NicenEasy (7 page)

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Authors: Lynne Connolly

BOOK: NicenEasy
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When he’d finished, he pushed her hair off her face and
guided her down to sit on his lap, over one knee with her legs between his, and
he gazed up at her, smiling before pressing his hand against her upper back to
urge her down for his kiss. He pressed his lips to her gradually, increasing
the pressure with firm insistence, without hurrying. She opened to him, a
natural development of their embrace, and he drew her closer until her breasts
pressed against his chest.

He lifted her, laid her on the bed, and came down to join
her, leaning over her for another kiss.

After a series of gentle but thorough kisses, warmth
circulated through her, a pulsing, steady increase that seemed as natural as
breathing. Only then did he move on to her throat, giving her a necklace of
kisses, and then a pendant, dropping down between her breasts. She tried to sit
up but he gently pushed her back.

They needed no words. This was his apology and it meant so
much more than words ever could. He was treating her with gentleness and even
gratitude. He kissed her breasts, circled them with his tongue, patiently
caressing until the nipples stood in hard peaks. The most he would allow was
for her to rest her hands on his shoulders and feel his muscles flex under her
palms. Strong, powerful muscles, at present treating her with a tenderness she
wasn’t sure she deserved. But she’d take it.

He gave her a belt of kisses, pausing at her navel to lick
and tease. She shivered, her sensitivity increasing with every touch. He
alternated soft, sweet caresses with kisses, preparing the way with strokes and
contacts that sent increasingly powerful shivers through her whole body. He
made a sound against her stomach, “Mmm,” that added to the need pushing its way
through her.

She opened her legs and tried to lift her hips to meet his
questing tongue, but he urged her back down. She wanted him, now, no more
waiting. Liquid pooled between her legs, heating her, but he didn’t touch her
there. “Not yet,” he murmured, his voice hardly above a breath.

All she could hear now was his voice, the whisper of his
kisses and the gentle
of the air-conditioning kicking in from time
to time. It seemed part of the experience. She could hear nothing from outside
the suite. They were alone.

Finally he reached her thighs, but he took a long time
touching and kissing until she was ready to explode, even before he’d touched
her needy pussy. When he finally did, she could think of nothing else, far
beyond any rational thought. He touched her clit with the tip of one finger and
she expelled her breath in a long sigh. He made that noise again, the one that
sounded as if he were about to taste a special treat and sent her high with

“Do I need to do anything else?” he mused, teasing her and
wiggling his finger. She jerked and sparks shot through her, but he held her
steady with one hand on her thigh and bent his head.

Just the touch of his tongue sent her on alert. Every nerve,
every sinew slave to his touch, but this time he treated her as if she were
precious. Sex should be like this always, she thought. Unpredictable, sometimes
one thing, sometimes another. She adored the way he touched her, even more when
he sucked her clit into his mouth and pushed his finger inside her hot, wet

She’d never come so fast before from oral sex, but he’d
prepared her long and slow, and she was more than ready when he finally kissed
her clit. Then he sucked and rocketed her into a different world, one she
shared only with him. A few luscious draws and she’d finished. He stayed there,
urging her on, and thrust a second finger into her. He held her steady while
she convulsed in waves that made her arch and cry out.

He didn’t withdraw until she’d finished, and by then she was
gasping with the power of her sudden, powerful orgasm.

Smiling, he came up the bed to her and reached across to the
bedside table for protection. He tore it open and then rolled on the condom
one-handed. All without taking his gaze from her face. When she hooked a hand
behind his neck he bent to her and she tasted herself on his tongue in her
kiss. The affirmation of his attention seemed almost unbearably sexy.

He took his time, tasting her, sweeping his tongue along
hers, then along the roof of her mouth. She tasted him in return, in an
exchange of intimacy she rarely allowed. Because she hadn’t wanted to before,
hadn’t enjoyed her taste on somebody else.

He brought his cock to her pussy and slid it down along the
supersensitive crease, right to her opening. She felt huge, wide for him, but
he still had to push past the outer ring. And then he was in, thrusting firmly
until he lay deep inside her.

Only then did he finish the kiss and draw away, resting his
upper weight on his elbows and gazing down on her face. “You are wonderful,” he
murmured, that sexy British accent sinking deep into her. Smiling back, she
opened her mouth to speak, but he dropped another, gentler kiss on her mouth.
“Don’t speak. Just feel. And if you need to, say my name.”

