My Desperado (20 page)

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Authors: Lois Greiman

Tags: #Romance, #Historical Romance, #Historical Western Romance, #Adult Romance, #Light Romance, #Western Romance, #Cowboys

BOOK: My Desperado
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Katherine raised her chin. "I take that as an insult, and I will not let go of your gun. Not until you come to your senses. You said I needed a horse. So I've got a horse. Why are you being so obstinate?"

"Obsti—what?" Travis questioned, tilting his head.

"So... male," Katherine explained, her frown deepening.

"Listen, lady. You said yourself you can't ride. And I'm saying, you can't ride this horse."

From the tops of the surrounding forest a hawk swooped on outspread wings. The black mare's head lifted, and like a pouncing cat, she leaped sideways, as if frightened the bird might be eyeing her for its breakfast.

Ryland shook his head. "See what I mean? She's flighty as a damn sparrow. Got no sense." Gently now he eased the gun barrel from Katherine's hands. "She wouldn't be a pretty way to die."

"But you can't shoot her."

"And we can't have her following us around like a damn dog, either. You think we don't have enough trouble without that?"

Katherine bit her lower lip and shrugged. "But couldn't you train her?"

Travis blew out a breath and shook his head. "It ain't the training. It's the horse."

"But you're good with horses, Travis." She reached out to touch the front of his shirt softly. "You could train her. I know you could."

Travis knew he'd been baited, but he was enjoying himself, and he liked the way Katherine looked trying to charm him. Her eyes were the size of silver dollars, and her lips were slightly parted, begging for a kiss. She leaned nearer. "We can't shoot her, Travis. It wouldn't be right."

He tried to resist her, but couldn't. "I suppose you do need a mount," he said gruffly, and turning on his heel, hurried toward the woods. "Catch the damn thing, and we'll give her a try."

It was amazing how much tossing about a body could do and still remain in one piece Katherine thought as she clasped her hands together.

The mare was like a black storm cloud, corkscrewing about the clearing with Ryland clinging to her back with stunning tenacity. But no one could last forever, and when he hit the dirt for the third time, he landed only inches from Katherine's scuffed boots. A grunt was wrenched from him as his body thudded with solid finality.

“Travis." She bent quickly, placing her hands to his arm as he lay still and silent on his back. "Travis, are you hurt?"

His eyes were closed, his breathing coming in sharp gasps.

"No." He answered finally in a hoarse tone. "No, I ain't hurt." He didn't open his eyes. "I feel great. Never better." The words rasped between his teeth. "Wish I could do this more often."

Katherine grimaced. Her hand slid over his chest, checking for injuries—perhaps. "She can really buck, can't she?"

Ryland's eyes opened slowly. "You noticed that, too?"

She bit her lip and nodded. "Are you hurt?"

"'Scuse me for mentioning it, but..." He winced. "Didn't we already discuss this?"

'Tell me the truth."

He hesitated only a moment. "Yeah, lady," he answered. "I think you might say I'm hurt."

Katherine winced as if she'd taken the falls herself. "Where?" she whispered.

He moved cautiously, groaned a complaint as his eyes widened. "Everywhere."

"Ohhh." Katherine's second hand reached his chest. "I'm so sorry."


"Yes." She nodded, and he noticed, without half trying, that there were tears in her eyes.

He shifted again, then drew a breath and let his body lie still. "How sorry might you be?"

She touched his face, feeling suddenly exhilarated. "Can I do anything to ease the pain?"

"That depends." He winced again, letting his eyes fall closed then opened one to study her. "How sorry are you?"

She was leaning over him to look into his face. It was broad boned, and his beard was growing back. He looked devastatingly masculine. "Very sorry."

"Yeah?" He opened his other eye slowly. There was a darkening bruise across his temple. "Then I think there might be hope."

She bit her lip again, feeling breathless as his gaze fell on her face. "What can I do to help?" she asked again, her tone husky.

He raised his brows slightly. "Let me think."

They stared at each from inches apart, and she nodded. "I'll take a look while you think."

His brows rose up another fraction of an inch. “Take a look?"

"Yes." Her fingers were already on the buttons to his shirt, drawing them open.

