No Bra Required! (18 page)

Read No Bra Required! Online

Authors: Nikki Ashton

Tags: #Humor & Entertainment, #Humor, #Love; Sex & Marriage, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

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“Wait for me and I’ll come with you,” said Lucy throwing the
duvet back.

“No, you stay here and spend some time with Sarah and
Ben.  I’ll try and come back as soon as I can, but I need to find out what
Katie plans to do,” said Ed pulling on his shirt.

Lucy felt slightly dejected, after Ed’s declaration of love
last night, and some intensely passionate sex, she’d thought that he wouldn’t
want her to leave his side.

“Okay,” she said in a small voice.  “Perhaps I’ll take
Sarah and Ben to The Well for lunch.  You’ll ring me and let me know what’s
happening, won’t you?”

Ed was looking down at his feet, his head in his hands.

“Sorry, what did you say?” he asked as he turned to Lucy.

“Keep me informed.”  Lucy said.

“Okay, I’ll call you when I can.”  Ed leaned across and
kissed Lucy before grabbing his shoes and socks.  “I’m not sure when it’ll
be though.”

“No worries, whenever you can,” Lucy replied to his
disappearing back.


“Luce, stop worrying he’s got a lot on his plate,” said
Sarah holding Lucy’s hand tightly.

“I can’t help it Sarah, she’s beautiful.”

“Seriously Lucy, he’s mad on you,” Ben said.  “He
talked about you non-stop, when he wasn’t talking about Oasis and Newcastle
United of course.”

Lucy attempted a smile as she played with the stem of her

She’d brought Sarah and Ben to The Well for lunch, but she
was so nervous she’d hardly eaten any of her Sunday lunch but had drunk a large
amount of wine.  Ed hadn’t been in touch since he’d left her bed, and she
couldn’t help but worry that he’d been bewitched by Katie.

“What makes you think that he’s suddenly decided it's Katie
he wants?” asked Sarah forking one of Lucy’s roast potatoes and putting it onto
her own plate.

“Her bloody big charlies for one thing,” snapped Lucy.

“Has she got big boobs?”  Ben’s eyes widened as he
looked up from his lunch. 

“Ben!”  Sarah smacked her husband’s arm but couldn’t
help but smile.  “Ignore him Lucy.  Ed is a far better man than that;
he wouldn’t be swayed by a pair of bosoms.  Seriously though, why are you
so afraid?”

“Well, she does have a fantastic body, plus she’s beautiful
and she’s the mother of his son.  He’s known me for a couple of months,
and he may think he loves me but…oops,” she hiccupped.

Sarah held her hand up.  “Hang on what did you just
say, he may think he loves you.  Has he told you that?”

Lucy dropped her face into her hands and nodded. 
“Hmm.” came the muffled reply.

“Again, louder please.”  Sarah pulled Lucy’s hands away
from her face.

“Hmm, he’s told me that.”

!  Lucy that’s fantastic, quite quick,
but fantastic, don’t you think Ben?”  Sarah nudged Ben so hard the
cauliflower on the end of his fork almost went up his nose.

“What?  Oh erm, yes great Lucy.”  Ben carried on
eating his lunch.

“Have you told him?”  Sarah pushed her plate away, more
interested in what Lucy had to say than her roast beef.

“Yes,” Lucy whispered.  “I wasn’t going to, I thought
it was too soon, but I couldn’t help it because…well because I do.  More
wine please Benjamin,” she said proffering her glass to Ben.

“It is a little quick, but if that’s how you feel, then
that’s how you feel, and I’m really happy for you.  Aren’t we Ben?”

Ben paused from pouring wine into Lucy's glass. 
“What?  Oh yes, immensely happy Luce.”  Ben smiled at Sarah. 
“What are we happy about, sorry I wasn’t listening?”