“Donovan.” It sounded better than good, and this time she
meant Donovan, the man. Nobody else was in this room with them, not the rock
star, not the author, not the editor. He’d burned away all their differences.

He slid out and thrust back in, keeping his movements slow
and sure, almost like a dance, and at the very end of the movement, gave a
twist that rotated the head of his cock inside her. He touched something
inside—her sweet spot—and when she caught her breath, he flashed a grin. “There
it is,” he said and thrust again, this time changing the angle so he stimulated
her with every stroke. Long, sweet and sure. He watched her arousal, and she
felt no shyness. Not with him. He’d taken that initial awkwardness away too.

He kept stroking her, as if dancing to an invisible tune,
each step measured and perfectly in time, until she thought she’d burst, but
she still didn’t come. She’d always found coming with a man inside her more
difficult, but now, when he was hitting her so precisely, she felt the climax
build, steadily and inevitably.

With a sharp cry of “Donovan!” she arched her back and came,
her pussy clenching his cock in a convulsive action she could no more control
than she could the rising of the sun.

He pulsed, then throbbed, and she watched as he came apart
in her arms, giving himself to her as thoroughly as she’d just given herself to

Chapter Four


Lying over her, he chuckled, his breath uneven. He didn’t
explain why but pulled away and, after tucking her under the covers, went to
the bathroom. He was gone barely ten seconds. She knew, because she counted.
Just time to rid himself of the condom, flush and rinse his hands. Ten seconds
too long.

Coming back to her, he dragged back the covers and joined
her under them. Immediately, she curled into his arms. Nothing had ever felt so
right before, and she wondered what was happening here.

“Now we talk,” he said, but he sounded relaxed—happy, even.

“Where do we start?”

“Honesty seems a good place.” He cinched her closer, then
loosened his hold.

She rested her head on his shoulder and gazed up into his
face. “What, no holds barred?”

He smiled. “When Murder City Ravens started we promised each
other that whatever else we did, we’d stay honest. So far it’s worked for us.
Not many heart-to-hearts, we’re not really into that, but we have enough rows
in the studio.”

“Is that how you produce such amazing music?”

He laughed, sharp and hard. “Partly. The ability to say
something is shit and be listened to is a huge asset. We listen to each other
and sometimes to our manager. No one else. I want that between us.”

She nodded. “I’m sorry you heard that conversation today. I
swear I didn’t know anything about it and I think Nancy is just fishing. She’s
my boss, so I can’t tell her to fuck off, but believe me, I’d never—”

He touched his finger to her lips, hushing her. “I believe
you. I thought it over again. So you knew who I was, so what?” He smiled, the
creases around his mouth deepening.

“I did, I do. I love your music, but you didn’t want anybody
to recognize you. Sure, I went with you at first because of who you are, but
somewhere during the evening that changed.” She couldn’t say any more. He
either believed her or he didn’t.

He smiled. “Glad to hear it.” He kissed her and she returned
it, happy they had this chance to sort things out. When they separated, he’d
lost the relaxed expression, his face grave. “Then I lost it and wrecked
everything. I should’ve waited and listened to you. I guess I’m sensitive, not
used to this kind of fame. Notoriety. Whatever. It doesn’t work well for me so
I was on edge from the start.” He paused. “I’m sorry, so sorry for what I did
this morning. But I couldn’t stop.”

, she reminded herself. “I didn’t want you

He went up on one elbow, staring down at her face. “Say that

She swallowed. “I didn’t want you to stop. When you told me
to go down on my knees, something happened. It turned me on. Then all the talk
about—groupies and other things made me hot.”

“About handing you around to the others?”

She lowered her gaze. “Yes.”

“Is that what you want?” He sounded hard, unfeeling, but if
he threw her out of bed now for being a slut, so be it.

Her throat tightened but she took her courage in both hands
and told him the truth. “No. Not for real. It was you talking about it.”

She let her breath go in a rush and dared to look back up at
his face. Just in time to see warmth return to his eyes. “That was the bit that
did it for me too. No way in hell do I want to share you, but the thought of
it, seeing you with other men, sent me higher faster than I can remember
before.” He paused, watched her for a few seconds. “Even when I’ve done it for real,
it didn’t turn me on like that.” He cupped her face and stroked her cheek
gently with his thumb. “You need to know that about me. I’ve been there, done

“Why do I have to know?”

“Because if I don’t tell you, someone else will, and they
might use it as a weapon to divide us.”

