Moonslave (22 page)

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Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #Moonslave

BOOK: Moonslave
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With a sneer of anger her fingers curled into the fur, her jaw wriggling with rancour. Yet again the queen had stolen her love from her. Cassandra leapt at every glance and word of the queen, forsaking Kira every time she opened her lips. Kira’s resentment of the vampiress was starting to turn into actual hatred. It was a highly dangerous emotion to bear, one that could well destroy her, resolving her to either eradicating it or hiding it exceptionally well, but it was consuming her from within.

If she did not love her owner so, she would try and find a way to strip away Cassandra’s seneschal status, to make them both slaves again. They would be equal and together, unseen and unnoticed, placed where the queen could not affect them with duty.

A plan formed through her red haze of fury, and with a smile she considered how to take the title of seneschal for herself, not to rob her beloved of it, but to swap places, and make sure Cassandra was at
beck and call, not the queen’s.

No sooner had the seneschal’s heels touched the floor than a section of wall parted to allow the powerful vampiress a means to march majestically in. Still dressed in her comprehensive latex garment, polished shoulder-pieces now adorned her shoulders. The metal sections of armour ascended to peaks and were studded with a rim of dark gems. These shoulder-pieces held a long flowing cloak of black silk, the shimmering veil trailing behind her as she strode forward.

Scampering on all fours on either side were Thanos and Corin, the lupines in wolfen form, their fur groomed and preened for the occasion.

As she walked the assembled guests bowed and nodded as their fealty decreed, the queen barely replying to their 182

shows of reverence. The entertainers grovelled, abasing themselves for her pleasure. The seneschal bowed and kissed her toes with reverence, the queen barely acknowledging the act before rising onto her divan and settling into its comfort. Thanos and Corin ascended beside her, settling into feral crouches, their glowing crimson stare panning across the audience. Many eyes were upon them, the shocking appearance of two trained lupines at her heels being an event of no small distinction.

Impressed gasps and subdued mutters of gossip suddenly rolled through the hall, the guests succumbing to the very result the queen had desired.

Kitjana made her way back and ascended into her own seat, her monstrous abominations taking positions about the throne, regarding the lupines with uneasy stares.

The seneschal moved back and returned to Kira, letting her faithful and devoted servant continue where she had left off. But even though the woman seemed to be watching the rest of the hall, Kira saw her studiously keeping track of her neighbours, trying to listen in on what was being said between the two salacious females.

Every suppressed glance Cassandra made to them raised the temperature of Kira’s bitterness until finally she squeezed harder than she should have, attacking a tender muscle to break off the seneschal’s gaze. She knew what the result would be, but she wanted the seneschal with her, not the queen.

‘Ouch!’ Cassandra yelped. ‘What is wrong with you, slave?’

‘I’m sorry, seneschal, I—’ began Kira with worried apology.

‘Sorry doesn’t cover it by far!’ she hissed, grabbing Kira by the hair and dragging her down onto her front, defeating her half-hearted wriggles of resistance. ‘You 183

think you can treat me like that and not be reprimanded?

Well, you’ve just earned yourself more demerits than you can even contemplate, slave!’ she barked, swinging a leg over, dropping her buttocks onto Kira’s shoulders, using her folded legs to squeeze inwards, pressing Kira’s arms to her sides, keeping her trapped beneath her.

She was overwhelmed by the feel of latex legs compressing, controlling her, the smooth soft buttocks crushing her body, keeping her down as the seneschal called forth one of the entertainers.

‘Give me that!’ she snapped, her fury at Kitjana’s disrespect and the queen’s indifference seeping out, turning itself to the chastising of Kira.

Kira closed her eyes, aware now that she was to be the vent through which the seneschal exorcised her bilious temperament. She didn’t mind; it made her feel that she was serving her seneschal, assisting her in alleviating her mood.

The seneschal snatched the cane from the male and cast it up over her head. The bamboo strut howled down and sank into Kira’s rear, imparting searing agony upon her. Kira wailed, struggling under the woman, fighting her entrapment as the seneschal continued her assault with manic verve.

‘You think you can manhandle me?’ she growled, targeting Kira’s thrashing thighs.

‘No seneschal, please!’ she howled, tears running down her face, her hindquarters alive with utter distress. ‘Show mercy! It was an accident, I swear!’