Travis expelled a slow breath, feeling his senses warm. "All right."

Gently Katherine tugged his shirt from his jeans, and the final two buttons fell open. She drew the edges apart, exposing the massive width of his chest and abdomen.

She studied him as she gently explored him with her fingertips. "Feels pretty good. Except here," she said, and leaning forward, she pressed her lips to that darkened area. "And..." She raised her eyes to the top of his shoulder where the muscle bunched in a hard cap and the skin was scraped raw. "Here." She kissed that, too, while sliding his sleeves lower. There was a still healing scar on his right arm where the bullet had pierced him. "And here." Her lips lingered there. Beneath her mouth his biceps tightened and relaxed.

Katherine raised her gaze to his face. "Perhaps you should move to your bedroll so that I could examine you."

Their gazes caught.

"Perhaps," he breathed.

Ryland grimaced with pain as he stood. His back ached as if a large man had been very busy with a sledgehammer, and everything below his waist was throbbing in agony.

Beneath the shade of a birch tree his blankets felt soft and yielding above the springy grasses. From a nearby bush a song sparrow serenaded them. And all around the purple heads of the Rocky Mountains shone with breathtaking grandeur.

Travis eased himself onto his back, almost suppressing the groan of pain caused by his movements.

Katherine sat back on her knees, watching him with an agonized expression.

Again their gazes caught.

The truth was that despite it all—the lynch mob, the saloons, the men who'd lusted after her, and even the one time they'd shared passion—Travis knew she was still an innocent.

"Have I mentioned how sorry I am?" she asked softly, the truth showing clearly in her luminous eyes.

He should draw back, of course, but didn't. "No, you haven't."

"Shall I show you?" she whispered.

He could not pull his gaze from her, for she was beautiful beyond description, with her cheeks slightly pinkened by her tentative brazenness. "You're looking for trouble, lady," he warned softly.

"I think I already found it." She shrugged, smiling a little. "On a dark street in Silver Ridge."

He remained silent, remembering his first sight of her, how her night rail had pressed intimately against her backside. "I'm not a good man to mess with. And I'm not strong where you're concerned. I can't resist you."

"Then don't."

"You're making a mistake."

Their gazes held.

"I don't want to be alone forever, Travis."

He tried to think rationally, to do what was right. "There are good men. Men who would treat you good."

Katherine bit her lip. "But I want you."

Her whispered words seemed to echo in the forest.

"Don't, lady," he pleaded.

"But I do."

He kissed her with trembling passion, unable to resist, and she answered back.

Her clothing came off slowly. First her shirt peeled away as he kissed every inch of smooth flesh revealed. She was soft and warm, and shuddered when he kissed her nipple. He slipped off her jeans, so that she lay naked in his arms finally. Then he drew away slightly to view her more fully. Katherine bit her lip, lowering her gaze and covering her breasts with an arm.

"Please." With utmost tenderness he lifted her arm so that all was bared to him once again. "I've never seen such beauty before, Katherine." She raised her eyes to meet his. "And I never will again."

She kissed him softly. Her lips were warm, playing gently across his, and finally slipping lower, daring to caress his chest. Travis gritted his teeth, feeling as if he would die of the raging sensations.

Her kisses slanted across his abdomen. He drew in a sharp breath as they brushed above his waistband.

"Lady, I can't take much more of this," he groaned, and she drew away, looking flushed and breathless before kissing his mouth again.

Finally his clothes joined hers.

They lay naked and impatient in each other's arms, feeling the soft caress of the sun, the gentle, skimming touch of fingers along shivering limbs.

Travis's hands lowered to her waist and, lifting her slightly, finally set her firmly atop him.

She moaned as he slid inside, tilting her head back, so that her slim graceful throat was revealed. He groaned, wanting to touch every part of her, but his need was too strong to be denied now, and he drove into her, drawing gasps of pleasure from them both.

Katherine was astride as they rode toward that elusive summit, giving and taking, her hands upon his chest, her eyes closed.

The tempo increased to a feverish rate, hot flesh against hot flesh, until she gasped for air as she rose to ecstasy. Her taut breasts thrust forward, and her strong lean legs gripped him with shocking strength as she reached the pinnacle of fulfillment.