“Oh just eat your lunch and be quiet,” said Sarah moving her
chair closer to Lucy’s.  “To be honest I’m not surprised, anyone who can
make you orgasm like you did last night must be a good man.  Sorry Lucy,
but you need to learn to be a little quieter when you have guests in the


“Take care sweetie, and let me know how things go with
Katie, promise?”  Sarah dragged Lucy into a hug.

“I promise,” replied Lucy, muffled by Sarah’s chest.

After lunch, Lucy had taken Sarah and Ben for a walk around
the town, surreptitiously checking her mobile every few minutes, but there was
no call from Ed.  Her friends were now leaving, and soon Lucy would be
alone with her anxieties.

“Bye Lucy,” said Ben kissing Lucy on the cheek.  “It’ll
be okay, I’m positive.  He really cares about you.”

“Hmm, I know, but I did think I’d have heard from him by
now.”  Lucy swayed slightly as the wine mixed with fresh air started to
affect her balance.

“He’ll be in touch when he can,” said Ben swinging an overnight
bag into the boot of the car.

“Ben’s right Luce; he’s just got a lot to sort out. 
Anyway, you take care, and I’ll give you three rings when we get back.”

Lucy laughed at their old habit from when they were

“Okay, and thanks for coming both of you.  I’m just
sorry you couldn’t spend more time with Ed.”

“No worries, there’ll be other times,” replied Ben getting
into the car.  “We’ve agreed to go and watch Newcastle and City next
season, so we’ll be up for that.”

“Oh and Luce,” Sarah called.  “No more wine please,
you’ve had enough for one day.”

“Okay,” Lucy replied, wobbling again.

As Lucy waved them off, her phone started to ring in her
pocket.  She snatched it out and answered it breathlessly.

“Hi Ed.”

“Hi Luce, sorry I’ve not been in touch all day.”

“You sound tired,” Lucy replied.

“Hmm, I’m okay.  Anyway, I’m really sorry, but I’m not
going to be able to meet up with you today.”

Lucy’s heart started to hammer in her chest.  “Oh,
okay.  How come?” 

“I just can’t Lucy.  Katie is absolutely distraught and
refusing to leave.  She’s almost deranged; I may even have to sedate her.”

“Ed she’s not really your problem anymore.”

“Of course she’s my problem,” he snapped back at her. 
“I can’t leave Mum to deal with it.  I thought you’d understand.”

“I do,” Lucy said softly with tears pricking at her
eyelashes.  “I just hoped that I’d see you today.”

“Well sorry, you won’t.  Look I’ll see you at work

“Okay, see you then.”

“I am sorry Lucy, truly I am.”  Ed’s voice had softened
now.  “I’ll try and call you later, okay.”

“Hmm okay.  Bye Ed.”  Lucy’s voice caught in her


“Oh Ed…”  He’d already gone.  “I love you,” she
whispered to a dead line.



Chapter 16

Lucy didn’t have a good night’s sleep.  She’d had to
spend the majority of the night in the bathroom. She hadn’t heeded Sarah’s
advice, and after another bottle of wine and no food, she’d fallen asleep on
the sofa and had then been rather sick.  The time she did spend in bed
she’d been, tossing and turning, thinking about Ed and Katie, and wondering
what was happening.  Needless to say, Ed hadn’t called her again, which
made Lucy even more fearful that Katie had got her own way and wormed her way
into Ed’s bed.  Eventually, as the birds started to wake, sleep finally
overcame her.  It was two hours later that her alarm shrilled that it was
time to get up.

Lucy groaned as she stretched over to turn it off.  The
last thing she needed was a morning at the surgery, but she would see Ed at least,
and she didn’t want to leave Callie in the lurch.  So with all the
willpower she could muster, Lucy got out of bed and went to shower, hoping it
would wake her up, and make her hangover go away.


By the time she arrived at the surgery, Lucy was feeling a
little more human, after her dad’s remedy of orange juice, tonic water, a
chocolate bar and two Paracetamol.  When she saw Ed’s car on the car park
she also felt slightly more optimistic, things weren’t so severe that he hadn’t
been able to leave Katie.

