Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-One-Night-Stand-with-a-Werewolf.doc (12 page)

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Lance enjoyed the warm, comforting touch of Markus’s hands on his shoulders, as well as the soft press of his lips on his neck when he thanked him.

Lance’s decision must have really been scaring him for him to be showing this sort of gratitude.

“I won’t tell anyone. No one would believe me even if I did,” he said, hoping to comfort the other man for when they eventually parted

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“There are people out there who would believe you. That’s what

we’re afraid of.”

And Lance had been the cause of that fear for an entire group of people. Christ, that one man, the former hunter, had said that people out there skinned werewolves for their pelts. No wonder they stayed hidden. Lance clenched his fists.

“You don’t think…the boy that saved me…”

“I’ve never heard that story before, but we’re a pretty tough  species. I’m sure he got out of there just fine,” Markus said, still  hugging Lance to him.

“God, I hope so.” Just the thought that someone might’ve come  along and skinned that boy after he’d saved Lance’s life was enough  to make him start shivering all over again.

Markus didn’t release him, but he was no longer pressing those  comforting kisses to the back of his neck either.

“Do you want me to leave you alone?” Markus asked after a time  of silence.

“No,” Lance said quickly. The last thing he wanted was to be  alone right now, but it was about more than that. He wanted Markus  specifically to be here with him. “Please don’t leave.”

Lance turned around, and though it was stupid because Markus  had been holding onto him, he was surprised to see how close they  were standing.

Somehow, all of this seemed so far away.

No, they were together, in the same room, right in front of each  other, and Lance had just been given the secret to werewolves.

“Your eyes are gold,” Lance said, suddenly noting the difference  between what they had been before and what they were now.

“Yeah.” Markus’s voice was husky, and the way his eyes stared  hungrily down at Lance let him know just what it was that the other  man wanted from him.

There was something he needed to know first. “Why did you tell

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

me? I told you what I was doing for a living. Why give me this?”

Markus wet his lips, and those gold eyes flickered a little. Almost  like he was coming out of a trance.

“It couldn’t have just been because I was mad at you,” Lance said.

Markus shook his head. “It was because…I needed you to know  because I mated with you.”

Lance’s eyes went wide. He gasped at the new information, and  Markus took quick advantage of his open mouth as he kissed him.  Now Markus wasn’t just hugging him gently, but pressing them  tightly together. Lance could feel his erect cock through his tight  jeans, and Markus pressed against his hips, kissing and pushing him  back to the bed.

Lance let him. He wanted this as much as Markus did.

He wasn’t an idiot, he knew what Markus was talking about when he said he’d mated with Lance, and somehow, considering Lance’s feelings that had developed for him in the little time they’d had together, it made a whole lot of sense.

Now was not the time to ask for all the extra little details that

likely came with the revelation. He just wanted Markus to put that  firm cock inside him and fuck him until everything was all right  again.

When the back of his knees touched the side of the bed, they both  fell over with a small shout of surprise from both of them.

It barely put a stop to what they were doing. “I take it you  approve?”

“Yes,” Lance said, his eyes rolling back as Markus humped  against him, and his still-clothed cock sizzled with pleasure. “That’s  nice. Fuck me.”

Markus scrambled to get out of his clothes, and Lance helped him out with that one by palming his crotch, squeezing and rubbing the swelling that was there.

Markus groaned and nearly fell on top of him as he struggled out of the T-shirt he wore. He managed to get his arms free, but it was

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still around his neck when he put his hands down on either side of  Lance’s head. “That doesn’t exactly help.”

“I know.” Lance started working on the button and fly, and he got  Markus’s jeans open and down his hips with little fuss.

Markus kicked them off, and when his fingers touched down on  Lance’s belt, he suddenly stopped.

“What is it?” Lance pushed himself up onto his elbows, and then  looked down at the steel buckle. “It’s not silver or anything,” he said.

“It’s not that,” Markus said, his bright, golden eyes still looking  down at Lance like he was a meal to be had. “You wouldn’t mind if I

destroyed these, would you?”


“Do you have another belt and pair of jeans?”

It actually took Lance a couple of seconds before he was able to  answer that one. “This is my only belt, but I packed more jeans.”


Markus fumbled with the belt, and actually managed to get it  undone with little effort, but then instead of working on the button  and fly to Lance’s jeans, he grabbed them by the waist in both fists  and yanked back hard.

The material tore, and not even down the seam either. Markus was

actually ripping Lance’s clothes off of him in an effort to get between  his legs faster.

Lance watched the ruined jeans sail across the room, and his lust  intensified. “You’re really strong.”

Markus grinned at him. “Good in bed, too, but you already know  that.”

Lance rolled his eyes, and then he shimmied out from under  Markus’s body and reached for the nightstand where he was keeping the lube. He shook around the bottle a little in his fingers.

“Almost empty,” he said and then went to the bathroom. He came back with one of those little bottles of hair conditioner the motel gave


One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

“I think we should use this with it,” Lance said with a grin.

“We go through the stuff quick,” Markus said.

Lance did his best to not blush at that comment and was pretty  sure he was failing.

Markus got to his knees as Lance approached the bed and got  back onto it. He handed Markus the bottles, then leaned in and kissed


“I’m sorry I was angry with you.”

