Never Say Love (4 page)

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Authors: Sarah Ashley

BOOK: Never Say Love
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Looking over at the sea of dancers he noticed the girl who he had spoken to earlier. She looked stressed, her brow furrowed as she attempted to bat away the hands of two older men whose advances appeared to be unwanted; she appeared to be struggling. One had his hand on her shoulder whilst the other was pawing her backside. Shaking his head, Benito saw red,
seen her first. Yes, she hadn’t gone with him, but he’d made the first claim.

The anger inside him welled as he strode through the crowd, pushing the dancers aside as he worked his way towards the girl, the anger developing within him as he ploughed forward. Approaching them, he could hear her shouts, “Leave me alone,
just bugger off!” Appearing to disregard her complaints, they laughed and jeered at her.

“Come on love, you know you want to. We’ll be
gentle,” one of the guys laughed.

Moving closer, he watched the men, they must have been in their late thirties, old enough to know better. “Excuse me,” he addressed the girl, “tesoro, would you like to join me now?” He placed his hand on the girl’s forearm feeling her soft skin.

She turned and looked up at him, nodding her head gently, her big blue eyes slightly watery on the verge of tears. “Please.”

“Come on then, come and join us,” he suggested as he held onto her arm, before moving his gaze to the two thugs who had been harassing her. Glaring at them and standing at his full
height, he looked at them one by one, his dark eyes piercing, his face hardening as he dared them to challenge him. “The lady is with me,” he spoke firmly, his threatening look continuing as he started to guide her past them.

“Not so fast,” one of the blokes faced up to Benito.

Huffing, Benito turned towards the girl. “Just wait by the edge of the steps,” he pointed to the edge of the VIP area and standing with his back towards the thugs, he watched as she walked over to where he had indicated. As she continued her walk towards the bottom of the steps, she glanced back turning towards him and frowning.

Once Benito was happy that she was out of harm’s way, he turned quickly, grabbing one of the guys by the front of his shirt, the fabric clenched in his fist tightly. Pulling the man towards him he hissed in his face. “The lady is with
, and even if she wasn’t, you don’t treat ladies like that you fucking moron, now do yourself a favour and leave, now!”

Not saying a word, the moron stood, just looking up at the big Italian, “Go!” Benito bellowed over the music at the bloke he had firmly in his hold. Letting go of the moron’s shirt, he stayed rooted to the spot, watching as they turned and left the club, Benito following them to the door.

Glancing back, he checked that the girl was still waiting, before having a word with one of his employees at the door.

The gorgeous blonde watched as he spoke to the doorman, his hand on the arm of the big security guy.
Who was this beautiful man?
She watched as he turned and walked towards her, this guy who had approached and then rescued her from the pawing she had received from those creeps.

She looked horrified as he reached her.
“That was a bit heavy!” she gasped.

Benito shrugged, “Well they should have left you alone, shouldn’t they?
Their choice!” He was so matter of fact with his rationale as he slipped his hand to the small of her back and guided her up the stairs. “Anyway, I’m pleased you can join us. We’re just up here.” Stepping away slightly, he offered her his arm. She smiled and slipped hers through the crook in his elbow feeling the well toned muscles of his upper arm as she did.

Stood next to Benito she was tiny. Her arm felt so small against his, so light. Turning towards her he smiled, “I never asked your name.” He looked down at her, grinning.

“It’s Lucy. What’s yours?” She smiled back, speaking loudly above the music.

“I’m Benito. Pleased to meet you Lucy and delighted that you can join us.” He guided her to the booth. He really liked this girl he’d chosen tonight, she seemed different to every other conquest he’d ever had. He couldn’t put his finger on it, just different, almost like an aura about her. He felt different too, feelings in the pit of his stomach that he’d never felt before, alien feelings; good feelings.

Turning towards Lucy, he introduced her to James and his new
. “This is my good friend, James, and Hayley, who has also joined us this evening. Champagne?” He picked up the bottle of Krug and a glass; he carefully poured the bubbles before handing it to the awe-struck Lucy, smiling as their fingers brushed against each other. Taking the glass she looked at Benito, feeling just slightly uncomfortable, “Thank you,” she whispered.

for her to slide into the cream booth, she sat and slid around the leather, watching as Benito refilled his own and James’ glasses, before sliding next to his “date” for the evening.

Lifting his glass to his stunning lips, he looked towards Lucy, his arm creeping around her tiny waist. “So, Lucy, what do you do, and what brings you to Henry’s?” he asked, keeping his focus directly on her, looking into her blue eyes, making her the centre of his attention.

Lifting her own glass and taking a drink of the dry bubbles, she lifted her face towards him, her lips glistening; her gaze was drawn to the Italians’ angular jaw, high cheek bones and those beautiful lips, his dark mesmerizing eyes. Swallowing hard, stunned that this beautiful man had singled
out, she twirled a lock of hair around her finger, “I’m just a secretary, I work for an advertising company. This is a one off for us, we fancied a special night out. You know, something a bit different. This place is new and someone told us how good it was.”

Benito shrugged, “Henry’s is popular, an up and coming place.” He knew how busy it was, how much it took on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, his security professionals standing in the corner of the office as the takings were counted.

“It’s pretty good, but I want to know about
.” Leaning towards her he brushed his lips across her jaw towards her ear. “Tell me about you Lucy, I want to know everything
he whispered, “

The closeness of him sent shivers through her, feelings that she also had never felt before, feelings which she was unable to comprehend, but felt like want and desire rushed to her core, making her feel all tingly,
down there
, her insides clenching at the closeness of him.