When she walked in Callie was already behind the desk,
flicking through a daily newspaper with one hand, the other rubbing her back.

“Morning Callie.”  Lucy tried to appear happy and keen
to be there.  She was sure Ed wouldn’t like Callie to know that he had
problems; he was an extremely private person where Katie was concerned.

“Ah morning Pet.”  Callie grimaced as she looked up.

“Is your back hurting again?”  Lucy asked concerned.

Callie nodded.  “Hmm, and I’ve got a bad tummy as well,
so I don’t think I’ll be much company today Pet.”

“Why don’t you go home, I’ll manage?”  Lucy was worried
about Callie, but she also realised that she had more chance of speaking to Ed
if she was the only one on reception.

“No, I’ll be okay.  I’ve just taken some pain killers,
so I’ll be mint once they’ve kicked in.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.  Shall I make us a cup of

“Ooh that would be good, and could you get Dr Bryce one,
please?  He did ask me about five minutes ago.  I was surprised you
weren’t with him to be honest, not had a row have you Pet?” said Callie half
smiling, as she dragged a stool over to the desk.  “It might ease a little
if I sit down.”

Lucy, thankful for the change in conversation, went to make
some coffee.


A few minutes later and Lucy was knocking on Ed’s door with
a cup of coffee for him.  Her stomach was lurching for fear that he would
be withdrawn, or even worse tell her that it was over between them.  She’d
thought about it all night, and if that was what he decided then she would take
it on the chin and move on.  Lucy knew that she would go back to Cheshire
to lick her wounds, but would not spend weeks in bed with a bobble hat
on.  If Simon leaving had done nothing else, it had reminded her that she
was a strong person and life went on.  Of course, she would be devastated,
but she couldn’t go back to that dark place again.

“Come in,” called Ed from the other side of the door.

Lucy opened the door, and with trepidation walked in,
averting Ed’s gaze, frightened of what she’d see in his eyes.

“Hi,” he said quietly.

Lucy looked at him, and relief flooded her body.  He
was smiling at Lucy, and his eyes were happy to see her.

“Hi,” she replied still holding tightly to his coffee mug.

“Come here,” he said softly and beckoned Lucy over to
him.  “I’m so sorry.”

Lucy almost ran around the desk, slopping coffee on the
floor as she did so.

“I thought you were going to tell me that you were back with
Katie.”  Lucy flung herself into Ed’s open arms and buried her head in his

“Oh Luce, I am so sorry I really am.  I was just so
stressed out, and I couldn’t think of anything else other than how I was going
to calm her down, and get her away from here.”  Ed kissed Lucy tenderly as
he stroked her cheeks.  “I’ll never forgive myself for making you feel like

“It doesn’t matter now, but next time just talk to me, tell
me what the problem is, don’t shut me out.”

“I won’t.  She’s a bloody maniac though Luce, I
wouldn’t have wanted you near her.”  Ed broke away from Lucy and pulled
her onto his knee as he sat down.  “She trashed Mum’s spare bedroom, and
then threatened to kill herself unless I went to see her.  I doubt she
would’ve, but I couldn’t have that on Mum’s conscience if she’d meant it.”

“Oh my God, no wonder you were stressed.  Why didn’t
you ring me though, you didn’t stay with her all night did you?”  Lucy
stroked Ed’s face, and she saw how tired he looked.

“Christ no, I finally managed to calm her down about ten
o’clock.  She went to bed and I stayed talking to Mum until gone
midnight.  I knew I’d ruined your sleep the night before, so didn’t want
to do it again, I should have realised that you’d be worried.  I’m so

“Forget it Ed, at least for now.  However, I will make
you pay, once this is all over.”  Lucy kissed Ed’s cheek and ruffled his

“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Ed laughed.  “But
seriously Luce, I don’t know what to do about Katie.  She’s not budging.”

Lucy sighed and shook her head.  “I don’t know what to
suggest.  Has she asked to see Nate?”

