Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-One-Night-Stand-with-a-Werewolf.doc (13 page)

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“Fuck! Markus!” Lance’s head fell back against the mattress as he  tried to arch into that touch. He reached down to grab himself and  help the process along, but Markus simply batted his hands away.

When he tried again, with all the speed and strength Markus  possessed, he snatched Lance’s hands out of the air and pulled them  up and over his head.

“No touching,” he said. “This is mine, and I promise that when I  make you come you won’t ever have felt anything like it.”

Lance already hadn’t felt anything like it. He wanted to tell Lance  that, but all his throat and mouth could produce was a series of  breathy, helpless moans as he tried to thrust into that touch.

Somehow he managed to keep himself from fighting back too  much and from trying to tear his hands out of Markus’s grip so that he  could touch himself.

From the way Markus held onto him, it was almost like they were

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

holding hands, and when Markus began thrusting his hips again, his  cock filling Lance up and touching everything inside of him, he went  wild with his need.

“I can’t take it anymore. I want to come. I have to come.”

Markus was showing him no mercy, however. Judging by the  speed in which he picked up his thrusting hips, he was coming to the  end as well. “Not yet. Not yet.”

“How…how can you even—
—hold out for this long?” Lance  asked.

Markus actually laughed at him. “You…you have to ask?”


Then the thing that Lance had been waiting for finally happened.  Markus was about to orgasm. He squeezed his eyes shut and threw his head back, his mouth open in breathy gasps.

He released Lance’s cock, and Lance shouted and bucked as he

came and came and came.

He squeezed his anal muscles around Markus’s dick, and he felt the warm spurt of the other man’s cum shooting inside of him as  Markus moaned and cried out his pleasure. “Oh fuck! That’s it!  Fuck!”

Lance couldn’t remember the last time he’d had an orgasm that left his body trembling like this after the fact. His cock and balls were a little sore from the sudden rush, but he’d never been more content.

Lance vaguely felt Markus fall on top of him, and the warmth of his skin was so comfortable. He put his arms around him, holding him in place.

Markus softened, but he didn’t pull out right away either. They were both content to stay right where they were, it seemed.

He’d thought for a second that Markus might have fallen asleep on him, but that wasn’t the case.

“I can hear your heart beating,” Markus said. He was definitely

awake, but his voice held a sleepy note to it.

“What else can you hear?” Lance asked, running his fingers

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through Markus’s hair.

“The wind outside, your lungs expanding as you breathe, and even  some of the smaller animals lurking nearby.”

Lance was impressed. “Werewolf hearing is always that acute?”

“As far as I know,” Markus said. Now his fingers were the ones to  do a little exploring of their own. He ran his hands along the Lance’s  sides. Up and down in a slow, sensuous pattern that relaxed Lance  and nearly put him to sleep.



“I’m starting to get a cramp in my lower body.”

Markus laughed, and they both separated and stretched before  lying back down on the bed. Lance took off his glasses and put them  on the nightstand, and he was more than comfortable letting his head  rest on Markus’s well-muscled chest. The man’s body was so warm  that he didn’t need any blankets to cover him.

With his ear over Markus’s chest, now Lance could hear the way  Markus’s heart slowed down as he neared sleep. There was just one  more thing he needed to ask him before they both passed out for the  night.


“Yeah?” was the sleepy reply. If Lance looked up, he had no  doubt he would see those golden eyes of his shut.

He hoped he wasn’t inviting in some insecurities on either of their  parts by asking this. “Do I only feel this way for you because we’re  mated?”

When Markus didn’t answer, Lance looked up at him.

Markus’s eyes were open, and he was looking down at Lance curiously. Because they were so close, he was able to see the other man just fine.

“Do I?” he prompted.

Markus seemed to think it over. Then he shook his head and

dipped his head enough so their lips touched.

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

“No,” he said after their chaste kiss. “You’re attracted to me

sexually, clearly, but those feelings are all yours.”

Lance smiled, and he let his head come to rest back on Markus’s

chest. “I’m glad.”

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Chapter Eleven

The next day Markus decided to take Lance on over to his pack to give the man something of a treat. Lance’s shocked expression when  Markus had explained that those wolves he’d tried and failed to get pictures of were also werewolves was priceless.

“So many!” he’d said, that beautiful wonder never leaving his blue eyes.

“More than that, even. Wait until you meet them.”

Though he was a little wary of meeting up with Isaac again, as well as how he would be received since the entire pack knew Lance had tried to prove the existence werewolves as recently as yesterday,  Markus was able to convince Lance to come along with little fuss.  Really, he was excited for it once the idea set in.

He didn’t check out of his motel room just yet, and Markus was fine with that. Lance still had his own life to handle, and just because he had accepted their mating didn’t mean he was about to drop everything else to live with a poor man in his pack.

They still hadn’t spoken about what they would do about that, and  Markus wasn’t looking forward to that conversation.

Markus hadn’t been worried about it, not really, but Lance was visibly relieved when he was well accepted by the pack. The alphas came and slapped Markus on the back and shook Lance’s hand as they all introduced themselves, and the omegas mostly did pretty much the same.

The pups were especially interesting to Lance. He couldn’t seem to stop staring at them, especially when a few of the transformed ones ran by, being chased by the ones still in their human form.