But after this conference, she’d never see him again, or
only at a distance, on the stage. So brave of him to go first. For all he knew
she could be the sleaze trying to fuck him away from his current publisher.

“It’s been good and you’ve taught me something about myself
that I didn’t know. Or I did, but I didn’t know I could share it.”

“When you’re alone, frigging yourself to a climax, you think
about that?”

Lost for words now, she nodded.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” He bent and kissed her. His erect cock
brushed her thigh, leaving a spot of wetness behind when he straightened. “I’m
honored you shared with me.”

“I’ve never shared that with anyone else before. It seems
childish. You were in my fantasies.”

“If I’d met you before, you’d definitely have featured in
mine. So you didn’t mind what I did? I felt so fucking guilty I couldn’t stay
and care for you as I should have done. When I told you to get down and suck
me, I should have stopped it.”

“No you shouldn’t. I did the rest of my own volition. You
didn’t make me do anything. I could have got to my feet and left, or thrown you
out, and you would have gone if I’d told you to. Wouldn’t you?”

“For sure. That was how I expected it to go.” He bent his
head to kiss her. “You made me so wild, I lost my fucking mind.” He gazed at
her, his eyes hungry. “That’s why I want to do more. I want to explore this
with you.”

“How can we? I’m going back to New York on Monday. You’re
going to Europe after your concerts.”

“You can’t take time off?”

She snorted. “Hardly. After a convention we have to work
harder. Following up contacts, reading submissions…”

“Okay, I get it.” He lost the smile and sighed instead.

“Donovan, this can’t go anywhere.” He had to know that and
so did she, for her own sanity.

He touched his lips to hers. “Why not? I want to see where
it goes. Let’s see, shall we?” He shook his head. “About what I said this
afternoon. I swear I don’t use groupies, or rather, I haven’t for a long time.
It’s not for me, that kind of soulless sex. Once a man grows up a bit, he wants
more. Using women like that, well, it’s no better than jacking off, and a
fuck’s sight more dangerous. At first, there’s a thrill, the feeling that
someone wants you that much, but you soon realize they don’t want you, they want
what you stand for. Some of them make no bones about the way they collect rock
stars. They can be fun, because they don’t expect any more than you can give
them. Then there are the others, and they are the needy type.”

He stopped abruptly, gave a short laugh. He bent and kissed
her before reverting to his previous position. “I haven’t spoken this long
since forever.”

“You’re the strong, silent type?”

“Want me to show you?”

“My turn to show you, I think.”

When she pushed on his shoulders, he didn’t resist but
rolled on to his back. Allie followed, coming to lie over him, opening her legs
and straddling him, her weight on her knees and elbows. He glanced down and
groaned. “Such a fantastic view.”

She teased him, shifting so her breasts moved and he took her
invitation, cupping her and tweaking her nipples, sharpening her senses,
concentrating her resolve. Her turn to have him.

He’d left the drawer ajar that he’d hastily dragged open to
retrieve a condom and she grabbed another now, noting just how many populated
the small space—a dozen, maybe more orange packets tumbled in disarray. That
added to the collection on the top of the nightstand that she’d seen last
night. She didn’t say anything. He laughed. “Rock star,” he said. “It’s


He caught her wrist, turned her hand so the packet lay on
her open palm. “And I like myself enough to want to be sure I’m protected. That
goes for you too.”

“I’m on the Pill.”

“I don’t care. We both deserve it. Self-respect, darling.
One day, maybe, further down the road…” He shrugged.

Now she closed her hand over the sheath. “My turn.”

He smiled, lay back and folded his arms, tucking his hands
behind his head. “Go ahead. I’m at your service.”

That sounded so English. She sat up, watching his eyes
darken as she displayed her body for him. Unashamed now, glorying in his
attention focused on her, she concentrated on her task, tearing the packet open
and getting out the thin layer that would mean they came into less intimate

Shockingly she didn’t want it. She wanted to feel him skin
to skin, inside and out, but she knew it was wrong. She should love her body
more, she shouldn’t want this. But how could she help it when he was sliding
his hands over her body, touching her waist, cupping her breasts with an expression
that made her wet for him?

She forced herself to concentrate on her task and glanced at
his cock, now red and straining, a drop of moisture adorning the very tip.

One thing she could do. With sudden resolve, she bent and
licked him. He cried out and she drew back, smiling. “Not yet.”