Ed shook his head.  “Nope, not at all.”

Lucy gasped.  “You are joking.”

“No, all she talks about is Luke hitting her, having no
money, and I’m sorry to say this, me and her trying again.”  Ed blew out a
heavy breath.  “She’s bloody deluded.”

“I know how much you loved her Ed, is there not a part of
you that wonders what it would be like.”  Lucy dropped her eyes, once
again scared of what she may see in his face.

“God Lucy, no way,” said Ed raising his voice.  “Look
at me, Lucy I promise you I don’t want her back.  I love you.”  He
kissed her passionately as if to prove to Lucy in one kiss how he felt.

After a few minutes, Lucy pulled away, smiling. 

“Okay, I believe you,” she said softly.  “Shall I cook
dinner at Dad’s tonight?”

“Sounds good, she won’t know where to find me,” said Ed
kissing Lucy’s palm.

“Is she likely to come looking for you?”  Lucy
asked.  “Because if you’re supposed to be pacifying me, it’s not bloody

Ed laughed and hugged Lucy to him.  “Honestly, I don’t
know, but the way she’s behaving I wouldn’t put it past her.”

“Well whatever, you don’t have a choice now, you’re
definitely coming home with me tonight Dr Bryce.”  Lucy got up from Ed’s
knee and walked around the desk toward the door.  “So, you’d better find
some ways to make up for yesterday, and be warned I’m not easily pleased.”

“Okay, I’ll put my thinking cap on.”

“Good, be sure you do.  See you later.”

“See you later.  Oh and Lucy.”


“I love you.”


Ed rubbed his damp hair with a towel as he padded barefoot
across the lawn toward Lucy.

“God, that feels better,” he said as he sat on a garden
chair.  “I really needed that.”

“I know, Dad’s shower is amazing isn’t it?  Did you
speak to your Mum, by the way?”

Ed nodded and took a sip from the wine Lucy had poured for

“Hmm, seemingly Katie has been a lot calmer today. 
She’s just gone up for a bath apparently.”

“I feel sorry for your Mum; it must be terrible being stuck
with her.”  Lucy put her feet up onto Ed’s knee. 

“I know, but she feels obligated to have her stay.”

Lucy sighed.  “I don’t suppose Georgina would trust her
in the house on her own, would she?”

Ed shook his head.  “No, I’ve tried to convince her to
go and meet up with Dad and Nate, but she won’t.  She tried to get hold of
Luke today, but the Nanny said he was at work and that Katie had gone to visit
a friend for a few days, so goodness knows what’s going on,” Ed sighed. 
“Anyway, let’s not talk about them tonight, how has your day been?  I’ve
hardly seen you; it was busy today, wasn’t it?”

“I know, it hasn’t been that busy since the flu epidemic,
when you were ill.  I’m worried about Callie though, her back was giving
her terrible pain today, and she had a stomach ache.  I told her to go
home, but she wouldn’t, especially when we started to get busy,” replied Lucy.

“I’ll take a look at it for her tomorrow if she’s still in
pain, although she’s not actually our patient.  I think she goes to one in
Middleton, near to where she lives.  I’ll see how she feels tomorrow.”

“That would be good, anyway, shall I get you a beer, or are
you okay with the wine?”  Lucy asked.

“I’ll go, do you want one?” asked Ed.


As Ed went back into the house, Lucy watched him and felt a
warm glow surround her.  Except for all this trouble with Katie, life was
pretty good at the moment.  Ed loved her, she loved him and she was
enjoying working at the surgery.  Maybe she should move here permanently,
Lucy pondered.  She had Sarah, Ben and the boys back home, but that was
all; Annabelle wasn’t exactly a reason to go back!

Lucy closed her eyes and considered her options, enjoying
the early evening sun on her face.  Suddenly she felt the warmth
disappear, thinking it was a cloud overhead she opened her eyes to look; Katie
was standing over her.