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

“They can shift at such a young age?” Lance asked.

Markus was going to have to expect a lot of questions for a little  while. Lance might no longer be uploading anything like this to his  blog or anything, but he still did have a deep interest in the mythology  of their species and the way it worked.

“It depends,” he said. “I was born a werewolf, but I wasn’t born a  wolf. Know what I mean?”

“Yeah, I think I get it,” Lance said.

“Good, okay, so for me, being born a werewolf is supposedly a  little different. People who are born usually can make their first shift  at around the age of five or so. I was nearly seven by the time I  shifted.”

“Late bloomer, you are!” someone yelled, and the other alphas all  laughed.

Markus flipped them the middle finger from where he sat. The  picnic tables had all been pushed together to form a line, and  everyone was enjoying a relatively normal barbecue to welcome  Lance into their circle.

“Anyway, the youngest I’ve ever heard of a transformation  happening was at two. I don’t know specifically which month during  that year it was. Maybe the kid was two years and eleven months, but  either way, that’s still pretty early.”

Lance looked over to where the pups were running around and  playing. Some even had a few portable game consoles in their hands.  Not the latest or greatest, but even werewolf kids enjoyed their video


“I guess that makes it hard for them to go to school,” Lance said.

“Our children are all very decently homeschooled,” said Old  Maggie, the pack’s wise woman, as she sipped on her tea. She’d  finished her burgers and potatoes and salad and punch—Markus  wanted to laugh when he thought of the look on Lance’s face when he  saw such an elderly old woman piling so much food onto her plate— so now she was enjoying a hot drink while Lance and Markus were

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“We have some very fine books on arithmetic for young ones,  reading, spelling, and some history books as well.”

Most of which were pretty outdated until just recently. Because  Isaac had been providing the funding to repair the cottages, that left  more money for James to put into the children’s school things and  other supplies they might need. It also meant more money went to the  baby things for the new pup that had been dropped into their laps,  though Corey seemed to be enjoying the company of the infant well  enough. Currently, he was sitting sideways on his bench, facing the  highchair, and helping Sammy to eat his mashed carrots.

“I believe you. I wasn’t trying to imply anything,” Lance said  quickly.

Old Maggie nodded and went back to sipping her tea.

“It really isn’t as bad as it sounds,” Markus said. “We don’t have a  lot here, but there is a computer in James’s house, and more of us are  starting to get the Internet lately. Before that, though, in the last ten  years it’s been much easier to get a high school diploma online. Not  exactly the same or anything, but definitely better than what it was  fifty years ago.”

The last thing Markus wanted to do was give Lance the  impression that the pack was made up of a bunch of uneducated  mongrels. He wanted to make the place look as good as possible so  that Lance would want to stay.

Lance smiled at him. “That’s true. The Internet is good for things  like that.”

More questions were asked of him. Jason, Corey, Tristan, and several of the other omegas were all very welcoming and polite in their questions about Lance’s choice of work and what he might be doing now that he was no longer out to prove the existence of werewolves.

Markus had tensed up when the question was asked. Lance only sighed. “Well, before, the traffic from my site was enough to pay my

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

bills, what with the advertising and all. It wasn’t exactly a lot, but it  kept the bank at bay. Now…” Lance took a few seconds to think it  over. “I guess I’m pretty good at web design. Or maybe I can offer  myself as a blog writer for someone else’s site. I hear that pays pretty  well. I make some money with my photos, too.”

Markus sighed. This was another point in his favor, that his  request wasn’t going to send Lance into the poor house either.

“Can you teach us about that?” James asked. “Earning money on  the Web, I mean. We pick up the odd job here and there from the  people in town, but it would be better if we could figure out  something a little more flexible that paid better for the extra support.”

Maybe Isaac was starting to run out of money with all the extras  he’d put into the pack. Maybe James was finally tired of taking his  money and wanted to gain some of the pack’s independence back.  Markus didn’t know.

Lance was good about it, and he offered to do what he could, and he and James set up an appointment to meet later to discuss their plans.

“I guess that means you’ll be sticking around for a little while?”  Markus asked hopefully.

Lance smiled at him, grabbing his Pepsi can and lifting it to his mouth. “I guess so.”

* * * *

All in all, everything went well. Lance naturally had more questions, and Markus answered them as best as he could, but the pack seemed to leave a good impression on him, and now Markus was a whole lot more confident of Lance’s willingness to want to bring his life here.

For the first time since John had mated with Storm, Markus was

even able to look at the pair across the table and not feel that old  heartache that had seized him either. Now that he was mated, all he

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saw was Lance.

Every once in a while, Lance’s phone would vibrate in his pocket, and he would pull out the device, frown at it, type something, and put it back.

“What was that?” Markus asked.

“Someone who used to monitor the site for me when I was gone. I

think he’s wondering what’s happening now that it’s down.”

Ah, that made sense. Lance would still have to deal with that sort

of thing for the next little while before he was able to move on with  his life. Texts from people who worked closely with him and maybe  some e-mails from the people who followed his blog, wondering  where it went.

The realization made Markus relax every time Lance’s phone beeped or vibrated and he hunched over to quickly answer it. Some of the other members of the pack watched him skeptically as he did this, but they were polite and didn’t say anything.

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