Markus pressed his lips back against Lance’s. He might be an  alpha wolf, but he had the softest lips Lance had ever kissed.

Markus gently put him down on his back, and Lance eagerly  spread his legs for the other man.

“Here,” Markus said, lifting Lance’s knee and taking his hand.  “Hold this.”

Lance did as he was told, and though he couldn’t see it from the position he was in, he could hear the pop of the cap off the little conditioner bottle and the squeeze as Markus poured some into his hand along with the lube.

At first Markus’s finger’s trailed around his hole, and he shivered with the anticipation. He bit his lips together when Markus pushed his fingertips inside.

“That’s nice.”

“I know. Just wait and it’ll get better.”

Lance was quickly learning that Markus was a little cocky when it  came to his sexuality. That was fine. Markus didn’t seem overly  confident at any rate, and Lance still liked it.

He groaned a little when Markus pushed his two fingers in and out  of Lance’s hole. He was still a little stretched from all the sex they’d  both had earlier, but the preparation with something similar to lube  was nice.

“Is it…ah, is it strange that I missed you?” Lance asked.

Markus took his eyes off the task he was performing and looked

down at Lance’s face. He had no doubt in his mind that if this was

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one of those motels with the mirrors on the ceiling or something, he

would see the lust all over his own face.

Markus grinned at him. “No. We’re mated. It’s normal that we feel connected like this. I missed you, too, to be honest, so, so much, baby.”

“I’m sorry I threw you out.”

“Stop apologizing,” Markus said. “You’ve apologized enough.  We’re fine. Everything’s going to be fine now. I’m going to make you feel so good.”

Markus accented that promise by thrusting his hand harder against  Lance’s asshole, his fingers moving deeper, touching everything inside him that could be touched. Then the blunt tips reached his prostate. Lance bucked.

“Oh, fuck yeah! Just like that.”

He clutched at the bedsheets and looked down, trying to see what  Markus was doing. All he could see was the way his arm continually moved back and forth, back and forth. Lance humped back against the fingers that were fucking him, but he’d already had Markus’s cock inside him before. Despite how good this felt right now, he knew how much better it would be once Markus shoved deep inside him, stretching his inner walls, claiming him.

“Fuck me. Please fuck me right now. I’m ready.”

“Thank God,” Markus said with a breathy laugh. He carefully pulled his fingers out of Lance’s ass and then grabbed hold of his dick. He stroked himself a time or two, adding more of the conditioner to his hand to slicken his cock with. He bit his lower lip as he did that and groaned with the pleasure of his own touch.

“You are so beautiful,” Lance said. He wondered if all

werewolves were as beautiful as Markus was. Granted, the one with

the scars had clearly seen some better days, but those were scars. The  wolf with the reddish-brown hair was also nice to look at, though he  didn’t hold a candle to the magnificence that Markus naturally  seemed to carry.

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

He decided to keep the question to himself. Now was not the time.

Markus’s golden eyes were back on him, as serious as ever as he pressed the head of his hard cock against Lance’s pucker and then slowly started to push inside.

“You’re mine. No one else is allowed to touch you but me,”  Markus said as his cock was swallowed by Lance’s hole.

Lance never wanted anyone else but Markus to touch him. He groaned deeply, voicing his approval of what Markus was doing to him like that, but that didn’t seem to be enough for the other man.

“Say it. Say you’re mine.”

Lance wrapped his legs around Markus’s waist, locking his feet together at the ankles. He kept his ass high enough so that even when  Markus began pushing against him, thrusting inside of him, he could get as deep as he needed to.

“I’m yours. I’m yours!” Lance shouted as Markus’s dick touched that spot inside of him that made him see stars. He would be Markus’s forever so long as he never stopped doing that to him.

“That’s it, right there!” Lance yelled. He did his best to push back against Markus’s pounding hips, but while he was on his back, with his legs in the air, it was fairly difficult to say the least. He held on helplessly as Markus punched their bodies together. Faster and faster, and then slow and hard, before his hips began thrusting at a lightning speed once more.

Lance cried out when Markus slowed down again. “Fuck me hard.  Please, fuck me hard. I’m gonna come!”

“No, you’re not,” Markus growled into his ear. He lifted one of his hands away from the mattress and reached down between them to grab hold of Lance’s cock.

Lance moaned loudly. He really hoped the people staying in the neighboring room were checked out by now. If they weren’t, then there was no way this was entirely private.

Markus didn’t stroke him to orgasm, Lance realized after a couple of brainless seconds. He was gripping Lance’s heavy prick by the

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base, preventing him from coming.

“No, no! I want to come. Let me come!” Lance was desperate for  it. The block on his release was a sensation he couldn’t properly  describe, especially now that his mind had fled him. Markus’s cock  was still nudging his prostate as Markus shifted his hips. The pleasure  he felt continued to build and build, but now there was nowhere for it

to go.

It was nearly a form of torture.

“Markus, please!”

Markus spoke as calmly as though he didn’t have his dick in

Lance’s ass.

“I didn’t recognize you the second I saw you, or realize what your  scent meant. I thought you were just a beautiful human I could have  and forget all my troubles with, but you’re so much more than that.”

Markus stroked Lance’s cock in a quick up and down motion.  Lance released a breath of air that shook his lungs, but Markus’s  fingers were back down and around the base of his cock before he  could shoot his load.

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