“How the hell did you get in here?”  Lucy demanded as
she stood up to confront her visitor.

“The side gate was open.  Is Ed here?”  Katie
turned around to scour the garden.

“You have no right to be here, this is my father’s
house.”  Lucy stood on tiptoe as in her bare feet she was at least two
inches shorter than Katie, and looked at her eye to eye.

“Hmm, I did wonder how someone like you could own a property
like this.”

At that moment, Ed reappeared in the garden carrying two
bottles of beer.

“Katie, what are you doing here?”  Ed marched over to
the table and put the bottles down, before placing a protective arm around
Lucy’s shoulder.

“I needed to see you Ed,” replied Katie reaching her hand
out to touch Ed’s arm.

Lucy couldn’t help herself and smacked it away.

“Get off him, he’s not yours to touch.”

Ed chuckled at the side of her, and then tried to disguise
it with a cough.  “She’s right Katie, don’t touch me please.”

“You never used to say that.  You used to love me
touching you, do you remember that night we went down to Flatts Woods in the
car and parked up.  You loved me touching you in all sorts of ways that
night.”  Katie smiled seductively at Ed.

Lucy snatched her head around to look at Ed, thankfully he
didn’t seem to be moved in any way by Katie’s reminiscing.

“Katie, I’ll ask you again, what are you doing here? 
What on earth do you want me for, and how did you know where to find me?”

Katie sighed heavily and sat down on one of the garden
chairs.  She picked up Lucy’s half empty wine glass and started to drink
from it.

“Excuse me, that’s mine if you don’t mind.”  Lucy
pulled the glass from Katie’s hand and tipped the rest of the wine onto the

Ed laughed again beside her.

“God she’s a touchy one,” said Katie screwing her face
up.  “When your mother was speaking to you on the phone I heard her ask
you if you were staying at Lucy’s.  It’s a small town Ed, I wandered
around looking for your car. Anyway, what I want is for you to take me out of
that dreadful house of your parents.  Can’t I stay with you,
Ed?”  She pleaded.

“No, you can’t Katie.  I don’t want you in my life,
never mind in my house.  It wouldn’t be fair on Lucy either.  She’s
my partner, and I love her, so why would I want to distress her by having you
living in my house?”  Ed kissed Lucy on the forehead, hugging her closer to

Katie’s smile fell momentarily, but then was soon
back.  “I didn’t realise it was serious, you never said.  You really
should have told me last night, and I wouldn’t have kept you to myself all

“I didn’t because my life is nothing to do with you anymore,
and never will be.”

Lucy watched Katie’s smirk disappear.  Suddenly Katie
didn’t look quite as beautiful as Lucy had first thought.  The face and
eyes were perfect, framed by that lustrous dark hair, but it was as if
something horrible that had been hidden inside had begun to appear on those
perfect features. 

“Well I hope that you take good care of Ed,” replied Katie
looking Lucy up and down with eyes full of hate.

“She takes care of me
Nate, thank you.”

Despite the mention of Nate, there was no response from
Katie, not a hint of love in her eyes for the son she hadn’t seen for three

“What are your plans anyway?” asked Lucy reaching up for
Ed’s hand that was resting on her shoulder. 

“Yes, what are they Katie?  You can’t stay here
forever, and Lucy and I are going on holiday soon.”  Ed squeezed Lucy’s

Lucy recognised what he was trying to do, and went along
with the lie.

“Yes, we’re going away for almost three weeks, so what’s the
point of you staying around?”

Katie leaned her head to one side and narrowed her eyes as
if she were thinking.

“Well, I guess there’s no point me staying here too long
then is there?  I’ll stay with your mum for a few more days until I can
convince Luke to wire me some money over, and then I guess I’ll have to go to
Manchester and see if I can find my lazy, fit for nothing, brother.  He’ll
have to put me up for a while, although I’m sure last time I spoke to him he
was living in a squat.”  Katie sighed and sat back in the chair.
 “Any chance I can have a glass of wine?”

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