Michaela (40 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Michaela
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Korkla swung her up in his arms and carried her out of the room and down the hall. “No, they’ve left us alone for a little while.”

“Oh? Did you order them out?”

“I did. I missed my Matara. I have every intention of getting some one-on-one time in with you.” That was spoken with the hint of a growl.

Michaela grinned. She was perfectly all right with being alone with her Dramok.

She was surprised that once they entered the playroom Korkla took her to an innocent lounge in the corner. She’d expected him to tie her to one of the benches or another staging area. The lounge was a comfortable enough perch, but certainly not the most playful surface.

He didn’t collect any toys either. Instead, he sat down and settled her in his lively lap. Well, at least an erection was present. His purple eyes gazed into her brown ones, his expression serious.

She looked at him in surprise. “You’re not putting me in chains to do with me as you please? This is a shock.”

“We’re going to have a talk first,” he said.

Michaela wasn’t keen on his grave tone. She wriggled against his erections in protest. “You don’t want to talk, my Dramok.”

He chuckled, letting some tension ease. “Maybe not, but my Matara’s welfare has priority over our libidos. I heard about your encounter with Feyom.”

Michaela waved her hand dismissively, though her stomach lurched at the other woman’s name. “Yeah. She’s a cunt.”

“You’re being entirely too generous, my love.” Korkla sighed and hugged her closer. “You must never for one moment think we’d want her again. Michaela, there is no other woman for this clan but you. Do you believe me?”

She smiled up at him, loving him so much it hurt. “I do. It’s hard though, you know? I’m trying my best to understand you accept me as I am.”

He grimaced. “It’s a lot more than acceptance, Michaela. We love you with all our hearts and souls.”

She snuggled in tight. “I feel it when you’re around. It’s when you’re not with me and I’m looking at such a gorgeous woman as Feyom that things get shaky.”

Korkla shook his head. “It shouldn’t be that way. However, I can understand how that would happen, especially with Feyom. Not because she’s beautiful, either. You are gorgeous in your own right, you know.”

Michaela smiled up at him. It was so like diplomatic Korkla to say such a thing. Could she love this man any more than she already did? Her heart tried.

Her Dramok smiled back before turning serious again. “Feyom possesses an uncanny ability when it comes to exploiting a person’s weaknesses. The worst part is your story has become so well known. It wasn’t hard for her to figure out exactly how to attack you and make you feel bad.”

“She scored a few hits,” Michaela admitted.

“You can’t take what someone like Feyom says to heart. She is cold and calculating and only after what makes her feel good.” Korkla’s look was thunderous, as if just contemplating the woman made him angry. It made Michaela wonder just what his experience with Feyom had been.

She wanted to celebrate his return however, not kill their reunion. “I know you’re doing your best, Korkla. You, Govi, and Raxstad make me feel like the luckiest woman alive. I still can’t believe my good fortune in getting you as my clan.” She pressed a kiss to his lips to underscore the assertion.

He softened under her efforts. “We are the ones who feel fortunate. Trust me on that, my love. My heart sometimes feels like it will explode from knowing you are ours. If you could just find your way past the hurts you’ve been dealt, my life would be perfect.”

Michaela stroked the coarse frizz of his hair. “I know you don’t see me as an abomination or freak. It goes a long way to healing those hurts. I wish I could bottle up the way you make me feel and have a swig of it when things get weird in my head.”

Korkla stared into her eyes. “Don’t let the fools make you feel bad. Don’t give them that power.”

Michaela chuckled ruefully. “It would be nice if I could get out of my own head once in a while and shut down those voices.”

A sly smile lifted one corner of his deliciously full lips. “I can help you do that.”

“What? Get me out of my head?” The look on Korkla’s face made things below her waist simmer.

“Oh yes. Would you like a demonstration?”

“When you put it like that, it makes me nervous.” The flutter in her belly heated and spread.

“Oh, but you like being nervous, my Matara. Don’t you?”

