Naked (8 page)

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Authors: Raine Miller

BOOK: Naked
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“Look at you,” he said slowly, eyes raking down at my outfit and then back up to my face, “it’s a miracle there aren’t fifty hard-ons trying to get at you.”

“Nope.  Just two—Big Red and you.”

“Who?”  He narrowed his eyes.

It was my turn to raise a brow at him.  “Benny was with me until a few minutes ago, and I’m gonna let that one slide, Ethan.  Not sure where to go with it.”  I folded my arms beneath my breasts.  “Are you supposed to even be here, Ethan?  Better yet, how did you know I was at this particular club?  Are you stalking me now?”

He raked a hand through his hair, and looked away from me.  A bleached blonde cocktail waitress appeared instantly, blushing and jiggling as she took his drink order.   I’m sure Miss-Sex-On-The-Beach wouldn’t bat an eyelash if he asked her to sit on his lap.  Seriously, how did he even come to a place like this without women stumbling at his feet?

When Ethan asked me if I wanted something from the bar I simply shook my head and lifted the drink Benny had bought me.  The waitress gave me a look as she took off, hips swinging.

“What do I do for a living, Brynne?” His voice was steely and I had to give him credit for not looking at her ass considering she practically waved it at him like the Olympic flag, and the fact he was speaking toward the dance floor, sweeping the room with his eyes.

“You own Blackstone Security International, Ltd. and have the tools at your disposal to stalk your dates?”  I said sarcastically, tilting my head in question.

He spun back to me and flicked his eyes over my body.  “Oh, we’re well past you being just a date, my beauty.”  He leaned in, his lips at my ear.  “When we fucked in my bed you passed into uncharted territory—trust me on that one.”

My heart stuttered at the look on his face and the words he’d just spoken.  Instantly wet for him, I tried to steer the conversation away from the sexual.  I don’t know why I bothered though; Ethan probably knew I was panting for him as we sat together.

“How did you know I was here?”

“Clarkson’s credit card popped up.  Only the work of a moment.”  He reached for my hand and caressed it with his thumb.  “Don’t be angry at me for coming.  I would have just stayed back if you were with your friends but that fucking cowboy put his hands on you.”  Ethan brought my hand up to his lips, the brush of his goatee a touch I was beginning to love and take for granted.  “I wanted to see you having fun.  You looked so sad the last time I saw you in that cab.”

Ethan smiled and his whole face changed.

“I love when you do that,” I said.

“Do what?”

“When you kiss my hand.”

He looked down at my hand, still clasped in his.  “It’s a very lovely hand, and I would be devastated if anything ever managed to harm it.”

His eyes returned to mine again but he mostly stayed quiet and watched me, rubbing circles with his thumb or pulling my hand up to his lips when he wanted to.  Ethan needed to touch.  It was just something he did that I understood about him.  And oddly it comforted me.  I couldn’t explain it really but I knew how he made me feel when he touched me.  I suppose it was something I should talk to Dr. Roswell about at my next appointment.

Ethan’s choice of words struck me as unusual though.  He was definitely overprotective, like he worried about me getting hurt. 
That train pulled into the station six years ago, Ethan.

Benny and Gaby showed up, did the meet and greet with Ethan, and then slipped away about as inconspicuous as frat boys at a kegger thinking they were playing it cool.  Whatever.  I’m sure they would stay up half the night speculating anyway.

When his drink arrived he used his left hand to hold it.  Ethan never let go of my right one.  Not until he put me in his car to drive me home.

He kept looking over at me in my seat, pulling my eyes to his repeatedly; arousing me to the point I felt the urge to squirm to relieve the ache between my legs.

“Why do you keep staring at me like that?” I finally asked.

“I think you know.”  His voice was soft with a hard edge to it.

“And I want you to tell me because I really

“Brynne, I’m looking because I can’t keep my eyes off you.  I want to be in you.  I want to fuck you so badly I can hardly drive the damn car right now.  I want to come inside you and then do it again.  I want your sweet cunt wrapped around my cock while you scream my name because I made you come.   I want to keep you with me all fucking night long so I can take you over and over again and you don’t remember anything else but me.”