She collapsed against him.

Travis gasped for breath, remembering he had heard of young stallions fainting dead away from the sheer exhilaration of a mating.

It was possible. And if ever there was a woman who might cause a man to lose consciousness, this was the one to do it.

Her breasts felt warm and soft against his chest as she shifted off him, easing to the left, avoiding his wounds. She lay beside him finally, cuddled against his side as one of his arms cradled her.

"Travis?" Her voice was very small when she spoke, sounding not at all like the seductress who had tantalized him moments before.

He stroked her hair absently from her face, waiting for her to go on.

"Do you hate me again now?"

He loved her. He knew it. He felt that nearly forgotten burn in his soul and closed his eyes. "No, lady," he answered softly. "I don't hate you."

They were silent for a moment.

"I know I've been difficult." She took a deep breath, still staring at his chest where her hand lay against his hard pectoral. "But do you think you might learn to like having me around?"

A dark-haired girl with sparkling eyes called from his memory, lifting a hand to urge him to take it. And he had, forgetting his worries to run beside her through the gleaming fields of cotton.

"Yeah." He knew he should deny his feeling, should rise now and leave her. "Yeah." He shifted his gaze. "I might someday."

Katherine told herself she should be angry, for in truth he'd insulted her again. And yet those words, spoken in husky tones, did nothing less than make her spirit soar.

She wriggled slightly closer, feeling foolishly happy and hiding her smile against his bare chest.

Damn me, Travis thought. Damn me for falling in love, for admitting a part of my weakness, for making her happy.

Only pain would come of it. And yet she felt like a sharp shard of heaven against him.

He cleared his throat, nervously looking for some harmless discussion to keep him safe from the tearing emotions caused by her nearness. "What are we going to do with that damn horse of yours?"

Katherine straightened her smile and snuggled closer still. "Maybe she simply doesn't like men."

"Yeah?" He snorted. "Well, I don't mind telling you, lady, my backside don't think so highly of her, either."

She laughed, the sound low and sexy as she eased up on one elbow. "Maybe I'll be able to ride her."

It was a ridiculous statement, of course. Laughable. And yet, as their eyes met, Ryland could not laugh. For it was true, he thought with breathless memory, she was one helluva rider.


Chapter 20

Katherine slept in his arms that morning. Her lashes were dark and full against her golden, heart-shaped face, her lips as bright as wild strawberries and slightly parted as she breathed softly in her sleep. Curled on her side with one arm beneath her cheek, the rest of her body was hidden from him by his own blankets. Still, he longed to take her again.

Travis rolled carefully onto his back to place a heavy wrist over his eyes. What had he done? How would he keep her safe? It had been difficult enough before, when she meant nothing to him. But now that he loved...

No. He would never admit it again. Not even to himself. Love was a weakness, and weaknesses made men die; and women, and young innocent girls with laughing eyes and gentle souls.

Travis pressed his wrist more firmly against his eyes and considered his options. He could not let her be hurt. But what could he do?

Take her to the ranch and make Latigo promise to protect her. Then he would leave and find Delias. He'd learn the truth and clear her name. When it was safe for her to travel east, Latigo would see that she did so. There would be a husband for her someday—and children.

The thought made his heart hurt. Still, it was what she needed, and that was all that mattered.

"Where are we going?" Katherine asked. They'd ridden all day, and when they'd stopped, he'd shot a deer. The venison roasted now over a low fire. Ryland had mixed up a batter of flour and water. A little sugar had been added, and biscuits baked now on a black pan over the blaze. She licked her lips and tightened her fist around the tin cup. It was the first coffee she'd had in several days, and the rich dark fluid made her feel better.

"I already told you, we're going to Latigo's ranch."

"But we can't simply ride off and pretend we're not wanted. We must go back to Silver Ridge. Clear up the misunderstandings before—"

"Didn't I tell you not to talk foolish?" Ryland snapped.

Katherine pursed her lips and kept silent.

He was quiet, too, for a moment, then, "The night Patterson died, was there anyone hanging around your place?"

"At The Watering Hole?"

"You have another place I should know about?"

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