cookies together. Rosie may have been a cookie fiend, but Kassie knew that her friend also wanted a chance to eyeball Timothy.

When Kassie hung up, she stood there watching Tim as he walked out onto his back porch and tossed something into the recycling bin on the side of the porch. He looked so hot in his plain green Henley and black sweats. It was the most casual thing ever but he looked so sexy in it. Her mind sent out images of her peeling his shirt off. She wondered if his body looked as good as she fantasized.

“I would let you into my bed.” Kassie whispered. She sighed softly and lowered her head. She wanted to move on but she was so scared of being hurt.

“No Kassidy! You can’t have that.” She told herself sternly, then turned and left the kitchen all the while dreaming of pulling that shirt up over his head and kissing him until his sock shot off his feet.


Kassie yawned and rubbed her eyes. She had been working on these pictures for hours now, but last night’s festivities had taken their toll on her and she was having a hard time getting it together. She looked up and caught Tim leaning against the wall in his den, staring at her with a thoughtful frown on his face. Kassie smiled slowly and waved, but he didn’t smile back, instead he turned and walked out.

“Ok that was odd and rude.” She said softly.

Five minutes later, Kassie’s doorbell was ringing as she was making her way to the kitchen for another cup of Joe. Kassie turned back yawning as she opened it.

“Hey Tim.” She smiled. “You’re like Super Tim, faster than a speeding bullet.” There was an awkward moment. “Oh, no, um not like that.”

“Yeah I, I, get it.” He said with a smile and a bit of a chuckle in his throat. “What are you doing today?”

“Working.” She said softly, leaning against her door.

“What would you say to New Years dinner?” He asked.

Kassie nearly shook her head, but for some reason she couldn’t say no. She found herself wanting very much to spend time with him.


“I’ll run out and pick up Italian.” He said softly.

“Sounds yummy.”

“Six ok?”

“Perfect.” Kassie smiled.

They stood there looking at each other, not saying anything for a moment before Tim broke the spell.

“See you then.” He said softly.

“See you then.” Kassie said to him. “Should I wear something fancy?”

“Nothing too fancy, just something casual.”

“Ok.” Kassie rasped a little breathlessly. “See you at six.”

“At six.” He smiled and walked off the steps. Kass watched him a bit before closing the door. She couldn’t wait to tell Rosie. She could already hear her friend screeching through the phone.


Kassie shifted through her closet. She wanted something sexy, but casual and pretty but not trying too hard. She came to a grey dress she’d bought a few weeks ago. It was a little figure hugging, but not overly sexual. The dress was fitted and curve hugging with elbow length sleeves. She looked it over before deciding on it. She’d pair it with cable knit tights and booties.

She wondered how Tim was doing across the way, and if he was as nervous as she was right now. A huge part of her couldn’t wait to be staring into his eyes over an Italian meal. Kassie was feeling more and more like it was time to make her move.


Tim was nervous. He had dated a lot, but he hadn’t been this physically attracted to a woman in a long time. She was so different. She didn’t hold up smoke and mirrors. What you saw was what you got. Kassie was real; she had her fair share of warts, but there was also something special about her.  He wanted her like he had never wanted anyone before and he hoped that tonight he could see the kind of person she truly was.

He looked up from lighting the candles when there was a knock at the door. Tim blew out the match and put it on the base of the candlestick, walking to the door.

Kassie smiled at him when he opened it.

“Hello Timothy.” She said very formally, making him laugh.

“Hi Kassie.”

She stood there holding a bottle of wine. He couldn’t deal with how pretty Kassie was. She had thrown a pink wool coat over her dress and wore a lacy white scarf around her neck. Her hair was pulled back into a bun and she wasn’t wearing makeup, just a little mascara, and a slightly dark pink lip color. The cold had flushed her creamy brown cheeks with a touch of red, giving them a natural blush. He stared at her, unnerving her just a bit. Tim saw the slight discomfort on her face and realized he was ogling her . . . again.

“Come, come in please. My God, I’m sorry. You must be freezing.” He scrambled to one side, giving her room to step into the house.

Kassie smiled even wider.

“It’s fine.” She said and he could hear the laughter in her voice. She slipped past him into the house, standing beside him in the small foyer as he closed the door.

“I’ll grab that,” Tim took the wine from her and sat it on the table by the door, then helped her off with her jacket. He hung the expensive looking pink coat on the coat rack by the door and his senses were assaulted by the sweet aroma of her perfume. It was delicious, like a vanilla cupcake or something and he loved it.

“Thanks for inviting me over.”

“Thanks for saying yes. I usually have Nora, her husband Bruce and Nat over, but this year they’re having dinner with her mother-in-law.” He said.

“It’s nice that you and Nora are still friendly.”

“For Natalie’s sake we are. We have known each other since college and couldn’t even imagine not being a part of each other’s lives simply because we grew apart in our marriage. We still argue but just not in front of Natalie, Nora thinks I’m too soft on her,” Tim shrugged, “but she’s my girl.”

Kassie saw the love he felt for his daughter on his face.

“Daddy’s usually are softies when it comes to their daughters . . . well good fathers at least.” She said, forcing an understanding smile. Kassie wouldn’t know about those things since her own father could give two craps on a spring day about her, even now.

“Thanks, I try, but some days let me tell you, I could strangle her.”

They laughed softly as he turned and grabbed the bottle of wine before directing her into the living room. He walked behind her, enjoying the soft sway of her hips and the way her dress clung to her exquisite bottom. She looked amazing and Tim knew that ogling her loveliness was just going to be the norm for him tonight. He just had to figure out a way to be discreet about it and not come off like a creepy pervert.

When she had taken off that coat, Tim thought his eyes were going to fall out of his head and roll around on the floor. Her dress wasn’t too fancy or sexy. It was just her body! Her beautiful shape would make a potato sack look great. The soft gray fabric hugged Kassie’s body, sliding over her tight curves. Everything on her was toned to perfection, as if her body knew to put all the extras where they would be better appreciated, into her round bottom, hips and breasts. God, how was he going to be able to think tonight?

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