‘I’ll teach you to be more careful, slave!’ ranted the seneschal, slicing into her with all her might, her legs squeezing, crushing Kira’s torso.

,’ she wailed, accepting another trio of vindictive hacks.


‘I elevated you from being a pet and this is how you repay me.’

‘I’m sorry, please, seneschal, I’ll never—!’ Her words ended as they ascended to a squeal with the affliction of more scathing strokes.

‘You think a few licks covers your crime?’ yelled the woman, continuing her revenge with gusto.

Kira hollered beneath her owner, receiving her retribution in full, questioning having performed her plot but not regretting it for an instant.

When the assault stopped Kira was laying slack upon the divan, sobbing softly, her body exhausted. The seneschal removed herself from Kira’s back, stretching her weary arm and setting the cane aside.

‘Thank you, slave, I needed that,’ she whispered into Kira’s ear and kissed her while softly rubbing the welt smothered rear of her property.

‘I only want to serve you, seneschal,’ grizzled Kira.

‘And you did,’ comforted the seneschal, wiping away her slave’s tears. ‘And as always you excelled.’


Chapter Ten

Thanos looked over to Corin to see his sister glaring at several other members of the assembly, locating regions where her loathing had failed to be diminished by slavery.

She still had old enemies, quarters of power that had offended or crossed her. The old hates died hard, and she was obviously dwelling on them as she studied the crowd.

It had been almost unbelievable to see how quickly Corin had been attuned to the will of the queen. A concentrated regime of torment and erotic teasing, indoctrination tapes, and of course his presence to show her how well the whole system worked had turned a defiant wilderness warrior into an adoring pet of her greatest nemesis.

‘So how has the world been treating my favourite witch?’ asked the queen, regarding Kitjana.

‘A few setbacks of late, but in the end it all worked out,’ the woman replied flippantly.

‘Do tell,’ encouraged the queen, snapping her fingers to call over one of her maids. The woman pulled herself up onto the divan and looked meekly down in anticipation of her orders.

The queen opened her legs and gave a brief indication downward. The maid shuffled forward and lowered her face into position, locating the concealed slit that provided access through the walls of latex. The sounds of lapping and soft moans of delight emerged from the mop of blonde hair between the queen’s legs, and both 186

Corin and Thanos regarded the humbled servant with envy.

‘Of course, but first, shall we see to some entertainment for me as well?’ she quizzed.

‘Anything you wish,’ replied the queen.

‘Well, your male pet seems to be ready for action,’ she said with a voluptuous purr, her eyes scanning Thanos, his arousal by the lesbian act before him plain. ‘Mind if I see what he can do?’

‘By all means,’ answered the queen, and reached forward, unclipping his leash and pointing to the neighbour.

‘Obey her, slave,’ she ordered, and Thanos looked to see the woman beckoning him with a crooked digit.

Swallowing for courage, Thanos made his way over and through the wall of beasts guarding the woman. Moving up onto the divan, he found her already stripping off her briefs, revealing her shaven sex to him.

‘Come here, slave,’ she smiled, a twisted leer creeping around the corners of her lips as she lifted a hand in his direction. A small sparkle of darkness curled in her palm and from its heart spat a line of barbed chain. The new leash snapped claws to the D-ring of his collar and allowed her to reel him in with more substantial control.

She grabbed his rigid length and massaged it in a callous grasp, making Thanos wince, but the roughness also served to continue feeding his arousal.

‘Not bad,’ she murmured as her efforts brought Thanos to full size, and then using her hold as a mooring she steered him into herself leaving nothing to his control.

Thanos moaned as he slid into her, the warm flesh swallowing up his hungry shaft. ‘Mmmm, delightful,’

commented the witch, stretching herself against the soft fur, squirming in a heady haze as Thanos sank into her 187

in full.

Holding himself up by his arms, Thanos commenced his ravishment with dilatory haste, working slowly, savouring the moment, unsure when he would get another chance.

With a chuckle, the sighing woman beneath him placed her fingers to his nipples. Thin tongues of energy curled around her forearms, racing around and to her fingers, forming contorted skeletal clamps, the demonic mannequins snapping serrated teeth to his mamilla.

