Moore, Gigi - Desiree's Lone Wolves [The Double R, Book 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (31 page)

BOOK: Moore, Gigi - Desiree's Lone Wolves [The Double R, Book 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“It’s difficult to talk about,” Desiree murmured and Carson thought that had to be the biggest understatement he’d ever heard.

“Once you get it out you won’t have to say it ever again,” he said. “Give us your burden.”

The sobs tore from her throat suddenly, violent, racking sobs that shook her entire body as if his words had opened a valve that had been too-long closed.

Carson pulled her close and held her as she tearfully related the story of her ex-boyfriend Jeremy. He’d been the perfect gentleman, dating her proper, lavishing her with gifts and words of love for months before he turned. Too late she discovered his insidiousness, the predator beneath more dangerous than Carson’s and Sam’s animals would ever be.

Once she started, the words flowed from her, emotion and pain bursting free, eager now for release.

When she got to the actual rape, Carson fisted his hands as if to stop himself from wrapping them around the bastard’s throat, the bastard who wasn’t even present.

He didn’t want to hear any more, but he had started this and they all needed to hear it through.

Desiree finally reached the end of her story, exhausted and still in Carson’s arms as if she had just finished running a marathon.

He held her and patted her back with both hands as her cries eased and her breathing slowed. Sam sat behind her, caressing her hair and whispering soothing words in her ear.

“You’re safe with us,
We’ll never let anything like that happen to you again. We’ll never hurt you.”

“I know.” She sniffed as she pulled out of Carson’s arms to look at him. “I’ve never told anyone about it before.”

“You were meant to tell us.”

“Yeah,” Sam agreed.

“My protectors.” Desiree smiled and Carson thumbed the last few tears away from her face.

“Desiree, you know what’s between us isn’t just about sex anymore, right?”

She looked from him to Sam, who nodded his concurrence with Carson. “I know it’s not for me,” she said.

“It’s not for us, either,
.” He kissed a tear as it slid down her cheek, wrapping his arms around Desiree to draw her close again. He doubted now if it had ever been
about sex for him. He’d known from the beginning that this woman could be the one who changed everything.

Desiree burrowed close, pressing her lips to the pounding pulse point in his neck, making it beat even wilder, making his entire body throb with need.

Carson gently pulled back. “I’m sweaty.”

“I don’t care. It’s an-honest-day’s-work sweat. I want to taste it, taste you. Let’s make love here now, then make love again in the shower, then—”

“Want to make up for lost time, do we?”

“Something like that.”

“Hey, anything to please the lady,” Sam said in a jaunty tone that Carson knew he meant to lighten the mood. It remained his brother’s way.

Desiree tossed the condoms back into the drawer. “Then we don’t need these.”

“We can still get you pregnant, Desi,” Sam said. “Unless you’re on the Pill?”

“I’m not. Is that a problem?”

Carson wanted to tell her hell yeah it was a problem. Especially when he recognized the wild expression in her eyes. It was a look that said she wanted to throw all caution to the wind and for once do what made her happy without thinking of the consequences. It was a reckless look with which he was more than familiar after seeing it so many times on his brother’s and Maia’s faces. He’d never seen such an out-of-control look on Desiree’s face, though. She was too cautious, too responsible for that look. She lived by the same credo, conducted herself the same way Carson usually did, especially after Duane’s death.

He worried that she was pushing herself too far to prove a point—whether it was to herself, him and Sam, or even her uninhibited younger sister, Carson didn’t know. He just knew, as reckless as she acted now, as reckless as they all prepared to behave, he didn’t want to say no to her. He couldn’t.

He remained hard as a spike. He needed to feel her, all of her, soft, warm, and wet, squeezing around his cock until he moaned and begged for mercy.

Sam looked to him as if for direction, waiting for his answer.

Desiree took the situation in hand, gently rubbing and cupping Carson’s balls through his jeans before gripping him. “I want to feel you inside me, both of you, naked and raw, every inch.”

Was this the same woman who’d slapped him after one comparatively chaste kiss?

Carson looked at Sam over Desiree’s shoulder and saw his own surprise reflected back at him from his brother’s eyes. He also saw the desire Sam had for this woman they both loved and wondered if the same image flashed through his brother’s mind as flashed through his. He wondered if his brother saw Desiree pregnant with a pup of either of them and glowing.

This is insane! We’re not free to make this choice for her or ourselves. We can’t put all this on her—Remy, the pack, our past…

It was enough that she had accepted them for what they were, shifters and all.

Except when he looked in her eyes, all rational thought vanished.

Selfishly, he wanted this, wanted her, however she wanted to give herself to him, however she would take him and his brother. He knew he was being irresponsible, but he wouldn’t ask her if she was sure. She was a grown woman. He and Sam were grown men.

This was right.

As if to validate his decision, Desiree stroked Carson’s cheek now, smiling through her tears, and Carson thought it the most beautiful sight he had seen since first coming home to find his brother in his human form and making out in the bed with Desiree.