Without waiting for an answer, Korkla’s mouth found Michaela’s. Her lips parted for his tongue, which swept in to plunder. Michaela moaned in delight as he thoroughly tasted her.

Korkla lowered her to the lounger as he kissed her. He lay on top of her, covering her body with his. Michaela stretched beneath him, loving the feeling of the big man against her. Her arms went around him so that her fingertips could trace up and down his spine. He rewarded her with a shiver. Her hands found his ass and she drummed her palms up and down, giving him a little spanking.

With a bark of laughter, Korkla rose up a little. “You fiend. So you want to play that way, do you?”

He caught her arms and pinned her wrists down over her head. “That only leaves you one hand to work with,” Michaela teased as she wrapped her legs around his hips and ground his avid crotch against hers.

“You think that, do you?” Korkla grinned down at her as he reached beneath the lounger. Michaela’s mouth dropped open to see the attached tether strap.

“Hey!” she yelled as he tied her arms in place. “No fair.”

“I don’t recall agreeing to be fair.”


“Oh, you’re in for it now.” Korkla sat up, kneeling over her and trapping her legs beneath his ass. She was pinned.

He looked down on her and his face lit up with delight. “Now this is more like it. Helpless little girl, ready for the taking.”

Michaela squirmed halfheartedly. “Dramoks and their controlling instincts. You aren’t happy unless I’m helpless.”

“How right you are. And you are exquisitely vulnerable right now.”

Korkla tugged at her blouse, lifting it to bunch at her throat. He did the same to her bra, baring her breasts. Michaela jerked against the straps holding her arms immobile. Damn it, he was getting away with this much too easily.

“What’s wrong?” Korkla asked, grinning with triumph. “Don’t you remember these belong to me, for my pleasure?”

He pinched her nipples, the hard callouses of his fingers making the sweet ache even more delightful. Michaela yelled and tried to twist away.

“Lay still, bad girl,” Korkla ordered, giving one breast a light slap that stung. Michaela yelped but quit struggling.

The Dramok plucked the tips, making them swollen and stiff. “That’s it. Let me enjoy your lovely breasts. So soft and round. So nice in my hands and mouth.”

Korkla bent to prove his point, mouthing one mound while squeezing and pinching the other. Sensation zapped from those contact points straight to Michaela’s clit and cock. She grew wet and hard under his insistent prodding.

Sometimes the thrills were too intense, and Michaela jerked beneath her lover, unable to take the profound excitement that coursed through her. When she did that, Korkla paddled her breasts with his palms. His strikes were light, each one not painful on its own. Added together, they made her skin burn. He kept at it until Michaela submitted, making her body go quiet again. Once she lay quiescent once more, Korkla resumed his tormenting play with her breasts.

Michaela panted as Korkla sucked one tit deep into his mouth. Elation trilled down deep into her core as he devoured her flesh. Her cock poked up brazenly, tenting her skirt just below where Korkla’s crotch swelled. She had no choice but to take it however, to lay there for his amusement or face another breast spanking. She was happy to give him everything, but it was difficult when her body demanded so much, as it did now.

She could feel her pulse pounding in her dick, the heaviness of her balls growing as they readied to empty. Her clit throbbed in tandem, seeking touch so it too could be immersed in divine dissolution. How breast play could be so profound as to trigger other unconnected parts of her body was a mystery to Michaela. It was enough that Korkla’s touch there seemed to transmit straight to her genitals.

Her whimpers grew louder with each passing second. They became moans. Still Korkla suckled and squeezed, as if he’d remain at her chest for eternity.

He wanted her to beg. Michaela was certain of it. That awoke her pride and made her stubbornly set against pleading. However, her libido was more than happy to acquiesce. A surge of pure want assured her of that as Korkla sucked hard and noisily on her right tit.

“Please, my Dramok! I need you to fuck me.”

He released her breast with a loud suctioning sound. He dotted her jutting nipple with a gentle peck. “You do?”