Dribbling out a grunt of shock Thanos stiffened, the woman drawing back, paying out new wires of barbed black metal from the implements. Then, pulling down the cups of her bra she exposed her breasts and conjured another set of clamps, linking the two of them, making every thrust and pull apply new strength to the sprung implements, increasing their havoc.

‘That’s it slave, nice and easy, I don’t want you finishing prematurely,’ she warned with a grin, draping herself back as her breasts were pulled to points by Thanos’

movements, the two of them succumbing to the throbbing arctic pound of the compression.

The effects were swiftly seeping into the surrounding tissue like a cancer, spreading tendrils forth as they stored the hidden sensation, saving the reservoir until the clamps were removed. Yet both of them thrilled at the minor pain, letting it accentuate the pleasure.

‘Does he meet with your approval?’ asked the queen.

,’ replied Kitjana with sultry tones.

‘So, about your recent tribulations?’ continued the vampiress, closing her eyes and succumbing to a twitch of response to the labouring tongue between her legs.

‘Well, I don’t know how much you’ve heard, but the trinity decided to pay me a little visit. I say, the trinity, 188

but in fact it was only the other two, because the Swan met an unfortunate end when they assaulted my haven earlier.’

‘Someone said you captured their head – Eire?’ asked the queen, enclosing a hand about the maid’s hair, rotating the girl’s features into her loins.

‘And a fine slave she made too,’ answered Kitjana, pulling at the chains, causing both of their nipples to stretch as Thanos continued to thrust deep into the woman, his fiery eyes fixed upon her with wonderment.

‘I’d broken that virginal little bitch with such disgraceful deeds. But, the little sneaks went and mounted a psychic attack before their physical assault. Little Freyja gave me quite a beating before I managed to pull out.’

She was an amazing sight beneath Thanos, her sculpted form lazily squirming, her sex gripping to his, its heat seeping into his already flushed length. The latex bra folded down, the black folds offering up her succulent breasts, her moist lips agape with her warm panting breath, her stockinged legs locking about him, the thigh boots smooth against his flanks and back. She was delicious as the queen, and Thanos refused to even blink, intending not to miss one fraction of a second of this awesome view.

‘Freyja? That little shaman insect managed to best you?’

‘She had her followers behind her, condensing their power via the Rite of Engagement,’ said Kitjana, reaching down and enclosing Thanos’ testicles, wringing the skin to make them swell. ‘I was lucky to get out in one piece.

Anyway, when they stormed my sanctum they liberated little Eire, and caught a handsome stag I had discovered and was grooming for a mate. They managed to take me too.’


‘Captured, eh?’ smirked the queen. ‘That doesn’t sound like the Kitjana I know.’

‘Hmmm… well, anyway, they tried to convert me. Gave me a crystal of Gaia, used blessed water to soak and cleanse me; force-fed me the accursed stuff. Douches and enemas galore. Enchanted bonds mummifying me, with shaman all around me, stopping me calling on the power of the Wyrm. They thought I’d end up drawing in Gaia’s power, give in and corrupt myself,’ she added, her hand detecting that Thanos was close to finishing.

‘No, slave, not yet,’ she threatened, and her eyes flashed with a shimmer of dismal shadow.

Thanos lurched with a pained yelp as a plexus of slender coils appeared in her hand and, animated by her will, started to ensnare his genitals. The tiny octopus of steel flung its tentacles around his scrotum, wringing it tightly, forcing the testicles out until every wrinkle had been forced from the skin. Another grabbed the root of his penis, squeezing, forming into a stern cock-ring that greatly stifled any hope of easy release. With a chuckle she laid back, her deed having taken even more control over her sex slave.

‘A tricky situation,’ pondered the queen, interlocking her legs, hooking the toes together to squeeze her thighs and compress the girl’s head.

‘At first, but then little pure and innocent Freyja decided to step in. Got me all alone, hanging from the ceiling, tied up nice and tight, spread-eagled and with a whip in her hands,’ stated Kitjana, raising her eyebrows with a licentious smirk.

The queen lifted herself up and looked to the witch with enthusiasm. ‘I am
ears. Do tell me more.’

‘As it transpires, sweet Freyja had been besotted with me since we were children. She had been protecting me 190

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