I gripped the armrest and shuddered, sure a mini orgasm just rolled through my body.  My panties were so wet I could have slipped down the leather seat if my boot heels weren’t dug into the carpet of the Rover.

By the time Ethan pulled up to the curb I was shaking.  He got out and came around to open my door.  He didn’t say anything and neither did I.  At the porch I fumbled for my key and dropped it.  Ethan picked it up and got it in the lock and us into the foyer.  He held my hand through five flights of stairs, neither of us saying a word.

I pushed open the door to my flat and Ethan followed me in.  And like other times, the instant we were closed together in privacy, a different man emerged.  A man barely contained in his hunger for me.  I knew I would not say no either.

My back hit the wall and I was lifted off my feet in two seconds.  Ethan’s mouth was on mine, probing and seeking two seconds after that.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he said, tightening his grip on my ass.

I did what he told me to do.  Spread against the wall, my purple cowboy boots dangling to the sides like a frog for dissection, I surrendered to whatever he had planned.  I accepted that Ethan drove this part of us—the sex.  He was in charge of every commanding thing he would do to my body, and I craved his touch far too much to have second thoughts right now.

“Unzip me and take out my cock.”

I did that too.  His hips pulled back to give me access, but his mouth and tongue still plundered as I unzipped his jeans and sprung him, hard as bone and sheathed in silk.  I stroked his flesh with my hand as best I could and reveled in his guttural hiss at my touch.

Ethan got his hand up my skirt and his fingers under my thong.  He ripped it up the back, snapping the material like a rubber band before impaling me on his enormous erection.  I cried out as he filled me, so stretched by the size of him I convulsed from the sensation.  He held me suspended for a moment, our bodies finally joined.

“Look at me and don’t stop.”  He tightened his hands under my ass cheeks and started pumping into me.  Hard.  Deep.  Punishing really but I didn’t care.  I wanted this from him as I stared into eyes burning blue fire at me.

“Ethan!”  I moaned and writhed against the wall of my flat as he fucked into me; his cock owning me from the inside out.  I kept my eyes on him.  Even when I could feel the pressure start to build in my womb, and the tip of his penis hitting the deepest spot he could reach, I kept looking at him.  The intimacy was off the charts and I could not have looked away if I’d wanted to.  I needed my eyes wide open.

“Why am I doing this, Brynne?” he demanded.

“I don’t know, Ethan.”  I could barely speak.

“Yes you do.  Say it, Brynne!”  I tensed as an orgasm started to rule me but he immediately reduced the pace, taking it down a notch with slow pulls in and out of my spread sex.

“Say what?”  I cried, frustrated.

“Say the words I have to hear.  Say the truth and I’ll let you come.”  He speared into me slower and nipped at my bare shoulder with his teeth.

“What is the truth?”  I was starting to sob now, completely at his mercy.

“The truth is,” he grunted the rest on three, hard, punctuating thrusts, “You.  Are.  Mine!”

I inhaled on a cry at the final thrust.

He sped up again, fucking faster.  “Say it!” he growled.

“I’m yours, Ethan!”

The second I said the words his thumb found my clit and released the orgasm, rolling and crashing as hard as a powerful wave breaking onto the shore.  Like a reward for obeying him.  I cried through it, pinned to the wall of my flat, Ethan still going hard at me through the shearing pleasure.

A roar came from deep within his chest as he started to climax; the stare of his eyes almost frightening.  He thrust hard one final time, buried to the hilt as the hot seed pulsed up to soak me.  He crushed his lips to mine and kissed, rocking the last few slides slow and gentle as he finished.  His strong arms still held me up and I don’t know how he managed to do it but he did, kissing me sweetly and in total contrast to the sex-crazed madman of a moment ago.

“You are,” he choked out, “mine…”

He set me down from the wall, holding me steady until my feet were solid, and then pulled out of my body, breathing hard.  I leaned against the wall for support and watched him tuck himself back into his jeans and zip up.  My dress fell back down.  To anyone who walked in at this moment, there would be nothing to show we’d just fucked each other’s brains out upon the wall.  All an illusion.