“Please,” she whispered, burying her face against his neck again, licking and nipping the skin there until he squirmed beneath her amorous attentions.

Carson closed his eyes and tilted back his head to give her better access. He groaned low in his throat as she circled her tongue against his throbbing pulse. He tunneled his hands through her hair and drew her closer, holding her in place. “Bite me,
. Bite me hard and make me yours.”

“He needs you to claim him
, bebe
,” Sam said. “Mark him.”

Desiree didn’t hesitate like he thought she would. She sunk her teeth into him as hard as she could, and Carson gasped at the white-hot pain. He reveled in it.

“Oh God…” He panted as he felt something liquid and warm on his throat.

Carson toppled Desiree back against the mattress, and she broke contact to stare up at him with a dazed look on her face. He stared at the trickle of blood in the corners of her mouth, cock painfully throbbing at the sight.

He reached for her mouth with his thumb, tracing the tips of her relatively blunt human canines through her parted lips, marveling that she was able to penetrate his skin. A crazy sense of pride suffused him, as if he had taught a pack pup a new predatory technique and the pup had taken to it like a wild animal to the jungle.

Was she a hybrid like his mother and didn’t know it?

“I’m sorry,” she said.

He caught her hands when she reached toward the damage she had done. “Don’t be. I liked it. Raw, remember?”

“And naked.” She took a side of his shirt in each hand and slowly slid the garment off his shoulders and down his arms before completely removing it.

Carson wordlessly watched her, heart stuttering when she plastered her palms against his chest.

The touch of her, warm skin against warm skin, ignited the fire in him. He leaned in to kiss and lick her throat. “Are you sure you want this? It’s not too late to change your mind. We won’t think any less of you.”

“Wolves mate for life,” Sam rasped, bending his head to kiss the opposite side of Desiree’s throat.

“Are you two trying to scare me off?”

“Just trying to let you know what you’re in for,” Carson said.

“Let’s just do this.”

, let us know if we hurt you and you want us to stop.”

“I’m not afraid.”

As Carson moved in to mark her, he thought that maybe she should be. Maybe they all should be.

* * * *

Desiree had always known it would come to this. From the moment she had initially started seeing the wolves in her dreams she had known that they belonged to her and that she belonged to them. Now there just remained the matter of formalizing, in blood, what they all already knew.

Desiree allowed each man to strip her until she was as completely naked as Sam.

Her mouth watered as she watched Carson finally strip out of his jeans. Her skin tingled with nervous excitement like she was an inexperienced virgin and not the woman who had already tied up Sam before getting him off, or had just marked his brother with her teeth in a ferocious, ceremonial demonstration of foreplay. She closed her eyes as each man moved to her neck, and she felt their warm breath against her skin and shuddered.

“After this, you mark me,” Sam said.

She didn’t open her eyes, just nodded while her stomach fluttered with a thousand butterflies.

She remembered the sight of Sam’s blood, so much of it, on her clothes, in the grass, on his fur and underbelly. So much, but she didn’t remember being squeamish.

She wasn’t exactly squeamish now, more flushed with anticipation and arousal.

Was she some sort of freak to want this, to welcome it?

Carson took over, rolling Desiree onto her side so that they lay face to face. Sam hovered just behind her as Carson pulled her close, lifting one of her thighs to rest on his hip while he nestled his cock between her legs. Carson took his throbbing erection in hand and guided it toward her opening, rubbing her creamy folds with the head until she proved ready to cry out and beg.

Desiree arched toward him like Velcro to fasteners. He spent a torturous few seconds massaging her vulva before sliding inside. He seated himself balls deep and finally filled her.

For a long moment, he didn’t move, just lay still with his chin cradled against her collarbone as her muscles stretched to accept his hard, large cock.

Desiree gasped as Carson simultaneously rolled his hips against her and sunk his teeth into the right side of her neck. He pierced her skin with his sharp canines, much sharper than hers, much sharper than a normal human’s. His cock, however, proved all human, all male, demanding, burning, and solid inside her pussy.

She gushed hot and wet around him, inner muscles clutching at him as if for comfort.

So this was what she’d asked for, naked and raw.
was what she wanted, had been wanting from them since she’d met them. She just hadn’t known it.

Her body flooded with adrenaline, Carson’s dual piercings sending her off on a tide of pre-orgasmic pleasure, and Sam hadn’t even entered her yet.

As soon as Carson had his fill and released her throat, she opened her eyes, met his gaze, and gasped at his glowing yellow eyes staring back at her. “No, don’t.” She reached over to hold his face in place when he tried to duck his head. “They’re beautiful,” she whispered, in awe of these extraordinary men with whom she had fallen in love.

“Not as beautiful as you.”

“So beautiful,” Sam agreed and lowered his head to put his mark right beside Carson’s.

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