Breathing deeply, mentally checking herself, she spent the next twenty minutes telling Benito all about herself, struggling to control
feelings that raced through her. Desperately trying to keep focussed, she told the incredibly sexy man who sat beside her the things he wanted to know. She was twenty-two and had an older brother who was married with a family. She had worked in the secretarial role for the last two years and hated her boss with a passion. She went on, describing her boss as a letch who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Her description of what he had done, and did regularly, made Benito cringe, bringing thoughts of Adrianna’s boyfriend to mind, thoughts that he tried to keep buried deep within his subconscious. “I have an interview next week,” she smiled at the thought of escaping from her current employment, “I really, really want to leave that place.” When Lucy had finished recounting details of herself, or as much as she wanted him to know, she sat quietly for a moment, turning her champagne flute by the stem, staring at the golden bubbles as they weaved their way to the surface of the wine.

Looking towards Benito, “So, what about you?” she asked, “I’ve told you about me, what about you?”

“Well, I’m Italian, but you can probably tell that from my accent,” he smiled looking at her. He brushed a lock of blonde hair away from her face, his finger gently grazing over her cheek causing her to close her eyes, she gasped gently at the feel of the lightest touch over her cheek, whilst he watched as his finger drew over the palest blush and softest skin he’d ever felt. “I’m here to grow the UK division of our business. My father and I have a successful business in Italy but it’s not as big here, so I’ve come over to expand it!” He shrugged as he studied her, as he spoke. Shaking his head to himself,
What are you doing, talking about business with this beautiful creature
? “You’re beautiful,” he muttered, stunning himself at his proclamation.

Lucy smiled, impressed at the man who had singled her out, chosen her.
What a catch?
Crikey, she couldn’t wait to tell the girls at the office on Monday about

After a second bottle of Krug between the four of them, Benito stood, “Dance?” he offered his hand towards Lucy.

Unable to believe her luck that she was sitting here with this God-like creature, and feeling a little tipsy, she looked up at him and smiled before standing and taking his hand. She allowed him to help her out of her seat, together they stood, him holding her hand tightly before leading her to the steps. Benito turned back towards James who knowingly winked and smiled, watching his friend and the pretty blonde wander towards the edge of the exclusive area. James sighed, he had to admit they made a fine couple, pity it was only a one night stand—part of the “game” that he and Benito played.

Once Benito was at the edge of the steps, he took another look towards James who was now engaged in a deep kiss with Hayley. Laughing to himself, he watched James and his new conquest, a frenzy of arms and hands. It was evident that they also would be going somewhere after here to continue the
. He sincerely hoped that he would be able to do the same with this young English rose that he managed to pluck. She looked longingly at him, refusing to let go of his hand—she clung on; yep, a roll in the sheets was definitely on the cards later!

As he led Lucy onto the dance floor, Benito slipped his arm around her, holding her close as he felt the watching eyes of others. Lucy, not being used to such attentive behaviour, looked around, conscious of the glares
was receiving from many other girls, clearly jealous of her and envious that she had been pulled by this beautiful creature. The way he held her, so close, pulling her towards him as he swayed in perfect time to the music, not to mention his freshest moves. The messages his body language gave out told the world that he was unavailable, even if only for this evening as he had no intention of being with Lucy come ten o’clock tomorrow morning, when he would pack her off never to see her again; although his stomach was telling him something different, something was controlling him, making him feel like he’d never felt before.


Back at the booth, James made his excuses and, breaking away from Hayley’s clutches, he stood to search for Benito. He found his friend quickly, wrapped around Lucy. Approaching them, he placed his hand around his friend’s broad shoulders, pulling him away from Lucy slightly, out of earshot, the music drowning out anything that he would say anyway.

“Are you going to bring her back to the hotel afterwards, or are you going to your place. We’ll be heading off very soon, if you want a hotel room, I can call in—there’s availability. Do you
me to reserve you a room.”

Smiling, Benito nodded, he didn’t like taking his conquests back to his apartment, only the select few getting to see where he lived. He was fearful that they would return again and again if they knew where to find him. “Yeah, okay, sounds good.”

James smiled broadly, “Great, I’ll sort it.”

Benito turned back towards Lucy, as
Just Dance
blared from speakers, bringing even more would-be dancers to the floor and filling it completely, the atmosphere contagious and super-charged. He watched the young Lucy throw her arms above her, as she let the beat of the music run through her, driving. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head back slightly, gyrating; she became lost and consumed by the sounds booming from the speakers.

Moving closer towards her, Benito held her waist and turned her in his arms pulling her back to his stomach as she writhed around, her backside grinding against him, against his manhood as he stirred in anticipation of this beautiful girl. God, he wanted her and he wanted her
There was something about this young woman, a desperate feeling, she wasn’t like the normal girls he pulled—this one was so

Wrapping his arms further around her, his big hands now on her stomach, he moved with her. Leaning forward, he rested his chin on her shoulder brushing his lips against her neck, whispering in her ear, “You’re
gorgeous tesoro,” as his hands ran lightly across her hips and back again, settling around her stomach once more as she swayed.

The feelings of his touch only served to heighten the sensation she had previously felt, her knickers feeling damp as a heat ran through her body towards her core.
Oh God, I want this one!
She thought to herself as she gasped at his touch. Never before had anyone made her feel like this, never.

As the music ended, he led Lucy back towards their booth, holding her tightly. Looking down at her, he noticed her wide pupils against her bright blue eyes, the flush of her cheeks and the pout of her lips.
Oh yes,
he thought to himself, this one was ready for the taking.

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