Ethan put one hand up to my cheek, holding me captive but gently to face him.  “Goodnight, my beautiful American girl.  Sleep well and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He brought his hand over my face, over my lips and chin and throat and down my front.  The look of longing told me he didn’t want to leave, but I knew he was going to.  Ethan kissed me on the forehead so softly.  He paused and inhaled like he was breathing me in, and then he walked out of my flat.

I stood there after the door closed, my body still humming from the orgasm, my ripped underwear up around my waist, the warm trickle of semen starting to flow down my thigh and listened.  The rap of footsteps following his retreat was a sound not to my liking.  Not one bit.



always writes in a notebook during our sessions.  It seems very old-school to me, but then this is England and her office is in a building that was standing when Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence back in Philadelphia.  She uses a fountain pen too, which impresses the holy hell out of me.

I watched her very beautiful turquoise and gold fountain pen scratch words into her notebook as she listened to me talk about Ethan.  Dr. Roswell is a great listener.  In fact, it’s pretty much the gist of what she does.  I don’t know what our sessions would consist of if I didn’t tell her stuff she could listen to.

Sitting behind her elegant French desk table, she was the picture of professionalism and genuine interest.  I’d guess her to be in her early fifties with beautiful skin and white hair that did not age her one bit.  She always wore unique jewelry and bohemian outfits that made her look cultured and approachable.  My dad had helped me find her when I’d first moved to London.  Dr. Roswell was on my necessities list along with food, clothing and shelter.

“So why do you think you reacted by leaving Ethan in the middle of the night?”

“I was afraid of him seeing me like that.”

“But he did.”  She wrote something in her book.  “And from what you’ve told me, he wanted to comfort you and for you to stay.”

“I know, and it scared me.  For him to want me to tell him why I have the dreams…”  And this was my biggest problem.  Dr. Roswell and I’ve discussed it many, many times.  What would any man think of me once they knew?  “He asked me if I wanted to talk about it.  I told him no.  He’s so—so—intense; I know it will be a matter of days probably before he pushes for more.”

“A relationship is like that, Brynne.  You share and help the other person know about you, even the frightening parts.”

“Ethan is not like that though.  He’s so demanding
the time.  He wants…everything from me.”

“And how does that make you feel when he demands things or wants you to give him

“Terrified of what will become of
—Brynne.”  I took a deep breath and said the words.  “But when I’m with him, when he touches me or when we’re…intimate…I feel so safe and cherished, like nothing bad will happen to me with him.  For whatever reason, I trust him, Dr. Roswell.”

“Do you think starting a sexual relationship with Ethan is the reason your nightmares have resurfaced?”

“Yes.”  My voice came out tremulous and I hated the sound of it.

“Brynne, that’s a very normal thing for abuse survivors.  The intimate act of sex is vulnerable for a woman by its nature.  The female accepts the male inside of her body.  He’s stronger and typically more dominant.  A woman has to have trust in her partner or I imagine there would be miniscule few of us having any sex at all.  Add that to your history and you have a very stirring mix brewing inside your subconscious.”

“Even when you don’t remember it?”

“Your brain remembers, Brynne.  The fears of waking up to that betrayal are in there.”  She wrote another quick note.  “Would you like to try a medication for sleep?  We could see if that suppresses the night terrors.”

“Will it work?”  That sure got my attention.  The suggestion of something so simple as a pill made me laugh nervously.  The idea that I could stay with him all night…or he could stay with me, gave me some hope too.  That is if Ethan still wanted to try sleeping with me.  I remembered him walking out of my flat last night after the crazy sex-up-against-the-wall and how I’d not liked him leaving.  My emotions were so confused.  Part of me wanted him and part of me was terrified of him.  I really had no idea what would become of us. 
He made you tell him you were his.

Dr. Roswell smiled at me.  “We won’t know until we try, my dear.  Courage is the first step, and the drug is merely a tool to help you take more steps until you’ve made it down your path.  Solutions don’t have to be complicated every time.”  She reached for her prescription pad.

“Thank you so much—” My phone started vibrating in my purse.  I checked it and saw the text from Ethan.  “Ethan’s here.  He’s in reception.  We agreed for him to collect me at my appointment before he takes me to dinner.  He said he wanted to talk about…us.”

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