Michaela could have sobbed at his cruelty. “You know I do. You’re torturing me for fun.”

“So why should I quit if I find it so much fun?” He laughed at her.

“Because you want to fuck me as much as I need it. Please, Korkla? You’re killing me, especially the boy part. My balls are turning blue.”

“Really?” Korkla sat up and slid back a little, enough so that he could gather her skirt at her waist. “I’ve never seen blue balls before.” He yanked her panties down. “Silly girl. These aren’t blue. Brown, with a hint of purple perhaps, but definitely not blue—”

“Damn it, Korkla! If I could punch you, I would!”

He laughed uproariously. “My poor Matara. Am I an utter beast?”

Michaela gave him big sad eyes. “Yes, and it’s especially awful because I love you so much. Why would you hurt someone who adores everything about you, who worships you, who would give everything she has just for your happiness?”

Korkla’s face softened. “All that for me? My little love, let me make this up to you.”

* * * *

Korkla knew Michaela’s assertions had been made partly in jest, but only partly. The truth of her love shone from her eyes. That she wanted him was obvious from the eager flesh standing straight up from her body and the wetness pooling from her sweet cunt.

He gloried in making his clanmates beg him for sex, in driving them mad with need until they’d do just about anything he wanted of them. Michaela had reached that point. Her entire body shook with longing. Now that he had what he desired, he would reward her for surrendering.

Her young male flesh beckoned, a pearlescent tear waiting at its tip. Korkla slid down, keeping Michaela’s legs trapped beneath him as he homed in on that sweet bit. Just because she’d given herself over did not mean he was ready to relinquish control. No, keeping her helpless as he fulfilled her needs would only make things more delightful for them both. Just as Korkla loved the siren sound of power, Michaela gloried in the joys of submission. As much as she protested at times, she was made to give herself to her men.

She groaned as his mouth neared her cock. Her body strained against him, her desires eclipsing control. It was no matter. Korkla was stronger than Michaela. Since he knew he had her permission to dominate, he would do so. His little darling could fight all she wanted for all the good it would do her.

As he hovered, poised to lick that delicate drop of pleasure from her livid flesh, Korkla thought of how wondrous it was to be handed the reins. Whether control was gifted from Michaela, Govi, or Raxstad, it was a treasure that a man like him appreciated.

For a Dramok, Korkla was a laid back example of his breed, even though he was geared to assume leadership roles. For the most part, he assumed much responsibility in his work. However, he also had to allow himself to be ordered about by a man like Prince Clajak, who had not always made the best decisions in the past. Korkla had been a voice of guidance for the young royal, but it was guidance that needed to be carefully applied. It was often necessary to let Clajak think he was in charge of everything while dropping hints and advice in an inoffensive fashion.

Such finesse was well within Korkla’s abilities, but it still meant he had to submerge his take-charge tendencies in many cases. It wore on him to do so. Being able to lead, to have absolute power as his clan allowed him to, made it possible for Korkla to maintain his strong identity and serve his empire the way it needed to be served.

Looking down at his Matara, Korkla wondered if she had the slightest clue how precious her trusting submission was to him. How it fulfilled him as a man. Perhaps she did, because she gave it to him now, as she had so often since coming into his life. She relinquished control much easier than Govi and Raxstad, handing it over with little reluctance.

My love,
he thought. His mouth closed on the flared head of Michaela’s cock in gratitude. Her seed was on his tongue, a sweetish-salty goodness that jolted his own sexes.

She cried out her pleasure, her hips jerking. Korkla’s tongue swirled about the soft skin of her cockhead, enjoying her texture as much as her flavor. His hand closed over the staff, feeling the wild beating of her pulse against his palm. Her male excitement would get the best of her quickly, as it often did. He smiled a little to himself, remembering how it was to be a young man, with flesh eager to be satisfied. The Dramok was not old by any means, not for a Kalquorian, but his drives had ceased to be so demanding. Maturity had given him the ability to let anticipation build, to see to his lovers’ needs before his own.

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