She hadn’t done this very often. Her previous boyfriends had
mostly performed that action for themselves, too eager or too wary to trust her
to the task. Now she appreciated how sensual it could be, to roll the
protection over him, to smooth it down and listen to his breathing quicken as
he watched her. “I’ll never do it for myself again,” he swore, but she knew he
would. She wouldn’t always be there, for one thing.

Not now, don’t think about it now.
She’d live for the
moment, give herself wonderful memories.

She circled his cock at the base, her finger and thumb
failing to meet. Beautiful, everything she could want in a man. And more. He
was gloriously formed, the flange around the head mouthwateringly tempting, but
he was hard, far harder than could be comfortable for him, and ready for her.

She didn’t need much preparation either. She slipped the
fingers of her free hand between her legs, inserting two and opening them to
stretch herself ready for him. Instead of being a practical move, the action
turned her on and she pushed deeper.

He gasped. “Oh baby, that is hot. I could watch you doing
that for hours. But not now. Have mercy.”

Laughing at the desperation in his voice, knowing she was
about to make it all better, she lifted, balancing on her knees, and let him
see her with her fingers deep in her pussy before she drew them out, wet with
her essence. Before she could move, he grabbed her wrist and brought her
fingers to his mouth, greedily sucking like a man deprived of the basics of
life. She moaned as his tongue curved seductively around her fingers,
surrounding them with soft, velvet heat. “You’ll pay for that.”

He released her fingers. “I will, huh?” In a movement as
sudden as the one she’d used earlier, he grasped her waist and pulled her up to
hover over his needy cock. “No more. Just do it.”

She had just enough control for one last tease. “You didn’t
say the magic word.”

“Now,” he growled and pushed her down. Since she still held
his cock at the base, he held steady and she took him. Like a dare, she stared
into his eyes and released him when she had him, her inner muscles gripping him
tightly. She wouldn’t stop now until she had him completely inside her.

He bared his teeth and made a small sound, strain or
unbearable ecstasy, who knew? She sure didn’t.

Leaning forward, she rested her hands on either side of his
powerful chest and pushed, using the pressure to help her work him. She watched
his face as she fucked him, every time she raised her body and pushed down again
making her movements easier. This would be enough, she thought, to see him
responding to her like this, to have the power to bring him to a climax. She
decided it would his best yet, the most powerful orgasm ever.

“Not right,” he said, gritting his teeth before arching his
body to force her to lift her hands away from the sheet. In the moment she lost
her balance, he pushed her back against his upraised legs. “That’s better.” He
thrust and she gasped.

“You have some kind of homing instinct?”

“For your G-spot, yes. I found it and I’m keeping it.” He
thrust again and thrills went through her, pushing her up, but she knew she
didn’t want this. She didn’t want to lose control.

If she gripped his thighs, it gave her enough room to move.
She loved the way his thrusts sent her higher, but it was her turn, she’d said
so and she meant it. “Stay still. I’ll do it.”

He thrust but this time she resisted, moving away enough to
stop his impact. “I said no.” She could use that as traction. In a moment, she
had her feet tucked under him, her knees firmly in contact with the mattress
again, and she could move. Not as effectively as before, but enough. Fuck, was
that enough.

His wordless cry sounded as if he lay on the edge of pain
but she didn’t stop. She had him now, even if it was at the expense of her own
sanity. He pushed back, his thrusts meeting hers, and together they climbed the
heights until her body became one screaming orgasm. Shattering around him, she
felt his climax with triumph and pride. She’d done that.

She had him. Or he had her.

* * * * *

Leaving Allie sleeping, Donovan made his way groggily to the
living room. He’d left it in here, somewhere—ah yes, on the kitchenette
counter, near the pan he was using as a kettle.

Still only half awake, he poured some water in the pan and
left it to boil and then put the coffeemaker on for Allie. It was a good bet
that she preferred coffee in the mornings. If she didn’t like it, she could
join him with a mug of tea.

His mobile chirped. Not wanting it to wake her, he pounced
on it and answered it without looking at the caller. “Hi.”

“Hello, is that Donovan Harvey?”

On his guard now, he answered, “Who is this?”

“Linda Grant, the
San Francisco News
.Is it
true you’re signing at the fantasy convention later today? Can you tell me the
name of your book?”

“Hi, Linda.” The game was up.
“It could be.
You’ll have to come to find out.” He’d have to act on this or the whole signing
could turn into a complete fiasco.

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